Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Angel(s) In The Town ❯ Chapter One ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer : None of the characters are mine. *sob* Ohh…I wish I have Tro-chan and Q-chan.

Chapter One

Trowa Barton, the leader of The Devils, also known as Trowa the lion, took his helmet off and smoothened his dark brown bang. His beloved motorcycle, Heavyarms, was parked beside a dark blue motorcycle named Wing, which had its owner settled on it.

"You're early, Heero." Trowa said to the owner, who happened to be a boy with unruly dark chocolate hair and a pair of prussian blue eyes, Heero Yuy or Heero the falcon.

"Hn." came the reply.

"Where's Wufei?" Trowa asked, looked around for his Chinese companion, Chang Wufei or Wufei the dragon.

"He told me he's going to be late." Heero answered as he held up his handphone.

"I see."

"Hi, guys." a girl voice chirped.

"I can't believe you're early too, Midii." Trowa looked amusedly at a girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue gray eyes, Midii Une or Midii the cat.

"Speak for yourself, Trowa Barton." Midii stuck her tongue at him.

"Where are the others?" Heero asked.

"Hilde is hanging around you-know-who and I saw Sally was chasing after Danny."

Just after Midii said that, Sally Po or Sally the shark past through them, hot on her heels, after a boy with short chestnut hair and violet eyes, Daniel Maxwell or Danny the wolf.

"I told you I didn't do that!!!" Danny was shouting at her while trying to keep his head away from Sally's Super Special Heavy Bag™.

"Oh bullshit, if there's one kid who dare to put any kind of insect in my bag, it would be you, Daniel Maxwell!!!" Sally said swinging her bag toward Danny's head, but fortunately to Danny it missed.

"Hiya, all!!!!!!!!!!" another voice chirped.

"Where were you, Hilde?" Midii growled.

"Sorry, Relena-bitch has insulted me about my sexuality, again, and was hunting her to kick her fucking ass." Hilde Schbeiker or Hilde the rabbit grinned to her girlfriend.

"And…" Danny asked, still protecting his head.

"I succeed, what else?!" Hilde told him proudly.

"And where the hell is Wufei?" Heero asked, looking around.

"There he comes." Trowa answered as he saw the black haired guy drove his motorcycle, Nataku, to the parking area.

"Sorry to be late." Wufei said as soon as he took off his helmet.

"What happened?"

"My father found those…you know…under my bed." Wufei said and all of his friends laughing histerically.

"BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Your…BWAHAHAHA…your father has found…has found…those doujinshis and magazines…???" Danny said as he clutched his stomach for laughing so hard.

"Oh, shut up!" Wufei glared at his friends.

The famous gang of the Devils, except Wufei, were rolling with laughter and the black-haired boy crossed his arms and pouted. His pout gone when he saw a blood red Jaguar showed up in the parking area. The laughter also stopped and Danny produced an extra wide grin.

"Well, I think you can meet someone today." Danny said as he faced his friends.

"Who's that?" Midii asked, admiring the red convertible.

"My twin."

"Your don't have any twin, Maxwell." Wufei snorted.

"Oh yes I have."

The car stopped and the door opened, revealing a handsome young boy whose face was exactly a copy of Danny, only he has long chestnut hair reached his thighs. He was wearing black loose shirt, black tight jeans, and a pair of sunglasses. He looked around and spotted the gang. He waved his hand and Danny do the same thing to him. The long-haired brunette walked to meet his twin.

"Hi!" the brunette chirped.

"Hey, still a piece of shit, don't you, Duo?"

"And you still a crazy idiotic man Danny. How do you do?"

"Great. How's life?"

"Only the best without those men tailing behind me."

"Mother is still overprotective, right?"

"Damn right."

"Guys," Danny turned to his friends. "This shit is Duo Maxwell, my twin."

"Hiya, the name's Duo. The fag there in my twin." And they both fell quiet.

"Correction : This fag is Duo Maxwell, my twin."

"Correction : This Danny shit is my twin."

"You're gay?" Trowa asked and Duo clutched his heart, pretended to have heart attack or something.

"Oh, that's hurt. To the point, aren't you? Yes I am but you don't have to say that so clearly."

"Don't worry, me too." Trowa grinned.

"Hey, Duo. You said you'll come with a friend. Where's he?"

"Got a problem in our house and I left him to solve that. Sooooooo…." Duo took off his sunglasses and eyeing Sally from head to toe. "This is Miss Po, right? Well, glad to meet you. My brother told me a lot about you."

"I hope he didn't tell you EVERYTHING. Or he will be a dead piece of shit."

