Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Attack of the Muses ❯ Prologe ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey its me again.........

I'M BA-ACK!!!!!

Sorry I had to say that. If your wondering where I've been the past few weeks, the PIWB(perverse imps of the writers block) attacked me on EVERY story I am currently writing.

So......., my muses decided it would be a good idea to send me somewhere to get over my writers block.
Of course, I didn't want to go. 1- I was trying (key word trying) to write. 2- I was to lazy to go somewhere. 3- I had homework and a truck load of tests to take. And 4-I DON'T trust my muses.

So guess what happened. I can't tell you right now of course, it would give away the story of my little 'trip'. And while you read the chapters you can send in reviews of what should happen to my muses as punishment.
Believe me they WILL be punished!!!!!

~Sanity Break(1)~

*cough cough* ahem *deep breath*

"Mwahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha*gasp*wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~End Sanity Break~

So..............Just so you peoples know I've written the next chappie to kits wings
and wands but I am NOT updating until I get one more review, even if it is from some one who has already
reviewed it still counts.

Now if you don't mind........... I have some very pressing needs to attend to*smirk*
*walks over to muses tied to stakes*

Konichiwa my muses, what shall we do today.


In my opinion 'To be insane, you would have had to be sane at one point in you life. There for how can I be insane if I have never been sane.' (This is MY saying, I made it up all on my own, if you want to use it, e-mail me first and if you post it, put it under MY name I came up with it on 7-18-01(yes I wrote down the date) so I have owned it for a while)

Any ways....................
Now where was I..........
Oh yahhh..............Wufei-sama, Heero-sama its your turn.

*Wufei and Herro come in with identical smirks on*

*Muses take one look at afore mentioned boys and start struggling to get off of stakes.*


Me, Wufei, and Heero: *evil smirk*

Ja ne minna-san^___________________________^-V

(Sanity Break and Insanity Saying are both mine I own them(mwahahaha)unlike the G-boys who I, sadly, don't own.)

(1) Sanity Break is sort of like a commercial break except I lose all semblance of sanity andeither cackle, laugh,
or torture some one insanely, basicly a pure unrestricted lack of sanity,

Just so you know it's somewhere around 3:00 in the Morning so you'll have to excuse me if I repat, if I repet, I mean if I repeat(there we go)my self.

And to quote my baby cuz
"Power to the weird people, nanu nanu nanu" -don't ask, you REALLY don't want to know.