Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Summer Vacation with the Perfect Soldier ❯ Part Two: The Perfect Soldier and Justice Boy ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Harry Potter and the Summer Vacation with the Perfect Soldier

Chapter Two: The Perfect Soldier and Justice Boy

By: Elf

Duo awoke swiftly, jerking up and drawing his wand with his left hand and his .357 Magnum with his right. His braid flew up as he threw covers off of his legs. Covers? What the hell? Duo thought as he realized that he was in a bed.

"Duo?" a familiar, kind voice asked as Duo turned toward it.

The God of Death was rarely surprised, but his mouth dropped open.

The smaller teenage boy had a head of white-gold hair, the face of a cherub, a sweet smile, and large, expressive aquamarine eyes. The older teen was tall, painfully slender with his golden brown hair combed into a unibang covering the left side of his handsome features and leaving one thoughtful dark green eye uncovered, like a mask. Duo's mouth managed to right itself as he looked at Quatre Rabebra Winner and Trowa Barton.

The small blond launched himself at Duo and hugged him. He cried, "It's you, it's really you! You're alive!"

Duo hugged the smaller boy and gasped, "Quatre?" He couldn't believe it . . . He was home.

"Quite the disappearing act that you pulled, Duo," Trowa stated in his quiet, thoughtful voice.

Duo looked around the room and put away his gun and wand. Severus would probably have a fit if he found out that he was carrying a gun. Forest had given it to him earlier this summer and said that only she was allowed to carry the .44 Super.

He could see a colony from the outside as well as the moon with all of its buildings. Quatre pulled away and looked at Duo. He frowned and said, "You seem different."

Duo looked up at his friend and watched as he leaned into Trowa. He grinned at Trowa and said, "Good for you guys."

"I hate to say this, Duo, but it's been very difficult without you," Trowa replied as he protectively wrapped his arms around Quatre. Quatre grinned at Duo, his blue-green eyes sparkling. Trowa tilted his head so that Duo could see his whole face.

Duo asked, "What's happened?" He noted that both boys were similar uniforms, except, as always Quatre was in the full uniform while Trowa was wearing his black turtleneck under the green patched jacket.

"A bit of everything. We're reserve members of a group called the Preventers, Heero and Wufei are full time, of course. We act as peace keepers that put out small disturbances," Trowa answered in his thoughtful voice.

Duo realized that Trowa wasn't annoying anymore. He asked, "And our Gundams?"

"All but yours, Heero's and Wufei's are destroyed. We occasionally use them. Besides, we couldn't find yours, Duo. Where was it hidden?" Quatre asked as Duo kicked the covers off.

Duo answered, "I'll tell you later."

Heero growled, "Are you going to shoot me or not? I'm growing tired of waiting."

"Show your loyalty, No-Name, kill him," Dekium Barton stated, placing a hand on Trowa's slender shoulder.

Trowa spun around and pointed his gun at Barton. He stated, "Have all of your men drop their weapons and let Heero go and I'll let you live."

"You'll never get away with this," Barton hissed as Heero stood up and ran through the guards. He was going to get to the nearest mobile suit and use it to blow up Barton's forces. Or perhaps he would find this Mariemyia and kill her. Killing a child should be fairly easy, he reasoned as he disarmed a guard and stole his Glock.

He could save Relena if he killed Mariemyia, he reasoned as he ran. Relena. He would save her.

He opened the door to a room away from the forum. It was the master bedroom. Sitting at the desk was a little girl with a shock of red hair and pale blue eyes. Standing at the desk, watching him with wondering eyes was Relena.

Duo shuddered with that memory. He pushed his bangs out of his face. Heero was alive as was Wufei. Quatre and Trowa weren't dead. Trowa and Quatre were cuddling, so Trowa hadn't betrayed them too badly. He was probably acting as spy, which was a Trowa thing to do. Still, he was curious.

Duo asked, "What about a redhead girl and a guy named Dekium Barton?"

Quatre and Trowa looked at each other. Quatre slowly asked, "If you weren't here, how did you know about that?"

"Interesting story, really. It involves an alien, a couple of wizards, a really hot vampire, someone who wields the power of Destruction, and an evil, megalomaniac wizard," Duo answered as he waited for the expressions of shock on Quatre's face and seeing both of Trowa's dark green eyes widen.

