Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Summer Vacation with the Perfect Soldier ❯ Part One: Fast Cars, Devious Escape Plans, and Angry Parental Figures ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Harry Potter and the Summer Vacation with the Perfect Soldier

Part One: Fast Cars, Devious Escape Plans, and Angry Parental Figures

By: Elf

Harry Potter wasn't a normal boy in any since of the world. It wasn't because his best friend was the second youngest in a family of seven. Or it wasn't because that his other best friend was the most brilliant student at his school. And it wasn't because his godfather was an ex-convict serving a sentence that he wasn't responsible for.

It was because Harry Potter was the Boy Who Lived. His two best friends were wizards and witches and his godfather was a powerful wizard who could transform into a dog. His girlfriend was a witch as well and his newest, best friend was the Living Embodiment of Death. Then there was the whole fact that a dark wizard wanted him dead and he was the only one who could finally defeat him.

Harry was a striking boy with raven hair, extraordinary bright green eyes, and a slender lighting bolt shaped scar easily visible despite the mop of ink dark hair covering it. His body was slender and toned due to a combination of his Quidditch training and the martial arts he had been learning. One couldn't tell that because he had to wear the clothing of his cousin, who was the size of a baby Grey Whale.

Harry was sitting at the breakfast table with his aunt Petunia, a horse faced woman with blond hair, his uncle Vernon with his bushy mustache, and his cousin Dudley, the baby Grey Whale.

Dudley was still on his strict diet of the summer because he had not lost any weight, in fact, he had gained so much that his chair groaned in protest every time he sat in it. The fact that he never went outside or simply played on his gaming systems and watched Pokemon didn't help the fact. Even though Harry could understand the appeal of Yugi-Oh.

Dudley sighed as he looked at his grapefruit quarter and carrot. He asked, "Mum, can I have some more?"

Petunia's eyes misted as she looked over at her husband. She pleaded, "Vernon, just look at him, he's wasting away!"

"I know, dearest, but the Headmaster was quite strict about Dudder's diet. Even though the bloke was obviously wrong," Vernon replied sadly as he looked at his whimpering son.

Harry wanted to laugh. All of his friends had again risen to the occasion of sending him food. Duo had been the most helpful, telling Harry how to save his "rations" and use them to the best of his ability. Still, he enjoyed Ginny's long letters telling him about everyday life at the Burrow and the chocolate frogs she sent him.

Ginny, he thought with a smile as he sucked on his sour grapefruit. He missed the redhead spit fire and the letters weren't enough. Despite Ron's fun letters (despite the fact that he often complained about missing Hermione), Hermione's informative letters (where she complained that she missed Ron), Forest's letters that had detailed instructions on different Katas, Sirius letters that were always happy to hear from him, Draco's letters offering his sympathy (which was strange enough), and Duo's letters with his dark humor and sharp wit, he always looked forward to Ginny's. He had found himself getting excited when he saw Errol or Pig perched on his windowsill.

"What's with you, boy, I've asked you to pass the carrots?" Vernon spat as Harry blinked. Vernon snapped, "It's that school. Putting nonsense in your head."

Harry glared and replied, "I wasn't thinking about school. I was thinking about my girlfriend." There, wonder what they'll think of that, he thought smugly.

Dudley chuckled and spewed grapefruit all over the table. He oinked, "You, have a girlfriend! I'll believe that when I see that, Harry! There's no way that a girl would give your scrawny body a second look."

"That's telling him, Duddy. I'm sure that your sweetheart loves you," Petunia replied as she patted Dudley's hand.

Dudley blushed as he said, "I don't have a girlfriend, Mum. If I don't have one, then why on earth should Harry have one?"

Because I have a mischievous Scythe Barer and a former archenemy to thank for that, Harry thought. Instead, he said, "I'm lucky, I guess."

"That's all you are, boy," Vernon guffawed as he sipped his coffee. He stood up and gathered his briefcase. He said, "I'm off to work."

Harry said nothing as his uncle made his timely exit.


Harry frowned as he launched his high kick. He could practically hear Forest's voice telling him that he was too overbalanced and that he needed to clean it up. So, gritting his teeth, he did again. Nodding with satisfaction, he repeated the motion, noting that it was much cleaner.

