Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Truly Perfect Soldier ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Note: Okay, this is just annoying. I'm tired-VERY tired. I'm sick. I WANT to be asleep, as I promised I'd be, but I just HAD to wake up with this stupid, bloody story running through my head-and I do mean the words forming and whatnot. So I just HAD to come downstairs and type it out before I got more sleep (damned thing wouldn't leave me alone). So, as you read this, remember that it was written in early morning by a sick girl who was barely awake and don't be too harsh when you leave a review. Please.

Flying as Kurai was unlike anything the human Heero had ever experienced before, even with all his time falling. Wind rushed past the black metal, but Kurai didn't feel it in the same sense as a human would. He didn't feel it hitting his metallic skin or eddying around the almost elegant curves and corners that the doctors had given him for a body...he just...felt it. He was also travelling much faster than Heero, or Wing, or any other mobil suit that he could recall, would ever have any hopes of going, and yet such speed, for him, was nearly effortless. He didn't bother concentrate on his flying, but instead strained his acute eye sight to see through the whispy clouds below him and preform mindless little tasks that would be impossible in any other form. He found that he could, with a little effort, count the number of trees visable in a small forrest (137); or the number of civilians standing on the deck of a small yatch (13). Had he a mouth, he'd have grinned; had he vocal cords, he'd have laughed. Kurai felt supirior to the rest of the world as he quickly passed, unnoticed, over the blue ocean.

His superior optical sensors-one really oughten't call them "eyes"-spotted his destined base only several moments before he actually arrived. He easily counted the dozens of mobile dolls stationed there, and the few human piloted suits-a couple of leos, only-that waited for their death, completely unaware that it was only moments away. Kurai dropped down on them swiftly, his pythe in hand, proving itself to be a worthy weapon as it easy sliced through Oz's finest armored mobil dolls. Kurai delighted as the suits exploded, sending pieces of flaming debris hurtling to the ground. His radio systems picked up the confused chatter of the few, terrified pilots, as he hovered in the air, watching the scramble to get in formation.

"A Gundam?"


"What one is it? What one is it?"

Tiring quickly of his little game, Kurai extended the staff of the pythe and swept it through the leos, cutting them down with the side blades as quickly as he'd flown to the base, giving the poor hapless pilots no chance of escape. Their screams, mixed with the activated alarm systems of the base, echoed through his thoughts and slid playfully around in his conciousness before fading away.

Spinning to face the remaining dolls, Kurai felt alive. He could hear the Oz links still, and wanted to laugh at the poor commander's unknown stupidity-he could "hear" all the commands issued to the dolls. He could respond to their moves before they made them-he was faster; better; stronger and his enemies were making his job too easy.

Kurai stopped fighting, the blasts from various suits' energy weapons crackling over his metal. He stood in the air, perfectly still, revelling in a barrage of enemy fire that would have brought even the strongest Gundam to it's knees. But Kurai was stronger than any other Gundam, and was little phazed.

The hand that delicately held the pythe in it's grip lowered, and the right one was raised, bearing the powerful gun that the scientists had created for him. Kurai turned so he faced the misshapen gray base, eyes easily picking out a few fleeing Oz people-scientists and higher ranking officers-amungst the drab. Well, he had no reason to bother with them, they'd not survive terribly long.

Bringing the large energy weapon to bear on the angular buildings, a slender, black finger twitched on the trigger. The relitivly light pressure was all that the weapon needed-instantaniously, a powerful stream of energy manifested in the visual form of bright violet light, and streamed towards the buildings. There was no pause-the base exploded all at once, the fleeing people immediatly burnt beyong redognition, several mobil dolls near the base and Kurai were also caught in the blast.

He lowered the gun once again. There was no further use for it here. The few straggling dolls had all been damaged in the explosion, either by the heat and fire, or by one of thousands of sharp pieces of shrapnel that hurtled away to embedd in their metal flesh.

~Mission accomplished~

With little thought, the black Gundam launched itself further into the air, ignoring the black smoke that rose around it from the fires it'd created below. Kurai's mind was intent on Seoul-a fairly quick fly away-and the scientists that waited there for him. He had to get back into his body-he had to be Heero again. He couldn't remember why, but it weas absolutely imperitive that he returned.....

There was little joy in flying this time. No mindless games to test the sensor and systems of the incredible machine that was Kurai. He was fueled by more than a mission now, and pushed his speed to the maximum. He arrived back at the ruined city in only an hour, and gently touched down in the the building houseing the five men who had transferred the consciousness of an unworthy human into the Godlike body of Kurai.

