Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Because of You ❯ The attempted rescue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Because of You
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: I do not own any Gundam wing characters, never have, never will, and that's it!

The Attempted Rescue

The arena lights were shining bright, and the crowd was swarming in the stands. Music rumbled from the speakers. Her heart was beating fast as the other competitors made their runs in the finals. She tightened her grip as they announced the last girls run time.
" Up next, Demetri Roswald, riding Lady Luck..."
She was surprised, even though she expected it; she made her way to the arena. She walked into the arena, gripping her leather reins and adjusting in her saddle. She pet the mares neck as she started to dance on her hind legs, anxious to run.
Demetri took a deep breath and looked up at those three barrels. She finally gave her appaloosa the lead, giving her a kick with her heals and...

" Ms. Roswald! Is there something outside that is more important than your studies?" The professor leaned against her desk and looked out the window.

Demetri blinked, coming out of her daydream. She looked up at her professor, who was smiling down at her.

" N-no, sorry sir..." She mumbled, embarrassed. " It won't happen again..."

" We'll see that it doesn't." The professor said, starting to make his day to the front. " Let us use Demetri here as an example. If an animal is subjected to one lesson for long periods of time, it is sure to get bored, distracted or, even, violent." He turned back to the class and smiled. " Now, aren't we glad us humans are separated from the animals, so we don't end up like that?"

The class showed it's displeasure in sighs and the rolling of eyes.

" So, Demetri, let us fallow one of the rules of humanity that is so hard for you sophomores to comprehend. Never give in to instinct, it gets you in trouble." The professor smirked, pleased with himself.

" Sir," A student said from a seat.

" Yes, Mr. Winner?" The professor asked the blonde boy.

" I'm afraid I don't agree with that. There are times, even now, when our instincts are needed for survival." Quatre Winner said, standing up slightly " Which would make Demetri stronger than you and your beliefs."

Demetri looked over at him, surprised that anyone would contradict a college professor, especially in defense of another student.

" Really? What rank are you, Mr. Winner?" The professor asked

" I am a sophomore, sir." Quatre said, not liking where this was going.

" There you go, what did I tell you about college sophomores?" The professor laughed as well as some of the higher-ranking students.
Then the bell sounded for the end of the day.

" Alright class, read chapters 23-30, do your paper with your partner, get ready for the test, and remember, Ms. Roswald, Mr. Winner, Instinct may help you survive, but knowledge is power."

Demetri exited the classroom, not bothering to look at the professor, or acknowledge anyone's existence. Quatre walked up beside her.

" I'm sorry if I just made things worse," Quatre said, looking at his books.

Demetri looked over at him, then shook her head and smiled.

" No, not at all." She chuckled, " It takes guts to stand up to a professor. They're always so full of themselves. Thank you."

Quatre smiled back and laughed.

" Yeah, I guess you're right. Hey, it was nothing. We're students in a vicious environment, we gotta help each other out, right?" Quatre looked at her as she smiled back. Demetri was an average height/weight girl, with wavy dark brown, almost black hair that went to her tailbone. She had tanned, olive skin and was wearing casual jeans and a T-shirt with three Texas stars on it. Her most eye-catching feature, though, were her eyes. They were a dark aquamarine color, when full of emotion like now.

" I should probably think of a way to repay you..." Demetri said aloud and thought for a minute

" Oh, no. You don't need to do that, really. I..." Quatre was cut off.

" Oh, come on, there's gotta be something. Maybe homework, or a test you need to study for?" Demetri asked as they stopped walking near a bench. Demetri looked up at Quatre, pleadingly. She really wanted to pay him back.

" Well, now that you mention it...Do you have a partner for that paper, yet?" Quatre asked. Demetri just shook her head. " Well, that's how you can pay me back. Be my partner and we'll finish that report this weekend."

" But, that's helping me, too. That's not just a favor to you." Demetri protested.

" Fine then, you can help me with my homework and to study for that test, too. To tell you the truth, I'm not that good at studying and I don't like taking tests." Quatre said and Demetri smiled, nodding her head.

" We can get started tonight, if you'd like. I'm not doing anything. I can order Chinese food and we can start studying in my room, I have a bunch of other books on the subjects of the reports. We can have the best report in the class." Demetri said, filled with a new confidence.

" That...sounds good..." Quatre said, at first a little nervous about going into a girls dorm after dark.

" Great!" Demetri dug through one of her notebooks, until she pulled a loose sheet out. " These are directions to my dormitory building down the road and my room number. You can go get your stuff and meet me there. Oh, wait. I forgot to ask your name. It's Quatre, isn't it, Quatre Winner?" Demetri asked.

Quatre just nodded.

" Alright, I better get going, I'll see you a little later, Quatre, Bye!" Demetri waved to Quatre, who waved back, then stood, just looking at the paper Demetri handed him.

He shook his head, then headed for the parking lot.

" Hey, Quatre!" Someone yelled to him, he turned around to see a slightly peeved Duo Maxwell. " What do you think you're doing leaving your best friend behind and not giving him a ride home!?"

Quatre stared at him, blankly, before it hit him and he thwapped his head with his hand.

" Oh, I'm sorry, Duo!" Quatre smiled, guiltily " I sort of forgot..."

" That's not like you..." Duo looked at him, examining him. Quatre just blinked. " Hmm, you're distracted by something...hmmm..."

Quatre raised a brow at his sudden interest in 'what is distracting Quatre today'.

" It's a girl, isn't it?" Duo asked with a smile.

" Knock it off, Duo!" Quatre said, pushing his head away and started heading for the door.

" Ha! I was right, it is a girl!" Duo said, skipping up behind him. " So, what's she like Quatre? Is she pretty? Would I like her?"

Quatre just ignored him and opened the door, and was met by a large, wet, gust of wind. It was raining furiously now, as opposed to the sprinkles they got in the morning.

" Well, I guess it's that season." Duo shrugged as they walked into the rain. He looked back over to Quatre and smirked. " Now, about that girl..."

" Will you just shut up already, Duo..." Quatre growled, unlocking the door to his car and putting his stuff in the middle seat of the front. He got in, as did Duo in the passenger seat.

" Fine, whatever, you don't let me have any fun..." They started to drive and Duo looked at Quatre's stuff in the middle seat. A paper stuck far out from the rest, so Duo pulled it out and looked at it.

Quatre glanced over and almost swerved into another car.

" These are directions to another Dormitory! A Coed dormitory, no less!! Way to go Quatre, the major playboy!!" Quatre pulled off to the side of the road and put it in park, looking over at Duo.

" Duo, she is just helping me with my science class, that's all!" Quatre said, sternly.

" Is it a Biology class?" Duo asked, laughing.

Quatre stopped. Actually, it was a biology class of sorts, but that wasn't the point.

" Duo, there is nothing between me and Demetri, I just met her today and..." Quatre started.

" So?"

" Forget it, why do I even bother! You're just going to let your imagination run wild, anyways!" Quatre gave up and continued driving.

" Alright, Quatre, I believe you. I just like to nag you, that's all." Duo said.

" Thank you..." Quatre sighed.

" One more thing, Quatre..." Duo said.

" What?" Quatre asked.

" This is the way to that girls dorm, not ours." Duo said with a smirk.

" Oh," Quatre said flatly and made a U-turn when he could.

A/N- Sooo? How'd you like the first chapter? Was it good? Are you wondering what's going to happen next? Please review. I would deeply appreciate it and love you forever if you do...