Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Happy if Farfetched Ending for 13x5 ❯ Explaining to the Preventers ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Explaining to the Preventers

Warnings: multiple pairings; shonen ai, yaoi, violence. Some OOC for Treize, but all things considered, that's understandable.

Setting: sequel to A Happy if Farfetched Ending for 5+13; after Endless Waltz; Part of the Willing Slave universe, which will be apparent after the WS sequel.

Disclaimers: Gundam Wing characters belong to Mixx Entertainment, Koichi Tokita, the SOTSU Agency, Sunrise, Kodansha and anyone I may have forgotten, not to me. I make no money off of this.



Sally froze as the young Preventer jerked back, startled from the reports on his desk. Wufei, once he realized who was speaking and that he was overreacting, put the gun down and leaned back in his stiff chair.

"Damn it, woman, don't do that!" he snapped, glaring furiously.

From across the office, Duo cackled. "Yeah, Sally, you shouldn't scare fierce warriors like that!"

Wufei groaned and picked his pen back up. "Of all the people to be in here when that happened..." he grumbled.

"Wufei, are you okay?" Sally asked, not at all flustered by her sudden brush with death. "You've been jumpy ever since you got back from China."

"I'm fine, just...tired," he said, hating the fact that it was true. Keeping this secret was nerve-wracking.

"Well, in any case," she sighed, knowing he would never confide in her, or anyone else for that matter, "have you finished that satellite survey on the Mars surface?"

He nodded and lifted one small stack of papers, sliding out a thick stapled collection of diagrams and maps. "Here," he said as he handed it to her. "But I thought you didn't need it until next week?"

Sally rolled her eyes. "Une wants it finished as soon as possible, and you know how she can get."

All three of them shuddered. Above them against the wall the small clock began to chime the hours, counting off six strokes.

"Woo hoo, quitting time!" Duo grinned and jumped out of his chair, vaulting over his desk and running to throw open the door. "I'll see ya tomorrow!" he yelled over his shoulder.

Wufei and Sally both looked up in shock. "Duo, wait, no!"

Too late. Duo had just maneuvered through the door when it closed shut, trapping his braid. From the other side of the door came a screech followed by a thud. "Ow..."

Sally shook her head sadly and opened the door, revealing Duo sitting on the floor, his abused hair in his hands. "You okay?"

"Uh-huh..." Duo mumbled, rising. "Um, you didn't see this, okay? Heero'd never let me live it down."

Wufei smirked. "Then you did not see Sally startle me."

"Deal!" Duo laughed, a grin back on his face as he ran off again.

Sally looked back at Wufei as he got up a little more sedately. "See you tomorrow, Wufei. Try to get some rest."

He nodded once as she left. "I'll try." Once he had gathered his things together, he left the building and found his motorcycle all alone around the corner. Reflexively checking over one shoulder to make sure he was alone, he revved the engine and took off into the middle of evening traffic. Fortunately his Preventer uniform kept the local police from pulling him over for his various minor infractions. Most of them were too absorbed with chasing a braided wild goose at high speeds nearly a mile away already.

After a few minutes of travel, Wufei pulled up to an expensive apartment building known for its exclusionary prices and excessive luxuries. With tight security Heero admitted was "decent, even for civilians," it was the perfect place for a former gundam pilot to live. But the real reason he'd chosen it was that it allowed its residents absolute privacy.

And personal gardens. That was vital. He absolutely loved coming home to the scent of roses, real grown roses.

Stepping into the glass elevator, he rose to the topmost level and walked down the short hall to the main doors. Glancing around once just to be sure he was alone, he unlocked the door and entered.


From the kitchen door nearby came strong, warm arms, wrapping around his shoulders and trapping him in a loving embrace. "I missed you."

Wufei tilted his head up and received his expected kiss. "I missed you as well. I trust you are fine?"

"You're so formal with me," Treize said, smiling as he came around and locked the door. "Was I like that before?"

Wufei dropped his bag on the carpeted floor and caught the slightly taller man's wrists, pushing them against the door and holding him hostage. "Oh yes. You were elegant, polite to a fault,, I'm running out of words."

"Desirable?" Treize asked.

"That most of all." He released Treize only to drift his hands upward to the pale lips and blue eyes. "You were the most beautiful, most intelligent person I'd ever met."

"Am I, still?" Treize whispered, lowering his eyes.

Wufei put his fingers just beneath Treize's chin and made him look back into his eyes. "You are so much more..."

"But I can't remember anything."

"Perhaps..." Wufei still wasn't certain that was his ancestors' doing or the effects of death on a soul, and there were some things he didn't think Treize was ready to recall. "Perhaps that is best. Besides, you remember some things."

"True." Treize smiled again and gently tugged Wufei to the living room. "I made dinner, and I thought we might watch the Leary marathon tonight."

Indulgent in his lover's risque taste in humor, which had surprised him to no end before, Wufei allowed Treize to seat him comfortably on the spacious couch and snuggle close. As the colony's artificial light faded away for the night cycle, the vid screen's flickering light colored the room bluish white and lulled Wufei to sleep after a few hours.

Treize stared down at him for several minutes, simply watching him. The light gave his blue eyes and smile a sinister edge, but the most he stole was a brief kiss and a pull on the dark hairband, releasing the tight ponytail. Taking another kiss, he slipped his arms beneath Wufei and lifted him up, carrying him to the bedroom.

"Lights low," he whispered.

Voice activated, the lamp on the side glowed, providing enough light for him to set his lover on the bed and begin undressing him.

"Hmm...what...?" Wufei mumbled.

"You fell asleep," Treize said. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. You must be exhausted."

"I had...paperwork..."

Treize only chuckled and finished getting Wufei's clothes off, then disrobed himself. He was about to pick Wufei up when the Chinese pilot grudgingly got to his feet. "Wufei..."

"I won't stumble," he said. "I do not need to be carried."

Treize found that his little dragon needed to be steadied from time to time, however. Somnolent, Wufei followed him into the shower and leaned against him, using his shoulder as a kind of pillow as he drowsed standing up. Treize happily worked him over with the rose-scented soaps, but he jerked a little when Wufei put his hand up on his chest and stroked his side. "I thought you were sleepy."

"Not that sleepy." His teasing ministrations worked down to Treize's abdomen and lower, until he had his lover biting his lip and sighing in pleasure. "You never grunt or groan, my love."

"Mmph...too 'refined' I sup-p-pose..." Treize put his arms around Wufei, resting his hands on the darker shoulders from behind.

Wufei grinned and continued to make his lover feel wonderful, completely in control despite the slight advantage Treize had on him in height and strength. Finally Treize cried out softly and tightened his embrace, thrusting once into Wufei's fingers until his shuddering stopped.

"I love you."

Treize blinked and shut his eyes, still holding on. "I will always love you."

"Ready to finish our shower?"

"Why do you do this in the bath or shower?" Treize smiled, rinsing both of their bodies off. "Not that I'm complaining, of course."

"Maybe because I am a...clean Duo puts it."

"More like you're insatiable." Treize put his hands on either side of Wufei's face, enjoying the view. "Will I ever get to meet this Duo person?"

Wufei closed his eyes.

"Or Heero, or Sally, or these other people you mention?" Treize asked. "Or talk to someone, at least?"]


"I feel so lonely here sometimes..."

Glad that the shower kept the little nagging tear camouflaged, Wufei ran his fingers through Treize's hair and hugged him. "I know, and I wish it were otherwise...but Treize, they wouldn't understand. They wouldn't trust you, they might even hurt you."

The entire discussion was too familiar to them, and they wordlessly left the shower, drying off separately. Treize left the bathroom and disappeared back into the bedroom. Wufei groaned to himself and shook his head. Saying no was harder and harder each time.

He shut off the lights and climbed into bed beside Treize, breathing a quick sigh of relief when his lover snuggled close, pushing his face into Wufei's throat and nuzzling his cheek. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I know you want to see more, and it's unfair to box you up like this--"

", it''s all right...but..." Treize stretched out and relaxed again. Settled like this, Wufei's toes barely reached his ankles, but the pleasant touch reassured him for some reason. "What kind of person was I?"

Wufei held him tight against himself and yawned, close to sleep again. "You were much like you are now. You've lost a little...ambition...some goals that are no longer were very determined then. You defeated me twice."

"I must have been very good with a sword."

Yes, you cut me to shreds...twice..."No, I have merely improved a little. Shall we duel again tomorrow?"

"I would like that." Treize closed his eyes and kissed Wufei once more. "Until morning then."

Wufei smiled in the dark. When he was sleepy, Treize's manner lapsed back into his previous formal tone. "Until then, my sweet rose."


"Wufei, are you getting any sleep at all?" Duo demanded, hands on his hips.

The Chinese pilot gave him a sullen look that rivaled even Heero's. "Yes. I merely woke up too early."

"I know what you mean," Duo sighed. He stretched his arms out over his desk and lay his head down. "I can't believe Une called us in at six. Talk about brutal."

"I can't wait for the desk turns to change," Wufei admitted. "I'm sick of sitting behind these things. Useless woman's work."


Wufei didn't even move. "Hello, woman."

"Polite as ever," Sally rolled her eyes. "I came to drop these things off--" She plopped two stacks of papers down in front of the boys, letting them hit the wood with a satisfying thud, and turned back to the door. "--and to let you know that once you finish those, desk jobs rotate."

Duo and Wufei both looked up in disbelief. "Really?" they asked at once.

"Yup. Then it'll be Trowa and Heero sitting here." She sighed and shook her head. "Y'know, compared to those two, you guys aren't so bad to have around."

"What do you mean?" Wufei grumbled, grabbing his stack. Just another mass of forms...this shouldn't take long.