He knelt, releasing his two weapons on the floor again, so that all of his tall, slender body was in the building. He scanned the ground-of the five, there was little trace, but he could see the slender body of Heero Yuy in a corner of the room, attached to various machines. It-the body...HIS body-looked so small, so frail. It was a wonder that he survived on something like that....

Did he really want to go back? Back to the limited shell, while instead he could be living as something that much stronger; that much more inhanced? ~Yes~ A voice inside him whispered. Puzzlement grew in Kurai's powerful mind....Yes, he wanted to go back, but why? What was it that he was forgetting?

Five minute forms rushed into the large room, each staring at the massive black machine in awe. Kurai glared at them-that is to say he watched them intently, malice growing in his mind. What couldn't he remember, and why? What had these men robbed from his mind-from the mind of Heero? He wanted it back...

"Ah," J started, evidently flustered and surprised by the quick return of his newest experiment. "Is your mission accomplished?"

Kurai nodded. Yes, that much he knew-he'd destroyed the base, per instructions, and now he awaited return to the frail thing that lay several dozen meters away.

"Ah, okay then." The scientists shared a glance. Were the Gundam capable of speech, he'd have ordered them to hurry, for, while they moved, in their slow, clumsy and humanish ways, they moved too slow.

Four of the humans pulled long, thin cables out, clambering onto Kurai to attach them to his head. The Gundam paid them little outward attention, all though deep inside himself he had to fight to resist the urge to throw them from his limbs and shoulders, and shatter their bones on the concrete floor. Slightly vexed by his own thoughts, the massive machine focused on J, who stood over Heero's body, working.

With forced patience, Kurai waited for the incompitent humans to complete their work, absently noting what they did and filing it away in the recesses of his mind for further notice.

At long last, the five scientists reconviened in the alcove with the equiptment and the pale, motionless body that was his. For a moment they talked, softly, amungst themselves, as though to make it so Kurai couldn't hear them. He could, of course, but to what bother? They spoke of nothing but how their experiment worked, how best to return him to himself, even as his irritation grew.

Finally, O made his way apart from the others, his back to Kurai as he messed with some machine or another. He was imputing the codes for the transfer, Kurai realized dimly, as the long stringed numbers filtered through his mind...And then he was experiencing the most awful sucking feeling. His consciousness flattened, shifted like a solid forced into liquid state by nothing but pressure alone. He spun; shrunk; feeling weightless as he lost the feeling of heavy, metal arms and hightened senses.

Blue eyes snapped open with a surge of blinding pain. Heero looked at the cieling, avoiding J's gaze. The pain lessened, leaving the boy dizzy; his insides twisted sickeningly; his body feeling weak and small around him.

Thin arms wrapping around his middle, Heero turned onto his side, curling into a fetal position with his head hanging off the thin examination table. For a moment, he stared unfocused at the ground, which seemed so close, yet so blurry. He felt vomit rise in his throat, and did nothing to hold it in.

Surpringly strong hands-one flesh, one metal-gripped Heero's shoulders as he finished retching, and turned him oever. The boy flinched from the touch, as though burnt. His skin was crawling, his stomach felt no better. The room seemed dark and out of focus-he could tell that it was J who'd turned him over and now peered at him in anticipation, yet he could not make out the exact lines of the circular glasses or gray mustache-It felt as though he was staring up through water fog and glass.

"Heero," The voice sounded equally out of focus in Heero's human ears. "How did the mission go?"

"Mission...." Heero rasped, focusing bleerily on the black Gundam kneeling, deactivated not far away. Mission. Gundam. Kurai. HE had been Kurai.... How did the mission go? The base. The dolls. The leos. The explosion. "Accomplished." he murmered, slipping away into a more comfortable darkness.

The scientists didn't hold Heero for long after his awakening-they ran tests while he was out and detirmined that his disorentation was simply because he'd been unprepared for the transfer. They asked a few questions, getting little in the way of answers, and then sent the pilot back to the safehouse, ordering that he contact them as his memories started to return in more than shattered fragments.

Piloting Wing, which had once seemed to be the most natural thing in the world, felt awkward and difficult for the Perfect Soldier. The controls felt bizaare in his hands, and more than once he'd caught himself twisting in his seat for a turn, rather than imputing the correct commands.

That he was distracted was no help. Though Heero's insides had stopped twisting somewhat, he still felt unbearably weak; disoriented, and his thoughts were in turmoil.

He could remember only bits and pieces of the battle; of the flight; of the feeling of being in Kurai. He could remember the feeling of power, and the light of great explosions...he could remember that he'd gotten to the base faster than he'd have thought possible, and destroyed it with equal speed and efficency. He puzzled over these bizaare thoughts, trying to recall the rest of the experience, and so distracted was he, that he realized too late that he was heading away from the safehouse rather than towards it. He was lucky, he decided grimly, to even remember where the safehouse was.

