Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Ou & Son Inc. ❯ Chapter: 2- Disappointment, Meeting the New Clients ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: T...

Goku: *interupts* They don't own none of us, nope none.

Vegeta: *snorts* Of course they don't. Why would poor, non-famous humans own us?

Goku: Good Question. What's the answer?

InuYasha & Vegeta: Keh!

Bad Guys: ...

Disclaimer: *cringes* Please ingore them. We don't own any character from
Dragonball Z, InuYasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, nor YU-GI-OH!. We just find them

Warning: Humor, a bunch of name calling, some OOCiness, and just plain weird.
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~~~~~~~~~~ Ou & Son Inc. ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~Blue Neptune & Red Venus~~~~~~~

Chapter: 2- Disappointment, Meeting the New Clients

Vegeta: *looks at Kakarot to make sure he is presentably, seeing the he will
do, he opens the door to the office and takes a step in*
*looking at the backs of their new client's head*
Good Morning and I apologize for the hold up

Goku: *isn't paying attention, runs into Vegeta*

InuYasha: *turns to greet the 2 men*

Vegeta: *stumbles a little from Kakarot, whispers*
would you watch what you are doing, Kakarot

Goku: huh...?

Vegeta: *grumbles* nevermind

Goku: okay

Shippou: *Jumps on Inuyasha shoulder, & watches the two funny haired men*

InuYasha: *smirks, stands up, and holds a hand out to the two men* Good
*gumbles a little at having to be nice*

Vegeta: *takes the out streatched hand and shakes it* shall we get started?

Goku: *takes the clients hand & shakes it* Good Morning to ya too,

Vegeta: *rolls his eyes at Kakarot*

Goku: *Whispers* 'Vegeta, can I talk to ya, alone'

Vegeta: *looks at Kakarot with a death glare* yes, please excuse us *looks
at the client*

Miroku: *waits patiencely*

Shippou: *Yawns from Inuyasha's shoulder*

InuYasha: *Leans over and whispers to Miroku* we don't have all day *growls

Miroku: *whispers back* Patience Inuysha, patience

InuYasha: *whispers* Fah! patience my but

Miroku: *whispers* calm yourself Inuyasha, think of what Kagome would do in
this situation

InuYasha: *looks down a defeted expresion on his face whispers* she
would just wait and be paitencent *sighs*

Miroku: *whispers* exactly Inuyasha, now wait patiencely like she would

InuYasha: but...*still kepping his voice at a whisper adding a growl to
it though* I could have had my hair washed and colour treated by
the time these two are ready

Miroku: *whispers* True, but this two have the best in hair care
products on the market

InuYasha: *looks up, pricks his ears in interest* really?
(*thinks* if that's true then I could get a lot of stuff to
make my hair look and feel nice for Kagome)

Miroku: *whispers* Yes, they are the best
*keeps his voice at a whisper* they come highly recommended by
beautistians every were, Inuyasha don't let their looks fool you

InuYasha: *looks at him and says lowly* are you sure?

Miroku: *speaks quietly, a bit annoyed* Yes, I'm possive

InuYasha: *grabs him by the front of his clothes* you better be
if my hair falls out because of this I will personally rip
out your hair
*growls low*

Miroku: *holds his hands up in surrenderence* I assure you they are as
good as others say they are

InuYasha: *lets him go* they had better be for your sake

Miroku: *sighs with relief & whispers under his breath* I hope so
*sits calmly & prays to & for himself*

Vegeta: *stands out side of the office door, giving Kakarot a death
stare* what is it ?

Goku: ain't they suppose to be girl? *is confused*

Vegeta: *thinks for a second*
I thought they were
but it looks like they aren't

Goku: Man, and I was hoping they would be *pouts, is dissapointed*

Vegeta: man or waman it don't matter to me

Goku: I know business is business *pouts*

Vegeta: that's right
now can we get back to business?