"At least you two talk," she smiled. "Anyway, it doesn't look like we'll have any assignments for you just yet, so unless there's an emergency--"

"Vacation city!" Duo grinned. "I'd better buy more whipped cream."

Letting that little comment drop, Sally picked a finished report from Wufei's desk. As she brought it up, she noticed a peculiar scent coming from the bundle of papers. She took another breath and blinked. "Roses?"

Wufei forced himself to relax and hoped no one had seen him freeze for just a second. "What?" he asked as innocently as possible.

"Hmm...the report smells like roses...weird..."

"Must be the roses along the building," he muttered.

"Ooh, Wufei's got a girlfriend..." Duo sing-songed. "What's her name, huh? Huh? Huh?"

"Is she cute? Is she nice?" His eyes opened wide. "Oh, wait, you hate women! Is she a he?"

Wufei hoped the heat in his face wasn't a blush. "I do not hate women!"

"No, you just pick on us every day," Sally said.

He ignored her and went back to writing.

"I bet there is someone!" Duo practically bounced in his seat. "Someone who likes roses...probably leaves little trails of rose petals to the bedroom...covers the bed in rose petals..."

Now Wufei knew he was blushing. He kept his eyes on the paper and didn't even grunt out a response.

"Agent Maxwell," came a new voice. "Have you finished those reports so quickly?"

Duo was the only one in the room daring enough to grin at Une in Colonel mode. "Nope, haven't even started!"

Colonel Une only sighed and left the room again.

Later that evening, around seven thirty, Wufei stretched and tossed the last sheet on the last stack. "Thank heavens. Finished."

Duo glared. "Show off."

Wufei smirked at him. "If you had not wasted your lunch getting a happy meal--"1

"Hey, not everybody packs a cup o' noodles!" Duo griped. "Some of us like having a real meal."

"And a free toy?" He threw on his jacket, picked up his pack and moved to the door before Duo could think up any nasty pranks.

Unfortunately Duo was not interested in pranks. " sure finished quick, Wufei," he mused. "Someone special waiting back home?"


Far from being intimidated, Duo laughed and spun in his chair. "I knew it! You only get pissed when I'm right. So, who is it? Cute? Tall? Blonde? Brunette? Red head?"

"Bite me, Maxwell."
Duo blinked in surprise as Wufei left. Damn, that was weird. Why wouldn't he want me to know? He isn't ashamed, is he? Man, now I'm really curious...

And sadly, Wufei had forgotten what Duo was like when he got curious.


Treize hastily cleared up the table, whisking the plates to the kitchen before Wufei found anything to snap at again. Something had upset his lover, but every time he tried to ask, the Chinese boy would bark out a single word answer or worse, stay silent. While he was in the kitchen, he heard footsteps head for the bedroom and sure enough, Wufei had walked away without so much as an explanation or apology.

Maybe...he's just really tired. Treize nodded to himself, yes, that must be it. He finished cleaning up and went to check on his companion. Wufei already lay in bed, body softly rising and falling as he slept. Treize smiled despite himself and watched him until his legs began to cramp up.

"I'm sure you'll feel better after your rest," he whispered, not expecting to be heard. Instead of joining him, however, he retreated to the living room and turned the lights off so that the only light came from the vid. He sat down and pulled the vid screen close, and the blue glow reflected off of his eyes. He typed in a few words and waited as a chat program searched for his usual room.


Duo leaned across the bed and gave Heero a little kiss before the stern boy could fall asleep.

"Again?" Heero murmured.

Duo grinned but shook his head. "Nah, you had a rough mission. Pleasant dreams, see you in the morning." He pulled the blankets up to Heero's throat, using it as an excuse to brush his fingers across the smooth cheek and silky hair. Being able to do this was worth the time it had taken to let Heero adjust to Duo's constant presence in bed. Before the slightest touch had jerked him awake, but now even a hug only made him smile in his sleep.

The braided pilot eased out of bed and headed to the living room, where he opened up Heero's laptop and ran a specialized program Heero had designed the year before. He typed in Wufei's address, filched from the Preventers office, and then ran a scan for that particular vid's individual identification number.

Error 23: Access Denied.

"Yeah, right," Duo smiled, fingers flying across the keyboard.

Error 79: User Unknown.

"Getting closer..."

Another screen popped up, informing him that his password was incorrect, then gave him a limited root directory to choose the password screen from. Instead he opened the services screen and routed through the employee directory. He found the head of security and opened the password screen again, this time gaining access to the employee pass page. Opening another window, he brought up the Preventers main computer and looked through their military database. His hunch paid off, the security chief was an old war veteran. And his highest commendation...

Password: Purple Heart

Access Granted.

Immediately he pulled up the vid identification numbers for the entire building and found two for Wufei's apartment. He copied them down, then closed the window entirely. Now he went back to the search engine software modified for Preventers and ran both numbers.

"Maybe they've searched for stuff," he wondered out loud. "Toys, finances...movies..." He gasped. Instead of reporting back old data files, he was presented with a diamond. One of the vids was online in a chat room under the name Snowfire.


Without looking to see what kind of chat it was, he logged in and quietly watched the conversation. And his jaw dropped.

Blaze: Are you watering them too much?

Bonica: I don't think so. I've got them on a drip.

Crimson Glory: Can't be the water then. The wrong fertilizer?

Bonica: No, I checked that, too. It's right, I even took it back to the store to make sure. >.<

Snowfire: Have you checked for mildew?

Sunbright: You're kidding me. -_-

Snowfire: No, I'm serious. Especially the powdered type. Bonica is a tough little plant, but it could still catch it.

Bonica: I hadn't checked for that. :o

Snowfire: Look around the roots especially.

Bonica: I'll have to separate the pot and dirt for that.

Snowfire: Look, you're growing these for competition, right? Use glass pots, it's easier to look.

Blaze: He's right, y'know. I use them.

Bonica: But my ceramics are so pretty!

Crimson Glory: Then use 'em in your kitchen. Not for show plants.

Bonica: But

Blaze: If you like winning, you need to invest in glass or plastic.

Sunbright: Make sure you do it soon. I think Snowfire's right about the mildew.

Crimson Glory: Don't bother. She logged out.

Blaze: She's so damn emotional... >:(

Snowfire: What do you expect? We raise roses.

Sunbright: cute :p

Duo tilted his head. " his, Blaze called Snowfire a 'he'." He smirked. "So, Wufei's got good taste. Let's see, is there a picture in your profile?" He clicked on the link and instead found an empty box with n/a inside."Guess not. Well, you can't be Wu, so who are you?"

He searched the apartment database again, but again there was only one name listed for the suite. He hacked into the security camera over Wufei's door, but there were no shoes left outside. No name plate on the door. No cutesy little sign.

"Of course not, it's 'Fei, for crying out loud."

A tiny tug on his braid made him look up into sleepy blue eyes. "Hi, Heero. Whatcha doing up?"

"My boyfriend's typing. What's so interesting?" He blinked at the computer screen. "More porn?"

"I was tricked onto one site!" Duo snapped. "That doesn't make me a porn addict!"

"There were five windows up when I caught you."

"Yeah, two windows pop up when you try to close one. It's like playing whack-a-mole with the devil. It wasn't my fault, the link said it was a toy shop and nothing else!"2

"So what are you looking at then?" Heero leaned over Duo, draping his arms around his shoulders as he stared at the screen. "Voyeur cam?"

"Uh-uh. Wufei's apartment camera. He's got a boyfriend, but I don't know who it is." Duo snickered. "Someone who likes roses, though."

"How do you know?"

"See, I hacked into the apartment, which wasn't easy 'cause I had to use the Preventer database to help, and then I got in and found the vid i.d. numbers, and one of them is online and the guy likes roses, so it can't be Wufei, so I checked out here, but--"

"You used the Preventer computers?"

Duo fell silent. "Did...I say...Preventer?"


"I...uh, I meant work station back at the office!"

"Which is connected to the main database." Heero leaned forward and shut off the laptop. "Which is not allowed." He eased around the sofa and straddled Duo's hips, pinning him to the couch with one hand. "And punishable with loss of privileges."

"You wouldn't punish me, would you?" Duo murmured, peering up at him through his lashes.



Quatre's brow creased as he watched Duo ease onto the cushioned seat, wincing in sympathy when his friend gave a little whimper. "Duo, are you all right? Did you get the bug going around?"

He nodded and relaxed, picking up his own cup of tea. "Nah, just a little rough-housing last night."

Quatre handed him a menu from the table top. "Spanking again?"

Duo gave his friend a sheepish smile. "He caught me messing around with something, so instead of restriction for a week, I got this instead."

"You really have to stop using the computers for unofficial business," Quatre chided.

Duo opened the menu with a little nod. "I know, I know, or so everyone keeps telling me. I mean, come on, Une's the only one who gets ticked, and she never does anything! What're you having?"

"Sweet and sour chicken. What were you doing this time?"

Duo scanned the page, then flipped to the back menu. "Spying on Wufei. He's got a boyfriend."

"He does?" Quatre's eyes opened wide. "I thought he was straight!"

"As straight as you or me."

The waiter came by with their appetizers, and they ordered then. Once they were alone again, Quatre smiled and half closed his eyes.

"I wonder who he is. Not just anyone could handle Wufei's personality."

"You mean put up with him. Wufei won't even admit he's seeing anyone, but it's obvious now. Has Sally told you yet?"

"Told me what?"

Duo giggled. "His reports smelled like roses."


"Yeah, and the guy on the chat site--"

"You spied on him in a chat?" Quatre gasped. "Duo, that's not nice!"

