Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Four Guardians ❯ The Gryffindor Potions Master ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Five: The Gryffindor Potions Master?


The hat touched Duo's head, sliding over his eyes. He opened them, only seeing familiar darkness. He heard a voice say, "Ah, you have Power, Maxwell, a lot of it, dark power. Death clings to you like a cloud."

Then why do you think they call me the God of Death? Duo thought to the hat, knowing that it was reading him and it would be strange for him to start talking.

"You are also very intelligent. You like to learn. You're also a survivor and consider yourself cursed. You're just more than you know," the hat went on.

Duo thought, What the hell are you talking about?

"I can't tell you. Now, lets see . . . You're very intelligent and like to learn, but you don't have the reservation to be a Ravenclaw, you're defiantly not Slythern material, even though you are quite crafty, and you are loyal and noble, and you're willing to fight, even though you're tired of it. You're too bold to be a Hufflepuff, so with your destiny ahead of you, you'd better be in GRYFFINDOR!"

Duo flinched as he took the hat off his head, his ears still ringing. He looked over to see the Gryffindors cheering at him, especially the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry. Duo sat the hat down at the stools and strode over to the table.

Not one to turn down this much attention, he bowed and bellowed, "Thank you all very much! It's great to be here!" Then he took a seat beside Trunks. Trunks grinned at him and Duo gave him the thumbs up.

"Tomoe, Hotaru," McGonagall bellowed and the waif drifted over to the stool. Duo swallowed as he watched her white arms flash beneath her black robe and the dancer's grace she used. She looked at Duo with her shadowed violet eyes and then at Trunks. Her eyes traveled back to Duo again. Duo gave her a dazzling smile and was pleased to see her cheeks flush.

She sat down on the stool and placed the hat on top of her raven head. The hat was silent longer than Duo had it on his head. He wondered what it was telling her. Maybe it was telling her that the starlit sky above their heads (something that Duo just noticed) reflected in her eyes and played across that lovely pale skin or that she had the most beautiful eyes that it had ever seen or it was rattling off her qualities and having trouble in which house to put her in.

"Gryffindor!" the hat shouted and Hotaru Tomoe gently placed it back on the stool before joining the other Gryffindors. He noticed Malfoy's eyes following her as she walked, a disappointed look written across his features. She sat beside Duo and he smiled wickedly at Malfoy before turning toward her.

Duo managed, "Hi."

"Hello," she answered, blushing.

He asked, "So, what do you think? Different?"

"Yes, much, very," she answered, turning bright red.

He grinned and asked, "So, what do you think?"

"I'm nervous," she confessed, "Aren't you?"

He rested his cheek on his palm and answered, "Not any more." She turned crimson as Dumbledore stood up once again.

He raised up his hands to quiet the still cheering Gryffindors, and the few of them that were giving Duo the thumbs up. Duo figured his story about disarming Malfoy and his cronies had grown and spread to the point that they were saying that Duo made Malfoy eat the tiles. Not that he minded, he wanted the badassed rep that he once had. Apparently humiliating Malfoy and his buddies was the best way to do that with this crowd. And Duo noticed that all the Gryffindor females were looking at him appreciately as well as most of the other girls from the other houses.

Dumbledore said, "Yes, well, in addition to our three transfers, we have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Pluto!"

Pluto was tall, curvy and gorgeous. She rose gracefully, her dark red robes bellowing around tall, curvy body. Her long, dark green hair floated around her like a cape until it ended at mid-calf. Duo looked over at Trunks, who was gaping, his mouth open. Her skin was sun bronzed, harmonizing perfectly with her hair. Fred and George were giving her wolf whistles until McGonagall glared at both of them. Hotaru clapped proudly and Pluto smiled at her.

She waited until the noise died down to speak. She said in a soft, other worldly voice, "Thank you very much. I am grateful to be here. I know that this is a dark time for you students, with Lord Voldermort gathering strength and followers as we speak. I hope that I am able to prepare you from everything from stopping boggarts to slaying vampires and dementors. Thank you."

"Setsuna!" Hotaru cried out, waving as the rest of the Gryffindors started to applaud wildly.

