Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ In The Arms Of A War Hero ❯ Luminous Afterthoughts ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

-Author's Note-
Heeeeello everyone! I always look forward to writing the next chapter because I love how this story is progressing so far. I realize that in some parts, Cagalli seems a bit OOC, but trust me, after all this emotional stuff that's happened so far, she'll be the original Cagalli in no time, lol.
Enjoy this update you guys!
In The Arms Of A War Hero
Luminous Afterthoughts
Chapter 8
Lunch progressed at a steady rate once Cagalli had returned to the table and the awaiting three gentlemen. When Athrun had returned to the table, he and Dearka had told their calamity to Kira, who reacted almost as guiltily as Cagalli. Cagalli sat down shortly after and had joined into the conversation, making very small eye contact as she would speak, which was not very often. After the meal had arrived they stopped the talk about misfortunate circumstances and began talk of Earth. They talked about ORB and Cagalli's progressions of learning how to be a “proper” representative, and after some deliberation; they finally arrived on the topic they all had somehow hoped to discuss: the separation.
“Have you received any letters from anyone?” Kira asked after he finished chewing a mouthful of pork and rice. Athrun and Dearka both shook their heads.
“Not one,” Athrun said, “from anyone.”
“If you guys even tried to send us a letter,” Dearka mentioned after taking a large gulp of cola, “it wouldn't have gotten through to us, anyway. We weren't even allowed to send a message, let alone receive one,” he said, emphasizing his statement with a roll of his eyes.
Kira nodded and took a sip of water. Cagalli slowly ate her steamed rice and took a quick look at all the men at the table.
“But, Athrun, didn't you send Kira a letter, telling him about the jail?” she asked.
Athrun nodded in response, as seeing to that his mouth was full of fried shrimp. After swallowing he said, “Once we were out of the cell, I saw to it that I sent a letter to the two of you, I tried sending a letter to Lacus, but with all of her moving locations, I wasn't able to.”
Kira nodded, for he too had been wanting to send Lacus a letter as well, but with her constantly moving all over, he had never known a sure location in which she would be able to receive a letter.
“Have you gotten a letter from Lacus at all?” Athrun asked taking a small sip of his iced tea.
Kira shook his head, “I would have hoped to, but I haven't honestly got a letter in a while, besides yours, Athrun.”
“Hmm,” Athrun said in response with a nod of his head.
“What about from Miriallia?” asked Kira after a momentary silence from everyone at the table.
Dearka looked glumly at his plate and pushed a piece of dumpling around with his chopsticks, drenching it in a cumulating mound of Soya sauce, “Nothing from her either,” he said unhappily.
“Is that it then?” Cagalli asked, her sudden words making all of the men look up at her with a startled look upon their faces, “Is this all we're going to do about this stupid separation? Just hope that we get a letter in the mail! Why don't we try to find everyone! See if we can get back together again.”
Dearka shook his head, “That's a little naïve isn't it?” he said, “after all this time, just poof pop up on their front porch and just say, `Hi, remember me?'”
Cagalli rolled her eyes and looked back at her bowl, “It wouldn't be like that,” she growled. “It's just,” she said with a sigh after a moment, sitting up in her seat, “It's pathetic how we're handling this situation!”
“I can see what Cagalli means,” Athrun said. Cagalli looked at him and sighed, outstretching her hand, “Thank you! At least Athrun gets what I'm saying!”
“If all we're going to make of ourselves is the occasional letter asking how the other is and so forth, then why not try to make an opportunity for us to meet again?”
Cagalli leaned forward excitedly knocking her chopsticks out of her rice bowl, “Exactly!” she stressed, “If the four of us have already gotten together out of sheer coincidence, than why can't we see to it that we find Miriallia and Lacus? I mean, they've gotta be somewhere out there, right?”
Lacus took a graceful step down each of the stairs that led her down to a main street in Tokyo. The house the old woman had left her was surrounded by thickly planted trees and wild plants that grew without borders, so Lacus was sure that people wouldn't know she was residing there, if they knew the house was there at all.
Stepping onto the sidewalk, Lacus took an overjoyed look around her, drinking in the sight of the city around her.
