Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Lives ❯ Contemplations ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2:

Cye Mouri whistled cheerily as he entered the pristine modernized kitchen that was his favorite place to be in the whole manor. He had just woken up not even fifteen minutes ago and was ready to go and enjoy the day. Cye was an early riser, unlike some of his other teammates; he knew for a fact that Rowen wouldn't be down until noon and Ryo? Ryo was always asleep until at least ten. He grinned to himself, thinking happily about his friends. He was glad that they could finally relax since things had quieted considerably after Talpa's defeat. It had been touch and go there at the end, with Ryo's life hanging in the balance before everything seemed to work out just right. Cye grimaced slightly as he thought about that tense time. He really hated it when his thoughts turned morbid for no-good reason.

Shivering, he walked over to the cupboard, attempting to drag his thoughts back away from their final battle by pulling out a box of pancake mix and pouring some of it into a silver bowl he had gotten off of the top shelf by the sink. He knew that even though most of the household didn't wake up until much later, that at least he and Sage were awake. Sage was always awake this early in the morning and was most likely out by the waterfall meditating like he enjoyed. Smiling some more, Cye turned the faucet on by the sink to run some water into the pancake batter. Figuring he had enough, he turned the water off and casually moved back the curtains of the window that overlooked the lake as he started to stir the batter. He simply loved mornings and today looked like it was going to be perfect. That is until he saw something that he shouldn't have. He blinked in confusion and surprise. But the vision remained.

Frowning, he let the curtain drop back into place. Why was Ryo outside by the lake at this early of an hour by himself no less? And more important, why was Sage hanging out in the woods behind Ryo without letting the other boy know he was present?

Cye shook his head. It wasn't really his concern. He could tell that there were some things between his leader and the blond that were none of his business; he just hoped that this was another one of those times where he would never understand their strange behaviors. Still, it troubled him. Ryo was not one to seek solitude but it was occurring more and more often and Cye had a feeling that it was leading up to something that none of them were going to like.

Turning away from the window, he continued to stir his batter as he walked over to the flat griddle that Kento had insisted he buy. Pouring some of the batter onto the griddle, he watched it sizzle with satisfaction as he started to make the rest of the breakfast for the team. His attention divided between the breakfast he was supposed to be making and the inner workings of his friend's apparently troubled mind.


Sage knew he should announce his presence to Ryo but it was so rare to catch the other boy unguarded and alone. It hadn't been his intentions this morning but he had been coming back from his morning run to the waterfall when he thought he heard voices. Veering off toward the lake, he reached the edge of the woods moments after Kayura had already left. The only thing he saw or should he say person he saw was Ryo.

Sage tilted his head to the side as he leaned one hand against a nearby tree trunk. Now was the perfect time to study the dark-haired man without him noticing. He smiled at the way Ryo's denim clung to his slender hips and the way that the old red soccer t-shirt was practically painted on to enhance the other boy's abs. A shiver of desire raced over Sage's skin before he firmly squashed the impulse.

Steeling his resolve, he stepped out of the shadowy woods and into the morning light. Slowly, he made his way toward Ryo who didn't even appear to notice his approach. Sage's violet colored eyes were drawn to the mass of raven-colored hair that was blowing out behind Ryo like a streamer. He was like a moth to a flame. The pull was too much. It was irresistible. He had known for over a month now that he was being drawn to their fiery hotheaded leader. He just didn't know what to do about it.

Reaching a hand out to place it on Ryo's shoulder, he was surprised when the other boy stiffened in alarm.

"Ryo . . . It's just me."

Immediately Ryo's posture changed as he moved out of Sage's grip. Turning, he tried madly to get his heartbeat back under control. "Sage, what are you doing out here?"

Sage raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like Ryo to be snuck up on and then for him to ask a question he should already know the answer too. Frowning, he gazed around the surrounding area, settling his view on something that was decidedly out of place.

Ryo swallowed hard, recognizing where Sage's gaze was resting. He moved slightly to block the view of where he had been sick to his stomach, sweat forming on his brow as he tried to turn the blond away from the lake.

But Sage would not be moved. His gaze hardened, his hand reaching out to stop Ryo's flight. "Ryo?" he asked his voice distressed.

"Yes?" Ryo asked quietly, wincing when he heard his voice crack.

Sage rounded on him. "What happened? What made you sick?"

Ryo shook his head in denial but Sage's rough grip on his arm stopped him.

"Don't lie to me, Ryo. I can see it."

Ryo stared back at the blond in defiance, never noticing the worry lines that were etched across Sage's pale face. He only noticed that the blond's grip was becoming too tight and that the blond was becoming a threat to his mission. He had to get away, anyway possible. His tiger blue eyes clouded over and without even realizing it, Ryo had punched the blond hard enough to make the other swordsman stumble back in surprise, effectively releasing him.

Sage's eyes widened in shock as he fell to the forest floor in surprise. That was not something he had been prepared for.

Ryo stared at the blond a moment, his eyes lifeless and unforgiving before snapping back into focus. Ryo stared at Sage in horror and with a harsh cry, he turned and ran for the manor as if all the demons of Hell were on his heels and in Ryo's case, maybe they were.



I am very happy to hear that you guys like this so much. As for being obvious, I was really hoping I wasn't but oh well. I guess the two are just hard not to associate with one another. At any rate, yes, this is a crossover with Gundam Wing, and nope I still don't anything but this plot bunny of mine. Pity that.

Oh and this will most likely be yaoi . . . um you'll have to figure out the pairings as I go along though . . . Grins. Cause even I don't know who I am pairing whom up with at this moment. Giggles. I'm awful I know. At any rate, I am sorry for the late posting. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Chapter three may be awhile like this one but I'll try to be more punctual. ^_~

Ja Ne!