Dumbledore gestured for quiet again, "It is very good to see all of you again and before we begin the feast I must remind you that you cannot go out into the forest; it is forbidden. No magic should be used between classes in corridors. I also would also like to wish all of you the best of luck this year. We all know with the appearance of Voldermort that we have to be on our guard, but don't be afraid of him. Everything happens within due time."

Dumbledore paused, his blue eyes twinkling as he added, "I imagine that all of you are tired of me talking, so I have a few words before we start our feast: Piddle, Punch, Puddle."

With that, the incredible food appeared on the table. Duo's eyes widened as he saw different forms of British food fill the tables. He chewed on his lip, not knowing where to start. He heard a sound similar to the sound of wolves feasting. He looked over to see Trunks shovel food into his mouth at an alarming rate. Hotaru dropped her spoon beside herself and Harry, Ron, and Hermione gasped in shock as they watched.

"Damn, and I thought I ate a lot," Duo grumbled as he helped himself to some sort of harmless looking roast and a goblet of pumpkin juice. He had a voracious appetite as well, due to spending the first twelve years of his life starving, luckily, he had the metabolism to build it as lean muscle instead of fat. His eyes widened as Trunks shoved a full turkey into his mouth.

Harry asked, "Did I just see what I thought I saw?"

"Unhuna," Ron managed as they watched Trunks pile more and more food up on his plate.

Hotaru whispered, "He's a bottomless pit."

"He's going to pop," Hermione managed as Trunks continued to shovel food into his mouth.

Ginny asked, "Is he going to choke?"

Duo shrugged and started piling ice cream up on his own plate. He quipped, "Each unto his own."


Harry noticed something very strange. It was a common known fact that Snape wanted the job as the Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor and that he despised everyone else who filled the cursed position year after year. Still, Harry had not seen one venomous look directed toward Professor Pluto's way.

In fact, the looks that Snape gave the lovely professor were anything but venomous. They ranged from reverent, respectful, to even fearful. Which made Harry wonder about this Pluto, added to the fact of Hotaru Tomoe's insistent cheering, "Setsuna!"

He noticed Duo talking to her, or rather, trying to talk to her. He had to smile at the normally charismatic boy's lack of charm as soon as the newest Gryffindor sat beside him. Still, he did notice the looks that Trunks and Hotaru gave each other, as if they were planning something or thinking along the lines of the same thing.

Harry sighed as they walked up to Gryffindor Tower. Ginny yawned between her hand, her normally bright brown eyes drooping, making her look absolutely adorable. He slowed down so that she could catch up with them. She rested her head on his shoulder and yawned. He wrapped his arm around her to better balance himself as they walked.

Ron yawned behind his hand and asked, "What do you think of the new DADA teacher?"

George whistled and replied, "She could teach me a thing or two."

"Aww, look, George has a crush on a teacher," Fred teased as he gently nudged his brother.

Harry pointed out, "Snape didn't sneer at her or any of the like."

"Maybe she was a former Death Eater as well," Hermione reasoned, "And, like Snape, turned into a spy."

Harry smiled, knowing he could always count on Hermione. Maybe one day they could be Aurdors together. Ron, bless him, didn't have the head for it. Hermione, on the other hand, did. Harry had the instincts for it, or maybe his scar had something to do with it. Still, it didn't twinge when he had looked on their new professor, so he considered that a good sign.

"Or maybe Snape has a crush on her," George suggested as he pushed Fred away from him.

Harry laughed at that, "Snape, actually liking someone who wasn't a stinking Slythern?"

"Who's this big bad Snape guy you keep on mentioning?" Duo asked. Harry jumped, not even hearing the other boy approach. So did everyone else for that matter. Ginny would have fallen if Harry hadn't instinctively tightened his grip around her.

Her arms wrapped around his waist for support. His heart started to beat wildly in his chest. He blinked. Ginny was Ron's sister. Hell, she was like a sister to him. Why was she affecting him like this?

Because she smells like vanilla and is warm in your arms, a snide voice whispered in his head. Harry told it to shut up as he concentrated on Duo, who seemed to materialize from the shadows.

George rolled his eyes and answered, "He's the head of Slythren's house and the potion's master. He hates us Gryffindors."

"He's very strict and a very hard teacher," Hermione pointed out gently, biting her lip.

