Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Pure Blood ❯ Part Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vision of Escaflowne or Gundam Wing. They are owned by Sunrise and Bandi and their own respective creators.

Pure Blood Part Three: Captured and Remembering

By: Elf

"Give us Van, Escaflowne, The Girl From the Mystic Moon, and Mr. Perfect Soldier will live," the pilot in the black guymelef said in a commanding, but mocking voice.

Van snarled incoherently in his suit. He knew the boy was lying. He was going to take Heero with them. He shouted, "You're lying!" Then he charged.

The black guymelef's pilot was fast. He floated back, dodging each of Van's attacks without attacking or defending. The pilot stated, "Listen, Van, I can't hurt you, but I can hurt them!"

He slid fluidly away from Van and tore right into the ship. There was a chorus of screams as the passengers who were not in combat fled to the deck, including Hitome and Merle. "Ah, perfect," he stated as he saw them.

Dillandeu laughed wickedly. He said, "Ah, it's your little friends, Van."

"Give up and we'll let them live," the black guymelef pilot said in a satisfied voice.

"Damn you, Duo!" Heero shouted at him.

"You know. I'd really like to kill Relena. She's really annoying," Duo sated in a singsong voice that was even colder than Dillandeu's.

"Duo Maxwell! What you are doing is wrong!" Relena shouted at him.

Hitome placed her hand to her heart. He watched as her green eyes widened. She shouted, "That's the boy from my vision!"

"Are you sure?" Allen asked her.

"Show yourself!" Van shouted.

The face plate came open, revealing an elfin face with a pair of startling violet eyes. He had long chestnut bangs that fell into his face and a lopsided grin. Van had a feeling before Zaibach had gotten a hold of him that he would have been a very likable fellow, likable enough to befriend someone like Heero.

Duo Maxwell stated, "Anything else, or is the Pretty Boy From Hell gonna play a mass slaughter?"

"I surrender," Van stated from grit teeth, "But let the others go."

Duo shook his head and replied, "No can do, Buddy Boy, I've gotta bring all that was stated."

"Master Van, don't do it!" Merle shouted at him.

Van turned to face his friend and said, "I have no other choice, Merle."

"Then I surrender too!" Hitome shouted, walking beside Escaflowne, her head held high. Van was both proud and angry at her at the same moment. She said, "You're a fool for doing this."

"I may be, Pretty Lady, but I'm having a hell of a fun time," Duo stated with a smile.

Dillandeu said, "And the other girl."

"Relena?" Duo and Heero asked in disbelief.

Dillandeu's face plate opened up as well, displaying his scarred face and blood red eyes. He leered, "Yes, she's fair of face and we could use her to make sure that you all behave."

"She's as annoying as hell, Dilly," Duo replied, rolling his eyes, "You should hear her drone on and on about total pacifism."

Relena stood there, silent and expressionless. She walked over to where Heero was standing. She said, "Fine, I'll come too. Duo, listen to me."

"Why?" Duo asked in a board voice, "All you talk about is pacifism and stuff. Honey, you haven't seen the real world."

"Do you call this real?" Relena shouted, waving her hand around.

Heero and Duo answered together, "Yes."

Everyone blinked. Van thought, Even as enemies they still think alike. Duo shifted position in the guymelef. He sighed and said, "No, I'm talking about drug dealers, pimps, gangs, that sort of real."

"No . . ." Relena answered cautiously.

"Take over the ship," Duo grumbled, turning around.

Van shouted, "I thought that you said that you were going to let them go!"

"I'm not risking you piloting your suit. You're too good. I'll let them go, I promise. I may run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie. I'll let them go at the nearest point," Duo answered in a weary voice.

Van could only blink.


"They took over the ship," Merle stated, sitting on top of Millerna's table. The princess looked at the cat girl and sighed. She had heard nothing of this new attacker except he followed no will except his own. He had stopped Dillandeu from attacking Van, but had plowed full force into the Draconian.

