Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind the Scenes ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Behind the Scenes 6 out of ?
Author: C-Chan2 a.k.a. Neptunesdemon
Archive: WufeiDuoyaoiML, any others just ask
Category: Romance
Pairings: 5+2/2+5, 2+R, 3+4, mentioning of past 1+2
Rating: PG (at the present moment)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Yoai, AU, OOC


Trowa looked down at the time displayed on the small face of his wristwatch and gave a weary sigh, wanting the elevator to move just a bit faster. He was long overdue with returning to his work and he blamed himself for it. He hadn't meant to spend so much time away from his computer. It was now eight and he remembered them leaving a bit after four. Now he'd have to work harder to finish his project on time. He looked down at his lover, who was wearing a smile that Trowa couldn't help but mirror. He had to admit he had enjoyed spending the day with Quatre and would have to find time to do something like this again. Quatre feeling Trowa's eyes on him looked up to his lover, his smile still plastered on his face.

"What?", he asked, now curious as to Trowa's staring.

He was answered with a short kiss, the blond man melting into it as Trowa wrapped an arm around his waist. As the elevator reached their floor, Trowa pulled away to look into aquamarine eyes.

"Nothing.", he finally answered with a small shake of his head, "I just love you is all."

Quatre only smiled brighter, wrapping his arms about his lover to reignite the kiss; this time it was much more forceful. Trowa took the hint and took to partly carrying his lover out of the elevator as the doors slid open. It would seem that his project would have to wait just a bit longer. The two made their way lip-locked down the hall, oblivios to anything else. . .that is until they rounded the corner. Trowa pulled from the kiss as from the corner of his eye he found someone sitting in front of their door, head hidden within folded arms that rested on top of his knees. He gently pulled away from Quatre to make his way to their vistor.


At the call of his name, the Asian man lifted his head to look up at his best friend, offering the taller man a sad smile. Trowa immediately knelt beside him, his hand resting on Wufei's shoulder as his eyes demanded an answer. Wufei looked away, Trowa aware of the unshed tears in his friend's eyes. Quatre moved closer, wanting to know what was wrong as well, but Trowa merely shook his head. He stood, bringing Wufei with him and soon they were entering the apartment. With his keys deposited on the side table, Trowa was soon leading Wufei off into the direction of his bedroom. He looked back to his lover with an apologetic look, but Quatre merely gave him a shake of his head. He understood, he wasn't happy, but he understood.

"Do you mind making some tea?", Trowa asked, continuing to lead Wufei away.

"Sure.", Quatre agreed, waiting until the two disappeared into the bedroom to leave for the kitchen.

Once they were within the privacy of the bedroom, Trowa turned to Wufei and just patiently waited. It wasn't long before Wufei began. First there were only a few tears and then it was full fledged crying. Not long after Trowa heard Wufei's intake of breath and then silent sobs were wracking his body as the Chinese man seated himself on the foot of Trowa's bed. The uni-banged man was by his side in an instant, taking the smaller man into a comforting embrace. He had thought Wufei had wanted the privacy and was glad he had listened to his instincts. He knew that Wufei was easily embarrased and would never do such a thing in front of anyone, but he wasn't just anyone. The Chinese man never really cried, and when he did he would rather do it without an audience. So for the young man to break down in front of him, though premeditated, was a shock. Wufei shared said shock, he didn't think he'd actually be bawling his eyes out, he didn't think that it would hurt this much.

"It's okay.", his friend cooed, as Wufei's sobbing grew a bit louder, "Just let it all out."

As much as he wanted to ask questions, Trowa knew better than to push for answers at this particular moment. He'd wait until Wufei was ready, until then all he could do was offer his friend what little comfort he could.


A few minutes of crying and about an hour of comfortable silence found Trowa and Wufei on the living room couch. Quatre had joined them, both he and Trowa with their arms wrapped around their friend in comfort as they sat on either side of him. He hadn't yet explained what was wrong, but they thought it best to be patient. Wufei would tell them soon enough; when he was ready. With his head on Wufei's shoulder, Quatre stared ahead at the tv, though he wasn't really watching; it was more of a distraction. He sighed just for the sake of sighing before looking up at Wufei.