Duo tilted his head with a smirk. "Right. Like you've never spied on Trowa."

Quatre pouted and lowered his head. "That's different."

"Uh huh...right..."

"I thought he was cheating."

"With who, his sister? Admit it, Q', you were jealous."

"Okay, okay," Quatre grumbled. "Anyway, what about Wufei's boyfriend?"

Duo grinned and edged forward. "He's really into roses. I mean, to the point where he's giving people tips on how to raise them for show. And his chat's Snowfire."

"Oh, like the rose," the blonde smiled. "I know those. We have some in the garden."

Duo sighed and rest his head in his hands. "It took me three different searches to find that out."

"So what are you going to do now?" Quatre asked.

Duo gave a little mock gasp and flopped one hand. "What, you think I'd spy again after Heero caught me?"

Now Quatre smirked. "Of course. You'll probably do it tonight."

Duo shook his head. "Nope, before Heero comes home. Wanna drop by and spy with me?"

They both held still as steaming hot dishes on pretty blue plates were set before them. Quatre took a quick bite of chicken and considered.

"I don't know," he wondered. "Trowa'd be upset if he found out."

"They won't find out!" Duo promised. "When we hear Heero come home, we'll turn off the camera and catch whatever's on the vid."

Quatre grinned. "Sure, it'll be fun. We can play cards while we watch."


Treize leaned back in the circular window seat, staring out over half of the colony. He never asked his lover how much the suite cost, but the price must have been astronomical for the view alone. Of course he never asked about the job, either, just assumed that it paid enough. He smiled despite himself. A park lay not too far from their apartment complex, complete with playgrounds and grass and trees and bunches of transplanted wildflowers. In the center a fountain had been constructed with a rose motif, but the only reason he knew that was because he'd seen a detailed photograph on his vid screen.

Everything I see is on a vid, he sighed. He lay his fingers on one of his treasured climbing roses on the wall and stared out of his luxurious prison. He wanted to go out so badly.

Treize shook his head. After Wufei's stern admonition to never ever "on any circumstances" leave the apartment, his life had dwindled to house work, gardening and the damn vid. At least, he thought it had dwindled. All he could remember about his past was sitting in a dark void before the pain of fire and vacuum struck his chest, sending him to unbearable cold.

"Or maybe he's ashamed of me," he whispered to himself.

"I'm not ashamed of you at all."

Treize's head snapped around to see Wufei standing right next to him, dressed in loose jeans and a tank top. His face held a strange, unreadable expression.

"I'm sorry," Treize apologized. "I didn't mean to--"

"No," Wufei stopped him. He took a seat facing Treize and stared at him for a moment, letting his gaze linger on his lover's black robe. The top half had begun a slow descent down one shoulder while the bottom revealed one long leg all the way to the thigh. Roses grew thickly around the room, framing the windows and doors and lining the long tables. One vine of roses seemed to swirl around Treize's foot and calf. With a little effort Wufei looked out the window. "You haven't done anything wrong. You've been more than perfect in putting up with me."

Treize lowered his eyes. " seemed so angry at me..."

"Not at you." Wufei took Treize's hand in his own. "Myself. I'm sorry, I should have told you...weeks ago. You have a right to know why you're shut up in here all alone."

"I did something awful, didn't I?' Treize breathed, unable to look up.

"In a way," Wufei said. "I've replayed the events in my memory, everything I knew, every scrap of information I could look up. The things you did were necessary. They prevented mass slaughter...but that does not excuse all of it."
"All of what?" Treize asked.

"Manipulations...things you did to those who considered you their friend. You had your reasons, but...oh, were a grand dictator hiding in the wings."

"I'm only getting more confused," Treize murmured, tightening his grip on Wufei's hand. "Who was I?"

Smiling faintly, Wufei lay his hand on Treize's cheek and tilted his head up. His lover's hair sparkled red in the bright light. "Yes, exactly. You are not who you used to be. Not anymore. You don't have to be." He reached into one pocket and pulled out a disc case. "I've managed to put the facts of your past life on this disc, along with my own notes and some video files. Watch it when you feel you are ready. None of it has propaganda, one way or the other."

"Propaganda?" Treize gasped. "What on earth did I do?"

Wufei didn't respond. He took Treize's hand and lay the case inside. "Just remember, when you choose to watch this, that I love you. I always will. Once you've finished...I will answer any questions you have."

"I'm only more frightened now," Treize said.

"Don't be." He leaned forward and wrapped his lover up in a tight embrace, allowing him to do the same. "It's all over now. Things are far better than they were before. You're with me."


Quatre heaved another sigh when he glanced at the vid screen. "I can't believe this. Are you sure they'll still inside?"

Duo grunted and tossed an eight of spades down on the little pile of cards. "Yup. Man, who the hell spends the entire day inside? I mean, even if he's screwing his boyfriend's brains out, he could at least take him to dinner after."

Quatre winced and lay a three of clubs down. "Maybe his boyfriend can cook."

"He better be able, 'cause the last time I ate Wufei's cooking my heart almost exploded." He lay a diamond four down. "God help me, he is the worst health nut I've ever met."

"Duo, the tofu wasn't even the main dish!" Queen of hearts.

"Doesn't matter." Ten of spades. "I've been permanently scarred."

Quatre shook his head to himself. "Just because he didn't make you french fries..." Ace of hearts.

"Hey, he had potatoes! He had a sword! He coulda' done it!" Ace of diamonds.

Quatre's hand darted out and landed with a harsh smack on the pile, startling Duo who fell backwards out of his chair. "Two aces, Duo. You've gotta be more prepared than that."

Duo grumbled as he sat back down and rubbed his sore posterior. "You are such a business man, Q."

Quatre grinned and gathered his cards into a neat, thick stack. "Jealous."

Duo stuck out his tongue. 3


Treize lay the disc down, pushing it half under a rose blossom on the sill, and shook his head. "I want to but...I know I'm not ready yet. Maybe in a few more weeks, but I'm just too frightened to look."

Wufei nodded his understanding with a relieved smile. "I was hoping you wouldn't. I'll leave this here for you when you decide."

Treize let out a quick breath. "Thank you. I...I realize this must have been hard for you."

Wufei shrugged as if it were nothing, but he lowered his eyes. "I can't keep you locked in here without telling you why. I feel awful enough as it is. You deserve walks in the park, and going out to restaurants, and...having friends."

Treize smiled and reached his arms out, one hand on Wufei's shoulder while the other brushed his loose hair back. "I have what I want most. Those things wouldn't matter without you."

"You're such a sweet talker," the Chinese boy murmured, trying to hide how his eyes misted over.

"Mmm, you're sweet." Treize began to pull Wufei closer, but a knock came from the door just as they touched.

"Damn it," Wufei groaned. "Always at the wrong time."

"I'll get it," Treize offered. "You did leave the money at the door, yes?"

Wufei nodded. "Pizza, like you asked. Though why you asked at all..."

Treize laughed and stood up, stretching his arms and legs. "I've cooked it before. I want to see how a professional pizza tastes."


"Get in bed, love. I'll be back in a moment."

"Dinner in bed?" Wufei smirked. "I think I'd prefer dinner on Treize."

His lover blushed pink and tightened his robe a bit. "Greasy pizza on your lover?"

Wufei laughed low in his throat, almost growling. "I'd lick all the juices off, I promise."

Treize brought one hand to his mouth in a vain effort to hide his smile. "I' right back," he promised, rushing off down the hall. The faster he went out, the sooner he could come back in.


"Hey, we got action!" Duo grinned. He pointed at the screen, where a pizza delivery girl dropped off a box and scooped up the money on the floor outside the door. She knocked once, then turned and left.

"Pizza?" Quatre blinked. "Wufei would never order pizza."

"Must be his boyfriend." Duo leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "I wonder which one of 'em will pick it up?"

The door opened a little, then opened wide.

Duo's eyes opened wider. Beside him, Quatre's grip on the cards weakened until they fell to the floor, scattering wildly. Not a sound as Treize picked up the box and started to turn. Before he disappeared, however, he jerked a hand back and held it up.


"Ow..." Treize winced and put the finger to his mouth. Paper cuts hurt so much, and only more so when they came from heavy cardboard.

Soft hands took the box from him and set it down somewhere inside the apartment, and then Wufei forced Treize's hand down to inspect the tiny injury. "What happened?"

"Just a nick from the cardboard," he whispered. "It startled me, that's all."

Wufei brought the hand down to his own mouth, where he sucked the last bit of blood away. "I didn't apologize, did I?"

"Apologize?" Treize echoed.

"For treating you so coldly yesterday." He ran his fingers through Treize's hair, glad of his little growth spurt of a few inches.

Treize smiled and shook his head. "Nothing to be forgiven. You were just upset--"

"No," Wufei argued. "I threw a tantrum at the wrong person." He didn't say who the right person was. "I'm sorry."

Treize wrapped his arms around him suddenly, inclining his head next to Wufei's. Resigned to the fact that he'd always be taller, the slightly uneven hug still felt good. "I think I know a way you could make up for it."

Wufei grinned and looked up at him. "Would it involve your robe tie and your wrists?"

Treize blushed and laughed. "You know me so well."

Breaking the embrace, Wufei slipped the silk sash around Treize's waist off and started to wind it around Treize's hands, which the tall man held together for his lover's convenience. Using no complex knots, Wufei merely used the silk to keep Treize's hands firmly together.

"You know, you surprised me so much when you said you liked this," Wufei whispered.

"It feels...nice," Treize tried to explain. "Being helpless with the one you love..." He sighed, still smiling. "In any'll know?"