Allen walked into the room. He said, "We'll be let go very soon. I'll give that demon this: he can plan. He knows fully well that he can't have Van pilot Escaflowne, so he's using my ship."

"Oh, Allen what are we going to do?" Millerna sighed, leaning on her desk.

Merle stated, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna free Master Van."

"What happened to Van?" Millerna asked, facing the feline's blue eyes.

Merle licked her paw and answered, "They have him on deck, with that demon. I'm gonna free him."

There was a knock on the door. Millerna opened it, expecting it to be Hitome. Instead, a teenage boy garbed all in black with silver trim walked in. He had a long chestnut braid that fell past his hips and huge violet eyes. He was quite beautiful, elfin even.

He looked around and his eyes stilled on Millerna. He smiled suddenly, a sensual smile that put all of Allen's best smiles to rest. He glided to her and grinned. She blinked, surprised.

"That's him," Merle hissed, her fur standing on end.

He leaned on the desk, putting his face very close to hers. He asked, "Do you have a name, pretty lady?"

"How dare you?!" Allen stuttered, rushing up to him.

He turned around and smirked into Allen's electric blue eyes. The knight had his hand at his sword, ready to defend Millerna's honor. He said, "I'm Duo and you must be the knight in shitty armor, Allen Schezar."

"What do you want?" Millerna asked, leaning back from the frightening violet eyes. She pushed strands of her long, curly blond hair from her face. She swallowed, afraid. They had done something to that boy, twisted his mind in some manner, she realized.

Duo smirked and said, "A normal life, but since that's all been denied to me, I'll just be happy as who I am."

"What are you planning to do with us?" Allen asked in a commanding tone.

Duo lifted one slender eyebrow. That tone even fazed Van, but it just seemed to amuse Duo. He replied, "Drop you off at the nearest safe port. All I was trying to do is talk to the pretty lady."

"And hurt Lord Van," Merle hissed, her fur standing on end.

Duo looked at her and blinked. "You're a cat," he said in a stunned tone.

"So? You look like a girl," Merle replied, licking her hand again. She was perched up on a shelf, looking to all the world to be a cat. She stretched and leaned toward him, her long pendent swinging. She delicately sniffed him, "But you don't smell like one."

"You're a cocky little kitty, aren't you?" Duo asked in a mocking tone, moving closer to her.

She tilted her head and answered, "Yeah, what of it?"

Duo shoved her off the shelf. The young cat-girl went tumbling to the ground. She hissed as she sat up, her eyes narrowing. He tilted his head back and watched her.

Suddenly, a loud crash came from the deck, followed by Dillandeu's cursing. Duo stood up in one quick motion. He quickly grabbed the princess's hand and kissed it. Millerna blushed slightly as he said, "We'll meet again, baby." With that, he rushed out of the room.

Allen shouted wordlessly and went to the door. He found it locked. He pounded his fist into it and shouted, "Dammit! If I only knew what was going on out there!"


Relena stood there quietly beside Hitome. Van and Heero were near the Escaflowne, apparently guarding it for all the good it would do them. She wondered what had happened to Duo to make him so warped like that. Duo would never do anything too intentionally Heero.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she felt Hitome stiffen. "It's him," Hitome hissed. Relena looked up, expecting to see Duo. Instead, she saw a boy with garnet eyes and white hair. He was beautiful, his facial features almost feminine. "Dillandeu," she added, stepping back.

Dillandeu's garnet eyes focused on Relena. She swallowed, seeing nothing but insanity in his gaze. He said in a honied voice, "My dear, do you have a name?"

"Relena Dorlin," she replied.

He smiled and said in the same voice, "Beautiful name, Lady Relena. It has a nice ring to it."

"Thank you," Relena told him cooly.

Dillandeu laughed and replied, "And you're no one's. I'd like to make you mine."

"No thank you, but I am no one's person except my own," Relena told him, looking dead into his blood red eyes. Anger sparked there, looking like a burning flame. He was insane and suddenly she was frightened. He took her hand.

He sneered, "You would be revered by everyone if you were my woman."

