Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ First Meeting ❯ Practical Jokers ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The festivities were in full swing. The food was good, the music better and the company even better than the music. And the birthday boy, Athrun, hadn't yet gotten to opening his presents. Most people would say the party was complete.
Cagalli wasn't most people.
"It's a great party," she said, to Athrun's ex, Lacus Clyne. "But something's missing."
This was the first time Cagalli Yula Attha, Athrun's new fiancée, had met Lacus, the woman he was formerly engaged to. You could not have found two more dissimilar women. A world-renowned singer, Lacus was the epitome of a girly-girl: sweet, quiet, with big blue eyes and pink hair (fortunately for Lacus that was her favorite color). Cagalli, who had been raised in the gutters of international policy, was a loud, quick-tempered tomboy. She had hazel eyes and blond hair and could have easily passed for a boy.
As different as they were, they had still become instant friends. Part of this was a similar philosophy, both were strong believers in world peace and in doing the best they could in their respective positions to promote that goal. Another was a lack of competition-Lacus may have been Athrun's former fiancée, but she wasn't interested in him, instead she had a crush on Kira, Cagalli's twin.
And of course, they were both terrifying practical jokers.
"You're right." Lacus nodded. "It's been three hours and we haven't had a chance to pull a prank on anyone."
"We didn't even get to spike the punch because that jerk beat us to it!"
"Which one?"
"I can't remember his name." Cagalli pointed at another guest, tall, tanned with blond hair who was one Athrun's friends from college.
"Dearka Elsman" Lacus noted the flush on the Coordinator's face. "You know, given how drunk some people are, maybe we should get out a camera and start getting some pictures."
"Nah, no one's that drunk except for Tolle. There's nothing happening worth blackmailing anyone over and Tolle won't care."
"They guy with the lampshade on his head."
Lacus looked over and frowned. "I feel sorry for whoever wakes up with him tomorrow."
"Yeah, that's been happening a lot to Miri lately."
"Who is Miri?"
"I think Athrun should have introduced all of us rather than simply expecting us to find out for ourselves. I don't know half the people here." Cagalli quickly scanned the crowd for her friend. "Miriallia Haww, the girl with the short brown hair and aqua eyes in the orange dress." Then she noticed something else. "The one Dearka's hitting on!" she growled and stepped forward to defend her friend.
Lacus hauled her back. "Wait a minute, Dearka doesn't mean any harm. He just likes to flirt."
"Yeah, but she already has a boyfriend!"
"Who's currently chatting up a coat rack."
"Bu-but . . . you may be right." An idea gleamed in Cagalli's eyes. She relaxed and Lacus let go of her arm. "Lacus, how deeply does Dearka sleep?"
"He's usually a light sleeper, but he's been drinking so he'll sleep fairly soundly tonight. Fortunately, I think he's staying over so he won't have to drive home." Lacus eyed her new friend. "What do you have in mind?"
"Miriallia always goes out like a light, even when she hasn't been drinking. And I think if we ask very nicely, Sai will take Tolle home without fussing. It would be easier, they're roommates after all. I could offer Miri my room for the night."
Lacus also had a gleam in her eye. "Well, I did say I felt sorry for whoever woke up with that guy tomorrow. And Dearka's a very easy on the eyes."
They both started laughing.