Trowa was the first to recover. He asked, "What do you mean?"

"Acco cup," Duo said as he pointed his wand at a cup resting on the night stand. It flew to his hand and he smirked.

Quatre shivered and said, "He feels different, Trowa. Real different. Powerful, and dark."

"Well, it happens that I'm the Scythe Barer," he chirped as he swung his legs off of the bed.

Trowa asked, "What's that?"

Someone who's the living embodiment of Death, Duo thought strongly, directing the thought at Quatre.

The empath picked it up and gasped. Quatre asked, "How can this be possible?"

"Well, actually, I wasn't born in this version of reality as you know it. I was born in a world of magic, but a dark wizard guy name Voldemort wanted to exploit me for my powers. He offed my parents but Professor G, who was a teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, took me and hid me in this dimension. Eventually, I had to go back and learn how to use my powers," Duo began.

Trowa frowned and said, "Well, you don't lie, but how can we be sure that it's you?"

"You're a stone cold bastard for blowing up Deathscythe and I still should kick your ass for it," Duo growled as he crossed his arms.

At that moment, the door opened and Sally Po walked in as well as a very attractive woman with long, brown hair and huge brown eyes. Sally Po was attractive herself, despite the conservative twist she wore her dark blond hair in and her exotic features were rarely adorned, but then Duo thought covering those icy violet-blue eyes was a real shame.

She looked at a palm top then back at Trowa and Quatre. She said, "Hair and blood samples both conclude that this is the real Duo Maxwell. As you had any doubt with that hair."

"Nice to see you too, Dr. Po," Duo quipped with an ironic smile.

She laughed, "Yeah, it's Duo all right."

The brunette turned and faced Duo with a kind smile on her face. She said, "We were very worried about you, Duo. You just disappeared."

Duo was about to ask the woman if he knew her when he recognized the face. The hair wasn't in severe buns and the horn rim glasses weren't there, but Duo would recognize that face. He glared and his fingers itched toward both his wand and gun. He realized that they let him keep his weapons.

"Lady Une," he hissed.

Une nodded and replied, "I can understand your apprehension about seeing me again, Duo."

"You had me tortured, you bitch," Duo snapped, "And then you were going to have me publicly executed."

Une sighed, "Duo, you wouldn't understand, but I've changed."

"Yes, she has. She was suffering from multiple personalities, Duo. She's since then put them together and gone above her disability," Sally explained kindly.

Duo snapped, "Well, just don't go have Trowa trying to beat me up and we'll be okay, lady."

Une smiled. Duo had to admit she had a pretty smile. It wasn't stunning like Hotaru's, adorably wicked like Ginny's, playful and knowing like Forest's, but it was a very pretty smile, like Hermione's he realized.

Hermione . . . Shit, Harry . . .

Duo asked, "What about the three people I was with? What happened to them?"

"They're with Wufei, Heero, and Zechs for questioning," Quatre answered, "What's wrong?"

Duo slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand and groaned. He could only imagine what was happening. He said, "You left them with Justice Boy and the Perfect Soldier?" He had other names for Zechs, but he wasn't going to say them. Zechs was the only pilot that Duo knew he couldn't automatically beat. Zechs was another prodigy like him, raw talent except he had military training to hone that talent.

Heero was all training. It had been beat into him. Trowa had learned for necessity. Wufei had justice on his mind and used his martial arts skills for battle. Quatre was heavily armored and trained by a group of wandering, nomad soldiers. Duo, however, was talent, like Harry on a broomstick. It was instinctual. He knew when to strike and how to strike. It was second nature to him.

Still, Harry, Sirius, and Snape were in the care of Wufei, Zechs, and Heero. That was spelling disaster. Three wizards against three warriors, two of those trained soldiers.

Quatre asked, "Why?"

"We thought they kidnaped you. We're holding them for questioning," Trowa answered blankly.

Duo sprang out of bed. "Shit, Trowa, they're my friends. Where are they?" he cursed as he faced the blond and his lover.

Quatre answered, "This way." He pointed.

Duo took off running in that direction. Still, he felt elated. He couldn't wait to see Heero again. He couldn't wait to get behind Deathscythe's controls again.

He was home.


He was home.