"Feed you dinner a bit at a time?" Wufei nodded. "I know you well enough, Treize. Sometimes I wonder just how helpless you are."

Treize blushed brighter and allowed Wufei to tug him back into the apartment and shut the door.


The two pilots exchanged looks, and Duo stretched in his chair, letting his head fall back so he could stare at the ceiling. "Okay," he said, "I'm officially confused now."

Quatre finally regained control of his voice. "How can he be alive?" he gasped. "How...we saw him die, we saw the recordings...there's no way anyone could survive that."

"Wufei was in love with him?" Duo shook his head. "The whole time, he was in love with our enemy?"

Quatre let his mind process that thought. "Oh...poor Wufei. That must have been awful. No wonder he felt so lost after the war."

"That's why he didn't want me to know," Duo said. " the hell is Treize alive? I mean, even if he wasn't incinerated, the vacuum would have killed him."

"We'd better go over the records again," Quatre said. "If he survived, then Wufei must have helped him somehow."

"If?" Duo echoed. "What do you mean, 'if he survived'? He's right there, you saw him."

Quatre nodded once, staring at the screen in intense thought. "Duo, there's a possibility that it wasn't Treize in the Tallgeese at all. If the explosion was fatal to the pilot and Treize is alive, then logically Treize was not the pilot."

Duo narrowed one eye while the other widened. "Mmm...I'll admit, I hardly knew the guy, but he didn't seem the type to send someone in his place. If he said it was him, it was probably him."

Obviously troubled, Quatre sighed and switched off the camera feed. "Let me bring up the Preventer recordings of the explosion. We need to look over them again."

Duo knelt and began to gather up all the scattered playing cards. Halfway through, he looked up at Quatre. "We can't tell them."


"Heero or Trowa...or anyone else. We can't tell them about this."

Quatre made a little noise of protest. "But Duo, we have to tell them. They deserve to know--"

Duo put his hands on the blonde's shoulders, interrupting him. "What would they do if we told them?"

Quatre glanced aside.

"Damnit, Quat', what do you think they'd do? Do you honestly think they'd just sit back and wait for Wufei to say something?" Duo tossed the cards aside, making another mess. "This is Treize Khushrenada. If they found out he's still alive, do you think they'd even hesitate going in guns blazing?"

"No...but Duo, Treize could be plotting something. He could be working on new plans, manipulating Wufei--"

Duo almost laughed. "Manipulating? Letting Wu' tie him up is manipulating him? Giving gardeners hints on growing roses?"

"Duo, why are you saying this?" Quatre stood up and walked a few feet away, arms around himself. "He was your enemy, too. He's responsible for thousands of deaths, he turned on people who thought he was their I have to remind you what Une's going through because of him? I'm all for peace, but Duo...he's dangerous."

Duo lowered his head and sat down slowly. "He was dangerous," he murmured. "But that was then. Maybe he's changed."


"Look, if he was trying anything, we'd have noticed. We have connections everywhere, right? There's no Oz resurgence, no underground movements, nothing political. And all he's done so far is talk roses and live with Wufei. Okay, the reports smell like roses, big deal. I admit, I've sprayed lavender on Heero's gun sometimes."

"Why are you so quick to defend him?"

"Why are you so quick to hang him?"

Quatre blinked. "What?"

Duo wouldn't meet his eyes. His hands twisted nervously, and when he spoke, his voice hardly rose above a whisper. "Sometimes...people change. People can change. Just because they were a certain way before doesn't mean they can't get better. Just because they've killed...doesn't mean they can't stop."

The hiss of static on the vidscreen filled the room as nothing was said. A full minute passed, and neither of them moved. Quatre let out a breath and shook his head to himself. No, it was wrong, it wouldn't work, it was irresponsible.

"All right," he agreed in a soft voice. "We don't say anything until we have evidence one way or another."

Duo smiled and nodded. "One way or the other."

Quatre sat back down and typed in a few instructions. "The film footage will take a bit to download. We'd better clean up those cards."

Duo bent and scooped up the nearest flat pieces of paper while Quatre joined him on the floor. Duo had just set his hand on an ace when his head snapped up, eyes wide. "Q, they're back!" he whispered. "Stop the download!"

Quatre wasted no time asking how he knew, he simply clicked the cancel button and flipped the vid to another channel. He heard footsteps on the staircase outside, and he merely grabbed the rest of the cards and plopped into the couch. Duo gathered half the cards and pushed them into a neat stack while Quatre did the same, and slapped one card down just as the door opened.

"Hi!" the two chirped. "Wanna play?"

Heero and Trowa stared at their lovers, taking in their smiling faces and bright eyes, and exchanged glances. Both knew the pair was up to something, but neither said anything as they sat down and joined them.


Early the next morning, Treize woke up to a strange rasping sound. He opened his eyes and looked around. Everything seemed normal enough, the lights were still off, no alarms had sounded, Wufei still lay beside him.

"Lights dim," he said quietly, and he leaned over as the room lit just enough to see his lover's features nestled on pillow. Lowering his head to Wufei's chest, he held his breath. A moment later, he winced as a steady wheezing dragged through with his breath. "Oh, Wufei..."

Black eyes cracked open and struggled to focus on him. "Treize--" A coughing fit cut off his words, and he sat up quickly, one hand over his mouth. When the hacking died down, he kept quiet, gently rubbing his throat.

Hardly knowing what else to do, Treize rubbed his back for a little before helping him lay back down. "Try to rest," he whispered. He lay one hand on his lover's forehead, gauging his temperature. "I'll get something for you."

He brought the blankets up to Wufei's throat and headed for the bathroom, turning the lights lower on the way and closing the bathroom door halfway behind himself so only a little light trickled into the dark room. He swung the mirror on the wall to one side, revealing a well stocked medicine cabinet. They'd never had to dip into it before, save for the time he'd accidentally burned himself on the stove. He could see the mark on the side of his hand when he reached for the various medicines.

"Cough suppressant, fever reduction, headache relief..." he read the list on one blue bottle. "That should do." He also filled a small metal bowl with water and dropped a washcloth inside, bringing that back with the medicine.


"Shh, I'm right here." He grabbed the nearest chair and pulled it close to the bed, and he set his armful on the nightstand next to him. "Sit up," he whispered.

Wufei tried to obey, but needed Treize's arm behind his back to help him move. His eyelids drooping, he parted his lips and downed the capful of blue liquid. He lay back down and closed his eyes.

"That's it, just sleep," Treize forced out with a smile. Wringing the excess water from the cloth, he dabbed it along Wufei's forehead to fight off the rising fever.


"Did you find out anything?" Trowa asked, slipping one paper into the out box and taking one from the in box.

Heero nodded while he finished another report. "They were running a background on Treize Khushrenada, specifically files recording his death. We came in too soon for it to finish."

Trowa didn't change his expression. "Why would they be so interested in that? It was years ago."

"I don't know. Duo's also been spying on Wufei. He said he thinks Chang has a boyfriend."

The tall pilot tilted his head curiously. "Strange. It must have been something in the gundam components."

Heero blinked. "What do you mean?"

"That we all like males," he said.

While he returned to the work at hand, Heero paused.

"I never thought about that. All of us...maybe the genetics helped with our piloting skills."

Trowa shrugged. "Does it matter?"

Heero went back to his work. "Not really. I..." He paused. "Have you finished the L5 point report?"

Trowa shook his head and checked his in box. "It's my next sheet, why?"

"One of the numbers isn't adding up. The orbital drift, it looks wrong."

He looked over the paper, frowning as he spotted what Heero had noticed. "I think you're right. Who added those up?"

"Wufei. I'll call him." He reached for the phone.

"Lunchtime!" Duo cried, coming in the door with Quatre not too far behind. "Who's hungry?"

Trowa tilted his head. "What are you two doing here? It's not your shift."

Quatre smiled and sat down on the edge of his desk. "I didn't want the love of my life to go hungry during lunch, since I know you'd never go out and get any yourself."

"The vending machine is down the hall," Heero defended himself.

"Ew, preservatives in plastic," Duo grimaced, sticking out his tongue. "Might as well eat those cardboard space rations for all the taste you get." He plopped down on the center of Heero's desk and brought his legs up after him so he could lay across the top. "Look, I even brought you something!"

Four Happy Meals materialized on the desk. Heero's eyes widened.

"If you're gonna eat unhealthy, at least enjoy it!"

Quatre giggled and lay two well packed lunch boxes on the table, opening them to reveal cutely wrapped sandwiches, fruits, tea and dessert. "I thought you might prefer something more substantial."

Trowa lay his hand on the blonde's cheek, holding him still for a quick kiss. "You thought right."

Duo blinked. "Have I just been insulted?"

Heero opened a box, grabbed a fry and held it up to his lover's lips. "Hush and eat."

The braided pilot eagerly sucked up the french fry, but he didn't lift his head, instead bending another inch to lick the excess salt from Heero's fingers.

"Have you no shame?" Quatre said as he blushed from the display.

Duo grinned at him. "None at all." He turned his attention from his boyfriend to the food on the desk, popping open each box. "Oh man!"

"What's wrong?" Heero asked.

"They forgot the napkins!" Duo said. "Ah well, I guess I can always use my pants--"

"Okay, okay, lover, I'll use your pants."

Trowa looked up from his sandwich. "There are some paper towels in the bathroom."

"Aw, but those are brown and ugly!"

Heero sighed. "Go get some, Duo."

"Spoilsports," he grumbled, jumping off the desk. "I'll show you. Maybe I'll come back wearing nothing but paper towels!"

Heero smirked. "Fine by me, but if Une sees you like that--"

Duo held up his hands in defeat. "Enough, you win already! Be right back."