Ron snapped, "He's a bloody wanker, that's what."

"Oh, Ronnikins! What language!" George exclaimed in mock horror as he placed his hands on his cheeks in a perfect imitation of his mother.

Duo rocked back on his heels and innocently replied, "You know, some lube would help that problem."

Hermione's eyes widened, Ginny gasped, Ron chuckled, George and Fred burst out laughing, and Harry smiled. He wondered if Duo would ever tell Snape that, and if he did, what horrible punishment Snape would come up with and if Duo could get out of said punishment.

Harry sighed, "You'll find out. We have Double Potions with the Slytherins tomorrow morning."

"Geeze, Malfoy in the morning, a great way for me to lose my breakfast," Duo snorted as he rolled his eyes. Harry couldn't agree with him more.


Transfiguration that morning was interesting to say the least. Harry knew that he was never going to sit next to Trunks like poor Duo did that morning. Trunks blew up their table, proceeded to blow up McGonagall's desk, too finally blowing a hole strait through the stone wall in a burst of blue energy. He had sheepishly apologized and didn't even use his wand for the rest of the class.

Hotaru had transformed her wand into a knife of all things, surprising even McGonagall, then changed it back. Duo had the worse luck though. He couldn't turn a rock into a piece of chocolate or even change it's color. Harry felt sorry for him at that. Personally, Harry had turned the rock into chocolate, then toffee, then rock candy. Thankfully, McGonagall was teaching them how to turn unedable things into edible things.

As they walked away from class, Hermione was babbling on and on about their newest lesson and about their homework assignment. Trunks had practically ran (and very fast too) to the dungeons, not letting anyone see him. Hotaru moved quickly as well, as if she wanted to catch up with him, leaving Duo looking very rejected.

Ron patted the new boy on the shoulder, saying, "Buck up mate, maybe you can make Malfoy kiss the tiles or something during lunch. I know Potions' horrid, but it's not that bad, if you don't piss off Snape."

"I couldn't change a rock into rock candy," Duo grumbled, his violet eyes unusually dark.

Hermione explained, "Not everyone is a natural at transfiguration, Duo."

Harry nodded, but then again, his best subjects were DADA and Care of Magical Creatures. He also did fairly well making things up in Divination. Still, he could sympathize with Duo.

The four of them (which seemed strange to Harry that a fourth had been added so quickly) walked into the dungeon. Snape had not arrived yet, but Malfoy had and despite all the other tables were empty, he chose to sit beside Hotaru.

To make matters worse, Hotaru was smiling and blushing as Malfoy talked. Trunks looked at them and gave Duo a helpless gesture from the back of the room. Ron and Hermione sat at the rear of the class, leaving Harry standing to watch.

Malfoy turned his glittering grey eyes on the Gryffindors and smiled at Duo evilly. Duo's hands flexed as Malfoy joyfully said, "Hello Duo, how are you this morning?"

Duo made some sort of growling sound before sitting at the table beside Ron and Hermione's. Harry sat down beside Ron and waited as the other students filed into the room. Amazingly enough, Malfoy acted like a perfect angel, even helping Neville find his bozore and hedgehog quills.

Harry watched as Duo gripped the desk till his fingers turned stark white. Harry leaned over and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"He's flirting with her," Duo sneered between clinched teeth.

Harry shrugged and answered, "It's just Malfoy, don't worry."

"I went after her first," Duo added, the table beginning to groan under his fingertips. Harry blinked and wondered how Duo was so strong. Then he saw the muscles working under his robes and remembered that he did practically throw Crabbe and Goyle one handed.

Lavender and Parvati strolled into class, giving Duo a through look before giggling and running off. Hermione rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Some women, no decency."

"Lockhart," Ron coughed into his hand.

Duo frowned and Harry saw several Slythiern girls walk in. A tall, voluptuous blond that was often seen with Malfoy took one look at him and Hotaru and glared. Harry couldn't remember her name, he thought it was Pansy Parkinson. She swayed over to Malfoy and rubbed the back of his neck.

He looked at her and smiled innocently. "Hello, Pansy, how was your summer?"

Patty frowned and strode away, looking around. Her eyes facined on Trunks. Trunks stood up and ran to sit beside Dean and Neville. Her icy eyes continued to search the room before locking on Duo and Harry.