Sweat trickled down his body in the warm, English sun and felt wonderful. He wiped sweat off of his nose as he followed the kicks with a few hand motions that, when placed in effect, that he would knock someone flat on their butt. He sped up the movements of the kata, determined to learn.

After the warmup, he reached down for his bokken. At three and a half feet long, the bamboo sword was weighted and balanced like a normal katana. Both Trunks and Forest had said that the katana was the best sword to begin with because Kendo could be transferred to other styles of swords such as broad, great, and bastard[1] swords. The only sword that he couldn't use Kendo for was a fencing foil. Duo had snickered that fencing sucked.

"Harry, what in the world are you doing?" Petunia's shrill voice called out.

Harry hid the bokken behind his back and answered, "Nothing, Aunt Petunia, just working out!"

Her long face scowled from the back door. Her eyes shone furiously as she placed her hands on her hips. She bellowed, "Don't let me catch you doing that again, Harry. Come in, it's time for dinner."

Harry looked up and realized that the sun was setting. With a pang he realized that all of his friends were eating dinner right now and were having a much better time of everything. Except for Hermione missing Ron, Ron missing Hermione, Duo missing Hotaru, and Ginny missing him and he missing Ginny. He sighed as he ran up to his room, stashed his bokken, washed his hands and face, and ran to the dining room. Dudley was looking sulky and Vernon was scowling as always.

Vernon asked, "What were you doing out there?"

"Probably some strange magic," Dudley sniped, "With all of those weird moves and that big stick."

Vernon's nostrils flared as he growled, "You do not practice magic in this house hold."

"I wasn't," Harry replied defensively as he crossed his arms, "I was working out."

Dudley argued, "That wasn't working out, that was weird."

"What would you know about exercise?" Harry snapped at him.

Petunia cried, "Dudley is not fat! He's just big boned. Take that back, boy."

"I will not, look at him! He's the size of a baby Grey whale!" Harry shouted back, tired of his aunt and uncle once again.

Dudley roared, "Go to your room!"

"Fine, I will," Harry shouted back, "Like this is dinner anyway!" He looked at the carrots, peas, and cottage cheese resting on the table. He glared at his uncle before turning on his heel and stomping up to his room.

He threw himself on his bed and reached down for the loose floorboard. He wretched it free and drew up the fruit cake that Ron's mum had sent and the beef jerky that Duo had sent. He also had diet sodas curtsey of Hermione, so he opened up a can of Diet Coke and began to sip on it. He was reading through Cursed Creatures: Building Alliances and Friendships (but Avoiding Romances) by Anita Blake.

A few hours later, after full dark had set in, the telephone rang. Harry set out of his room to go to the bathroom, and when he started returning to his bedroom, Dudley was looking through his things. Harry was furious when Dudley started leafing through the book he had been reading.

"Cor, the pictures move!" Dudley exclaimed with excitement.

Harry move over to the bed and hissed, "Let go of my book, now, Dudley."

"Or what Harry, going to cast a spell on me?" his cousin chuckled as he opened the book up to where Forest was photographed. Her blond hair gleamed, her indigo eyes shown as she smiled and flashed her pistol. He whistled, "She's a looker. Who's she, Harry?"

Harry crossed his arms and answered, "Her name is Forest and she's a vampire."

"Vampire," Dudley shuddered as he dropped the book, "V-vv-ampire?"

Harry nodded as if he was speaking to a dull-witted child and answered, "Yes, a very deadly, blood drinking vampire so please get the heck out of my room."

"Mummy! Dad, Mummy!" Dudley wailed as he raced down the stairs, "Harry's talking about vampires and saying that they're going to drink my blood!"

Harry ran after his cousin and shouted, "I did not! He was looking through one of my textbooks and . . ."

Harry froze as he ran past the corner. His uncle was looking very be spelled and blushing while he was listening to whoever was talking on the phone. Petunia was scowling at Vernon while Dudley tugged on her shirt and pointed to Harry.

Vernon brightened as he looked at Harry and stated, "Well, he just came down the stairs, Miss. I'll let you have him."

