Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ By The Light... ❯ of the utmost importance ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By The Light...

Twenty-Eigth Chapter: of the utmost importance

(C) 2001-2002

By: Lady Lye
Contact Info:

Title: By The Light...
Author(s): Lady Lye
FanFiction Source(s): Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon Crossover
Rating: R
Genre(s): Supernatural, Comedy. Angst/Drama, Crossover, Romance.
Special Notes/Warnings: Here there be... language, homosexuality, heterosexuality, violence +.
Summary: An eerie howl as the moon crests the trees... G-Boys children of the night, and Senshi with ESP! A young slayer out to get them, and a tall man known only as HIM. Great group here...

Author's Notes: Several here, so take note, dears-

I scramble names. Some will be English, some Japanese. Deal. I pick whichever I feel most comfortable with/whichever best suits the character. As a starting reference-

Planet/Reference: Will Be Known As: Planet/Reference: Will Be Known As: Moon Bunny (not Usagi, not Serena) Mercury Ami Mars Raye Jupiter Lita Venus Mina(ko) (one a nickname) Tuxedo-Moonlight-Earth Boy. Mamoru (subject to change) Neptune Michelle Uranus Amara

Timeline: Takes place in the SM world, somewhere after Super S, disregarding Stars as though it hasn't taken place. The GW characters have been fitted in on an AU basis. Ie: the series never happened.

Disclaimer: Don't own GW *sob* Don't own SM *sob again* but I do own- KATAKU! My keyboard!! BWAHAHA! *laughs in Wufei's face* Take THAT annoying Justice Boy!!


Multiple times Hotaru had nearly lost her quarry. Treize had gone directly to a hired limousine parked in the airport's garage, and the driver had been a man who believed in speed. Hotaru had been hard pressed to keep up, trying to make her way along the rooftops and by taking shortcuts. Time and again she feared she had fallen too far behind or taken the wrong turn, but then she would catch sight of the reflective windows and the chase would resume. She was so intent, she almost overshot them when the limo pulled unexpectedly into the labyrinth of a parking garage. She quickly scaled the supports and darted into the concealing haven of the garage's shadows, and skulked there, watching as Treize's car pulled into a space, and the driver came around to open the door for his passenger.

Huntress' eyes darted from side to side. There was no one else on this level; it was only her, the driver, and the vampire. Her hand made it's way to the stake at her belt of it's own volition. Her fingers itched to draw it and take the bastard on. Without having to thinking about it, she silently moved out to do just that.

The driver closed the door after his temporary- but clearly affluent- master stepped free of the car. Treize smiled that every-man's smile at him, a thank you for doing the drudgery of a menial driver with such aplomb and skill. The man found himself warmed inside, unable to tear his gaze away from those compelling eyes. He fumbled a smile back and made the mistake of blinking- for in the next instant, Treize had turned and was already making his way to the elevator, suede greatcoat billowing out behind him. The driver blinked uncertainly. It was bit warm for those… Abruptly he lost interest and got back into the car to catch up on his favorite radio program.

Treize smiled to himself as he waited for the elevator to reach his floor. So simple and so convenient. He began to dwell upon the incident with amusement- but a flicker in the shadows reflected in the metal doors of the elevator caught his eye. His gaze fell to it instantaneously, and she traced it's route without turning, nor the slightest tensing that showed he had noticed anything. The tension became tangible, and his amused smile returned. So. She had followed him. That suddenly made this trip even more interesting.

Hotaru crouched… and lunged out from behind a support beam big enough to hide three of her in her thinness, dagger and stake both drawn.

Swiftly, Treize swung around and into a smooth duck, just as the satisfying ping of the elevator sounded. And in that moment, he knew he had won this battle.

Before she even had time to recognize what was happening, let alone stop it, Hotaru sailed into the open elevator and crashed into the far wall. She dropped to the linoleum floor, stunned, her dagger spinning away into a corner. As her daze cleared, a tiny groan emitted from her bruised lips as cheeks, and pain began to register along her length. A second, more audible ping brought her round enough to sit up, and her jaw dropped to see the mocking, debonair, devil-may-care grin of her mortal enemy, twirling her very own dagger in his unnatural fingertips. Before she could lurch to her feet, the door had closed and she slammed her fists against them futilely, yelling curses of frustration. So damned close!!