It's wonderful, she thought happily as she began to walk down the sidewalk in the afternoon sun.
She saw shops whose signs flapped in the breeze that tickled Lacus's face every so often it came around. There were teenagers, and couples and families wandering around, entering stray shops along the walk they were taking. The smell of the food made Lacus's mouth water as she passed restaurants that served traditional Japanese food. Hearing the hissing of water and watching with intrigue as the steam rose up into the bluest of blue skies. The shops held beautiful modern clothes, customary made kimonos, and fashionable dresses that made Lacus walk right up to the glass. Carrying little money made Lacus sigh in disappointment, but she continued her way down the sidewalk, smiling at all the street vendors that passed her by. Some sold frozen drinks, and foods of all kinds; Lacus expected them to have been very tasty. But none the less, she didn't want to pawn away her money foolishly on non-mandatory snacks.
“Care for a drink, ma'am?” a vendor asked Lacus as she passed by.
Lacus shook her head, “No thank you,” she said politely. The man nodded and continued on down the street.
Lacus smiled at the people who walked by her and said the occasional hello to the toddler that ran into her while not looking where they were going. The parents would apologize and Lacus would merely smile and shake off the apology with her hand.
She idolized the crimson brick that burned as its solidity was hit by the sun's powerful rays. Awnings and flags and wind toys flew about as that wonderful wind came by once again, almost knocking Lacus's hood to her shoulders. She grabbed it furiously as she felt it sliding down the top of her head, her bright pink pigtails almost becoming fully visible. She easily caught hold of the flimsy material and fixed it back so that her face was shaded and her hair was hidden.
That was close, she thought with a sigh.
“Hi, Mir? It's Kana, please don't be mad at me, I just…God, come on, Miriallia, I know you're home. You don't have anyplace to go and I know you enough that you wouldn't wander without purpose…You know how much I hate leaving messages on machine. Miriallia! Get your butt in gear and pick up this phone!”
Miriallia sat on the floor with her plate of fried foods in front of her as she picked and nibbled at them with her fingers. Once she had heard Kanadi's message begin, she felt a slight twinge of guilt from storming out of the office so unexpectedly.
“Ok, fine…you know what? I'm just going to annoy the shit out of you until you come and pick up this phone. Miriallia, Miriallia, Miriallia, Miriallia, Miriallia, Miriallia!”
Miriallia took the towel that was draped over her lap and threw it fiercely on the couch behind her. She stood up and stormed over to the phone picking it up.
“Oh my God! Just shut up! I forgive you alright, just stop talking!”
Kanadi laughed and sighed, “Sorry, I just needed you to talk to me.”
Miriallia sat on the couch with the cordless phone held up against her shoulder as she leaned forward and grabbed her plate and began to nibble again.
“I feel bad about what I said, Mir, really I do, but you have to understand, that just basking in that suffering isn't helping you at all. You know I worry about ya.”
Miriallia swallowed and sighed, “Yeah, I know…” she moaned. “I just can't help it, Kana. I just miss him.”
“I know that it hurts, Miriallia. I can't say that I know what it feels like, `cause I can't, but I can say that I can understand how it would hurt to lose someone close to you. But you just need to move on. It's not like I'm telling you that you have to go out with Ikaru, or anything…even though that would be a good pairing if you only would return his ca-”
“Kana…” Miriallia interrupted, picking a piece of fried rice out from underneath her nail.
“Alright, alright, sorry. No Ikaru, but still. You just gotta move on with your life. Oh! I got it! The perfect solution to cheer you up! You, me, club, tomorrow.”
“We're underage…” Miriallia said, she knew that you had to be twenty-one to get into the club whereas she and Kanadi were only eighteen. “We're not gonna be allowed in.”
“I know a bouncer, we'll be fine. But you are coming with me, got it No weaseling your way out of it. I'll drag you if I have to,” Kanadi said.
Miriallia could picture Kanadi picking at her nails with her arms crossed across her chest, leaning against a wall with a smug look on her face. “Alright, you bugger, I'll go,” Miriallia said with a laugh. Kanadi laughed, “Yeah, I know you love me…” she joked.