Hotaru's eyes flew open and she sat up. She had seen Duo and he was happy. Elated rather and surrounded by his friends and family. He didn't want to leave. He was concerned about Harry, Sirius, and Snape though especially at the hands of those two.

She shouted, "Setsuna! Setsuna!"

Setsuna walked from the kitchen of the tiny flat they were temporarily renting holding a cup of hot tea. She placed the thick mug down and asked, "What is it, Hotaru?"

"I saw Duo. He's not in this reality anymore," Hotaru answered as she stood from her bed.

Setsuna nodded thoughtfully as she sipped on her tea. She asked, "Do you think you could find him?"

"Of course," Hotaru answered as she moved beside the Guardian of Time.

Setsuna's reddish brown eyes gleamed as she said, "Well, do so."

Hotaru sat down and began to meditate, searching for her God of Death.


Harry felt as if he had fallen from fifty feet from his broomstick. He opened his eyes and winched at the unnaturally bright glare. He tried to shield himself from the light, but his hands were tied behind his back. He jumped as he tried to twist free, but he couldn't move. Still, from what he could sense, what was binding him was Muggle and not magical.

"You're awake now," a monotone voice stated at him.

Harry let his eyes adjust to the light before he looked over toward the voice. The speaker was slenderly muscular dressed in a dark-green tank top to display his form and jeans. He had a green jacket with various patches and insignias thrown carelessly over one shoulder. His dark brown hair was as unruly as Harry's and fell into his intense dark blue eyes.

Standing beside him was an Asian boy dressed in the same jacket that the first had slung over his shoulder, a black tank top, and dark green slacks. Harry realized that it must be some sort of uniform because the eldest of the three, in his early twenties at best, was wearing the jacket, a green dress shirt and pressed green slacks. He had long platinum blond hair that reminded him of a veela and icy blue eyes.

Harry asked, "Who are you? Where am I and why am I tied up?"

The Asian pointed and Harry turned around to see Sirius and Snape, still knocked out. The blond said in a deep, melodic voice, "I'm Zechs Merquise, this is Chang Wufei, and that's Heero Yuy. We're Preventer Agents and we have some questions for you regarding Duo Maxwell."

Harry blinked as he recognized the names Heero and Wufei. These are two of the people who were Duo's friends. We some how got transported into this dimension. Bugger.

Harry said, "I'm Harry Potter. This is going to sound really strange, but we're not from this dimension and . . ."

Heero thrust a printout that looked a lot like a wanted poster in his face. It had a picture of Duo on it, smiling. It was a false smile that didn't reach Duo's violet eyes. It had written on it: "Duo Maxwell, Gundam Pilot, missing July 31 A.C. 196. Status: Possibly kidnaped. No trace left."

"Try again, Potter," Heero sneered as he put the printout down, "Duo does have a trick of disappearing without a trace, but he shows up after a couple of days or gives one of us a message."

Wufei said, "We know Duo and he can be an idiot at times, but he would have appeared during the Mariemaia Crisis. Unless something was stopping him."

"You have to listen to me. Duo's my friend. It's complicated, but I can explain everything to you," Harry pleaded as he remembered some of the stories that Duo had told him about Heero and hoped that Heero wouldn't bring out his gun and threaten to kill him.

Zechs held up two magic wands that Harry recognized as Sirius and Snape's. Zechs asked, "What are these? Our sensors picked up oak and pine, but they shorted out before they finished their scans."

"Magic wands," Harry answered weakly. He felt his resting at his side and felt a wave of relief.

Heero asked, "Why were you with Duo?"

"He's my friend. He picked me up from my aunt and uncle's to stay with his legal guardian, that grease mop lying over there," Harry answered as he tilted his head toward Snape.

Heero snorted, "Duo has no 'legal guardian'. Duo has been taking care of himself for most of his life. He owns a scrap yard on L2."

"I think we might have picked up some kidnapers," Wufei stated as he met Harry's eyes. Harry was reminded strangely of Cho as he looked into Wufei's sloe eyes.

Zechs said, "Still, I'm wondering how they suddenly appeared in our compound."

"Probably broke in," Wufei snorted with distaste.

Harry sighed and shouted, "We were brought here by magic you idiots!"

