Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: No, I don't own them. Sorry it took me so long to post this. I actually wrote it on Friday, but I was away from my computer. If I get a large reader response requesting a sequel, then I'll write one.

Hugs to my beta readers and the nice people who reviewed. And yes, Cheryl, I did put Zechs in just for you.

WARNING! - This ending is sorta depressing.

Moving On - Epilogue
By: Eternal Rose

The sun shone brightly down upon the small park that only a few days ago had seen terror. All around the park, smiling couples strolled and young children played. Only one area of the park remained untouched by the joy and beauty around them. It was a small garden where roses of every color grew. A small plaque was situated under a willow tree. Around it stood 14 somber people.

"I wish Heero could have been here." Quatre said softly. "I think it would have helped him let her go."

"He never will." Motoki remarked. "She was such a wonderful person, she found a way into his heart even after he closed it, not once but twice."

"He loved her." Minako said as she leaned back into Motoki's embrace. "And as foolish as it is, even though she's gone, he loves her still. He always will."

"We'll all always love her." Rei whispered. "She was the truest friend anyone could ever hope for."

"She loved me even after everything I did to her. Serenity was the most generous and kind person I ever met." Beryl paused to wipe the tears from her eyes. "She saved me and my daughter long after I thought we were both beyond salvation."

"She was the best." Duo said simply, holding tightly to Makoto.

"Yes, she was." They all looked up to see Setsuna entering from one of her infamous portals.

"Setsuna!" The senshi and warriors looked at her in surprise. She nodded her head in acknowledgment of the greeting. She swiftly stepped towards the plaque and placed a yellow rose upon it.

"Why didn't you warn us about this?" Haruka asked, a coldness in her voice. "Why didn't you tell us Koneko-chan was in danger?"

"No one may interfere with destiny." Setsuna replied mysteriously. She was about to continue when another portal opened behind her and a familiar looking young girl with pink hair came through it.

"Chibi Usa!" The inner senshi yelled. They ran and crowded around her. "You're all right!" "You're still here!" "How is it possible?" Does this mean that Usagi is still alive?!" "What about Endymion?!?!"

"I'm sure that someone here can explain all of this." Michiru interrupted firmly. Her aqua eyes focused pointedly on Setsuna. The time senshi bowed her head, and everyone stopped talking to listen.

"A long time ago, a very unique soul came into being. What made it unique was that it was a single soul divided between two bodies. Lovers and friends, they were of one soul, destined to be together beyond the end of time. They were to face many hardships, but each could only die to be reborn again. In some lifetimes, they never succeed in finding each other, but live happy lives nevertheless. In others, they will meet only briefly, and each will always be filled with a kind of longing for lack of the other. Each lives only for the other, but neither is fully cognizant of their role in the universe." Setsuna paused and looked at each of them. "They are destined to always be together, but fate has brought them another, greater destiny. Together they will lead the world to Serenity through the use of their greatest weapon - love."

The senshi stared at Setsuna blankly. Chibi Usa giggled.

"I think you lost them, mama!" She said. She ran over and gave Setsuna a hug.

There was silence for a few moments, and then…

"NO WAY!" "Oh, goddess, I don't believe it!" *THUNK* "Dear, pick up your jaw." "How did we not know about this either? Injustice!" "Who's the father?"

"Me." A further shocked and even more bewildered group of senshi and pilots turned slowly around. A man with white / bleached- blond hair in a lavender trench coat was leaning back against a wall of pink and white roses. He looked up, opening his aquamarine eyes with a slight smile. "Welcome home, Chibi Usa."

There was shock, confusion, sadness, and yes even joy and laughter that day as the large group bid a last farewell to their dear friend Serenity. High above them, cradled in the arms of another nearby tree, a shadowy figure watched them.

Towards sunset, a strong gust of wind grabbed hold of some of the rose petals, making them dance in the air. Red met Prussian blue, and an unsteady hand plucked a single rose blossom from the air. He stared at it for a moment, then jumped gracefully from the tree.

Sadness in his eyes, Heero Yuy walked away. All the while, a single tear trailed silently down his cheek.

~* End Epilogue *~

~~** End Moving On **~~

If you want a sequel - REVIEW! Unless my hits to review ratio gets back under thirty (even 29.999999 is fine) I won't write a sequel. It's at 30.6 at the moment, so please don't make me carry out my threat. REVIEW!!!!!!