Harry blinked as he looked up at his uncle's smile at him. Vernon grinned as he handed Harry the phone. He said, "Here you go, Harry. Lovely friend you have."

Puzzled, Harry took the phone and asked, "Hello?"

"Hi, Harry," Forest's husky voice cheered over the phone pleasantly sending a shiver up his spine.

He found himself blushing as he replied, "Hello Forest."

"Hey kiddo. Is that your uncle?" she asked in that same wondrous voice that Harry knew had to be magically manipulated.

Harry nodded and answered, "Yeah, it is."

She sighed and replied, "I'm sorry, kiddo. Here's Duo."

"Yo, Harry, what's up?" Duo's jovial voice sounded over the other line.

Harry grinned and replied, "Hi Duo! Thanks for the beef jerky and candy bars."

"No problem man. Forest is making a weird choking motion and gagging at the same time. Really freaky. I guess your uncle was really that bad. I'm glad that I got Forest to swallow some Seduction Draft," Duo chuckled mischievously.

Harry laughed, "You did what?"

"Just a couple of drops. It's already starting to wear off. Sirius is arguing with her again and not getting poetic, so, I think it's worn off," Duo answered good-naturedly, "I just wanted her to charm your family until you could get on the phone."

Harry asked, "So, why are you calling?"

"To tell you I'm going to bail you from the horrid family tomorrow, so get your stuff packed," Duo replied easily.

Harry's eyes widened as he shakily asked, "What?"

"Severus and Sirius don't know that I'm going to do it. Forest has a faint idea, but she doesn't know the whole plan, but I'm going to liberate you from those without enlightenment," Duo answered too casually.

Harry snorted, "How do you plan to do that?"

"Drive up to your house on Privet Drive, grab your things, charm your aunt and get you the hell out of there," Duo answered cheerfully.

Harry laughed; it was so Duo. Duo had two approaches to everything in life: up front and very direct, or sneaky and cleverly planned. Harry had seen both sides of his friend before: the teasing, laughing, happy-go-lucky Duo and the secretive, brooding, dangerous God of Death or Shinigami as Duo liked to say. Harry liked Duo better when he was being happy, even though sometimes the smiles were false and didn't reach his violet eyes.

Most important, Duo was an orphan like Harry, but had no living relatives. The Potions Master at Hogwarts, Professor Snape, whom Harry disliked for the most part but respected, had offered to be Duo's legal guardian. So, Duo was living with Snape this summer and Forest, who had guarded both Duo and Harry last year at Hogwarts, had joined them as well as Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, while he managed to get his life back in order again. Harry realized that he was jealous of his friend at that moment, and not because of his close relationship with Ginny either.

Harry laughed and asked, "Okay, Duo, when?"

"I dunno, however long it takes me to drive from the Scottish moors to Privet Drive in a Toyota Supra GT with a four hundred and eighty horse power engine . . . Which should be around noon tomorrow," Duo answered confidently.

Harry chuckled again and said, "If you don't, Duo I'll . . ."

"Curse me with a third head or something like that," Duo replied easily, "Harry, relax, it's me. Nothing's going to go wrong. Besides, Severus, Sirius, and Forest are cool, but they're a little dated, even though Sirius has put some wicked charms on the Supra."

Harry smiled and said, "That's what I'm afraid of."

"Oh, damn, that stung," Duo groaned.

Harry replied, "Just don't get my hopes up, will you. Deliver."

"Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle into one of my lovely eyes," Duo replied with faux sincerity.

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "I'll believe that when I see it. So, what have you been up to?"

"Oh, not much. Like I said, I'm board and want some company and you look like you need a good rescue," Duo answered.

Harry chuckled and said, "Well, I'll see you then. Hopefully."

"See ya later, buddy," Duo replied.

Harry said, "Bye, Duo." He hung up the phone with a grin as he turned to face his aunt, uncle and cousin.

Petunia asked, "Who was that?"

"A friend," Harry answered as he started to walk back up the stairs.

Dudley whined, "It was a friend from that school, wasn't it Mummy?"

"Delightful friend. You can have her over any time you want to, Harry," Vernon replied in a dazed sort of voice.

