Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Trouble ( Chapter 5 )

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A Normal Life


Here is the 5th chap! Hope you like it!

| Chapter 5: Trouble |

Rae and Serena looked at each others schedule. They were pretty happy that they had the same schedule.

They were walking in the vast hallway now empty of students. For the bell had rung a couple of minutes ago.

" Why were you such a goody-two-shoes when we were with Relena?" asked Rae who looked at her.

" I dunno… I guess being a princess for such a long time had gotten to me there," Serena answered.

" Oh…" Rae remarked. Silence came after that. Both of them were remembering their family and friends they have left.

" Where is that class?" asked Serena who was now tired of looking for the classroom they were supposed to be in, which was English. Breaking the silence.

" You know what… If we had our powers we could get to that damned place in no time!" Rae announced, while looking at the door numbers.

" Why does this school had to be big anyway?!" Serena asked.

Rae shrugged then when they turned a corner and walked to the first door, they were met with the right room number.

" Here it is!" Rae answered happily.

" Thank you gods!" Serena exclaimed as they knocked on the enormous class door.

A moment later the door opened and the English teacher greeted them.

" Yes?" asked the teacher.

" We are the new students," Serena answered.

" Oh… I thought both of you were coming tomorrow, I didn't get to hear the announcement of you two," The teacher answered letting them in the class.

" Miss Relena did have a lot of things to do," Rae remarked following the teacher inside.


Heero who was looking out of the window, looked at the front when the teacher had announced about two new students.

The sight of the two girls that they had encountered earlier at the office greeted him. They both still had their bags on and were looking at the class.

" Please introduce yourselves," Mrs. Johnson said looking at the girls.

" My name is Rae Hino," Rae introduced as she stepped forward and gave a bow, causing her hair to cascade down in front of her from her shoulders. She stepped back and then the next girl came.

" My name is Serena Tsukino," Serena introduced as she gave a smile at all of them and bowing. Also causing her hair to cascade down in front of her from her shoulders.

Both of them got catcalls, stares and cheers from the guys while the girls just gave them angry and jealous looks.

She stepped back and the teachers told them to take a seat anywhere they want.

' There is something about them that is not right…' thought Heero as he watched Serena sit behind Rae who sat beside Trowa.

' But I just don't know what…'


Serena sat down on the chair behind Rae and took out her note book and pen.

" Ms. Tsukino and Ms. Hino, The unit we are starting off today is Mythology," The teacher said.

Serena and Rae nodded their heads at the teacher and she began the subject.

' I'm so gonna pass this…' thought Serena and Rae.

Serena tapped Rae's shoulder with her pen, she waited and waited until Rae had finally come to the point on looking at her.

" What?" asked the annoyed Rae.

" Were you actually writing notes?" asked Serena who noticed her long waiting.

" Well yeah… I want to actually tell mother and them about what humans think of us," Rae answered as she then turned back around to start writing more.

' Hmm…. That's a good idea… But I could just remember this…' thought Serena with a smile as she began doodling on her notebook.


' Hey! Those are the hot chicks in the office this morning! And the one who kicked Wufei's ass!' Duo thought as he took a glance at Serena and Rae.

" I wonder if any of them are taken…" Duo said to no one in particular.

He ripped out a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote:

Hey babe! Can I have your number?

He then folded it up and placed a piece of eraser inside so it would be able to go far when he throws it because of the weight.

He threw the paper to its target: Rae.


Rae was currently listening to the teacher. She then started to tap her pen on her desk to fill her time while waiting for the teacher to get a part she hasn't known yet.

When she made another move to tap her pen on the desk. It had escaped from her fingers and flips itself behind her.

" OW!" Serena exclaimed.

When Rae turned around the scene of Serena who was rubbing her forehead met her.

" Rae! What the heck were you thinking throwing that pen at me?!" asked an enraged and hurt Serena.

" What's wrong with you meatball head?! I didn't hit you with the pen on purpose! It was an accident!" Rae answered back, then she noticed the tears forming in her friends eyes," And why are you starting to cries-"

Rae was cut off when something hit her head. She was about to read it when a tap on her shoulder stopped her.

Rae looked up and saw the teacher hovering above her with a knowing gaze.

" Um, hi!" came Rae's week voice.


