Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Man Of The House ❯ Seraching For A New Home ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing nor Sailormoon.

Man Of the House


Hey everyone! This is finally the part where the Gundam Boys are going to be in! I know it took a little long for them to show up but hey! Here it is! They are out of character. Just to warn ya!

Hope you like this chap!


Chap4: Searching For A New Home


" MAXWELL YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!" came the outraged voice of Wufei who was covered in pink.

Duo Maxwell was laughing on the ground with tears of joy making its trail down his cheeks to the ground.

Chang Wufei took his katana out of its case on the corner of the living room and walked deathly scary to the laughing teen, who caused his predicament with the pink paint.

Duo rolled on his back and took a look at Wufei who walked up to him with a pure evil look in his eyes.

" Umm…….I think I'll go now!" Duo stated as he jumped up to his feet and ran out of the living room with Wufei on his tail.

Quatre and Trowa made their way to the living room till they were pushed to the ground by Duo. Wufei followed behind causing them to fall on their backs again when they just got to stand up.

Quatre looked at Trowa and then looked back at the sight of Wufei's pink covered body chasing a frightened Duo who was holding his braid at his front.

" Help me?" Quatre asked Trowa as he stood up from the ground.

" Yeah, I will," Trowa answered as the both of them ran to the quarrelling boys.



Heero looked angrily at the ceiling of his bedroom. Giving his pillow another tightening clutch did he then got out of his bed.

Taking angry fast steps, he made his way to his door. Heero punched his door open cause it to dismantle itself from the doorframe and fall onto the ground. With angry, cold eyes, Heero made his way through the hall down the stairs to the now flour, oil, ice cream, ice, fudge, vegetable, and honey covered kitchen.

" What. The. Heck. Is. Going. On. HERE!?!?!" came the shrilling cold voice of Heero.

Everything stopped. The clashing of pots, pans and katana's stopped. The squeals and pleads of forgiveness stopped. Everything stopped once the monotone, cold, angry voice was heard.

No one dared to move or speak as they saw the angry look on Heero's face. Heero never got angry………… he only got annoyed. But he never got angry.

" Well?! Where is your answer?" Heero demanded.

" He started it!" came the reply of Duo, Wufei, Quatre and Trowa as pointed at Duo and Wufei.

" I DID NOT START IT!" Wufei exclaimed as he saw the points he got from the people," MAXWELL HERE DID!!!"

" Yeah right!" Duo let out. After that comment did he receive glares from his friends.

" YES YOU DID!" Wufei screamed again glaring daggers at him while on a fighting stance. Body covered in ice cream and flour and all the stuff that was thrown at him by Duo.

" Who would believe a person wearing pink?" Duo asked trying his hardest getting out of this trouble with Heero giving the punishment.

" Why I outta!" came the response from Wufei as he threw a punch at Duo.

" STOP!" came the deathly voice of Heero. The punch stopped in mid air once Heero has spoken.

" I want you guys to clean up all this mess," Heero answered.

The boys tried to protest till Heero cut them off.

" In five minutes or you will suffer the consequences,"

" 5 minutes? That's impossible!" Came the reply from Quatre.

" You made this mess in 5 minutes and you will surely be able to fix it within that amount of time, now get a move on!" Heero demanded.

Heero turned around and walked to the kitchen exit. A couple of steps before he got to the main hall did he then stop in his tracks.

' Only holding by the end of my sanity is now taken away from me,' thought heero as he felt the cold substance that had landed on his head. Wiping it off his head he stood still.

All the guys in the kitchen stopped as they saw the predicament. They held their breath waiting for another angry action from Heero. But none came. Heero just made his way out of the kitchen and to his room.

Everyone let out a sigh. With a couple of pushes here and there did they proceed to work on cleaning up the kitchen as quick as they can within 5 minutes.


Heero opened the door of his room and went in the bathroom built in.

He took a look at the mirror, which held his reflection.

' A couple more weeks or days with them I will surely turn old looking in such a young age with all this stress,' thought Heero. He then shed off his clothes and got into the shower.

Heero turned on the shower and washed himself. 15 minutes later did the shower turn off and out came a now clean Heero.

Drying himself up, Heero wrapped the towel around his waist and walked to his dresser. Heero took out some clothes and put them on. After clothed in the outfit he has chosen which was a pair of knee high black shorts and baggy white shirt with black sleeves.

He sat on the chair in front of his desk and turned on his laptop. Logging in to the internet he typed up " Room For Rent ".

' I ain't staying here and await getting old in such a young age,' thought Heero as he looked at the choices there,' nor do I want to end up killing again because of all the stress….. though that won't be a bad idea,'

With that thought Heero let out a smirk form on his lips as he shook his head a little while looking at the choices and writing down the numbers of the places that sounded well. And of course near his school.



Well……That's the 4th chapter! I would get the other chaps out next week! Don't worry!

Like it? Hate it? Should I continue? Or not? Tell me by reviewing!