Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ The Neo OZ Saga ❯ Gundams Revived ( Chapter 2 )

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Neo OZ Saga: Chapter 2

Title: The Neo OZ
Author: Akurei_GX
Chapter 2: Gundams Revived
Source: New Mobile Report: Gundam W & After War: Gundam X
Notes: Someone wrote a review stating that it was good to see some non-GW
fics for a change, I agree, for those that are interested I have also written
a Gundam X fic and I am currently planning a 08th MS Team fic as well as an
original gundam universe. For the sake of making this less confusing I will
refer to the pilot of Heavyarms as Nanashi (No Name) which is what he was called
before taking the name Trowa Barton.
The Preventers always knew
there would be the possibility of more mobile suits being created in the future.
Since an army was out of the question the only logical course of actions would
be to create another group of gundams to deal with any new mobile suits. With
the deaths of the gundam designers involved with Operation Meteor this would
be difficult. Thanks to Howard's help and records of studies OZ had done while
in the possession of Wing Gundam and Gundam Sandrock they were able to come
up with all the basic design knowledge they needed to create a gundam. However,
even if they created one there was still the problem of pilots. Wufei would
be the obvious choice however Lady Une had also contacted, or tried to contact
the other pilots. Heero couldn't be found, or didn't want to be. Duo refused
as did Quatre opting for a battle free life. Trowa, was found with the circus
but didn't give them a definite answer. Zechs was still working on Relena's
terraforming project on Mars, he considered taking the job, but only if it was
A few tired engineers who
had been pulling all nighters to get the newest model completed decided to call
it a night just as a mysterious intruder peeked out from the air shaft he had
use to sneak into the facility. The young boy watched as the other left and
when it was clear he exited the air shaft. 15 year old Garrod Ran was quite
adept at getting into places he didn't belong, so much so that the Barton Foundation
had hired him for corporate espionage. Looking up he saw his target, as he was
told Earth was developing more mobile suits. "This gundam won't have a
chance to be used against the colonies" he thought to himself as he climbed
up toward the cockpit hatch. As the hatch opened a alarm rang through the facility.
From her office Lady Une checked various security monitors to see what was going
on. To her shock she saw the Preventer's new model activate. "Someone is
launching GX-9900, stop them before they can leave the building." Within
seconds the entire facility was locked up tight and the three other Taurus suits
that had been kept other then Noin's were activated to stop the renegade gundam.
They knew that it could not be allowed to escape, if people saw a mobile suit
it would cause a panic.
Within the huge underground
area used for the MS testing a battle was about to start, the first since the
war ended. As the gundam walked down the large hall toward the exit it was cut
off by the three Taurus suits. Quickly checking the mobile suit's weapons Garrod
activated the large beam sword attached to the back of the gundam and charged
toward the enemy suits. He easily slashed one of them in half as the other two
which were unarmed tried to hold the gundam in place. A report came in to Une
that Gundams Leopard and Airmaster were still secure and only the new model,
Gundam X had been involved with the situation. With no experienced pilots to
use them she quickly proceeded to their storage rooms to active one of them
to use against the GX. However by the time she got to one the gundam had managed
to over power the Taurus suits and escape. With such a major crisis as a run
away gundam she ordered the Preventers on full alert and directed all their
efforts to track the MS down.
. . . . to be continued