He had his eyes focused on his now cold cup of tea, which he had yet to actually drink. Quatre had asked earlier if he wanted a fresh cup, but the Asian man only shook his head, telling Quatre that what he had was fine. He had wanted to ask Trowa what had happened in the bedroom, but Wufei's puffy eyes had told him all. Now he was growing a bit impatient. He had been waiting for Wufei to speak up for some time now. Wufei never cried and to figure out that he had been doing so earlier had peaked his interest. What could have possibly happened to break through Wufei's impenetrable stone wall?

"Are you sure you don't want a new cup of tea?", he tried again, hoping it would lead to conversation.

"I'm fine." was all Wufei croaked with a small shake of his head.

Quatre only huffed before he was resting his head against the boy's shoulders again as his arm raised the remote to change the channel. This was getting nowhere, so he decided it wouldn't hurt to actually watch something. He tuned the screen onto E! TV, watching somewhat bored as the host babbled on about something or the other.

"In New York City, Oz Studios have just finished filming the last scences of its latest project.", the female host went on to say, all three feighing interest in the story, "One in which Hollywood's latest heartthrob, Duo Maxwell is a star of and it also introduces a new up and comer, Hilde Schbeiker. We'll take you now to an interview with two actors."

As the screen switched to a previous recording of Duo and Hilde's interview, Quatre brightened while Trowa rolled his eyes at the sight of the braided star. Wufei, unbeknowest to the two lovers, froze in his spot; his eyes were unable to look away from the dazzling smile the braided actor was offering the interviewer.

"So, Duo, can you tell us a little about the film and who your character is?", the older man asked, the actor more than willing.

"Well the film itself is a romantic drama and I play Daniel, a man who has been in love and lost it before. You know how these story lines work. After a bit of hard times he kind of looses interest in even the idea of falling in love. So Daniel moves on and he happens across Hilde's character and he kind of falls for her without wanting to."

"My character is Georgia, and she's a woman that doesn't really think much of love herself.", Hilde began as the interviewer's eyes landed on her, "She's loved and lost just like Daniel has, so she's kind of has an pessimistic view of love. That changes when she meets Daniel and this is where the old "love at first site" drama begins to unfold. The director will kill me for this, but although it's not emmy material, it's a nice little love story."

"It would seem lost hopes and falling in love is what this movie's all about.", the interviewer commented, winding the interview down, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Hilde merely laughed and Duo shrugged, his eyes unfocused for a moment as if he were studying something. The camera focused on him and Duo raised his head to offer his interviewer a smile.

"Are you in love, Duo?", the man asked, and Duo's smile grew brighter.

"Yeah, I'm love.", Duo admitted, "It was love at first sight."

Both Trowa and Quatre were shocked to find Wufei standing up, turning to walk towards the kitchen.

"Turn it off.", he requested, Quatre frowning.

"But the interview's not done-"

"Turn it off, damn it!", he snapped, stopping the blond short.

He then returned to where they sat, snatching the remote up from where it rested on the center table and turned the tv off.

"I'm tired of Hollywood.", he explained before either of his friends could ask.

Then he was gone, disappearing into the kitchen and leaving the two lovers stunned on their living room couch. They heard the shattering of what could only be a ceramic mug, followed a few moments later by a swear in Manderin and Trowa took that as his cue. He made it to the kitchen in time to find Wufei nursing a cut finger over the kitchen sink. He went to help, turning on the cold water and holding Wufei's hand under it. It was now or never and he was pretty sure if he didnt try to coax an explanation from Wufei, then he'd never know what was going on.

"You want to explain to me what's gotten into you?", Trowa asked, leaning onto the counter, arms crossed over his chest.

Wufei merely ignored him, removing his finger from the water and turning the faucet off. He didn't have to tell Trowa anything and he rather that the man back off, but as much as he didn't want Trowa prying, he did want his comfort.

"Was it the guy who gave you the concussion?"

The warning glare that Wufei threw in Trowa's direction was answer enough for the taller man. Perhaps there was a breakup?

"You know, you can talk to me.", Trowa pushed, wanting to help, "I'm not your best friend for nothing."

"I'm not ready.", Wufei answered softly, his eyes staring down at his finger.

