Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Purple of White Roses ❯ Chapter 31

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Purple of White Roses (31/35?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairs: 1+2+1, 1x2x1, 3+/x4 mentioned with 5+/xS and
6+/x13. Forgot to have 13+/x6 as well, but it's
mainly 1 and 2 in action. The others probably will
get some action, but not so focused though.
Category: Romance, sap, yaoi
Notes: PG13, maybe have one of those NC17 epilogues or
something. AU to boot too with a few references to
Yuu Yuu Hakusho terms and my own character placed in
as more of a narrator than anything else. // indicate
excepts of books. <> are telepathic speech.
Disclaimer: Oh I wish I could have Duo and Heero to my
self...but I can't. *hears Duo muttering in the back
ground about 'good thing too'*

"No worries man! I'll be fine!" Duo protests.

Duo stands out front as point. The others, minus
Heero stands behind him in a line. Heero insisted on
being up front with Duo. The bond-companions stands
in a line behind the others to help. Shenlong watches
with Crystal and Moondance.

Trowa and Heavyarms sends out their green energy of
life towards the couple at point. Using their
combined power, they managed to wrap Johs in vines and
various other plants.

Quatre and Sandrock sends out their aquamarine energy
of water and empathy towards the couple at point.
Using their combined powers, they froze Johs in his
steps and heals the others to have them up at full

Wufei and Nataku sends out their red energy of flames
towards the couple at point. Using their combined
energy, they fought with Quatre's ice to melt and gave
lightning a chance to shock Johs.

Zechs and Zephere sends out their yellow energy of
wind towards the couple at point. Using their control
over the weather, they fanned the flames and gave more
power towards the surges of lightning.

Treize and Epyon sends out their grey energy of
invisibility towards the couple at point. Using their
combined power, they are able to not only provide a
shield against Johs' sight, but a physical one as

Catherine, Hilde, Sally, Noin, and Relena contributed
wherever needed to boost the power levels. Heero,
harnessing the powers of life within everything,
focuses it all on Duo, praying that they will both
live through this and be together. Wing, assisting
where he can with Heero, adds to the growing pool.

<This is it Shinigami. This is the battle of the
lifetime.> Duo speaks to his bond-companion.

<Hai. It's time.> Shinigami replies, adding death and
rebirth to the pool of energy.

"ENERGY!" Johs screams with glee.

"But not yours. Never will it be yours." Duo states,

Duo focuses all the power and adds his own to the
batch. Concentrating it all into one blast to wipe
out Johs for good, praying that his aim hit true,
flung it towards Johs.

Shenlong nudges Crystal as it notices a slight
miscalculation. Crystal mentally calculates the
possibilities and didn't like what would happen one
bit. Tinkering with time and space a bit, Crystal
unleashes a spell that would neutralize any effect
Johs would have for the Three Worlds, now that he was
partially free. Together, they watch the outcome.

The ball of energy came closer and closer to the
'heart' of Johs. Piercing the darkness, the ball is
engulfed by Johs.

"Foolish! You've given me more power!" Johs laughs.

"Iie. I haven't." Duo replies wearily, growing
unsteady. "You will never win. I will ensure it."

With the last ounce of strength he has, Duo triggers
the mechanism that would release all the pureness of
the energy that Johs absorbed.

Everything went from black to white.

To Be Continued...

Nani?!? I can do what I want! My character is
practically a megami!