Suddenly, he was sprawled on the floor. A familiar monotone said, "Don't touch her." She turned around to see Heero standing there, his eyes narrowed to icy, dark blue slits.

Van was beside Hitome, guarding her. Relena had noticed that they had taken his sword from him. She wondered if they had taken Heero's gun as well.

"Is she yours?" Dillandeu mockingly asked him. He stood up, his crimson and ebony cape swirling gracefully and dramatically around his shoulders. There was a dangerously insane look in his crimson eyes.

"Heero, be careful," she warned him.

Heero replied, "Relena is her own person. You have no right to claim her as yours or touch her is she does not wish it."

"But you do?" Dillandeu asked, smiling wickedly.

Heero sent Dillandeu the Death Glare. Relena blinked. It had been a long time since she saw that chilling look. It was exactly how she remembered it. Heero's dark blue eyes went empty, except for a chilling promise of death and his face went relaxed, expressionless.

Dillandeu screamed, "Die!"

Heero stood calmly as Dillandeu charged him. Relena automatically reached out for her beloved, but Van put her hand down. "Don't interfere," Van warned, "Heero can take care of himself."

Heero side stepped the young demon and slid his foot under the other boy's. Dillandeu fell flat on his face. With a wordless cry, Dillandeu drew his sword at him. He lunged but Heero caught the blade. He snatched it from the other boy's hand and pointed it gracefully at his throat.

"Put the sword down, Yuy," Duo's voice boomed behind him.

Relena saw the self-proclaimed God of Death standing there with Heero's gun in his hand, pointed at Relena's head. Dillandeu stood up and gave a demonic laugh. He sneered, "Stopped again."

Heero punched him one last time before he dropped the sword and stood beside Relena. Relena had the urge to fling herself in his arms once more, but she quickly quelled it. Then she saw the trickle of blood coming from Heero's left hand.

"Heero, you're bleeding," she stated.

He looked at her with warm eyes and replied, "It's nothing."

"Thank you for protecting my honor," Relena told him quietly as she tore a piece of fabric from her suit. She knelt down and wrapped his hand with it. He watched her with wide eyes. She stood up, inches away from him. Almost unconsciously, his good hand strayed to hold the side of her face, gently caressing it.

"Fuck Dillandeu, he's injured!" Duo sneered, storming over to them in a fury of black silk and a chestnut braid.

Relena had enough of him. She snapped, "Why the hell do you care anyway?!"

Duo laughed and said, "Well, well, the Princess of Pacifism has a temper. I guess your more like Zechs than you thought."

Relena glared, feeling her anger rise in her. Duo had betrayed them and gotten Heero hurt. Perhaps Heero may even die at Duo's hands. Heero had once admitted that Duo was the better pilot because of sheer natural talent. She didn't want to see Heero injured, least of all by his best friend's hands.

She brought his hand hard across his face, putting all of her weight behind the blow. Her fingers stung with the impact. His head snapped back before he looked at her once again. He licked his lips and to her dismay, there was no hand print from her slap.

He smirked and stated, "I guess you weren't as into pacifism as you would like them to believe."

"If he is your enemy, then why do you care that he is injured?" Van asked him.

Duo smirked and answered, "I don't care, but a friend does. I was asked to bring an uninjured Heero, Girl from the Mystic Moon, you and Escaflowne to him."

"Who is this friend?" Heero asked, pushing Relena behind him. Relena almost balked at that, but kept quiet. Duo's big mouth and inability to lie might give them some much needed information. Duo liked to talk and couldn't lie to save his life. They were about to use that.

"That would be telling," Duo smirked, waving his finger at them like he would a naughty child. He said, "You'll soon see." Then he chuckled.


Van hissed in anger as he saw the floating fortress. He saw Heero looking at it. Heero asked, "Zaibach?"

"Yeah," Van answered in a grim voice.

"Can you escape?"



"You can fly."

"So can you."


"How can I save Duo?"

"That, I don't know," Van answered in a grim voice. He sighed.