Trowa only sighed, looking away from the ebony-haired man. He had tried, but it was appearant that Wufei wanted him to butt out. He was patient and he could wait. He didn't like the idea that Wufei had gotten his heartbroken and that the man wouldn't confide in him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"I'm guessing you were in love with this mystery guy.", Trowa continued, his eyes never looking to Wufei.

His friend looked to him however, his face void of any emotion whatsoever. Trowa turned to him after a few moments, catching the expressionless face but not believing it for a second. He could see Wufei's eyes reflect what he was truly feeling and he decided to delve just little bit deeper.

"Why'd it come to an end so quickly?"

"He was in his own world of make-believe.", Wufei answered him solemnly.

"I thought you liked make-believe?"

Trowa's questioned caught him off guard and Wufei looked up to his friend with an annoyed and yet baffled look. Just because he prefered fiction did not mean that he wanted to live his life as if it were some sort of fantasy novel. This was still the real world, like it or not. There was no easy way with a happy ending in the long run.

"You wouldn't understand.", he mumbled after quite some time.

"I'll never understand, you won't tell me anything.", Trowa countered, his own annoyance beginning to show.

"I'm sorry.", Wufei apologized, "It's just that. . .you said you'd wait until I was ready to tell you."

Trowa sighed, feeling a bit guilty at his reaction. He had said that and he should respect the fact that Wufei wasn't yet willing to confide in him. He apologized softly, Wufei merely shrugging it of. He couldn't hold a grudge against his best friend.

"You think perhaps I should go and apologize to your boyfriend?", Wufei asked the banged man.

"That's your call.", he told him with a shrug, "You can apologize or you can deal with him when he's upset with you. You and I both know what that can be like."

With a groan Wufei was pushing himself away from the sink, pulling Trowa with him as he headed for the living room again. There was no way he was going to deal with a bruised Quatre alone.


Bein g back in California didn't give Duo Maxwell much time to relax and for once he was grateful for his busy schedule. Work and the various duties of a star kept him distracted, which meant that a certain man wasn't on his mind, which in turn gave Duo peace of mind. However, after a week of non-stop shootings, interviews and guest appearances, he was finally given a break. With no more lines, names and times to remember, his mind was free to think again and at the moment it was thinking of one Chang Wufei.
He laid by his pool in a lounge chair, his sunglasses resting over his eyes to protect them as he tanned. Said eyes stared blankly up, careful to avoid looking too close to the afternoon sun. He had originally come out here for a swim, but found he wasn't up to it as soon as he had reached the pool's edge. So he decided to do some tanning instead and it was the lack of movement that got his mind wokring.

At first he had been thinking of Relena. He and the female star had recently moved in with each other after his return from New York. It was another step in their relationship that he had been dragged across. It's not that he didn't like the girl, but he was beginning to wonder if he wanted to be with her. Of course he did, well at least he thought he did. He liked her well enough and he had moved in with her, that was proof enough. He liked her, he was sure of it. He liked Relena Dorian, but he loved Chang Wufei.

His heart clenched as his memories of being rejected replayed in his mind, his eyes closing against the hurt. He had wanted nothing more than to hear Wufei say it, to fall into his arms and be with him forever. However, as Wufei had reminded him, this wasn't a movie and there was no preset happy ending. The Chinese man wasn't interested in being "the mistress" and even if Duo had left Relena, he still refused to be with him. Duo had a public life and the public thought Duo to be a strict lover of women and women alone. It wasn't so much as Wufei didn't want him, as Duo was sure Wufei had almost slipped three certain words, but that he didn't want to disrupt Duo's life. Duo understood and he almost didn't care what others thought. Almost because he knew his career was on the line and he wasn't so sure if he wanted to lose that just yet.


The call of his name caused him to look back towards his large house to find his girlfriend stepping out onto the patio. He offered her a smile, the young woman hurrying to reach him. He sat up as she did, allowing her to sit in his lap and offer him a hug. It would seem that she had anticipated taking a swim herself, since she was dressed in her favorite two piece bathing suit. It was Duo's favorite as well, at least he thought it was. . .it was his favorite color; black.

"I finally saw your interview.", she began, not waiting for him to welcome her back.

