Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ “Saru Mo Ki Kara Ochiru: Even Monkey's fall from Trees" ❯ �Saru Mo Ki Kara Ochiru: Even Money's fall from Trees" ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Saru Mo Ki Kara Ochiru:
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees”
Written by: Chocho
Edited/beated by: Andrea
Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this poem.
Saru Mo Ki Kara Ochiru:
Even Monkeys Fall from Trees
Forgive me for
Eyes that wandered to flesh not your own
Forgive me for
Lustful thoughts that drifted far from you
Forgive me for
Hands that explored lands unknown
Forgive me for
Those endless nights of solitude
Forgive me for
A bed that grew empty and cold
Forgive me for
Unbidden thoughts of doubt
Forgive me for
My steely tongue that quarreled with my heart
Forgive me for
Ignoring you when you called out to me
Forgive me for
Allowing my pride to reject you
Forgive me for
Hurting you
Forgive me for
Being weak
Forgive me for
Being me.
A/N: “Saru mo ki kara ochiru” is a Japanese proverb that literally means “Even monkey's fall from trees” or more plainly “Everyone makes mistakes/Nobody's perfect”.