She glanced at the buttons and slumped to her knees. Even if she got out on the very next floor and ran back, he would be long gone by the time she returned. Damn vampire. Damn him to the lowest bowls of Hell. It was all the bastard was fit for. Or perhaps even that was too kind.

Treize was whistling cheerfully when he strolled into the posh, marble and mahogany lined office, it's automatic doors opening for him with a satisfying whoosh that spoke of money and creature comforts. He strolled in, artfully twirling the dagger in his fingers, and made his way past the secretary, whom he exchanged courteous nods with, and through another set of automatic doors onto an expansive private office of silken spring green carpeting, grandiose windows, and a large desk set directly in front of the doors.

A tall, delicate, thin woman turned to face him as the doors opened, and a small, almost affectionate smile graced her smooth lips. She wore no make-up, and kept her beautiful brown hair back in a tight bun at the nape of her neck, glasses perched on her nose, giving her a professional air even without the trim business suit.

Treize stopped and smiled in his lazy way as the doors closed behind him. "My Lady," he offered a bow of his golden head.

"Mr. Treize," she bobbed her own in return, graceful fingers selecting a file from the desk. "It is good to see you again. How was Japan?"

"It was and still is, vastly less excitement than I thought." Treize came around the far side of the desk to take his seat behind it, tipping back in his chair in the most relaxed fashion, legs crossed, and laced his fingers behind his fair head. Then he grew thoughtful; "I do believe activities are beginning to heat up, however," he mused.

The woman, Lady Une, bobbed her head congenially, and opened the file, holding it out to him so he could see the contents. "I have uncovered a great deal of the information you requested," she told him, and he sat up to take the file and look through it himself. "Our operatives across Europe, Asia, and both Americas are intrigued," was said with a half smile. "They find it amusing that you have taken such interest in these individuals."

Treize glanced up at her, brow furrowed, "Not too intrigued, I trust?" His voice was edged, belying disapproval and chagrin.

Her expression immediately smoothed into professional coolness, her voice echoing the mask. "Of course not, Mr. Treize. Utmost discretion has always been emphasized and all operatives know their place." To work and not to question… to obey and not to think…

Treize nodded, absently now, concerns placated. He read quickly through the top pages of each thin but substantial packet as she waited for him to finish. When he at last closed the weighty file and tipped back in his chair again, face unreadable, his words took her mildly by surprise. "When is the next flight back to Japan, my Lady?"

She hid her disappointment well, "I believe there is one leaving late tonight, sir."

He nodded absently, interest turned inward. "Good. Book me on that or any other as soon as possible." He didn't wait for her 'yes, sir' to rise and go towards the large, open windows, stopping just outside the patch of direct sunlight. He eyed it as one did an old enemy one had come to a livable peace with. Distrust warred with amusement and the latter won. He vaguely heard heard some voice calling to him, and half turned at the Lady's plaint. He managed a warm smile for her. "Come, my Lady- must we remain so formal? We are old friends, are we not? And we see so little of each other. Won't you take a glass of wine with me?"

"Sir?" she blinked uncertainly. Ah, there it was again, he thought with an old sadness. The place where her personalities diverged, leaving this, her professional side, adrift in the pleasantries of social situations. Had he caught her at a less formal time, her gentleness would have been able to show through… but that side of her was incapable of surpassing her genteel empathetic sympathies, and could not be the ruthless agent he needed her to be. It was a great pity, how this old friend of his suffered by her handicaps, but he did not know how to heal her. His sincerest wish was that one day she would recover and her two halves merge into a happy blend, but he could not see the day arriving any time soon.

The warmth in his tone increased, becoming honeyed and persuasive, as he moved to the bar at the far end of the room. "A toast, my Lady, between friends," he smiled. She shakily returned it, tentatively picking her way across the room, reminding him none so much as of an uncertain, beautiful deer not sure if it was safe to trust the proffered gift from a human. The irony, of course, was that he was not human, and he amused himself with that thought as he uncorked the bottle. The golden wine poured easily into the glasses, and he handed her one, encouraged when she smiled back at him. At the very least, the transitions between her differing personalities seemed to be becoming smoother. "To uncovering the past," he smiled, tipping his head and his glass to her, "and to old acquaintances."