He took off down the hallway, passing the vending machines and a few hallways. He was near the bathroom when he heard one of the phones ring in the main office in front of him. Figuring one person was in the bathroom while the rest were out to lunch, he picked up the phone.


"H-hello? this the Preventer's office?"

He tensed, then looked over his shoulder to make doubly sure that he was alone. "Yes, it is. Duo Maxwell speaking." A sigh of recognition, as if Treize knew his name.

"'s Wufei...he's sick, he won't stop coughing, and his fever...he wouldn't let me call anyone but he's getting worse and I can't keep the fever down and--"

"Whoa, slow down," Duo said, trying to soothe the rising panic he could hear in the other man's voice. "Calm down. Is he still awake?" Sure as hell didn't expect him to actually call me!

He could almost hear Treize shake his head. "No, no, the medicine's finally let him sleep. But he's still coughing...and...and..."

There is no way this is Treize Khushrenada, Duo thought to himself. Maybe he looks like him, way. "Does he know you're calling here?"

A pause.

"No..." A small sniffle. "He said not to call anyone. But he needs a doctor, I can't do anything to help him. Please..."

"I'll be right there," Duo promised. "Hang up the phone and if Wufei wakes up, don't mention you called us. He'll probably just get mad at you."


The braided pilot waited until he heard the phone click, and hung up the receiver. He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. The voice had been so familiar, but the way he'd frightened. He shook his head and retrieved a handful of paper towels before he headed back to the office.

"Hey, Quatre, I've gotta take care of something down on the west side," he said with a cheery smile, tossing the towels on Heero's lap. "Wanna come?"

Still sitting on his boyfriend's desk, Quatre nearly declined until he caught Duo's quick wink and tilt of the head. The blonde nodded.

"Sure. Be right with you." He bent and gave Trowa a kiss on the cheek, ignoring his questioning look. He then took off after Duo, who was already halfway down the hall.

Neither spoke until they reached the parking lot, both climbing into Quatre's dark blue convertible. Duo stretched out, enjoying the leg room, but smirked when his friend entered. "You sure you can reach the pedals?"

Quatre glared sideways at him and refused to comment. "Okay, where're we going that you didn't want to tell our boyfriends?"

"Wufei's apartment."

He just stared at him.

"I'm serious. He's sick, really sick."

"And you know this how?"

"Treize called the office."

Quatre didn't even start the car. "You're kidding."

"You think I wouldn't recognize his voice? It was him." He frowned. "I think. He didn't sound the same at all. Sounded like he was gonna start crying any minute."




Duo nodded.

Quatre sighed and started the car, heading out of the parking lot. "All right, but don't get upset if I carry my gun up with me."

He didn't reply.


"Okay Q', promise me you won't rush in there guns blazing," Duo said as their elevator reached the top floor.

Quatre shot him an exasperated look. "You know I never would. It's just one of us should be cautious."

The elevator doors opened, and they both edged against the walls out of habit. When no gunfire erupted from the door, they stepped out and headed to the main door. Quatre knocked, and when there was no response he tried the knob.

"It's unlocked," he said in surprise.

"Then let's let ourselves in."

The blonde followed the braid into the apartment, expecting anything from a sneak attack to a full frontal assault. Instead the lights were bright, the area was quiet, and nothing seemed out of place except the shoes hastily kicked to one side in the doorway.

"You go that way," Quatre whispered, pointing to the right. "I'll check this room."

Duo raised an eyebrow but didn't argue. He checked inside the kitchen, and he couldn't help his smile at the dried roses placed on the wall, the small crystals hanging on the window and throwing rainbows all around the room. Quatre stepped in beside him and tapped his shoulder, jerking his head at the bedroom. Duo nodded silently and they moved down the hall without a sound.

A faint moan, half a word uttered before fading, came from the room, followed by several hushed whispers. They glanced at each other and moved down the hall. Quatre stood beside the door while Duo pushed it gently in.

He froze, and Quatre hurried to look in case whatever had surprised him was lethal. Instead he held perfectly still as well.

His back to the door, Treize wrung out the washcloth in the steel bowl and pressed it to Wufei's face, slowly dabbing it along his cheek and throat. The Chinese boy moaned and tried to sit up on one arm. Instead he found he couldn't make any muscles work.

"It's all right," Treize whispered, bending to press a kiss to his lover's forehead. "I know it hurts, but that'll go away. I hope," he added in a smaller voice. Wringing out the cloth again, he kept up his ministrations. "Oh, love, why aren't your friends here yet?"

Duo glanced at Quatre, expecting him to make the first move. When he found their normally outgoing pilot rooted to the spot, he decided he'd better take over. "Um, hello?" he said softly, walking in with what he hoped was a reassuring grin. He'd half expected the former general to be in his old uniform, but the tall man only wore a loose gray shirt and dark pants, nothing else.

Treize looked up, and both Preventers noticed the dark lines under his eyes and the tired expression on his face. "Are you...?"

"Duo Maxwell," he said, dispensing with any amusing antics. "And this is Quatre Winner. We're Preventers."

Treize's eyes closed and he smiled in relief, his shoulders drooping as he lowered his head. "Thank God. I was beginning to think you wouldn't come. My name is Treize."

"Just Treize?" Quatre asked.

He returned to treating Wufei. "That's all I remember."

Duo kept his smile up and stepped closer, leaning over Treize's shoulder to see his comrade shivering under the blankets. "How long has he been like this?"

"Since early this morning. I woke up and he was coughing and trying to hide it..."

"Sounds like Wufei all right," Duo said. "It looks like it's just a bad case of the flu, but maybe we'd better call in a doctor."

Quatre sat down on the other side of the bed, looking over his friend for signs of abuse or mistreatment. "I agree. Sally'll know someone discreet."

Duo met Quatre's eyes, debating whether to argue or not. He decided he'd pushed his friend far enough and pulled his phone from his hip pocket. "Go ahead," he said, handing it over.

The blonde took the phone and dialed while he walked into the hall. "Hello, Sally? Now listen to me very carefully before you say anything..."

Treize looked up at Duo. "Is...something wrong?"

The young man shook his head and lay his hand on Treize's shoulder. "Uh, let's just say things are gonna get really weird soon."



Heero and Trowa had their guns drawn before they'd realized they were out of their chairs. They stopped running when they pulled up at Sally's door, surprised by the lack of any enemies to shoot. Sally waved them down and returned her attention to the phone.

"Quatre, that's impossible--no, I know you wouldn't lie but--he was? Like a nurse? Wait, assuming, and I'm not agreeing, mind you, assuming you're right, why was he there in the first--" She gasped and plopped down in her seat. "You mean...he's the one...Wufei's boyfriend...? Oh my"

The two Preventers exchanged glances, and Heero shrugged.

"He hasn't hurt him?...yes, yes, like a nurse, I heard you the first time--he doesn't remember his last name?" She pressed her knuckles to her mouth. "Maybe...maybe not. If he isn't lying, and...but Wufei wouldn't trust him if he was lying. He'd be able to tell, right? So he must have forgotten everything...oh, right, right, I forgot. A doctor, a I'll come myself. Of course I can, I was only out of the medical branch a year ago...or so." She rummaged around her desk for the address, crooking her head to hold the phone on her shoulder. "If it's serious, we can get a specialist, but I don't want anyone outside the office for this. Thank God Duo picked up and not one of the...where is that damn file...Quatre, where's his stupid apartment, I can't find the address."

Ripping a sheet of paper in half, she grabbed a pen and scribbled furiously. "All right, I know where that is. Now, you said he isn't acting threatening? Nothing at all like his old self? Odd. Okay, I'm bringing Trowa and Heero with me. Stay put, don't let him out of your sight. Wait a sec, how's Duo handling all this?" Her eyes widened again. "Really? Mm...we'll be there soon."

"What was that about?" Trowa asked.

She slowly set the receiver down and raised her eyes. "First, I want you both to promise me you will not draw your weapons unless physically threatened, and that you will act, if not with respect, then at least to the codes regulating the treatment of prisoners of war."

Heero leaned back on his heels, frowning even as he nodded. "I will."

Trowa nodded once.

"Treize Khushrenada is alive and has been living with Wufei for at least several weeks," she said, gauging their reactions.

Neither even flinched.

"Is that where Duo and Quatre went?" Trowa asked.

Sally eyed them warily. "Yes. Duo received a call from Treize, asking for help."

"'Help'?" Heero repeated.

"Wufei's sick and needs medical attention."

"He hurt--?" Trowa started.

"No, it's the flu, or some variant," she said. "Do you think Wufei would keep Treize there if he didn't trust him?"

"China," Heero said. "That's when he started acting strangely. He must have brought Treize back then."

"You can ask him when you get there," she said, grabbing her keys and standing up. "Let's go."

An hour later, Une returned expecting half the paperwork to be complete and everyone busy at their desks. Instead she found an empty office, stacks of work undone, and a handful of secretarial clerks trying to sneak in after a late lunch.


"So you don't remember anything?" Duo asked, dangling his legs off of corner chair.

Treize shook his head and wrung the rag out again, dabbing under Wufei's jaw. "Not much. Wufei says I have amnesia, but that I shouldn't try to remember. He says it's better this way."

"He hasn't explained anything to you?" Quatre asked. He shifted from one foot to the other as he looked out the window, watching for Preventer vehicles.

"Nothing. He...he gave me a disc yesterday that he said would show me what I did before, but I haven't looked at it yet. From the way he spoke about it...I don't want to see it." He left the rag in the water and relaxed his arms, craning his neck back to ease the sore muscles. "I don't think I was a good person."

Neither responded.


Duo and Quatre looked up as Treize leaned over Wufei, one hand smoothing back his hair.

