Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Romance's Revenge ❯ The Saga...err...Craziness Continues! ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Anime Romance's Revenge! - The Saga...err...Craziness Continues (Prologue)

Evil Trowa Barton: psh...
Evil Ash Ketchum: If you haven't read the first series yet, go and read it now. It's the "Anime Romance" series
(add evil laughs here)

Setting: around the Winner house.

"I wonder who the new neighbors are..." Quatre said.
"Whatever..." All the other boys (except Trowa) said.
Quatre peeked out the window.
"I think you guys had better see this..."
Everyone else looked out the window.
Across the street...on the new house...hung a sign...
"......Here we go again..."

"So...what's our first mission?" Hilde said with menacing looking eyes.
"We need more recruits!" Misty said.
"Sure, but where can we find those?"
"Ah, so here's where my new tunnel leads too" Washu said as she poked her head through the wall."
"Oh, hi there!"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It's a bloody Chia head!!!"
"Not a bloody Chia head. I am Washu! The greatest mad scientist genius in the entire universe! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Washu said as A&B popped up and did their little gig.
"A mad scientist eh? What do you say you join us with getting revenge on those boys across the street huh?"
"Umm...sure I guess"
"Great! And bring all your (girl) friends over here with you!"

"What did I do to deserve this?" Duo asked.
"INJUSTICE!" Wufei said.
"Hmph." Heero said.
"We need help, those girls sound serious." Quatre said.
A blast nearby...
"WAAAAAAAAAH!" Tenchi screamed as he fell through the roof.
"Who are you?"
"Ow my head...hey, where am I?" Tenchi asked.
"Hmm...a recruit" Duo whispered into Quatre's ear.
"Umm...well you can stay here until you get better" Quatre told Tenchi.
"Really?! Thanks! My name is Tenchi Masaki"
"No problem, I'm Quatre Raberba Winner"

Washu came back dragging Aeka, Sasami, Ryouko, Kiyone, and Mihoshi with her.
"Here are your new recruits! This one is Aeka...Sasami...Ryouko...Kiyone...and Mihoshi!"

Over at the boys...
Something came crashing through the ceiling...
"Ouch..." Krillin said.
"Krillin! Are you okay?" Gohan yelled.
"Sure! I'm fine."
"Who are you?" Duo asked.
"Huh? Oh sorry 'bout the house." Krillin said.
"No problem...would you mind helping us...fight?" Duo asked.
"Fight? Fight who?"
"The scariest most ugly things that have ever walked the planet." Duo said as he pointed over at the girls' place.
"Krillin! What's going on down there?" Gohan yelled.
"Come in Gohan!"
Gohan flew in.
"Krillin, who are these people?"
"Gohan, they need our help. I'm going to stay here and help them fight."
"Fight what?"
"The scariest most ugly things that have ever walked the planet..." Duo said.
"Really? I'll help too then." Gohan said.


Jigglypuff: Boy that sure was boring...well anyway, check out the next part, coming soon!
Evil Ash Ketchum: (in the DBZ announcer guy's voice) So, our hero's are involved in a war. What will happen?
Will our heroes survive? Or will they be defeated? Find out in the next episode of Anime Romance's Revenge!
Jigglypuff: O.o;;;;; *claps*
Evil Ash Ketchum: Thank ya! *takes a bow*
Jigglypuff: Don't worry, we're all rooting for the girls' side! We're girls ourselves!
Evil Trowa Barton: (add evil laugh here)
Angel of Blood: ... *puts on a hat that says "Go girls!"*
Jigglypuff: Review! And put which group you're rooting for!