"Hear, hear," she murmured, and drank as he did, both savoring the first sips of the sweet liquid.

Shattering glass broke the moment, and Une whirled to face the window, nearly dropping her glass in sudden fright. Grimly, Treize thought it a pity that such precious small pleasures had to be ruined so completely, and deliberately set his own on the counter.

Something small and black came with the imploding glass, and rolled free of the shards and to her feet, venomous abyss-purple eyes locking immedietly onto him. With a shake of her head, her cropped hair was free of her face, and her katana was drawn. "I suppose you thought that was funny," she bit out, anger fueled by humiliation.

The reminder of that afternoon's incident brought another amused half-grin to Treize's lips. "Actually, I did," he cast her a disarming smile.

Hotaru felt herself growing light-headed and steeled herself against his charms. They had nearly cost her dearly the last time; she had resolved never to let herself be so influenced again. "For a thousand-year-old being, you're disgustingly juvenile," she retorted venomously.

The infuriating amusement never left his eyes, his cool never breaking. "I, my dear, am not the one trapped within a child's body for the third time this millennia."

That did it. Blinded by rage, Hotaru brought her katana up and dived for him- only to be blocked and brought face-to-face with cold brown eyes that meant deadly business.

"I suggest," the woman's voice was hard but not uncertain as she kept the poker from the fireplace directly between them, blocking any of Hotaru's attempts to dislodge herself from the confrontation. "that you vacate the premises immediately, and do not further inquire into Mr. Treize's business."

Hotaru's eyes narrowed dangerously, her other senses drawing a conclusion. "You do not have the right to order me around, vampire," she snarled and had to duck the hindering blow dealt to her temple with a hand she was sure wasn't as gentle as creamy skin implied.

Une broke the confrontation and danced back, keeping her makeshift weapon and her own body directly between Hotaru and Treize. The faintest hint of smug satisfaction tinted her voice, "Wrong again, young huntress. Your instincts have failed you yet again."

"My instincts NEVER fail me!!" Hotaru burst out angrily, glowering at them both. The hatred and rage inside her had never run so deep. "You are all wrong and you all must die! Every one of you accursed creatures!"

"Every one of us?" Treize came around to the end of the bar, his demeanor merely curious and not in the least bit threatened or afraid for his life; nor did he appear dependent on Une to secure such. "Do you mean… even innocents? Children born of vampire unions? Do you mean to blame the sins of the father upon the-?"

"There are no children," she cried, enraged. "Two vampires can never make more! It is impossible! Vampires cannot be born, they must be Made!"

Une wagged a scornful finger and tsked at her. "Your own information has been colored by false rumors. How did you let yourself be so mislead, princess?"

Hotaru glared at her, and at him. She had never hated any people more in her life than she hated these two now. They were mocking her and her beliefs. Undermining everything she had worked for, everything she strived for, everything that had become the driving force in her life. How dare they doubt her convictions!? How dare they suggest that she was wrong!? She wanted to impale them both here and now- but something caught the corner of her eye. Something manilla, lying atop the mahogany desk. It's labeling was so fraught with rubber stamps, it had to be confidential; it had to be valuable.

If she couldn't kill them here, she would at least make them miserable, or at least inconvenience them. Before either could realize what she was doing, she had snatched the thick folder off the desk and sprinted back to the window, leaping clear of the broken panes and disappearing beneath the sill.

Une bit out a curse and ran for the intercom, barking orders out to have Security alerted immediately, not to mention finding someone to clear up the mess and replace the window.

While she continued, Treize ambled towards the window, into the sunlight, to look down on the streets below. He knew he wouldn't be able to see her from here; she was too quick and he too far away. Perhaps he really had pushed her too far with the elevator, earlier. It was rather humiliating to be so easily disposed of. In a way he felt guilty at cheating his opponent of her chance to get in a few good swipes at him.

He did wonder how it was she had had the luck to pick up that particular file. "Lady? I don't care how you do it, but I need to return to Japan; I must leave within the hour, if possible."

Une blinked up form her intense 'discussion' with the chief of security, having difficulty drumming the exact details of the occurrence into his head. "So soon?" she stumbled to find words.

"Lives depend upon it."

"Yes, Mr. Treize."


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