"Yes, love?"

The Chinese pilot sighed. "Help me up."

"'Fei, you're too sick to get up," Treize said, easing his arms around him regardless. "You have to stay in bed."

"Just...let me sit up, then."

Knowing his lover would be furious, Treize nodded once and helped him sit back against the pillows, adjusting them so he was comfortable. Wufei stifled a cough and lay his head on his love's shoulder, trying not to sigh. He still couldn't stop his coughing fit. He turned his face and snuggled into Treize's shirt.

"Time?" he rasped.

"One thirty-seven," Treize answered. "At three you can have the next dose."

"Now?" he asked, looking up. He tightened his fingers around Treize's shirt and pulled himself closer. "Right now?"

"No," he said, holding him with one arm while the other hand stroked his hair. "You can't take it too soon. The bottle said it could hurt you."

"Want it now," Wufei said. "Please?"

Treize bit his lip and looked at the bottle. "I..."

Duo shared a look with Quatre. Both nodded at each other, and the blonde stepped forward into view. "You'll only hurt yourself if you overdose," he said. "You need more rest."

For a moment, Wufei only heaved a frustrated sigh and closed his eyes, lapsing into sleep again. Then his eyes snapped open and he spotted Quatre in front of him, Duo not far behind. "How...why?" he whispered.

"I called them," Treize said, shrinking when Wufei's pale glare turned on him.

"I told you never to contact anyone." Wufei pushed away far enough to see his lover's eyes. "You promised you wouldn't. You promised--" and another coughing fit forced him to stop.

"It's not his fault," Quatre said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You're really sick. He got scared and called for help."

"," he cried and wrapped himself around Treize. "No, I won't let you take him. He's mine. I called him back, he loves me."

Quatre held his hands up. "It's all right, he's not going anywhere."

"He doesn't remember anything," Wufei said. "He isn't the same person anymore. It'd be cruel to hurt him now."

"Then," Duo started, "it's true he's got amnesia?"

Wufei nodded.

"But how is he alive?" the braided pilot asked. He sat beside Wufei and put a hand on his shoulder. "I thought you..." he glanced up at Treize. "You know."

Wufei swallowed and let out a shaky breath. "It's all right. He has a right to know...I suppose you do as well."

He opened his mouth to say more, but they all heard the front door open wide and footsteps come down the hall. Wufei tightened his grip on Treize, almost pulling him into bed as well. Quatre walked out to meet them while Duo sat on the edge of the bed, shielding the pair from the door.


Treize lowered his eyes and gently tightened his grip on Wufei's hand. So many people in the apartment, after only seeing Wufei for so long, and all of them stared as if he were some kind of alien. Only Duo spoke openly, but even his words sounded carefully chosen.

"It looks like he's just got a bad case of the flu," Sally said, leaning back.

"It's probably just that bug going around," Duo nodded. He still stood beside Treize, acting as a buffer between Wufei's frightened lover and the rest of the room. "So we don't need to get another doctor?"

Sally shook her head. "No, but I am going to have some stronger medicine brought in. This over-the-counter stuff won't do much." She stared at Wufei. "If you'd stuck to these, you'd be in bed a lot longer."

"I didn't want to attract any attention," he said.

Heero, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, looked up. "May I ask the obvious question?"

Wufei turned his glare towards Heero.

"How did Treize survive the explosion?" The Japanese pilot stared at Treize. "We saw his mobile suit explode. And even if he'd survived the shock, he wasn't wearing a space suit. He should be dead."

"Explosion?" Treize whispered, turning to his lover.

"You won't believe me," Wufei gave a bitter laugh. "It is all too far-fetched."

"Try me."

"Fine." He readjusted himself against the pillow. "You're right. Treize did not survive. He died the instant I ran him through, and any remains were vaporized by the explosion."

Heero blinked. "Then how is he alive now?"

"I called him back." Wufei pulled Treize closer so he could lean on the taller man's chest. "When I went to China."

"For that ghost ceremony?" Duo asked. He smiled when Wufei stared at him in surprise. "Hey, I listen sometimes."

Sally nodded. "It was the only way for anyone to properly remember those who died in space. I'd wondered if it worked."

Wufei glanced at perhaps the only person in the room who believed and understood. "It did. I...I asked for ease the pain."

"And they sent the scholar a ghost," she said, not knowing if she should laugh. "I thought those were just stories."4

Wufei chuckled once. "So had I. I don't think I can ridicule them anymore."

"I don't think I followed that," Quatre said with a sigh.

"He asked his ancestors for a favor," Sally said. "I guess dragons can work better favors than rabbits can."

"Rabbits?" Wufei said. He stared at her twisted hair. "Ah. Now I see the family resemblance."5

"You're right," Heero said. "That is far-fetched. You can't expect us to believe it."

"I don't lie."

"Then he's lied to you," the soldier said. "Treize Khushrenada was not known for his honesty."

"...Khushrenada...?" Treize whispered.

"He was in the Tallgeese," Wufei snapped. "I killed him. You saw the tapes, he died."

"Obviously those tapes were tampered with," Trowa said.

Sitting in the far corner, Quatre sat back and shook his head. "Neither of them is lying."

They all turned to stare at him, except Treize, who was starting to shiver.

"They're both telling the truth." The blonde rubbed his temples and groaned. "To be honest, though, all of you are giving me a headache."

"Quatre, if you can't feel this clearly--" Trowa started.

Quatre held his hand up, hushing him. "That's the problem, I'm feeling all of you too clearly. You and Heero are intent on hurting someone, Sally's nervous, Duo's nervous, Wufei's seething, and Treize...he started out scared, but now he's so terrified he might faint."

"He should be," Trowa nodded. "He has to stand trial for his crimes."

"He already died once for them," Wufei said.

Heero shook his head. "I don't believe you."

"Dammit, he wasn't evil, Romefeller was, and he helped destroy Romefeller--"

"He manipulated the deaths of Noventa, Septum, Darlian, and countless others. He orchestrated an entire war."

Duo lay his hand on Treize's shoulder, and he sighed as a tiny bit of tension left his body. "Heero," the braided pilot murmured, "he didn't kill Noventa. You did. Une killed Septum and Darlian. She used the colonies as a shield. Treize never pulled a trigger. He didn't even hurt Wufei, and he had two chances."

Heero glared at his lover. "He micromanaged the entire Oz overthrow--"

"--and Zechs led the White Fang," Duo said. "Zechs wanted to destroy the earth, he actually fired the Libra cannon. I haven't seen you condemning him."

"He was confused," Heero said.

"Then you admit people can change?" Wufei asked, trying to keep his voice level.

"Not as much as Treize would have to. He'd have to entirely change personalities, like Une."

"He has," the Chinese pilot said.

"That's impossible."

"You just said Une could do it."

Heero narrowed his eyes. "Until I review those tapes, and we get a real diagnosis of Treize's condition, I consider him a prisoner of war."

Duo stepped in front of Treize while Sally leaned closer to Wufei. From the corner of the room, Quatre stood up and stared at his lover.

"Trowa, you can't let him do this."

The green-eyed boy stared back. "Quatre, Treize is not worth your efforts. Don't make this difficult."

Without waiting to hear their reactions, Heero took a step forward. "Treize shouldn't be in this room. I saw another room here that's almost empty. He can stay there for the time being."

"No," Wufei whispered.

"Heero, you can't do this," Duo said. "He hasn't done anything wrong."

"He is our enemy and not to be trusted." Heero motioned for him to move aside. "If you can prove otherwise, he can come back."

"I'll call Zechs and get him down here," Duo said with a frown. "If anyone can tell what's going on in Treize's head, it's him."

"Fine, just get out of the way."

Wufei turned and put his arms around Treize again. ", he's mine..."

Swallowing once, Treize gently pushed Wufei back onto the pillows. "It''s all right, love. I'll still be here, and...and you should...get more sleep."

"Treize..." He rushed a kiss and squeezed his hand. "I love you."

"I will always love you." Blinking rapidly, Treize stood and followed Heero out of the room.

Quatre closed his eyes and tears slipped out. "Trowa, how can you--?"

"You knew," Trowa cut him off. "You knew Treize was here, and you didn't tell me. Why not?"

Quatre clenched his hands into fists and he glared. "I wish to God I hadn't called. I don't know how you can be so cruel." He walked to the door, stopping only when Trowa grabbed his arm.

"Quatre, dammit, think--"

The sound of Quatre's hand striking Trowa's cheek resounded through the room. Trowa froze in disbelief while Quatre stepped back out of his reach. "This is wrong, Trowa. Duo was right. People can change."

"Not like that."

The blonde looked up quickly and his eyes filled with tears. "Then there's no hope for any of us, is there?"

Trowa breathed in when he realized what he'd said. "Quatre..."

His lover slipped by into the hall. "I'm going to finish uploading those vids. The sooner I can show you two you're wrong..." He went into the living room without finishing that thought.

In bed, Wufei bowed his head, his shoulders jerking slightly. Not saying anything, Sally took one of the smaller pillows and pushed it into his lap, and he instinctively hugged it close. Duo rose to make the phone call, and when he paused at the door and looked back, he watched Wufei turn to one side and let Sally hold him while the sobs threatened to make him even sicker.


"Sit down."

Cringing at the harsh voice, Treize obeyed and sat in the hard chair. He decided Heero must have dragged the chair in before, since the room, usually Wufei's meditation room, held nothing besides curtains for the window.

Heero tossed something heavy into his lap, and Treize stared at the pair of old Oz restraints, not understanding what they were. "Put those on," Heero said.