"Too bad, Miss Po. You have to kill him now, because he told me about…" Duo whispered something to Sally.

"You ARE dead, Daniel Maxwell."

The annoying bell rang. The students ran to their classes. And the Devil stood up to leave.

"What class do you have, Duo?"

"Dunno. I'm going to the administration room now. Can you show me?"

"It's near the entrance. Go for yourself."


As the Devils and Duo ran to their room and classes, Danny caught a glimpse of a metallic blue Mercedes entering the parking area. But he was pulled by Sally before he could see the driver's face.


A handsome and cute blonde open his ride's door and stepped out. He took off his sunglasses and blinked his aquamarine eyes as the sun hit his eyes. He looked around and found no one at the parking area. He shrugged and walked toward the entrance. He almost knocked by a slightly taller brunette.

"Geez, Duo. Watch your step!"

"Oops, sorry Q-man. Where were you?"

"Oh, just dealing with Rashid about the problem and now it's oookay. Did you get my schedule?"

"Yup, and mine to." Duo said as he handed a piece of paper to his friends hand. "We have exactly same classes."

"My father and your mother did that, didn't they?"

"Damn right."

"So, the first hour is…sport???!!!"

"I thought you would be happy."

"Yes! Where is the gymnasium?"

"There! Let's go!"

The two boys ran to the gymnasium, laughing happily.


Duo Maxwell, the only son and heir to Roseanne Maxwell, President of Maxwell Company. Born and raised in Los Angeles in the wealthiest family, Maxwell. Known as the richest boy in USA with his best friend, Quatre Raberba bin Sulaiman ibn Saud Al-Jazairy or Quatre Raberba Winner. Friendly, sociable, blabber-mouthed, overly cheerful, talkative, happy-go-lucky, handsome, hot, sexy, or whatever the people called him. Was studying in the most elite school in USA, Redroofs Boys Academy before moved to a small city in USA to take care of his mother business. People liked him because of his cheerfulness and kindness. His father was Nicholas Maxwell, the owner of Maxwell Scrapyard, who has divorced with his wife for eight years. His twin was Daniel Maxwell, who lived with their father.

Quatre Raberba bin Sulaiman ibn Saud Al-Jazairy or Quatre Raberba Winner, the 30th child and the only son and the only heir of Sulaiman ibn Saud Al-Jazairy, oil king from Saudi Arabia and President of Winner Corporation. Born in Riyadh and raised there in wealthy influence and moved to Los Angeles when he was ten. Followed by 40 Maganacs on his way. Known as the richest boy in both USA and Arabia. Best friend with Duo Maxwell. Very kind, calm, cheerful, caring, loving, sweet, beautiful, cute, charming, and the list kept going. His mother, Quatrina Ha'bib binti Said Umar Al-Qariba or Quatrina Winner, has deceased when he was eight. Quatre's oldest sister, Iria, was the one who acted as a mother to him. He was studying at Redroofs Boys Academy before moved with Duo also to take care his father's business to a small city.


A week before the first scene…

"Mom, you must be joking!!!!!!!!!" Duo Maxwell almost shouted to the phone.

"No I am not, my dear Duo. You're going to go to meet your brother and take care that awful Maxwell Company's branch in that town."

"But Mom, why don't you go for yourself?"

"Duo, you know I don't want to see that damn face of your father. Quatre will go too, since he have to take care some oily things in that town."


"No more buts, Duo. I've sent letter to the headmaster telling that you're going to left that school, maybe for a while."

"Mom!" Duo whined.

"We'll talk about it later. see you, Duo dear!!!!!!!!!!!"

Duo slammed the phone back to its place and cursing a mile per minute. He stopped when he heard a knock on his dorm room's door.

"Yeah." he answered. "Come in!"

A blonde haired boy entered Duo's room. He was wearing Redroofs' uniform and carrying a book. He smiled to Duo before plopped himself on Duo's sofa.

"I believe Aunt Roseanne has called you, Duo?"

"Just kill me, Quatre."

"I can't."

"Mom said you're gonna come too."


"How very poor of us." Duo muttered.

"Oh Duo, that couldn't be that bad."

"It's worse, Q."

"You can meet Daniel and your father."

"But Los Angeles is fine."

Quatre laughed.

"Believe me Duo, that was I thought when father informed me that we were going to left Riyadh."

"But that's different."

"Whatever Duo. I'm going to go to the library to return the book. Do you want to come?"

"Thanks but no thanks. You know Ms. Anderson hates me." Duo said, thinking about the school librarian.

"Well, see you later, Duo."



To be continue………..