Harry chuckled and thought, Now Forest has been invited into this house. I wonder how she's going to react to that.

Petunia protested, "Vernon, you can't be serious!"

"She seemed like a very lovely young woman," he echoed in the same sort of dazed voice.

Harry thought, If you consider a thousand or so years young. He chuckled as he went back in his room. Hedwig had come back from her night flight and had a letter from Ginny clutched in her beak. He took it and she affectionately nipped his hand.

He read:

My Dearest Harry,

I hope this letter's finding you well. I miss you, as you know (there was a smiley face drawn there) and I can't wait to see you again. I hope those Muggles aren't being too mean and I couldn't get any chocolate frogs gathered for you this time.

Anyway, you won't believe what happened. The twins managed to set up Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley of all places! They've been saving up their money like mad as well as their inventions and the shop has now set up. There's even going to be an article in the Daily Profit about it, can you believe it, Harry?

For all that time we just thought they liked the noise.

Fred says that he's going to give your cousin another visit. I think I'll go with him, teach him a thing or two about how to treat family. I've never met them, but I know I don't want to.

I just received a letter from Scythe. I knew Duo would plan one of his dastardly rescues. I think part of the reason he plays the hero so much is because it's how he gets his adrenaline fix.

Don't worry. I still adore you.

Still, I might have to talk Bill into a trip to Scotland . . .

Until Next time, Harry.

All my love,

Your Ginny

Harry smiled as he reread the letter with a smile. He knew that Fred and George would get back on their feet soon enough. It also didn't surprise him that Duo had already informed Ginny about his "rescue" plan. It was almost as if Duo was the eight Weasley brother or something. If he had red hair, Harry couldn't tell them apart.

He took his quill and dipped it into the scarlet ink. He chewed thoughtfully on the feather for a moment before realizing it wasn't a sugar quill. He spat feathers out as Hedwig looked at him in askance. He tapped the quill onto the paper and wrote:

Dear Ginny,

Somehow, that doesn't surprise me about Fred and George. I knew those two would land on top somehow. Good luck to them though. Tell them that I said hello.

How's Ron? Does he still miss Hermione and is he still writing her every available moment? And, better yet, are you teasing him about it?

Yes, I know of Duo's rescue plan. He pulled a dirty trick using Forest and a Seduction Draft. He claims that he only made her drink a few drops, but this is Forest we're talking about here. If you don't know her . . . Well, she's quite disorienting, for a vampire. Uncle Vernon invited her into our house and Forest doesn't even know it!

Maybe you could drink a Polyjuice Potion and make Dudley think you're going to bite him. Just kidding Gin, but he was snooping around my room tonight. Luckily he didn't find my bokken, then I would have been in serious trouble.

Hopefully, next time that I write I'll be at Snape's with Sirius and Duo.




The next day, at five till noon, loud rock music could be heard at the end of Privet Drive. Harry stuck his head out of the bedroom window to see a sleek, black sports car whip around the corner and barrel to the Dursley house. Harry recognized that the style of driving was much like Duo's style of flying. Wreckless, but skillfully so. Every risk was calculated and could be prevented at a moment's notice.

He grinned as the Japanese sports car squealed to a stop right in front of the Dursley house. He walked out of his room to hear Dudley exclaim, "Cor, Harry, did you see that car? Wicked! A Toyota Supra, they don't make those anymore! Fastest car in the world, why would they stop at our house?"

Dudley pounded down the steps, his girth making them shake. Harry followed him while he heard Petunia scream, "Why, I never! The disrespect, I'm calling the police!"

Then, there was a polite knocking on the door. Petunia huffed and opened it, prepared to give whoever playing that horrible music a stern lecture when she was met with a pair of brilliant violet eyes. Duo Maxwell waved gayly at her and flashed her the smile that melted half of the hearts at Hogwarts.

Petunia froze as she looked Duo over. Duo was tall, broad shouldered, impishly handsome with wide violet eyes and he had amazing hair. It was thick, silky, and braided in a thick chestnut plait that went past his rump. Duo had a pair of expensive sunglasses dangling carelessly from his left hand as he held his hand out to a stunned Petunia.