He felt Hitome behind him. Almost without knowing it, he intertwined his fingers with hers. He fully well knew that he was in love with her. He just didn't know how to express it.

Hitome spoke up, "I saw a cross in my vision. Is Duo religious?"

Heero shrugged and said, "Yeah, I think. He believes in God, or use to. Don't ask him about it, he'll just avoid the subject."

"What religion?" Hitome asked.

Van blinked at her, wondering to where she was heading too. Her green eyes were wide and earnest. He could see the plan forming in them. He squeezed her hand slightly.

"Catholic," Heero replied suddenly. Something dawned in his eyes. Relena joined them as she looked at the fortress. Heero said, "I have a plan."


Folken watched as Escaflowne was carried into the hanger by two other guymelefs. He watched as the captives were separated and carted away. Folken truly wanted to talk to his brother, but Van wouldn't listen to him.

Duo sauntered up to him with a grin. He said, "Mission completed, Folken."

Folken smiled down at the violet eyed boy. Even now, twisted as he was, he was likable. Folken wished he could have met him before Zaibach had gotten a hold of him. He said, "I'd like to talk to you, Duo. In private."

The two walked in silence as they reached Folken's quarters. Folken wanted to see if he could snap the boy out of the brainwashing. He felt that he could, but he didn't want to have his plan rely to heavily on it.

He poured both himself and Duo a glass of wine. He handed Duo his and the teenager began to sip it. He leaned on the massive table in Folken's room. Folken looked around. Here was his sanctuary, where he kept his books and notes. The narrow bed was rarely used, but the massive, richly carved table and over stuffed chairs were.

Duo said, "This is pretty good, Folken, but what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I have a brother," Folken stated, watching him.

Duo smirked and threatened, "If you say that I'm like him, I'm gonna kick your ass."

"You're nothing like him. I'll assure you now, well, maybe a little. You both are stubborn," Folken answered.

"What's the point, Folken?" Duo asked, his voice betraying impatience.

Folken took another sip of wine. He answered, "My brother and I don't see eye to eye. We have many differences between us and I'll admit, he's stronger than I am. My point is, I would do anything to make sure that he wasn't hurt."

There was a bewildered look in Duo's eyes. Folken placed his glass down. He started to leave the room. He stated, "Just something to think about."


Duo walked to the control room. He looked to see their captives. Heero, Relena, Van, and Hitome entered the room, led by Dragon Slayers. Heero met Duo's eyes and Duo laughed at him mockingly and waved.

Duo took his place beside Folken, who was flanked beside Dillandeu. He looked up to see a large ring lined with mechanical objects. He wanted to study it, as all mechanical things he ran up against, but he couldn't. A giant telescreen came on and an old man with a thick beard was shone.

"Put him in the machine," the old man said in a cultured voice.

Folken nodded at two of the Dragon Slayers beside Heero. Heero stripped his green tank top. What the hell is that fucker doing? Duo asked himself as Heero jumped up in the air.

With a primal scream, a pair of silvery white angel wings grew from Heero's back. Duo gasped as he looked at the angel Heero. The wings flapped gracefully, bringing to mind a painting from the Maxwell orphanage. An angel, one of the most holy of all beings.

Duo's head throbbed and pounded. He could see Wing ZERO in his mind and Heero fighting to save the Earth. A black swarm of hatred quickly covered it up. He looked directly at Heero now, thinking, How can that son of a bitch be an angel?

Heero had left him for dead many times. Why should that bastard live? He should pay for all of his crimes. Duo believed readily in penitence and fully well knew he was going to Hell. Where Heero was going had to be a much worse place.

Heero dodged ropes being thrown at him. Duo pulled out his enemy's gun and pointed right at Relena's head. Nothing would have made him more happy than to place a bullet in the middle of that bitch's head. Her slap had stung.

He sneered, "If you don't get into that damn thing, I'll place a bullet right between her pretty eyes."

Heero's blue eyes narrowed at him. Duo grinned as he kept the gun trained. He was surprised to see sadness and betrayal lurking in those eyes. Heero wasn't human, so why the hell was he showing those emotions?