Goku: I guess
*walks back into Vegeta's office, sulking, head hung in disapointment*

Vegeta: *follows Kakarot*

Goku: *looks up to the people in the room* we're back, sorry if we took to

Vegeta: *looks at the clients* my apologizes
*walks to sit behind his desk*

Goku: *follows Vegeta, & sits in the chair next to him*

Vegeta: *Looks around for some papers, finds them, reads over them
real quick* alright, what can we do for the two of you today?
Mr...? *looks at the white haired man then to the dark haird one*

Goku: *whispers* umm...Vegeta?

Vegeta: *glances at Kakarot* yes?

Goku: can you count okay?

Vegeta: what are you talking about?

Goku: count the clients again

Vegeta: *looks at the clients, sees the child, makes a face* I see
the child, Kakarot if that is what you're refering about

Goku: he would be a client, right?

Shippou: *is sleeping soundly on Inuyasha's shoulder*

Vegeta: I would not think a child would be interested in hair care

Goku: but won't his parents make him use'um?

Vegeta: *shrugs* I guess

Goku: so, he's a client, right?

Vegeta: *looks at the two adult clients* is the child interested in
our product as well?

InuYasha: I dunno *pokes Shippou* wake up brat

Shippou: *stirs* *yawns* what was that Kagome?

InuYasha: *rolls his eyes*

Shippou: *rubs his eyes with the back of his hand*

Miroku: Inuyasha, Kagome said that we must included Shippou in
this or else
*Stands, & dusts himself off*

InuYasha: *Pokes Shippou again* Fah! fine

Shippou: *reliazes were he is, and begins to whine* Where's Kagome!!!
I want Kagome!!!

InuYasha: oh, shut up Shippou *growls it out a little but low*

Shippou: *whines* Inuyasha if you hurt me, I'll tell Kagome, & she'll
'sit' you a bunch

InuYasha: *raises a hand ready to pound Shippou on top of the head*
*stops, get an image in his head of a very mad Kagome, puts
his hand back down grumbles and pouts*

Shippou: *smiles victorious*

Vegeta: *sits there, his mouth slightly open from shock at the scene in
front of him*

Shippou: *cheers* I won, Inuyasha lost *hops to Miroku's shoulder*
*sticks his toung out at Inuyasha*

InuYasha: I'm gonna tell Kagome you were being a brat and using her to have
your way with me *smirks a little*

Shippou: *grins* so, she won't believe you over me

InuYasha: you wanna bet?
*grins evily*

Shippou: *grins wider* don't make bet you can't win

InuYasha: I know I will win this one

Shippou: you gotta bet then, Kagome won't believe you over me, & two
packs of reman says so

InuYasha: t...two?
or no bet

Shippou: no way, double or nothing

InuYasha: *crosses his arms*

Shippou: what's wrong scared?

InuYasha: you're the one who's scared, sacared that I will win

Shippou: I thought dogs had a back bone

InuYasha: *growls at him* your gonna pay for that one

Shippou: *sticks his toung out at Inuyasha*

InuYasha: *reaches over to Miroku and grabs shippou and starts
pounding him in the head*

Shippou: bite me

InuYasha: ok

Shippou: *jumps away*
*run to the desk & jumps on top*

InuYasha: *jumps after him*

Shippou: catch me if you can *tunts*

InuYasha: why you little...
*chases after shippou* when I get my hands on you your gonna be

Shippou: *runs around the desk*
nanny-nanny boo-boo, you can't catch me *tunts*

Vegata: *stands up, veins starting to show on his head* THAT IS ENOUGH!!!