Duo, knowing fully well that he was being watched, kicked his legs up on the desk and smiled. Harry squirmed, not wanting a Slythrin looking at him like that. She strode over to them and held out her hand to Duo.

Duo shook it and smiled. She said, "You're the new American, aren't you?"

"Yeah," he replied with a nod.

She sat down beside him without invitation, causing Hermione's eyes to widen. She moved as close to Duo as she could without touching him. The American's eyes widened as she said, "You're not use to Hogwarts. You'll need someone to show you around, show you the ropes," she then actually touched him as she continued, "What crowds to be around, all that nonsense. I'll be more than happy to do so." She pouted prettily, her eyes flickering to an unnoticing and uncaring Malfoy (who was showing Hotaru something in his potions book now), before leaning over to expose the shapely body she had acquired during the summer.

Duo backed away from her and as his eyes continued to widen. Hermione cleared her throat and snapped, "Duo's with us."

"Granger, I doubt that this fine . . ." Pansy began.

"I'm a Gryffindor! I made Malfoy eat the floor at an ice cream parlor," Duo exclaimed.

She gave Duo a distasteful look before she moved back with a group of Slythern girls.

Harry laughed as Duo sighed and ran his fingers through his bangs, "Geeze, that's screwed up."

Harry laughed harder at that until Snape swept into the class room, his black robes billowing around him like bat's wings. Harry fell silent as the former Death Eater cleared his throat and claimed, "I hope that you have not fallen lax over the summer and . . ."

Trunks' caldron blew up. Literally. Shards of pewter flew across the classroom as the boy's hand smoked. Everyone's eyes turned to the lavender haired boy, who's angry blue eyes glared back at the rest of the class and Snape.

"Five points from Gryffindor," Snape sneered.

Ron opened his mouth to protest, but Hermione clamped it shut with her hand. She shook her head and Ron grumbled as he sat back. Snape looked over at Trunks and snapped, "I don't know how they ran things in your school, but I will not allow such lack of control with power in my classroom. If you cannot control your powers here, I suggest that you leave."

Malfoy started to snicker. Duo cracked his knuckles again before winking at Pansy. Pansy smiled and waved back. Malfoy actually stiffened, ignoring Hotaru for a moment.

"I understand, Professor. It will not happen again," Trunks replied in a voice like steel.

Snape swept away from the glaring boy, settling his eyes on Harry. Harry looked into Snape's black eyes and found something like grudging respect or perhaps pity lurking there. Harry watched in shock as the look passed away, leaving Snape's usual look of distaste and disappointment on his face.

Snape asked, "Can anyone tell me what valerian is used for?"

Harry couldn't remember what valerian was; plant, animal or mineral, much less what it did. Hermione's hand shot up immediately, the only one in the class actually. Snape sighed and snorted, "Anyone except Miss Granger, that is?"

Duo's hand, surprisingly, went up. Snape's eyes narrowed at Duo as if he was something interesting before a chilling smile formed on his features. He called out, "Maxwell, well, tell me, what is valerian used for?"

"Vampires. Mainly it disrupts mind control, especially for vampires, but can work against the Cruiatus curse if the wizard's will is strong to begin with and mixed with the proper doses of Red Sea salt and St. John's Wart. Used by itself, worn around the neck in it's plant form, makes a person, even a muggle, immune to vampiric mind control," Duo answered, blinking when he was finished.

Snape's wicked grin deepened as he stated, "Lets see if that wasn't a lucky shot, Maxwell. What is Heliotrope used for?"

"Turning people into toads and for the countering of someone being turned into a toad," Duo answered with a normal voice, not the proud, knowing voice that Hermione used.

Snape frowned and asked, "Aconite?"

"Wolfspane, AKA monkshood, werewolves. Stunting them, killing them, controlling them, you name it. Also good at warding off vampires if mixed in combination with garlic and powder made from the stones of a fallen church," Duo answered.

Malfoy's mouth dropped open. Only Hermione knew that much about potions at point blank from Snape. Harry blinked and looked at Duo as if he had never seen him before. The only person who did well in potions that was a Gryffindor was Hermione.

Snape smiled and said, "This should prove interesting."

