Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Everyone didn't sleep too well that night thinking about maybe having to go back. Duo and Quatre were the most worried. Quatre was already awake and sitting in the living room when Duo got up to join him.

Quatre: What are you doing up at this time of night?

Duo: I should be asking you the same thing. I couldn't sleep so I decided to get a drink.

Quatre: I'm just looking at the stars here on earth. They look so different, calm and peaceful even, here in the past; and not seeing any colonies floating in space is different too.

Duo: Yeah, they may not be as technologically advanced as we are but it is more peaceful in this time.

For some time the two just stood in the living room at the window looking at the sky. Duo heard footsteps and looked up… to see Heero in his tank-top and spandex walking down the hall, looking like he hadn't slept in days.

Duo: Hey Heero, how come you're not asleep.

Heero: Hn.

Quatre: Talkative as ever I can see. So how's finding a way back going anyway?

Heero: I should have it completed in a month.

Duo and Quatre: A MONTH?!?!?

Heero: Yes, then we can leave this timeframe.

Duo: If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to go back, Heero?

Heero: … hn.

Quatre looked at Duo.

Quatre: No answer.

Duo: Let's just leave him alone… he probably has his reasons.

No one knew the true reason as to why Heero wanted to leave. Heero kept telling himself he was doing it for the right reasons… but every time he thought about it… something pulled in his chest.

Heero (thinking to himself): How did I let this happen? What's wrong with me?!?


Sorry for the short chapter but I haven't written on this story in a long time. (most likely because I didn't get enough replies.^____^) please review!
