Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6

~~~Meanwhile with Pagan and Duo…~~~

Duo: It is very lovely out here… and the sunset is very pretty with the pinks oranges and purples.

Pagan: Yes… I do so love the outdoors. It is peaceful and nice to just sit out here either alone or with a person or two and enjoy the peacefulness.

Duo: So do you have a boyfriend?

Pagan: No… why do you ask?

Duo: I was just wondering. You're a very pretty and kind girl, I'm actually surprised that you don't have one.

Pagan: Nope… I've never had a boyfriend. No one has ever had any interest in me. I mean… I've had guy friends but not a boyfriend.

Duo: It's a shame that no one has seen your beauty… inside and out. (He looks over at her to sees her green eyes with blue speckles… then her long golden hair that reaches to her mid-thigh… like his… but the chocolate brown coming from the bottom layer of her hair… then he notices that she is an inch or two shorter than he is ((she's 5'8"))… and how beautiful she is overall) Is your hair natural?

Pagan: Yes… I was born with golden… almost white hair… like Quatre's… but when I was about 5 it has started to change. I got a really dark layer of brown under the top layer and the top layer changed to gold. (Blush) But why do you ask?

Duo: I just think that you're hair is so beautiful. (Duo's eyes wandered down her slim back down to her perfect butt… but then he mentally slapped himself for doing so)

Pagan: Are you alright? (stopping and turning to him as he turned towards her)

Duo: Yes… I'm fine… how about we sit on the bench over there. (they both go over and sit down on it… kinda facing each other) Heero has been telling me no to become distracted from the mission but since there is no mission now I guess I don't have to worry about it. (Gazing into her eyes as the sun almost finishes setting)

Pagan: What do you mean, "become distracted"?

Duo: Well… he didn't want me to fall in love with you or Mika… but since there is no mission… I can tell you how I feel… (He leans in and softly places his lips to hers… she hesitates for a few moments before she realizes what happened and softly kisses him back… sliding to sit in his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck… then she leans back away from him and gazes into his beautiful purple-blue eyes)

Pagan: I love you Duo.

Duo: (His eyes grow slightly wide and then smiles softly) I love you too Pagan…

(to be continued…)