Duo put the gun back as soon as Heero had flew inside the ring. It was even big enough for his wings, Duo realized. He said, "He's in there."

"Excellent," the old man cackled.

Duo asked, "Who are you anyway?"

"Emperor Dornkirk," he replied with a smile, "And you have earned yourself a high place with the Zaibach empire.

"Now, let me show you what this machine does." Suddenly, Heero's arms and legs were bound as the ring shot out many needled tinicles. Duo had to flinch when they pierced Heero's skin. Heero didn't cry out, but he did arch back as they pierced his wings.

"With this Draconian's blood, I'll be able to alter fate to my will," he cackled as the ring started to spin and more blood was drawn. Heero began to thrash wildly, blood trickling from the wounds.

Relena cried out, "Heero!"

Van simply stood there and glared at Folken. Folken had this pained look in his dark eyes. Duo looked at Relena again. She was crying softly. Then, Heero screamed.

The sound caught Duo off guard. It felt wrong, weird. He swallowed as he felt something break inside of his mind.

"Can you still use your right hand?" Heero asked him as he supported Duo's weight.

"Well, I'm ready to die," Duo cheerfully, but painfully chirped. He was surprised to see Heero's gun trained at him. "You were really going to do it!" Duo realized in surprise as Heero lowered his gun and supported him.

"Listen here buddy, I'm the only friend you've got right now," Duo told the silent, brooding boy as he supported his weight. He looked into a pair of dark blue eyes and was frightened of the look in them.

"You've got to take care of your body," Heero said. Duo looked at him from hooded eyes, holding his gut. The bastard actually punched him.

It was a love hate relationship.

Trowa destroyed Deathscythe. That unibanged bastard. Not Heero. Heero didn't turn trator on us either! It was Trowa!

"We're even," Heero stated before laughing manically. Sweat beaded down Duo's forehead and neck, realizing how close he had been to death. Then to have Mr. Suicidal save him? Man, that was just too damn much to bear!

Duo blinked. Those fuckers, they brainwashed me! He looked at Folken, who still looked guilty. Dillandeu was laughing manically while Heero screamed. Duo grit his teeth and tried to form a plan.

'Now, Dillandeu, go destroy Escaflowne," Dornkirk demanded.

Hitome shouted, "NO! Not that!"

Van's eyes narrowed in hatred. Duo looked into them and Van blinked. Duo smirked. He turned to Dornkirk's image. He stated, "Let me do it."

"Well, you are an eager one. Enjoy it," Dornkirk told him.

Folken's face betrayed nothing, but that hurt look had intensified in his eyes, and the look of hope lost was slowly replacing it. Duo smirked at him suddenly, knowing what Folken was talking about when he said that he had a brother. Besides, he saw Van pilot Escaflowne. He was damn good. Folken's dark eyes brightened. Duo waved as he ran to the hanger.

He climbed into his Guy Mellon or whatever the hell they called mobile suits here. He closed his eyes as he felt the gears tighten around him. He shifted his body to put it in stealth mode. He swiftly moved to the control room.

He flipped the stealth cape back and flew. He hovered straight to where Dornkirk was looking lost and bewildered. He asked, "Duo, what are you doing?"

"Being who the hell I am, Dornjerk," He replied as he flexed the metal into a long spear. He jabbed it strait through the screen. He opened the face plate to see Folken smiling and Van and Dillandeu running to the hanger. He had a feeling that those two were going to have a fight.

He had a mission. He smiled. He was going to do what he did best. He was going to destroy this place and save his best friend. He flew and shouted gleefully, "The God of Death is back from Hell!"

To Be Continued!

Author's Notes: As all good things, Evil Duo had to become himself again. Sigh. Well, its good to have you back Duo!

Duo: Its good to be back.

Anyway, tell me how you like this story and all of this good stuff. Do you really enjoy it and what? What do you think should happen in the next couple of parts? And what's Heero gonna do? Oh, and what about Celene and Duo? Too Strange?