At that moment Sirius woke up and transformed. The huge black dog sprang at Zechs, knocking him down. Snape was going for his wand on the table. Sirius had his wand in his hand and unlocked Snape's handcuffs with a flick of his wrist. Snape calmly picked up his wand and looked at Heero and Wufei.

Snape asked, "I will only ask this once. Where is Duo?"

"We won't tell you, you weaklings. Have you no honor?" Wufei spat. Then he was in motion. Harry recognized Jeet-Kun-Do and was about to warn Snape, but it was too late. Wufei had Snape's wand in his hand and Snape was knocked on the floor.

And some how, Wufei now had a large sword in his hand.

Sirius growled and started to lunge, but Heero pointed his gun at Harry. Harry looked at the barrel and quipped, "Is this when you threaten to kill me?" His hand found his wand and he hoped that he wouldn't get in trouble for using magic, but he figured that he could explain to Fudge about having a gun pointed at his head.

He yanked his wand out, the cuffs fell off (Harry wasn't quite sure how, he figured he willed them off) and he pointed his wand at Heero. "Expelliarmus!" Heero's gun was now in his right hand. Harry smirked when he realized it was a Glock, a bit easier to handle than a Magnum at any calabur.

Heero looked at him wide eyed and Harry could tell that it wasn't every day that Heero was surprised or had his gun taken away from him. Wufei exclaimed, "Injustice!"

"Wufei, shut up," Zechs answered as he stood up.

Heero asked, "How the hell did you do that?"

"Magic," Harry answered simply as Sirius and Snape took their wands and stood beside him.

Snape gave Wufei a withering glance and Harry could tell that he wanted to scream fifty points off of something, but knew it would be redundant. Snape said, "Now, if you can be reasonable you will listen to our story."

At that moment, the door flew open and Duo stood there, panting, "Don't kill anyone, Heero!" He was followed by a small blond, a tall boy with a weird bang that covered up half of his face, and two very attractive women.

Heero looked at Duo as did Wufei. Wufei put down his sword and Heero ignored Harry. Harry looked at Sirius and Snape. Snape shrugged distastefully and Sirius smiled. Duo grinned and said, "Hey guys."

Heero looked Duo over and grunted, "Hn."

"Good to see you too, Heero," Duo replied with a quiet smile.

Wufei said, "We thought you were dead."

"I didn't," Heero added as he looked Duo over.

Duo rushed over and embraced Heero like a brother. Heero blinked in confusion but hugged Duo back. Harry put the gun on the table and put his wand back up. He stood there along with Sirius and Snape as the pilots reacquainted with each other.

"How's Relena?"

"She's fine."

"Have you asked her out yet?"


"It's good to see you again, idiot."

"Hey, Wufei, how's it going?"

"Where have you been?"

Harry pushed his hair out of his eyes and faced Sirius. Harry said, "Duo told me about his friends, but I wasn't expecting this."

"An odd bunch, aren't they?" Sirius replied as Zechs turned toward them.

Zechs said, "I'm sorry, there's been a bit of misunderstanding."

Snape snorted.

Zechs continued, "And I apologize for it."

Harry shrugged sheepishly and answered, "It's okay. Really."

Snape said, "Still, we have to find a way to get back. It's not wise to stay here."

"Look at Duo, Snape. He's happy. He has his family back," Sirius said as he pointed to where Duo and the other pilots were laughing, except Heero, but he was smiling.

Harry watched as Snape pulled Sirius away. He said, "It is not wise for Duo to stay here. As well as Potter. We are vulnerable in this position, Black. We have to find a way to get back home before Voldemort finds us."

"We will, but we don't need the boys right now. They've proven time and again that they are capable of taking care of themselves," Sirius replied as he looked at Harry.

Harry watched as Duo directed the group to Harry. Harry felt his face flame as he looked at all of them. Then the little blond one smiled, his aqua eyes sparkling, and he felt at ease. The blond held out a tiny hand and said, "Hello. I'm Quatre Winner."

"Harry Potter," he replied as they shook. He felt at ease with this boy and liked him instantly.

The tall one with the golden brown unibang placed a hand on Quatre's shoulder. He said, "I'm Trowa Barton."

"Oh, you're the one who destroyed the Deathscythe!" Harry said as he remembered that story.

Trowa gave a quiet chuckle and answered, "Yes, that was me."