Trowa looked at the person beside him. She had been talking to her friend quiet loudly and was in a current semi-argument with her.

A note hit the side of her head. She made a grab for the piece of paper and he noticed the familiar black ensignia of the one and only Duo Maxwell.

' I bet its another 'Can I have your number note' ' thought Trowa as he was reverting his eyes back to the front.

But before he could do so, he noticed the teacher making its way towards the people beside him. Which was Rae and Serena.

" What are you two doing?!" cam the slightly annoyed and shocked voice of the teacher.

" Umm…" Rae was stopped mid sentence by Serena.

" Rae I was not going to cry!"

Rae looked at Serena," You were too! You are always soo weak! I mean come on it was an accident and it was a friggen pen!"

" No I was not going to cry! It was just that Pen happened to almost poke my eye that you noticed it watering!" Serena said back.

" Can you just-"

" Both of you be quiet! I will not tolerate this rude behaviour from such students! And new students at that!" Came the Teachers voice.


Serena and Rae both looked up at the teacher.

" Well this is our first time attending a school.." Serena finished.

Rae was about to stop Serena from finishing her sentence but she was too late. She just gave her a glare.

' What are you thinking Serena? Do you want us to get some suspicious crowd,' thought Rae angrily.

Serena who notice the glare from Rae.

" oopsies," Serena stated.

" So are you telling me that you had private tutors?" asked the teacher.

Serena getting the time to listen to the teacher, nodded frantically.

" Well then… I guess I could let you two off the hook. But you mustn't do that again or you wont be let aff easily," the teacher then glanced at Rae," and this young lady is now mine."

With that the teacher took the note from Rae's hands.

While the teacher was walking towards the front, she said: " And no more notes… I would be in a look out for them… And Duo Maxwell, you have detention this afternoon for passing notes,"

A cry of shock was heard. Revealing a guy with a long braid and wearing an al black priest outfit.

" Now on with the class.."

A couple of minutes of more talking about mythology and its gods and goddesses, the bell had finally rung. Signaling the student's end of class.

The students started packing and filed out of class.

After being signaled and told by the teacher about having no homework.


" FINALLY! I was getting bored there!" Serena remarked. As she stretched in the hall.

" Yeah…" Rae said nodding as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder, trying to look for her locker and Serena's," But Serena you have to watch what you say, we don't need to be found out and get our families caught,"

Serena nodded in understanding and searched for her locker also.

" Hey there ladies!" came a booming voice from behind.

They both looked back and spotted the guy, Duo Maxwell, who was in their class.

" Yes?" asked Rae and Serena in unison.

" I was just about to ask you girls for your phone numbers…" Duo stated with a grin on his face.

Serena and Rae looked at each other and nodded.

" Well…?" Duo pried.

" Yeah sure…Why not… I mean we don't know anyone soo yeah… here you go…" Serena said jotting down the number on his hand that she had grabbed.

" OH thanks!" Duo stated.

" Welcome!" came Serena's cheery voice.

" DUO! COME ON! WE"LL BE LATE FOR CLASS!" came a light voice from behind.

Serena and Rae looked over Duo's shoulder and was met by the sight of a blonde boy.

" I'll just show these girl's to the next class tell the teach for me will ya?" Duo cried back.

The guys nodded and left. Two stayed back for a minute staring at them anf then turned around to follow the others.

Duo turned around to face the girls.

" Thank you for your offer Duo." Thanked Rae.

" No prob! So what are you two looking for?" asked Duo.

" Lockers," Serena answered.

" Well what are the numbers?" asked Duo.

" Here," Serena and Rae said giving him both their papers.

" hey!" Duo exclaimed," Both of you got the same classes as me!"

" Really yeah!" Duo retorted.

" That's great! Now we know someone in class," Serena chirped.

" Other than that chauvinistic pig!" Rae announced.

" You mean Wufei?" asked Duo,.

Rae nodded.

" You kick ass girl!" Duo announced.

" Thank you… Now can we please get to the lockers?" Rae suggested.

" Oh yeah!.. Sure… It's near my locker so this should be quick!" Duo answered.

With that the trio went to look for their lockers and headed to class.


A/N: Here it is! I know it sucks but I have writer's block…. So yeah… Please review! I love getting reviews! But please no flames!