Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Day At The Park...Or Is It??? ❯ From England to Japan ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: All words are spoken in Japanese unless you see this *"speech"*, then she is speaking English. The Hanyou has no language as he can speak both English and Japanese fluently, so he gets no special symbol for his language…but he probably will be speaking in what ever language Kami (K-Ami silent K) is speaking in.

Flame1 - Katana

Evilness666 - Kami

Disclaimer- We own Kami and Katana…no one else…this bites…

A tall girl walked down the street looking from house to house. Finally she stopped at one and brushed her long black, blonde, reddish hair out of her liquid gold eyes. [8686, yep this is the house.] Kami walked up to the door and knocked, a small lady opened the door and smiled, "Konnichiwa you must be Kami-san." The girl smiled and spoke in a heavy English accent through her Japanese, "Hai." The lady showed her into the house and up to her room.

"Now I know it's your first day here and all but we couldn't cancel this trip." Kami smiled and nodded, "and how long will you be gone?" "We will be gone for a couple days. Don't worry we don't leave till tomorrow." Kami unpacked her clothes and set up her laptop, with a yawn. [I hope Katana is online, I can't wait to tell her I am finally in Japan.] She looked down at the screen that was blinking and yawned again. Shaking her head she turned it so that it faced her and lay on her new bed falling asleep instantly.

The next morning she was awakened by something connecting with her head. *"Go away Ross it's not time to get up yet."* "Ohayo, Kami-san." "Heki" was all she could say as her eyes flew open. She sat up and looked around her room but no one was in there, just her computer with you got mail screen flashing. She quickly ran over to it and smiled. *"Yay Katana wrote me. I can't believe I feel asleep."* She groaned. "Kami-san breakfast."

Kami walked down stairs and found her self being watched by sixteen pairs of eyes. "Kami meet Duo, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, Relena, Nataku, and Solo. They are the children you are to watch while we are away. In fact we are on our way out now. So long dear." Kami looked up from her cereal and blinked, [eight I have to watch eight kids.] the phone interrupted her thought, "Moshi moshi"

"And keep Heero away from the guns." "Hai" "Ja' ne" Kami looked at the phone in silence, *"Damn why did I agree to come to Japan on the exchange program. Dammit!"* She looked over at the kids who looked at her confusedly. "Heh heh, " [Might as well do a head count. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7... Where is Heero?? Oh no not...] "Heero what are you doing??" Heero looks up innocently, "Nothing."

Six hours and 3 boxes of bandages later…

Kami sat down at her computer to read the e-mail, waiting as it loaded and while there was silence in the house. [Finally, they are all asleep. Even that annoying one...Relena.] -.-`' . 0.0 *"What erased??? ….peanut butter???? Ohhhh that kid is going to hear it from me."* "Hear what from you??" *"She is going to be in so much trouble…wait…"* Kami spun her chair to look at her bed, a boy about her age and height sat on the bed cross-legged and arms crossed, his two catlike ears twitched cutely atop his long hair.

*"No….no… no… no… no… no…I though I left you in England."* He blinked his eyes, "Apparently not. Or I wouldn't be sitting here. Sorry about the peanut butter on the keys… I just wanted to shut the damn thing up." *"You know better than to touch the computer, you erased the e-mail Katana sent me."* She growled angrily at him, wishing he would go away before he awoke one of the kids. "I won't wake the little buggers, scouts honor." *"You are no scout…."* She got up and went to get something to clean her keyboard with.

After cleaning her keyboard she decided to go online and see if Katana was on, and smiled.

*AOHell's IM*

Flame1: Hey long time no speak!

Evilness666: No kidding, last time we spoke I was still in England.

Flame1: You mean your not???

Flame1:WRUN??? (where are you now)

Evilness666:Japan, in Kyoto.

Flame1: No way…you mean your in the same town as me???

Flame1: We should hangout!!!

Evilness666: we should that would be so fun

Flame1: Oh wait I have to babysit tomorrow…

Evilness666: me too…we should met at the park and let the kids plahy to gether

Evilness666: *Meet at the park and let the kids play together.

Flame1: sounds like a good idea!

Evilness666: what time should we meet, you probably should come meet us at ther house I tstill donw;t know my way around here yet…

Evilness666: * There house I still don't…. for some reason I can't type now that I cleaned PB off the keys.

Flame1: Why was there PB on you Keyboard???

Evilness666: uh…one of the kids put it there.

Evilness666: So you still talk to Bob???

Flame1: Yeah he won't Die!

Evilness666: you would miss him if he did

Flame1: yea I know.

Evilness666: I g2g…the kids are waking up…little buggers…^^

Flame1: Alright you coming on laters???

Evilness666: yeah probably around 10 tonight

Flame1: alright cool I think I will be on too. Well byes


Kami yawned and went to the room where the kids were sleeping and saw a few of them were awake. *"Remember their just little kids."* "Are you guys hungry?" "Yes" chorused voices, of those awake and awaking. Kami counted the kids silently in her head and came up again one short. "Heero? Has anyone seen Heero?" Everyone shook their heads no except one, "I have he went into the closet." Kami looked down at Duo, *"Your so cute its evil!"* He looked at her confused by her strange words, "Arigato Duo." Kami patted his head and walked to the closet, "Heero come out." Heero came out alright but he came out with a 9mm shotgun. "Heero no playing with guns I know I told you that hours ago." *"over and over again"* Kami snatched the gun from Heero who just shrugged and walked out of the room. "Come on kids lets go get something to eat." "Um Onee-chan?" Kami looked down and smiled at Catharine, "Yes." "Nee-chan my brother is still asleep." "You want to stay with him till he wakes up, or do you want to wake him up?" "I will stay here." "Okay come down when he wakes up and I will get you dinner." Catharine nodded silently as Kami walked out of the room.

The next day she noticed yet again that Heero was missing, and outside lighting squirrels tails on fire. Ebil things Kami thought, "Heero leave the rats alone." Then a thought struck her, why not take the kids to the park. Surely nothing bad can happen at the park…right? She shook her head, it was worth a try and at this moment she was feeling a bit desperate. "Hey kids, you all wanna go to the park and play." A chorus of yea and lets go, filled the room. Kami smiled, this is going to be a cinch, across the way she heard laughter. *"I wish you would go away."* Kami hurried around to get the kids stuff together so they could leave to the park. An hour later she was finally ready, with no help from a certain hanyou.