"Hi, I'm Duo Maxwell," Duo began.

Petunia called out, "Dudley, why didn't you tell us that you had a friend visiting?"

Dudley answered, sounding rather breathless, "Mummy, I've never seen this bloke before!"

Petunia glared at Harry and sneered, "Don't tell me that you know this nice boy."

Duo smiled at Harry and hugged him. Harry gave a shaky laugh as he hugged Duo back. Duo exclaimed, "Hey, Harry, are you ready?"

"Yeah, Duo, just let's go get my trunks and we can go," Harry began.

Dudley pushed past Harry and walked over to the sports car. His big, meaty hands pressed on the gleaming ebon metal as he asked, "Is this your car, mate?"

"No, it's a friend's," Duo answered good naturally as Harry practically drug him up the stairs.

Petunia stomped her foot and demanded, "Harry, what is the meaning of this?"

"I'm going with Duo," Harry called back as Duo grabbed Harry's trunk with one hand and wheeled the caldron out with another. Harry grabbed Hedwig's cage and followed the gayly waving braid. Duo loaded up the car and grinned wickedly at Dudley.

Harry froze and thought, Not now, Duo. Not now.

Duo had a keen sense of justice and a keener sense of revenge. He was intelligent, crafty, strong, and devious. He also had the powers of Death newly awakened in him. Harry was about to warn him when he noticed that Duo's eyes weren't glowing, and it was just Duo being Duo.

"Yeah, and you should drive it too," Duo replied as he climbed into the driver's seat. Harry gave his scowling aunt and cousin a wave as he sat beside Duo. Duo turned on the engine and loud rock music poured through the sound system loud enough to make Harry flinch.

Duo revved up the engine and soon as they were out of the neighborhood, he turned the music down to a much easier level to listen to. He said, "Sorry, Harry. I don't listen to music that loud normally. Fries the eardrums. I just did it to give your family a shock."

Harry looked at the sleek leather interior and whistled, "Forest does have nice taste in cars."

"Oh, you should see the motorcycle that Sirius is looking at. The thing is wicked cool, Harry," Duo exclaimed as he shifted the gears, "And you should see what this thing can do, well, let's wait till we get out to BFE, shall we?"

"It can't fly, can it?" Harry asked as images of the Weasley's Ford Anglia crashing into the Whomping Willow at Hogwarts came to mind.

Duo chuckled and replied, "Not yet. Sirius is working on that. Forest isn't happy about it."

"Why not? She can fly already," Harry asked as Duo sped up and shifted the gears. They were getting out into the country so Duo was starting to drive much faster. The speedometer read 120 kilometers per hour and was rising at the moment.

Duo chuckled and asked, "Ever notice how high Forest flies?"

Harry thought about it. Forest usually ran to get to most places or she didn't go up very high, at least high compared to what he flew on his broomstick. He shook his head and managed, "Not high, if you think about it."

"Exactly. Forest has a little fear of heights," Duo answered.

Harry laughed, "She does? Come on, Duo, get off of it. She's a vampire."

"Still, she can handle being up high like a building, but hates to fly high. Don't ask me why," Duo answered as he managed to steer with one hand, shift gears, and change the CD on the CD player. Ambient music from which Harry recognized as Tool poured through the sound system.

They drove pretty much like that the rest of the drive. They talked about Ron, the Twins, Hermione (Harry got confused when Duo started getting excited about Arithromancy), and, perhaps most important, their girlfriends, Ginny and the waif like Hotaru. They also talked about their different home lives and Harry never would have thought that living with Snape would be so interesting.

It was dark when they reached the large, stone house in the middle of the moors. There was a large lake beside it with a few trees. Harry swore that the two gargoyles watched him as they walked into the house. They drug Harry's trunks into the house and Duo looked around.

He whispered, "I don't see them, so this could be a good thing."

Harry felt his scar twinge for a second. He froze and rubbed at it. The feeling soon passed and he chalked it up that Voldemort was torturing someone again. His fists clinched as he realized that there was nothing he could do about it.

"Duo Solo Maxwell, where on Earth have you been?" Snape's cold voice sneered as Duo froze.