"Sorry, that's the only thing Duo told me about you," Harry replied as he shook his hand. Trowa seemed to be quietly dignified.

Then Wufei turned to face him, his dark eyes looking Harry over. Harry stared at him right back and Wufei chuckled as he handed his hand out to Harry, "I'm Chang Wufei. I hear that you're quite the warrior. Interesting."

"Thanks, I think," he replied as he remembered that Wufei had a strong sense of justice and honor. Something about Wufei made him stand up straighter and proudly.

Then, finally, that left him with Heero. Heero's intense dark blue eyes looked him over and Harry managed to look right back. He was intense, no-nonsense and very direct to the point from what Harry had heard.

"Hn," was all Heero said as he turned away toward Duo. He stated, "Prove that there's magic."

Harry and Duo looked at each other. Duo shrugged and Harry drew out his wand thoughtfully. He wondered what spell he should cast and why. He settled for waving his wand and watching sparks come out.

Duo said, "Well, that big guy turned into a dog. If that's not abnormal . . . Wait, I forgot who I was talking to." Heero glared at him and Duo grinned back.

Heero grunted and asked, "Are you going to find your Gundam?"

"All business, isn't he?" Harry asked Duo.

Duo shrugged and answered, "You have no idea. Come on, Harry, I'll show you Deathscythe HELL."


It was like a metallic demon, Harry realized as he looked at the resting robot. It was huge, kneeling with black wings like a bat's folded over it. There was something entirely sinister about it, like a Grim Reaper or a demon. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and gasped in awe. He could hear Ron's voice exclaiming, "Wicked!"

Duo turned on the lights in the hidden hanger. Bright whiteness blossomed in the huge, metal room. Harry asked, "You flew this thing?"

"Yes," Duo answered fondly as he clamored over to the mech.

Heero said, "We weren't able to find it."

"You wouldn't. It was unplotable," Harry answered. Duo had lifted a spell while they were still in the shuttle. Harry would never forget that experience. His stomach was still churning from Duo's piloting skills.

Heero asked, "What does that mean?"

"It had spells cast on it that, since you're a Muggle, all you would see is a baron lot," Harry answered.

Heero nodded and said, "So, Deathscythe's stealth capabilities were magic as well. Interesting."

"I don't think that Duo put the spells on himself though. Part of it was the Scythe Barer protecting himself and part of it was Professor G," he explained, proud at his reasoning.

Heero asked, "What's a Scythe Barer?"

"The living embodiment of Death," Harry answered wirily, "And it's gotten him into a bit of trouble I might add."

A small smile split Heero's normally stoic features. Harry hadn't known him for more than fifteen minutes, but he already knew that Heero spoke only when he needed to and he rarely smiled, much less laughed. Duo, however, with that wonderful ability to bring out the best in everyone while doubting himself, brought Heero out of his shell, getting him to talk, to smile, and even laugh once.

Heero stated, "Duo is trouble."

"You've got that right," Harry agreed with a smile.

Duo crowed, "Harry, come on up here, you have to meet Deathscythe!"

"It's a robot," Harry shouted back, but he still started over. He couldn't climb the surface like Duo scampered up it. Duo reached down and lent a hand down. Harry took it as he was hoisted to the cockpit. He looked around at all the intricate controls and screens. With a few sure flicks of the wrist, the machine came to life in green lights and a gentle hum.

Duo smiled proudly and said, "This is a Gundam. Gundam Deathscythe HELL to be exact."

"The God of Death returns," Heero said as he perched himself on the cockpit's door.

Duo chuckled, "Back from Hell."

"Whatever," Heero replied, "We needed your skills a few months back."

Harry knew about Duo's nightmares implanted by Voldemort that involved his friends here. Apparently, they were just versions of something that could happen and didn't. Duo's eyes darkened as he looked at the screen. Harry had seen that look before and said, "It wasn't his fault."

Heero looked at him and Harry looked back. They glared at each other for a moment before Heero said, "Yeah."

"It wasn't. Duo didn't want to come home. He wanted to go back here," Harry replied.

Duo finally said, "But I can't stay here."

"Why not?" Heero asked, "We could use you."

Duo glared at him for a moment before snapping, "God of Death for real, Heero. I've got powers that I can barely use, much less control. Besides, I have someone waiting for me. Right now, I wanna know who brought us here, and thank them before I kill them."