The rest of class went as normal, Snape sneering disapproval at almost all of the students except Malfoy, Neville spilling something and ruining his potion, and Ron getting points off of Gryffindor for arguing with Snape. Harry had stayed quiet during the whole time, trying to focus on his Sleeping Draught, which required far more concentration than he realized.

Duo looked over and whispered, "It should be pale purple Harry, like Trunks' hair. You haven't added enough lavender yet and it's too thick."

Harry looked into Duo's black caldron (almost everything Duo owned seemed to be black, even his quills) at the clear, lavender liquid bubbling within. Suddenly, there were two identical thuds that even stopped Snape from shouting at Neville.

Hotaru and Malfoy's heads hit the desk, the pair fully asleep. Other members of the class followed, except Trunks, who backed away from his table. Harry noticed that the youth's blue eyes were glowing, as strangely enough, there was a blue aura of energy around him. It faded as soon as Trunks caught Harry watching, but the glare didn't. Only Ron, Hermione, Harry and Duo hadn't fallen asleep.

Harry felt his eyelids drooping over his potion before he felt something sharp press into his wrist, making his whole arm numb. He cursed and looked down to see Duo digging his thumb into a certain point in his wrist.

"Don't pass out man," Duo warned, "Crush some of that lavender and add it as well as that nightshade. We'll try to save this potion."

Ron fell asleep as well, his head falling on Hermione's shoulder. Snape scowled and walked to the head of the class. He asked, "Can you three tell me how to make the Awaking Potion?"

"Coffee?" Harry choked, not knowing of an Awaking Potion.

Snape sneered, "Three points off Gryffindor for your cheek, Potter."

"Umm, I-I-I," Hermione stuttered, her brown eyes widening with fear.

Duo answered, "I can. I just need another caldron."

Snape smiled and it wasn't friendly. He said, "Well, Mr. Maxwell, show us what the Americans have been passing onto their wizards."

As soon as Duo's hand left Harry's wrist, Harry felt that heavy weight pressing at his eyelids. He could just drift off and . . . "Snap out of it, buddy. Pain helps," Duo instructed as pain flooded through his arm again, showing him how to grab his wrist as Duo had done.

Harry flinched as he poked the pressure point, but he realized it was keeping him awake, and away from Snape's anger.

Harry focused on the American. Duo chopped different bits of plants and salamander parts with a precision that made Hermione jealous. His concentration made him seem like he was miles away as he mixed the bright sunny yellow, milky liquid. Duo licked his lips as the snores of the class drifted up to him. Harry noticed at certain points Duo became more restless than normal, rocking back and forth on his feet.

After a while, Duo looked up from the caldron Snape had provided. Snape looked down, his black eyes widening in surprise as he pushed his greasy hair from his face. "Ten points for Gryffindor, Mr. Maxwell," he grumbled as he swept away, starting to administer the potion to the rest of the students.

The class woke up bright eyed and alert, only to have Snape sneer at them in disapproval as he showed how to properly mix it and to make the Awakening Potion. "Coffee for wizards," Duo whispered into Harry's ear as he sat down, "A sixth year potion, so don't feel bad."

Harry asked, "How did you know?"

Duo's eyes gained that angry, far away brooding look as he answered, "Harry, natural talent."


"Duo! You're not concentrating hard enough," G snapped as Duo looked down at his rock then at his hand. The young boy sighed and looked at the rock again. He waved the borrowed wand and nothing happened. The rock only sparked.

G sighed and placed his hands on Duo's shoulders. He said, "Duo, I know that's not your wand, but you should still be able to change that rock into something other than a rock. I'm not even forcing what object you are going to transform it into. McGonagall would have already had your head by now, little demon."

"Can we move back onto potions now, G?" Duo asked, frowning at the rock and the wand.

G sighed self-sufferingly as he said, "Dark ones and potions, I'll never understand it."

Duo looked at his ceiling as Tool played in his ears. The Protection Reversal Charm that he had placed on his Walkman was very convent. Technology seemed to malfunction in Hogwarts. G had taught him a charm that would fix that though. All of these new memories were surfacing with crystal clarity, almost driving him insane.

If he had been sane to begin with, anyway.