“Hanging up now,” Miriallia said in between laughs. Kanadi stopped laughing and let out a chuckle, “Ok, I can take a hint. See you tomorrow, Milly.”
Miriallia stood up and opened the curtains, for the first time realizing that sitting in the darkness was something she didn't want anymore.
“Ok, Kana. Bye.”
After the bill came, the four friends sighed and complimented on their meals to each other. Kira stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a handful of yen. Smiling at Athrun and Dearka when they both looked awkwardly at the fistful of money.
“Don't worry, you guys,” he said to Athrun and Dearka - once they became worried after realizing they hadn't any money - “This one's on me.”
Dearka sighed then laughed, patting - or pounding - Kira on the back thankfully, “Thanks, man!”
Athrun thanked Kira verbally and Cagalli laughed as she noticed the distinct differences between the behaviours of Athrun and Dearka.
“Had you guys made any plans on where you're planning to stay?” Cagalli asked as she sighed and leaned back in her chair, watching her brother count out the accurate amount of yen.
Dearka's eyes widened and Athrun looked at him with a look of uncertainty on his face. It was obvious to both Kira and Cagalli, that neither Athrun or Dearka had given that part of living on Earth a thought before they arrived.
“Um…well, we hadn't really,” Dearka looked at Athrun, “thought about, that, yet,” he said unsurely.
Kira handed the bill and the money to Jitsu who accepted it with a smile and a small bow of the head. Kira turned in his seat and said, “Well, you wouldn't have any money with you, would you? Any yen at all?” he asked. Dearka shook his head, “None at all.” Kira smiled and shook his head with a small laugh.
“Apartments are really expensive,” Cagalli said looking Athrun in the eye, “Good luck getting the proper amount of yen to keep up rent,” she said crossing her arms beneath her breasts.
“We'll get jobs then,” Dearka said, “so we can get an apartment.” Cagalli smirked, “Smart thinking on your part, Dearka. But where are you gonna stay tonight then? And the night after that? And the night after that?”
“They can stay with us,” Kira cited. Cagalli looked at him with her mouth parted and her eyes wide. “With us?” she said quietly.
Kira nodded, “Sure.”
“Oh no,” Athrun said shaking his head and his hands simultaneously, refusing Kira's offer, “we wouldn't want to trouble you guys, no, it's nothing really. We'll be fine.”
“Where are you going to stay then?” Kira asked, “Nothing is free. At least, nothing that I'm aware of.”
“He's got a point, Athrun,” Dearka said, “Besides, it's not like it's forever. Just until we can get enough to support our rent.”
Cagalli's mouth still remained open as she stared at Kira then at Athrun, then at Dearka. Athrun noticed the look on her face and said,
“Well, I wouldn't want to oppose on you, Cagalli,” he said. Cagalli instantly shook her head and returned her face back to normal.
“No,” she said, “It's - It's ok.”
“You're sure?”
“Yeah, it's fine,” she said.
Athrun nodded his head and said his thanks. The group stood up and left The Rosary. Kira left Jitsu an outstanding tip and followed behind last as Cagalli leaded the group to Kira's car.
It wasn't that she wouldn't mind having Athrun and Dearka in the house with her, but it was the fact that apart from the maids, she would have to live in a houseful of men until Athrun and Dearka could support themselves. She sighed to herself, it was going to be an interesting experience.
-Author's Note-
Well, *sighs*, I hope that you all liked this chapter! You guys can consider it a small cliffhanger in a way…but it's not like it'll last long, lol. You'll find out what happens in the house starting tomorrow. And for you lemon lovers out there. Sorry, but nothing of the sort is gonna happen…perhaps the occasional LITTLEST of artificial citrus flavourings, but that's all.
Don't worry kiddies, I'll try to keep this as, PG…oh, alright, PG-13 rated as possible…but with the occasional little R popping up every now and then *Mwahahaha*
Any comments, concerns, thoughts, or questions, let me know! Even if it's the slightest little thing, TELL ME, `cause you don't want to cause a blood clot by holding something in…tsk tsk, that would just be pointless.
So tell me via e-mail or review
`Till next time everyone! ^^