Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Dilandou's Interview ❯ Dilandou's Interview ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Quatre:Hi, this is Quatre Rebarba Winner. I'm here to interview Dilandou... Uh..err...Dilandu?

Dilandou:*strokes the side of his face*

Q:So how are you doing?

D:*in sing-song voice* Hmm, humm, hmmm!

Q:Uh, Dilandu...?

D:*throws a knife at convineately placed a bottle* Errraaa WWWW!!!

Q:*sweat drops*Dalandu?

D:My face!!!! You damaged my beautiful face!!!!!!

Q:I...I didn't...touch your face. *looking uneasy*


Q:What are you talking about?!?!

D:All I want is to get Van back!!!!!

Q:You're scaring me!!!

D:Is he a demon?!

Q:I don't understand!! *very scared now*

D:Burn! Burn!! BURRNN!!!

Q:I think I just wet myself!! *REALLY scared now*


Q:Quatre: Someone get him outta here!*quivering behind his chair*

D:Stay away!!

Q:Well this is all the time we have for today! Security! Until*gulp*next time!

D:your a strong one Allen... lovely!!!!*starts chasing after Quatre with a Q-tip*