After a moment, he recognized the similarity between the restraints and handcuffs and realized what the things were for. He slid his hands through the iron casings and felt them snap tight as soon as his arms were through.

For awhile, Heero did nothing but pace back and forth in front of Treize, who thought he looked like a wild dog stalking the length of its cage, trying to escape. Treize kept his head down, afraid to meet Heero's eyes when the boy occasionally glanced at him. Long minutes passed. In the other rooms, he could hear his lover's weeping quiet down until he was sure Wufei had fallen asleep. The vid was on, the sounds of a recording playing over and over again. Duo's chattering voice had ended almost as soon as he started. His phone call must have been short, Treize thought.

"How long have you been here?" Heero asked.

Caught off guard, he took a moment to collect his thoughts. "Um...Wufei says six months. I'm not sure exactly--"

The Preventer cut him off with a wave of his hand. "How far back can you remember?"

Treize sat back in the chair and sighed. "I remember waking up next to Wufei. I was cold and shaking, and he warmed me."

"Before that?"

"'s very blurry."

Heero glared.

"I was cold," his captive whispered. "I remember that. I was cold. And all alone. I could sense others around me, but they were very far away."

"What else?"

If Treize could have put his arms around himself, he would have. "Sometimes, I would feel someone pass by me, moving fast. I never saw anyone, though. It was lonely there."

"Before that," Heero said. "What do you remember?"

"Wufei said I shouldn't try to--"

"Tell me, dammit."

He swallowed once. "Pain. An explosion of light and heat, and then something dark and cold hit me." He sighed and closed his eyes, forgetting Heero for the moment. "I told Wufei once, when we were laying down together. He said I'm remembering my death. He said I shouldn't think about it."

"And before the pain," Heero said, ignoring what Treize had said after. "What comes before that?"

Treize stared at him. "I don't remember anything before that."

"I might've believed that if not for your ridiculous 'back from the grave' story," the Japanese pilot said. "You're lying."

Treize shook his head and leaned forward. "No, I swear--"

He found himself on the floor, his head throbbing as he winced. When he looked up, Heero stood over him, rubbing his bruised fist.

"You're lying. Get back up and start again."

Treize stared at him in shock.

"You said you woke up next to Wufei," Heero said as he turned his back. "Describe it."

This is a nightmare, Treize thought, somehow climbing back into the chair. It has to be a nightmare. I'm asleep next to Wufei and I'm going to wake up any minute now.

"I said describe it. Now."

Closing his eyes, Treize started.


"You see?" Quatre asked, turning the vid to one side. "No one could have survived the explosion. We know Treize was in there, so Wufei must be telling the truth."

Trowa shook his head once. "The tape could be altered."

"It's a Preventer tape," Quatre insisted. "Our experts've checked it. It's real."

"Wufei could have done it afterward. Or he could have planned it with Treize and staged the whole thing." Trowa turned to leave.

"Please, Trowa, they're not lying." Quatre put his hand on his lover's shoulders, trying to hold him still. "I can feel it. They're just afraid and alone."

The tall boy lay one hand on Quatre's, turning so he could place his other on his love's cheek. "I know you want to believe them," he said softly, "but there are too many variables, too many ways to fake something so outlandish as resurrection."

"Wufei's a Preventer," the blonde tried.

"And he was a soldier in Mariemaya's army."

"Trowa...He wouldn't lie to us."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I can't believe it." With that he walked out of the room.

Quatre heaved a sigh and sat down, rerunning the tape again while he searched for another recording, one of Treize entering the Talgeese and taking off. But that was an old Oz tape, and difficult to secure.

Duo plopped into the sofa beside Quatre and spread out, staring up at the ceiling.

"You called Ze--Wind?" Quatre asked.

"Yeah, he was already on his way. He said Une called him back from patrol early when she saw the empty office." Duo forced a smile even though he didn't look at Quatre. "Hard to get used to calling him Wind, huh?"

Quatre glared at him. "Not as hard as calling you Preventer Shinigami."

"Hey, it's a good name."

"Preventer Braid would be better."

Preventer Braid squawked. "And this from Preventer Pipsqueak?"

"Hey, I'm as tall as you are."

"Ha." Duo raised his head and looked over Quatre's shoulder at the vid screen. The Tallgeese blew up once, twice, three times, over and over as the blonde replayed the recording. "There's nothing left, is there?"

Quatre shook his head. "You can see everything from this angle, the fight, the last hit, the blood sprayed out just before it explodes..."

"Everything goes up," Duo said. He pointed at one part of the screen. "If he'd tried to get out, he'd have to have gone this way, standard escape procedure."

"Yeah, but he didn't even try. Wufei told us Treize said he was committing suicide. He planned the war out and then planned his own death."

The braided pilot crossed his arms and leaned back on the soft seat. "If he hadn't died, the war might've kept going. He knew he had to die to end the war."


"Yeah, Q'?"

"You remember Treize said that Wufei made a disc with all the information on the war?"

Duo nodded. "Yeah, something about it not having any propaganda."

"Think we can find that disc?"

"What good would that do?" Duo asked, quirking an eyebrow. "We already know what happened and why."

"No, we know one version of the story." Quatre stood up and straightened his shirt out of habit. "Maybe Wufei had a different point of view."

"Well, when you're in love with the enemy--"

"I'm serious, Duo."

The American grinned and stood. "I know. We'd better not disturb Wu and I know better than to interrupt Heero when he's in a mood. Let's find that disc."

A knock at the half-open door interrupted them.


"--yes, I was shivering when I woke up next to--"
"Woke up?" Heero asked. "I thought you said you didn't wake up, you were just there."

"I was just there, I--"

"Then why did you say you woke up?"

"It's the only way I know to describe it."

"Then you woke Wufei up?"

Treize stifled another yawn as he spoke, slurring his words. "I don't know if I woke him up. He just held me and told me to go back to sleep."

"So you were sleeping."

"No, I hadn't been there before--"

Heero nodded to himself. "You weren't dead, you were asleep."

"No, Wufei said--"

This time he felt something crack when he struck the wall, sliding to the floor where he lay still. His head pounded harder than before, with flashes of light before his eyes, and he half-curled his body.

"Get up."

Treize turned his face towards the wall and told himself again it was just a bad dream. Heero twisted his fingers into the man's hair and forcibly pulled his head up.

"I gave you an order, Khushrenada."

Treize didn't even look at him. "Stop."

Heero frowned and raised his fist.

A hand fell on his arm, gripping him tight and holding back the hit. Heero dropped Treize as he turned, intending to strike whoever had him. He found himself staring up at Preventer Wind, the long blonde hair falling over his face as usual.

"Heero. Leave."

Heero's lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something and couldn't force the words out. He looked back at Treize, crumpled and still, then stared again at Zechs. His eyes widened. "I...I..."

Zechs nodded once. "I know. Go on, I'll take of this."

Heero rose and backed to the door, while Zechs took his place beside Treize. Someone put their arms around his shoulders and pulled him out of the room, guiding Heero to the front door and the hall. Duo closed the door behind himself and gently pressed Heero against the wall.

"What were you doing?"

"I..." Heero shook his head. "He wasn't cooperating."

Duo put his hands on his lover's face to hold him still. "You were beating him."

"He's my enemy."

"You had him locked up. He couldn't defend himself."

"He's dangerous. He's lying, he's planning something, I know he is."


He lowered his eyes and mumbled his words. "No one comes back from the dead, least of all him. He doesn't deserve a second chance, he started's all his fault." He pulled in a ragged breath. "And now he's back, and Wufei's...and he's gotten your trust...and...and..."

Duo forced his face back up, and two tears spilled down Heero's cheeks. "No."

"He's my enemy." Heero closed his eyes and leaned against Duo's body, pressing his face to his companion's shoulder. "The mission isn't over. It's never over. It just keeps going, and going..."

Duo bent and guided Heero to the floor, hauling him onto his lap. Duo didn't say anything, only allowed him to sink into a crying jag. He wrapped his arms around the thin Preventer and hugged him close.

"It never ends," Heero said, wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve. His tears only streaked across his face. "It never ends."

"You have to let it," Duo whispered. "You have to let it end."


"Is this the disc you were looking for?" Trowa asked, holding it up between two fingers.

Quatre looked up from the desktop discs he'd been searching. "Does it have a label?"

"Treize." He set the case beside Quatre's smaller hand. "It was with all the roses." He turned to leave.

Quatre set his hand down on Trowa's and held him. "Thank you."

Trowa didn't turn. "I hope you find what you're looking for," he whispered.

"Stay with me and find out?" his lover asked.

Trowa looked over his shoulder at him. "You sure?"

The blonde nodded and motioned at a nearby chair. Trowa pulled it over and sat down beside him, close enough put his arm around Quatre's shoulders even though he didn't. Quatre watched him until he settled, and then put the disc in the vid and hit "play."


Zechs set his hand on Treize's shoulder, but he jerked back again when Treize flinched. "It's all right," he said. "I won't hurt you."

Treize turned his head a little.

Zechs didn't move. "I promise. You're safe now." He touched Treize again, and this time he didn't flinch. "Can you sit up?"

"I--I think so."

The blonde helped him rise, easing him against the wall and holding him steady until he didn't need help. Treize kept his gaze on the floor, still crying. "I want Wufei."

"Let's get you cleaned up first," Zechs said. "And out of those restraints." He retrieved the card key from the other side of the room and unlocked the manacles around Treize's arms, tossing them aside. "Where's the bathroom?"

Treize didn't move.

Zechs put one hand under the former general's chin and raised his head, forcing him to look up. "I know you want to be with Wufei, and you'll be with him soon, but you don't want him to see you crying, do you?"

"Do I know you?" Treize asked. "You look...familiar."