He sighed and twisted in his bed, noting that everyone else was asleep except for him. Trunks had his covers pulled past his head, his lavender head barely noticeable. Harry slept on his back, his limbs close together, as if he was expecting an attack. Duo grinned; it was the exact same way that Heero slept, a signal of paranoia.

Still, Duo was a Night Owl, a presomniac (1), and he couldn't just lie there until he finally drifted off. He sighed as he stood up out of his bed, his feet moving soundlessly against the wood floors. He chose not to put on his boots, after all, he was just going to explore the school grounds, not the outside.

He crept out of the Gryffindor tower till he reached the Fat Lady. He whispered, "Peach Pudding."

"Very well," she replied with a yawn, moving out of his way. Duo grinned as he turned down the Walkman. He didn't turn it off. One of the reasons he rarely shut up was that he hated silence. Silence was defing to him, like driving spikes through his skull.

The hall was quiet as a tomb. Duo knew to look out for the cat, Mrs. Norris, who belonged to Flitch, the caretaker. He wasn't worried about Hagrid.

Duo was in good with Harry, so in Hagrid's eyes he could do no wrong. Care of Magical creatures had proved that today as they managed unicorns. Duo made sure that he didn't touch one, not wanting to burn his hands like he did when trying unicorn wands. Purity didn't mix with the blood on his hands.

As he walked, shadows drifted around him, enveloping him like a cloak. He moved through the darkness, wondering where he was going to due to the fact that the stairs like to move. He felt something try to sneak up behind him.

He whirled around to see that poltergeist, Peeves, floating behind him. The spirit's eyes widened as he looked at Duo. Duo slid his headphones around his neck and glared at the creature. Duo sneered, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"N-n-nothing," Peeves stuttered in his poor accent, "I was just going too . . ."

"Narc on me, that's it. I heard about that, Peeves," Duo snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

Peeves begged, "Please don't 'urt me sir."

The poltergeist, the bane of Flitch and many of the students, actually seemed afraid of Duo. Duo's eyes widened as he commanded, "Jump."

"How high?" Peeves replied, watching Duo fearfully.

Duo murmured, "Oh, damn, I can command you."

"I 'on't tell on you, 'onest. Go back to yer business," the poltergeist replied, starting to back away from Duo.

Duo grinned and started to turn around, calling out, "Peeves, I don't even wanna see you around me, kapish?"

"Yes, 'ure, anything you 'ant," Peeves replied, skittering away.

Duo's grin transformed into a full blown smile as he added, "And Peeves, make sure that damn cat leaves me alone."


Harry heard something move and music. He opened his eyes to see Duo get out of bed and sneak out of the boy's dorm. Harry looked over at Ron, who was snoring soundly, and sighed. He dug his Invisibility Cloak from under his bed and slipped it on.

He got past the Fat Lady and his eyes widened as he saw Duo talking to Peeves. Peeves respected very few and feared even less, but he was watching Duo with wide, timid eyes. Duo talked to him, Harry caught a few words, nothing that made any sense, and then turned away. Peeves flew away, as fast and as far from Duo as he could, Harry noticed.

Harry followed Duo up, noting the Walkman he was wearing and how it was working. In fact, Duo rose all sorts of suspicions. He didn't touch the unicorns in class today and every wand that he tried that had unicorn hair in it burned his hands. He was also good in potions. Better than Hermione in potions but only ranking average or less than in all of the other classes they had today. Then there was the fact that the space around Duo was darker than the rest of the castle and swirling.

Then he noticed that Duo was making his way to the Slytherin dungeons.


Trunks saw Duo and Harry both sneak out of the bedroom. He smirked slightly to himself. Maybe the teachers would be too busy trying to catch them while Trunks snuck off to train. He just wished that he had a sparring partner. Rumor had spread that Duo was a martial artiest of sorts, maybe one day he'd try that theory.

Right now though, he had to get out. He had lost his temper twice today, causing in major damage in one class while losing points for his house in another. He didn't like Snape though. He trusted him, but that didn't mean that he had to like him, as his father was fond of pointing out.

He heard a ribbiting sound and looked down to see Ginyu looking up at him pleadingly. Trunks sighed, half wishing that Ginyu could have his normal body back so Trunks could have a half decent sparring partner. Doing so would cause chaos though. Ginyu would betray him easily and sell out to this Voldermort guy.

