Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Howl's Moving Castle Fan Fiction ❯ Must be dreaming ❯ High School ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

At High school:
“Dita! Over here” yelled! Minako “Hi everyone!” replied a breathless girl. “Wow Dita did you run all the way here?” asked Takehiko: um… yeah I kinda did said Dita. “Ouch” came a reply from also Dita. Takehiko why did you have to hit me said a pouting Dita cause you idiot if you would have called me I could of given you a ride to school said a sort of angry Takehiko. I'm sorry, you're right I should of but I that I would have been a burden to you hehe has Dita said that she put her hand behind her head {you know how some anime characters sometimes put there hand behind there heads thinking like there ok} “sigh” well next time when you are close of being late just call me ok said Takehiko. Ok said a happy Dita something is going on with her but yet she won't tell us she won't even tell Takashi who's been trying but yet we all have failed. I remember when we all made a promise that if there's something going on we could talk to one other about it. But yet Dita always seems happy no matter what she's even happy after what happen to her when she lost everything she had but yet that was two years ago. But I wonder sometimes if she really is all that happy. Sometimes I can see the sadness in her eyes when she smiles it's fake when she laughs it's not laughs she used to have these are sadder and loneliness and pain, yes there is so much pain deep inside her but she won't let it out she won't cry she won't get mad it's like she wants to suffer. But I can't let that happen, both Takashi and me made a vow to protect Dita and to make her true smile come back to us. And hopefully it will. Takehiko come on we're going to be late said Dita. Takehiko smiled ok lets go she said so both her and Dita walked to the doors that entered inside the school I hope that my wish will come true Takehiko's last thought has she entered the school.
{a.n yes all of the Dita's background thing was Takehiko's thoughts}