"Most likely Voldemort," Harry groaned as he rested back in the padded chair.

Heero stated, "Relena will want to see you. And I need to go there anyway."

Duo nudged Harry in the ribs with a knowing look. Harry lifted his eyebrows in question and Duo leaned over and whispered, "Relena's Heero's almost girlfriend. They're just too bullheaded to do something about it."

"Oh," Harry replied knowingly with a smile at a now glaring Heero.


Relena Dorlian was a busy woman as the Vice-Foreign Minster, but she was fairly happy. Heero was with her at almost all times, her brother and his betrothed were back from Mars, and things were very laid back lately. She was smiling at Zechs.

She asked, "It was really Duo Maxwell?"

"Yes, it was him. Only Maxwell acts that way," Zechs snorted with a disapproving frown.

Relena laughed, "Brother, but what happened to him?"

"That's a very interesting story, Princess," a high, rasping voice replied behind her as Zechs' face went black on the monitor.

Relena spun around and demanded, "Who are you?" He was a tall man dressed in a black suit. He was fairly handsome with shiny black hair, but his eyes disturbed Relena. They were red, like a garnet or a ruby, or like spilled blood. As she watched him, she realized that, despite his clean features, there was something skeletal about him. Hideous and evil.

She wished that she had taken Wufei's advice to learn martial arts and Noin, Zechs, and Heero's various pleas to get her to use a hand gun. She was afraid, desperately so. Her heart was pounding in her chest as he pulled something from his sleeve.

It was like some horrible parody of a stage magician she realized with horror.

"Imperio!" he chanted at her as he flicked what seemed to be a wand at her.

Relena felt warm, happy and wonderful for a moment. She sat there, in a bit of a daze, but she heard him say, "Where is Duo Maxwell?"

Tell me, you want to.

"Who the hell are you!" she shouted at him, snapping the connection. She grabbed a paper weight and tossed it at his head. He growled as it hit with a sickening crash. She then threw her stapler at him and followed that by various pencils and pens. She cried, "Security! Help!" She still threw stuff at him.

The wizard flinched and said, "Ow, enough, Princess I . . ."

Relena tossed a potted plant at him with a scream. It shattered against his head and he fell to the ground. Blood ran down his face as he looked up at her with glowing crimson eyes. He shouted, "Enough! Stupify!" Red sparks launched out of his wand, but Relena dove down behind her desk with a scream.

At that moment, a flying form crashed into the wizard, knocking him to the ground. Noin rolled up in one swift moment with her gun in her hand. She pointed it at the man and sneered, "Don't even think about it, pal."

The man shouted, "Do you know who I am?"

"No, but you're hurting Miss Relena, so I don't care," Noin replied as she shook her dark violet hair away from her eyes.

Relena watched as he pointed his wand at Noin. She screamed.


Harry winched in pain. His scar was burning and Heero asked, "What is it?"

"Voldemort," Duo said as he hopped into the seat and strapped himself in.

Harry's scar burned again and he saw a young woman with long dark blond hair standing behind a desk. She was pretty, Harry thought. Then he saw Voldemort dressed in Muggle clothing pointing his wand at a crouching woman with short dark violet hair, a pretty face, and no nonsense violet eyes. He noticed that they were in an office of some sort.

He managed, "Voldemort's with two girls, one a blond and the other with short purple hair holding a gun."

"Noin and Relena," Heero and Duo chorused at once. Heero grabbed Harry and shoved him into the cockpit. They were sitting knee to knee as the machine rumbled to life.

Harry shouted, "Are you insane?"

"I'm just going to show Voldy that you don't mess with a Gundam Pilot," Duo answered with a wicked grin as it lurched to life.

Harry held tight to the chair and thought, Please get us through this . . .

To Be Continued!

Oh no! Voldy's with Relena and Noin! He'd better watch out with those two women . . .

If you like this story, then you might want to check out my first Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfiction entitled, "Heart of the Dragon Master". It's a bit more romantic and character driven than this one, but that'll change, trust me. Plus, if you watch Yu-Gi-Oh! and are a Kaiba fan, I highly suggest reading this story.

Now, if you like the fact that my writing's dark and disturbing, go read "Dead End Walt" and "Alex Night: Vampire Hunter Extrodinare".

Don't forget to review!