Trunks knew if he had all of his Sayan powers he would be able to fry this guy off the face of the Earth and save the wizarding world. He knew that he couldn't do that and that he was lacking a lot of his powers. He figured that he was about as strong as Vegeta was when he first landed on Earth. Dangerous for a normal human, but not much for a Sayan like himself.

He knew that when this was over, he was going to feed the Kai to Buu.

Or not.

Who did he think he was, Vegeta?

Trunks grinned as he sped out into the night, leaving a blue energy wake behind him. He flew away from the castle, blowing water around himself as he ripped across the lake. He laughed as he cavorted, burning up some of his extra energy as he threw a couple of Burning Attacks and other ki blasts.


Duo found himself in the potion's classroom. He frowned as he saw that Snape had no notes or anything else interesting to look at. He leaned on one of the tables and looked around.

He heard someone's heavy foot fall behind him.

Duo turned around, gathering shadows around him as he did, as Snape held out his wand.


Harry flinched. Duo was a goner, that was for sure now. Snape had his wand pointed and Duo was unarmed. He crept out of the classroom, not wanting to tempt fate himself, but keeping close enough that he could watch Duo.


"How many points can I take off Gryffindor, himm?" Snape quietly asked as he held Duo at wand point.

Duo smiled and retorted, "Maybe the ten you gave me today."

"We know so little about you, Maxwell, so why are you down here? Come to steal something, some plant?" Snape sneered as he looked at Duo.

Duo suddenly realized that he was in trouble. Deep Serious Shit. Stuff that would require almost every trick he knew and then some. Sheesh.

He replied, "Dark ones and potions, I'll never understand that."

Snape's wand lowered as he looked at Duo as if he was seeing him for the first time. "You know Professor G? How is he?"

"I knew. He's dead. I don't know what killed him but I know that the old man's dead," Duo answered, "That's all I can tell you."

Snape placed his wand back in his belt and asked, "Are you his ward?"

"I'm nobody's anything," Duo answered darkly, swinging himself on top of a table.

Snape actually grinned and replied, "You're the little demon then."

"I'm not a demon. I'm the God of Death," Duo stated as he looked around the dark classroom.

Snape walked over to him and grabbed his arm. With one jerk, Duo was standing up as Snape guided him to the door. Snape sneered, "Maxwell, you don't know what you're doing. Get back up in your tower before I give you detention."

"Sorry, geeze, I couldn't sleep," Duo replied as he slipped his head phones back on his ears.

Snape jerked the Walkman off and looked at it with distaste. He snapped, "Do you have any idea on how many rules you're breaking? If you were anyone else I'd have you expelled. I'll take this. Get back to your tower, now, Maxwell."

"I still won't be able to sleep," Duo retorted as Snape continued to drag him out of the room.

Snape groaned as he swept to his cabinet, bring out a clear vial filled with Sleeping Draught. He pressed it into Duo's hand and grunted, "Take only a few drops. That should keep you for the night."

Duo asked, "Thanks, but why are you so nice to me?"

"That's none of your concern, Maxwell. Lets just say that I knew Professor G and leave it at that," Snape answered briskly as he shoved Duo out of the dungeons. Duo shook his head as he palmed the vial in his hands. Snape swept back into the dungeons, leaving Duo alone.

Duo tossed the vial up into the air and caught it, repeating the process. He smiled and thought, Maybe I could learn something, like why the hell was I hidden for so long. Duo chuckled softly to himself as he walked back to Gryffindor Tower.

He opened his mouth to tell the Fat Lady the password, but out of no where a familiar pair of brilliant green eyes looked at him. Harry held his wand easily, making sure that he stood out of Duo's reach. Harry dropped some sort of silvery fabric to the ground and sneered, "Who's side are you on?"

To Be Continued!

(1) Presomina is like insomnia, except with insomnia you go to sleep, wake up, then can't get back to sleep, presomnia is where you can't go to sleep. Its a pain.

Thanks to Mimi who gave me all of Saturn's powers.

Sorry about saying that Cho's name was Chung instead of Chang. Chang would be better for this story anyway. When I was reading her name it was 3:00 AM and it blurred to look like Chung. Sorry.