"We used to be friends, years ago," Zechs whispered, lowering his eyes. "Let's get you to Wufei."

"Friends?" Treize asked. "Why did we stop? Because I died?"

"It's not important," Zechs said as he extended his hand. "I'm sure Wufei's waiting for you."

Treize took the offered hand and got to his feet. "But Heero, he won't--?"

"No one will hurt you," Zechs said. "Come on."

Sally couldn't help her relieved smile when Zechs walked in with Treize behind him. Treize sat down at the edge of the bed and stroked a few stray strands out of Wufei's face. He looked over his love's body, what he could see of it.

"We wouldn't hurt him," she said.

He half-smiled. "I...thought wrong, then. He's all right?"

"The pills haven't arrived yet," Sally said, "but they should be here soon. He'll be better after a few doses of those." She put her hand out to touch Treize's face but he shied away. "It's all right. I'm not going to hurt you."

Treize didn't back farther away, but he didn't move closer either.

"Was there a lot of blood?" Sally asked Zechs.

"No, it looks like Heero held back for the most part."

That was holding back? Treize thought, putting his hand on his cheek.

"Still, those bruises look painful." She took a bottle from her bag and popped it open, spilling out two pills which she held out to Treize. "Here, these should help."

He let her drop them into his hand. "What are they?"

"Regular old aspirin." She looked up at Zechs. "Speaking of which, where's Heero?"

"In the hall, with Duo. He's not taking this as well as he wanted us to think."

"Poor kid," she said, shaking her head. "He's kept everything so bottled up for so many years, no wonder he's finally breaking down."

On the bed, Wufei mumbled and turned and opened his eyes halfway. He smiled when he saw his lover and brought his hand up on Treize's, squeezing it. "You all right?"

"Well enough," Treize said. "Don't worry about me, just rest."

Wufei gave a little nod and closed his eyes again while Treize pulled the blankets up to his throat. He sighed heavily and lowered his head, still holding Wufei's hand.

"You won't hurt him?" he asked again.

Sally stared into his eyes. "We won't. I'm sorry Heero hurt you, I didn't expect him to do anything like that."

Treize looked away. "Then...what will happen?"

"Good question," Zechs said, glancing at Sally. "If we tell anyone else about this, he'll be arrested and put on trial."

"You don't think they'd execute him?" she asked.

"No, but they would lock him up for the rest of his life." Zechs ran one hand through his hair. "And I don't think they'd let him stay in an empty mansion this time."

Sally looked at Treize, who had hunched his shoulders slightly and tightened his grip on Wufei's hand, scooting so close that he was nearly laying beside him. "Life in prison? But he's too well known, he'd be dead in a week."

"And it would probably kill Wufei," Zechs said. "We can't let that happen."

"Telling people is out of the question. But they can't keep hiding him forever. Sooner or later someone's going to spot Treize."

"So, we have to find a way to keep him in the open, but also avoid a lynch mob, an arrest or Heero going ballistic again." Zechs shook his head with a bitter laugh. "Simple."

"Actually, it might be," Quatre said, coming in. "Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"You finished watching that disc you were looking for?" Zechs asked.

"Some of it. Trowa's watching the rest of it right now." The blonde sat down in a spare chair and heaved a sigh. "According to that, Treize was a pacifist."

Sally frowned. "A pacifist? Then why start a whole war?"

"To show people how awful war is," Zechs said before Quatre could. "He talked about it before, when I lived on his estate. He said if people wanted to fight, he'd show them just how terribly beautiful war is."

"That's a hell of a way to go about it," she whispered. "But you said you had an idea?"

"Make him a Preventer."

Zechs and Sally sat straight with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Even Treize, who'd been more intent on his love than the conversation around him, looked up.

"Are you serious?" she finally asked.

Quatre laughed at their expressions. "Yes, I'm serious. I'm not saying making him our public relations manager, just make him an agent. No person accepted as a Preventer agent can be held accountable for actions done before their activation as an agent, right? That's the law."

Zechs leaned back in his chair. "Well, true. I suppose it's not so far fetched. All of us have done some pretty bad things."

Sally shook her head. "But his face was all over the vids. Anyone would recognize him."

"I'm not saying he wouldn't have to stay locked up in here," Quatre said. "He'd just be safe from legal attack, just in case someone ever sees him."

"But...I've never left the apartment," Treize said. "How could anyone find me?"

"You stepped out to get that pizza," Quatre said. "Anyone looking over the security camera tapes would see you."

"You were watching?" A blush crept over his cheeks. "Oh, of all the times..."

Quatre wondered why he was blushing until he remembered what else he'd seen. "It's all right, Trowa and I do that sometimes, too."

Treize bent his head and blushed brighter.

"Oh, Une's just going to love this," Sally said, bringing her hand to her forehead. "And I can just imagine how's Heero's gonna take it."

Zechs leaned over and lay his hand on Treize's shoulder. "Will you be a Preventer? It would make things easier for you."

Treize closed his eyes. "I...Wufei has to decide. I don't know enough to make the choice."

He felt his lover's hand squeeze his own, and he looked down to find Wufei wide awake. "Love? I thought you were asleep."

"While they're deciding my love's future?" Wufei smiled and raised his hand to his friend's cheek. "Do it. We can worry about sneaking you out once in awhile later."

There was a knock at the door, and Duo walked in with a box in his hands, followed by Heero. "Hey, those pills you wanted are here." He flipped the small package at Sally and leaned against the wall. "So, what's new?"

Quatre looked up at him. "Treize is going to be a Preventer."

Duo opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Wufei laughed after taking the two pills Sally had given him. "So that's what it takes to shut him up."

"It's the only way we can keep him from being attacked," she said. "The blanket pardon for war crimes will cover even him."

Heero looked at Wufei's lover, ignoring how everyone stared at him. "You're just Treize, then? Not Khushrenada?"

Treize shook his head. "I don't even remember that name. Wufei said I'm a little bit like him..."

"Just a few mannerisms," Wufei said. "A love of roses, a romantic...I admit he's great at poker."

"He sounds just like Treize," Zechs said. "At least when I first met him. The way he acts now, the way he's all like he's fourteen again."

Heero shook his head once. "It won't work."

Wufei tightened his hand around Treize's. "What do you mean?"

"Heero, I know how you feel about this--" Sally said.

"The legislators thought about that free and clear pardon," Heero said. "They didn't want the Preventers to become an easy way out of prison, with just a badge that could exonerate anybody. A Preventer agent must be active and involved, or else the pardon is void."

"But what could he do?" Wufei asked. "He doesn't remember anything outside this apartment."

A hint of a smile appeared on Heero's face. "I may have an idea that'll work. Zechs, I'll need your help."

The blonde nodded and stood, following as Heero left the room.

"We'd better get Trowa for this, too," Heero said as they disappeared.

Sally smiled. At least he didn't go nuts again. "I think we'd better let these two get some rest. It's been a busy day for them." She left the pills on the nightstand and walked out, Quatre right behind.

Duo yawned and turned to leave.


The braided boy stopped and looked back. "Yeah, Wu'?"

"I...hadn't thought you'd listened, when I told you about the ceremony before."

"You mean before you took off for China?"


"I listened." A grin broke over Duo's face, and he closed the door a little so the others wouldn't hear. "Wanna hear a secret?"

Wufei tilted his head. "If you wish."

"I wish." He stood next to Wufei and whispered, "I always listen. When someone says anything, I listen, even if I'm talking a hundred miles an hour. When I'm talking, everyone thinks it's safe for them to talk, and that's when I hear things."

The Chinese pilot smiled slowly. "So you really aren't a braided baka."

"I just play one on the vid." Duo went back to the door.



"Thank you for listening. For everything."

His grin softened. "Anytime, man."

As soon as the door closed, Wufei tugged Treize closer. "Lay down with me?"

His lover nodded and climbed into bed beside him. "I'll give you a bath later, if you like."

"Yes." Wufei smiled before a yawn forced its way through. "It's been awhile." He brushed Treize's hair aside, resting his fingers on a bruise around his eye. "Heero really worked you over, didn't he?"

Treize shrugged and winced as a few bruises pulled. "It sounds like I deserve that and more."

Wufei shook his head. "No, you don't. Like he said, you're not Khushrenada, not really. It just took him a little while to accept it."

Treize pulled the blankets up around their shoulders and let Wufei snuggle against his chest. "'Fei?"

"Yes, Treize?"

"If I'm not I still the man you loved?"

Half-asleep now, Wufei smiled and kissed his throat, the only part he could reach with minimum effort. "Oh yes. Still my general...just so much more innocent."

The End

Author's Notes:

1. It just makes sense that McDonalds would still be around, doesn't it? Long live the french fry!

2. I don't know anything about this. Honestly. (And if you know I'm lying, you obviously know more than you should!)

3. Duo and Quatre are playing a real card game. I know it as "Louisiana Swamp Rat" but it has many names. Rules of play are: Divide the deck evenly between all players. Players hold cards in a stack face down. First person lays one card down face up, the next person another, and so on. When two cards of a similar number appear one right after the another, first person to slap their hand down on the cards gathers them up and adds them to their pile. If a jack is placed down, the next person has to put down two cards. If a queen, three cards. If a king, four. Play ends when one person has all the cards.

4. The beautiful ghostly woman visiting the studious scholar is a common theme in some Chinese ghost stories, especially since the woman often offers sexual delight to the frustrated man. Since Treize is Wufei's version of the beautiful ghost, Sally and Wufei both understand the humor of the situation.

5. No, I don't know if her family descends from rabbits, I just couldn't resist! But with that hair, her name really should be Usagi Flopear.