Harry turned around to see Severus Snape standing there, wearing his usual sweeping, black robes and usual cold expression. His black eyes glittered angrily as he looked at Duo then turned to Harry. Harry backed up into his trunk as he tried to furiously remind himself that Snape was one of the Good Guys.

Snape sneered, "Potter, I don't suppose that you had something to do with this, did you?"

"Harry, you could have been hurt, killed or worse!" Sirius Black exclaimed as he stood behind Snape, wearing regular jeans and a black T-shirt. He looked younger and fitter than when Harry last saw him, but Harry figured that it was a good diet and not being on the run that had something to do with that. His black hair was cropped short from his handsome face and he was tanned and clean.

Finally, Forest swept down the stairs like a vamperic storm. Her long blond hair flew around her pale, muscular arms as Harry had to look her over. Forest demanded attention and in a camisole and form fitting black jeans she did just that. She pointed one red painted nail at Duo.

She sneered, "And what the hell were you thinking, taking my car? I know you were going to rescue Harry, but I didn't know you were going to take my car!"

"Hey, I know what I was doing. We weren't followed or anything, really, trust me," Duo replied soothingly with a wide grin.

Snape glared and said, "Don't do it again. You are far too important to just go out on wild drives in the country side."

"Severus, you should have seen those people," Duo pleaded.

Forest added, "Yeah, the kid's right. Almost makes me want to recant my vow on killing Muggles."

"Well, at least you two are safe," Sirius said as he wrapped an arm around Harry affectionately. Harry grinned up at him.

He said, "Hello, Sirius."

"Snape, the boys are here and safe," Sirius bargained, "You know how boys are."

Snape looked between the both of them while Forest glared at Duo. Snape sighed, "Fine, you're right once again, Black. They were lucky this once."

Forest walked over and smacked Duo upsides the head. Duo flinched, rubbed the spot, and groaned, "What the hell was that for?"

"You could have crashed my car, that's what," she replied giving him another hit.

Duo jumped away and exclaimed, "Forest! Ow!"

Forest grinned at Harry and asked, "Been doing your katas?"

"Yeah, but my left kick is sloppy. I need some help on that as well as the swordplay," Harry answered as he unlocked Hedwig's cage. The owl hooted in satisfaction as she perched herself onto the trunk.

Forest said, "Well, I'll be right back. Dinner's almost done so we'll eat." With that, she ran down the tile floor, her heels clacking behind her.

Harry asked, "Can she eat?"

"Yes, she does. It does nothing for her, but she does," Snape answered as he looked at Harry's things.

Sirius said, "Well, you can room with either Duo or me. What's your choice, Harry?"

"I didn't say anything about letting the boy stay," Snape began and Duo looked at him pleadingly, "But then again, this will be the perfect chance for you to improve your potions brewing skills, Potter."

Harry groaned as Duo lifted up one half of the trunk again. Harry said, "If you don't mind, I'll sleep in your room, Sirius."

"Good. Duo, as you're well aware, doesn't sleep all the time," Sirius said pointedly.

Harry's scar began to flair as Duo retorted, "Hey, I can't help it that I keep night hours, pal."

Harry groaned in pain as he rubbed his scar. It felt like something white hot was being driven into it. He said, "My scar."

Then, everything faded to black.


Forest was a very hard woman to surprise. As a vampire who tended to act as a hired gun for the wizarding community she had seen a lot of queer things. Still, there were a few things that got her now and then.

She frowned as she heard silence in the hall right before Hedwig started hooting loudly and alarmingly. She dropped the spoon into the stew and rushed into the hallway. She frowned when she noticed that the trunks had been abandoned and the room smelled like ozone.

Hedwig cried alarmingly as she flew around the room.

Forest sighed, "Wizards . . . Dammit."

She couldn't sense them in the house either. Wherever the guys were, they weren't here. And that worried the vampire greatly.

To Be Continued!

[1] Bastard sword is a type of sword that can be used with one hand, ie like a fencing foil or with both hands, like a broad sword or a great sword. A katana could be considered a bastard sword, but it is better used with both hands and kendo, Japanese fencing, uses both hands.

I hope I didn't write the Dursley's too out of character though. I don't like them much but . . .