Shippou: *stops and looks up at the man*

InuYasha: *stops dead and looks at the person*

Shippou: *runs to Miroku, & hides behind his legs*
*peeks around*

Vegeta: *sits back down rubbing his temples* if you two cannot keep
yourselves under control I will have to ask you to leave

InuYasha: Fah! Fine with me

Miroku: I am sorry Sir for my conpanions' childish actions, without
their 'mother' they become unrulely

InuYasha: Mother?
I got no mother
idiot, you should know that Miroku
*glares at Miroku*

Miroku: That's not entirely true Inuyasha, Kagome is like your mother
in many ways *nods to himself*

InuYasha: *Growls, tryes to defend himself but no words come out
instead he just makes himself look like a fish out of water trying
to get air*
*finally finding something to say* That wench is no wheres
near my mother

Miroku: On the contrary, she is more like your mother then you reliaze
She feeds you, tell you when to sleep, when to take a bath

InuYasha: Fah! you don't even know what my mother was like
she does NOT tell me when to take a bath
nor does she tell me when to sleep
I do as I please

Miroku: Your mother took care of you then like Kagome does now

InuYasha: no she don't
Kagome does not take care of me

Miroku: *sighs* Quit with the tough guy act Inuyasha, and admit it

InuYasha: *stands there face red from embaressment and anger* a...admit

Miroku: That you like the fact Kagome mothers you

InuYasha: why should I admit to something that isn't true?

Miroku: *sighs* It is true, Inuyasha, you need to admit it aloud,
instead of admitting it only to yourself
and to prove some of my point, who told you to come here?

InuYasha: *gets a defeted look on his face mumbles very low* Kagome
but she is a female and she is doing what females are supose to
do and that is to take care of the male
*looks at Miroku with a hint of victory in his eyes*

Miroku: she is mothering a defencely child
helping him to take better care of himself

InuYasha: I know your talking about Shippou
or at least you had better be

Miroku: I am not refering to Shippou

InuYasha: *gives Miroku a look a that promises pain*

Miroku: *gulps* Inuyasha, don't do something you will soon reget

InuYasha: I won't be regretting anything, it's you who will be *he hisses*

Miroku: Inuyasha, calm yourself, we are in a public place

InuYasha: not til 'you' take those false accusations back
Kagome does NOT mother me

Miroku: *picks up Shippou, and walks to take a seat on the opposite side
of the two gentlemen*

InuYasha: you make it sound like I am some kind of a weakling like you
*grumbles, walks over to take the seat next to Miroku*

Miroku: Inuyasha if I recall correctly, if it was not for Kagome, you would
have been sucked into my wind tunnel easily

InuYasha: hmph, yeah so *says grumply*
remind me to put Kagome in a tree and leave her there

Miroku: Inuyasha you know you lack the will power to do that plus...
think of all those 'sit's

InuYasha: *thinks for a second, cringes at the thought,wines a little*

Miroku: and who will get you your reman?

InuYasha: *pulls at the rosary deep in thought* huh? what no ramen?
noooo *wines more*

Miroku: if Kagome is stuck in a tree, you will have no reman

InuYasha: *is ready to go to Kagome and apologize to her so he can
get some ramen*

Vegeta: *looks at the people in front of him, feels a little sorry
at the way the two are using this Ka-go-me person to their advantage
over him, but likes the idea, wonders why the white haired person is
afraid of the word sit from this girl* are we ready to begin ? we
will take your order, one at a time

Narator: Vegeta & Goku takes their new clients' orders, meanwhile two evil
people are planning a plot to over run Ou & Son Inc.

Yakamo: *walks around in his office, thinking of ways to over take the
'other' hair company*

Raditz: We must think faster

Yakamo: yes, we must
why don't we send some one there to work for them ?

Raditz: *reclinces back in his chair, thinks of who would be the best

Yakamo: *puts a finger to his chin and thinks*

Raditz: *grins* I know the perfect person to send

Yakamo: *looks at his partner* who ?

Raditz: Mr. Ryou

Yakamo: *starts to laugh wickedly*

Raditz: *follows his panters actions, and lets loose a menacing laugh*
We are so good, it hurts sometimes

Yakamo: yes, my friend *laughs out*

To Be Continued...