Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Chapter 19

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Do I really have to say it?

Authoress Note: *Ayanami clears throat loudly.* a-HEM! Now that I have your attention, I'd like to make an announcement. In light of recent... transgressions... by some of my... assistants *glares at Tama-neko and Heero-Plushie, who are chained to the wall* I have decided to scratch the last chapter and write a new chapter 18. I have also learned an important lesson. Never, EVER, let Heero-Plushie write about his love life. It's not pretty. (although it is rather amusing)

Heero-Plushie: But I *liked* that chapter!!

Tama-neko: You would...


Ayanami: Bad muse! Bad!

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A Normal Life: Chapter 18 (the real one)

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Relena was sitting in her room, talking with Noin. They had been talking for hours, about the baby, or what happened to Relena at Heero's house, or whatever else came up. They both avoided the subject of the terrorists until Relena forced herself to bring it up.

"Am I safe?"

"As safe as you're going to get." Noin admitted. "Zechs eliminated all the leaders of several groups, but there's always the threat of someone working alone. One man with a knife can destroy a city, if he knows what he's doing."

"Noin, what am I going to do now?" Relena asked, lost.

"You can go back to the school you attended before the attack..." Noin answered, confused.

"But, I want to stay with Heero..." Relena responded, looking at her sister-in-law. "I want to go to high school there."

"Relena, the public doesn't know that you really aren't the vice foreign minister. They won't let you become a normal girl." she said.

"I know." Relena signed. "I deliver speeches and 'keep the peace'. But keeping the peace isn't my job. I just talk. And if the people actually listened to what I tell them every day..." she shook her head. "But they don't. They want to hear pretty words, not the truth."

"Hmm. I understand how you feel. I have an idea..."

* * * * *

Someone had made a grave mistake. Relena and Noin were upstairs talking. Zechs was unconscious on the couch in the other room. Karou was taking a nap in one of the guest rooms. Duo dragged Heero to the garage to look at his car. Pagan had left to answer the telephone.

Aiko and Ayame were alone.

Aiko ran outside to where they had parked the motorcycles, and picked up the saddlebags. She pulled the large bags inside and plopped them on the coffee table. The two little devils opened the bags and grinned.

* * * * *

"Oh, my." Pagan said, studying the living room.

Aiko was pounding on the table with a pair of drum sticks, and Ayame was decorating a section of plain white wall with crayons. The saddlebags off of the motorcycle sat overturned on the table, their contents spilled over the table and surrounding floor. Cookie crumbs were everywhere.

Just then, Heero and Duo returned from their trip to Duo's car.

"Holy..." Duo's eyes widened.

Ayame said something unintelligible.

"Ayame wants to know if you like her picture." Aiko shouted, never pausing her drumming on the table. Ayame looked at them hopefully.

Duo glanced at Heero, and took a step backwards. His eyes where shut and he was standing very still. It didn't take a genius to see that he was angry. Yet, the two little ones seemed to miss this entirely.

Laughter rang out from the other side of the room. Relena and Noin had entered and were thoroughly enjoying the scene before them.

"God, Heero, I hope my baby isn't like yours!" Noin said, before succumbing to her laughter once again.

"Yes, Ayame, it's a very pretty picture." Relena said, while gently prying the crayons from the girls multicolored hands. "Pagan, would call the maids please."

"Y... Yes, ma'am." he stammered and left.

Soon the maids arrived, laughing and smiling, all while gently lecturing the two children. Heero had slunk back into the shadows, embarrassed and angry. He left the house and wandered into the gardens after making sure that the girls were put to bed and supervised by Karou. She already knew all of the little girls' tricks.

Relena walked out later and found him sitting under a tree. "Hello, Heero." she said, sitting down next to him. "You seem rather quiet."

He didn't answer.

"Are you embarrassed? By Ayame and Aiko?" she asked, biting her lip.

He looked over at her, an undescribable look in his eyes. "No duh, Sherlock." She laughed, the sound brightening up the area around them, and Heero's attitude. "What's so funny?" he asked, sourly.

"Oh, nothing. Except that the Great Heero Yuy, Gundam Pilot, and Perfect Soldier, was just royally embarrassed by two little girls. Then he told a joke! What's wrong with the world?"

* * * * *

Thousands of miles beneath the earth, the fiery pits of Hell burned. Souls cried out in agony and anguish as they pleaded for salvation from their eternal torment. Around them were flows of molten lava, burying them in it's unbearable heat. Fire and brimstone abounded, lighting the great cavern from beneath with an eerie, reddish glow. Pits of magma churned and boiled, releasing clouds of noxious black smoke, which stained the walls and roof of the cavern an evil black.

And the King of Hell, in all his inhuman glory, sat upon his throne of living skulls. He sat there, laughing at the misfortune of his 'guests,' and basking in the stifling heat of his ungodly realm--

--or not.

The Lord of Hell ran halfway across his domain, before his hoof caught and he fell to meet with a freezing cold, ice-blue surface. He quickly stood, and brushed some snow off of his fur. He surveyed his realm, before he started running again, his hooves clacking on the ice.

The once arid landscape was covered in a thick layer of ice, a substance even the highest reaches of Hell had never seen. Icicles hung off of every outcropping of rock, and even off of the Dark One's pointed tail. The Demonic One continued to jog around, trying -and failing- to keep warm.

* * * * *

"I guess Hell's frozen over." Heero replied sarcastically. Relena laughed again, and leaned over, placing her head on his shoulder. He smiled dispite himself and sighed, defeated. He wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her closer.

"Don't worry about the girls, they'll always be watched now." she said, snuggling in closer.

"They had better." he said ruefully, and looked up at the starry sky above him. They sat together for a long time, alone in the darkness. He thought she had fallen asleep, but when he moved to pick her up, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

"So," she restarted their conversation. "When are we going back?"

"Back?" he asked, startled.

"Yeah, back. To school?" she prompted.

"I...uh... I didn't think you were going to come back with us..."

"Of course I am!" she favored him with a sly grin.

"But, your job-"

"Job?" she asked, and leaned over. Relena whispered the truth about her job in his ear. "This way I can be with you."

"Relena, we can't do that, I can't-"

His protests were silenced with a sweet kiss. He chose, wisely, not to argue the point further.

* * * * *

Two small figures sat on the balcony overlooking the private gardens, their overseer asleep on the couch nearby. The smaller of the two said something completely incomprehensible.

"Ayame says that Daddy's got a girlfriend!" the second figure replied, in a sing-song voice.

* * * * *

There you go, all! A nice little bit of fluffy stuff, a little plot, a little random wierdness, and a lot of Aiko and Ayame! And NO MUSES!! Hehehehe....

*hugs for all*

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