Heero was nearly a wreck by the time he made it to his temporary home. His hands shook dangerously on the conrtols, and he found that it took all the concentration he had, and then some, to simply pilot his machine. Moss green hair stuck to the sides of his face, with effort, and he kept blinking because his eyes refused to focus correctly. ~137~ What was that number? For a second the pilot puzzled longer, his mind moving from the task at hand-namely landing Wing in one piece-to the number that had popped into his head. He had a feeling that it related to his experience as Kurai, but for the life of him, he could not remember how....

Heavy metal feet struck concrete with jarring force and deafening noise. Heero blinked and reached out, automatically touching the controls in just the right way to keep Wing from over balancing. At least his piloting skills were returning to him, however slowly and on a subconscious level.

With shaking hands, the Japanese boy unlocked his harness and opened the hatch. He stood, his legs thready beneath him, and looked out into the dim light. Four other Gundams stood, deactivated, in the large hanger, and there was a catwalk not five feet away from his own open hatch. How did he get down again? The catwalk seemed as good a shot as any-five feet wasn't so long a jump, even when he felt as twisted, physically, as he did then.

With more than a touch of recklessness, Heero launched hismelf into the air, with the brief sensation of flying. Flying..... He landed on the metal, on his feet, the impact dropping him to his knees. Hands shot out quickly and held him from falling on his face. Gasping for air, Heero sat there, his mouth open slightly, a drop of sweat running down his face to catch on his lip. His eyes unfocused completely for a moment, leaving his staring at a metallic gray blur. Breathing hard, and using the railing almost religiously, Heero forced himself unsteadily to his feet.

"There you are!" Confused, Kurai-and Wing's-pilot looked up, blue eyes struggling to focus on the blur that was striding toward him. A blur with a blurred brown braid bouncing behind him, and expression of anger that even Heero didn't miss in his eyes. Duo.

That was why it was so important to return to Heero rather than remain as Kurai! A wry grin formed on the perfect Soldier's lips as he remembered that part of his experience. But why so quick? Because he loved him, yes...and because....because he'd left no word as to where he was going.

Oblivious to the revalations that were growing in his lover's mind, Duo continued, his arms crossed over his black clad chest, letting all the worry and anxiousness of the past two days out in his glare. "Where have you been?! Why didn't you call, or leave a note, or wake me up, if you have a mission! I was SO worried that you'd..." Shinigami trailed off as he noticed how Heero clung to the railing; the fine sheen of sweat that practically covered the Japanese body; the way Heero stared at Duo, his depthless eyes unfocused and confused. "Damn." Duo muttered, stepping forward, and putting his arms around the slim body.

Heero flinched, and tried to pull away. No, he didn't want to pull away...he wanted to be held, but...flesh felt so odd. So unfamiliar, even now....He tried to stand on his own, thready legs nearly buckling under him the moment he released the handrail.

Biting his lip in concern, Duo swept the weak boy into his arms, ignoring the hand that pushed against his chest in a weak effort to signal that he was well. Heero wasn't well-if you was, he'd glare at Duo, perhaps pull his gun. If he was well, he'd be able to stand, and his hand would not be shaking the way it did, clutching at the black fabric of Duo's shirt. Anger growing in his mind, anger for J for sending Heero on a mission that could bring him to such a state, Duo started stalking down the catwalk, leaving Wing and the other Gundams behind.

"I'm sorry," Heero said, his voice shaky and soft, almost childlike. Duo glanced down at him in surprise, his expression loving and concerned. "I didn't mean to worry you," Heero continued, closing his eyes. He was growing dizzy again, and watching the ceiling move beyong his love's face helped none...

He felt Duo pause and shift his arms slightly, holding Heero closer. This time, the Japanese boy did not flinch away, but relaxed into the ebrace that offered both strength and love. "Don't worry, koi," Duo said in a soft voice. "You don't need to worry-you'll be safe and a little concern never hurt me." He was walking again, Heero could feel that. The lull of his body was rather comforting, actually, and the darkness was welcoming his. He took a deep breath, feeling the oxygen fill his lungs, his blood cirulate...Such odd feelings were these....He relaxed into the darkness; letting it embrace him gently, Duo hovering on his mind as he drifted into a deep sleep.

Ah! Finally, complete! ~sneezes~ And now I can go back to bed and get the rest of the sleep that I promised Maroko I'd get. ~mutters~ stupid stupid story....I'M s'possed to pick when to write you........Shit! And now I have more ideas!!! ARGH! Well, screw that. I'll do more later. ~goes off to bed~


~wakes and blinks blearily~ Oh ~goes back to sleep~