She had been at a charity breakfast to raise money for starving children and had just recently returned. The interview she was referencing was the one she had missed, due to an interview of her own.

"I just thought you should know that I love you, too."

Duo's smile fell as she moved forward and pressed her lips against his. He gently pulled away before it could become more than a simple kiss.


"In your interview you said you were in love.", she reminded him, "I wanted you to know that I'm in love with you."

"Oh.", was all Duo could muster.

Relena snuggled against him, her arms coaxing Duo to wrap his around her and he did so loosely, still stunned with what had just happened.

"I love you, Duo.", she voiced again, sighing in content.

"Yeah. . .me too."

As Relena relaxed into his arms, Duo couldn't help but think about Wufei. He suddenly had the urge to take a trip to New York.


Three months had passed after the events in which Wufei had deemed "the incident", and things were returning to normal. In fact, his life had fallen back into the same steps he had walked before he had ever run into a certian someone. It was like he had never met him at all. Of course there were little reminders, such as E! TV at Trowa's apartment (in which a particular braided star seemed to always be the highlight of the evening whenever he was there), the endless stock of the stars autobiographies (which he had learned to ignore and avoid the aisle they were on), and the premieres of movies starring Duo Maxwell that Quatre insisted on dragging him to.

Then again, his life was returning to normal. There were no more pop up visits at the book store, no more phone calls in the break room, and no need to memorize escape routes to emergency exits. He was free to live his life as he had been living it before "the incident", and he couldn't be happier. His eyes looked up at the clock behind the cash registers and he figured it was time that he left. He had finished closing up shop an hour ago, but found that he couldn't help but linger. Though it was time he left, he'd be back in a few hours and he wanted to actually spend some time away from the store. He made his way around the store, turning off the lights, leaving only the Christmas decorations in the window lit.

Now dressed in a coat for the winter weather outside, Wufei headed for the front door, now eager to head out. He had nearly forgotten that he had promised Trowa that he'd meet him and Quatre for dinner. The two would be leaving for the holidays tomorrow and although it was only the second week of December, they wanted to have a Christmas celebration. They would be gone until January, meaning they'd also miss celebrating Wufei's birthday(1) along with Christmas. He was startled by the knock on the glass doors, his eyes peering out to find Valerie pressed against it, a man standing behind her. No doubt it was yet another boyfriend, the woman seemed to get a new one every week.

He had decided on taking the emergency exit so as not to confront her, but he had no choice as she called his name, confirming that she had indeed caught sight of him. He stepped out into the cold, stiffening as she greeted him with a hug. She had been doing that lately, as if she and him were close friends. Wufei had told her he wasn't comfortable with that and she had merely laughed. He gently pushed her away, not in the mood to force a smile on his face.

"I didn't think I'd catch you.", she began, burying her hands into her coat pockets.

He only grunted, not in the mood for conversation and was pulled to look at the man behind her who seemed to be staring. The guy winked and smiled at him suggestively and Wufei's eyebrows rose in an almost comical fashion, in a "you've got to be kidding me" way. Was this guy for real? He was thankfully distracted by Valerie shoving a shipping envelope into his face, his hand raising to take it from her. Why would something come for him at the store?

"This came for you earlier, but I was in such a rush today I forgot to give it to you.", she explained.

"Who's your friend, baby?"

The voice behind her reminded her that she was in company and Valerie jabbed a thumb in his general direction.

"I almost forgot. Wufei this my boyfriend Lou, Lou this is Wufei. He's a very close friend of mine."

Wufei raised an eyebrow at that. Since when had they become close friends? When had they become friends at all? They were co-workers, not B.F.F.s. The sleazy looking man nodded with a disturbing laugh, his hand strecthing out in offering of a handshake. Wufei only shook his head to decline the handshake and anything else the man was trying to offer him.

"Look, I have to go.", he announced, not wanting to stay out in the cold longer than he had to, "I've got somewhere I have to be."

He turned to lock up the doors, before he was slowly departing away from the two, newly acquired envelope in hand. He raised it as he waved in parting, Valarie enthusiastically waving back and her "boyfriend" giving the universal call me sign.

"Thanks for the delivary.", he called out, wanting to put as much distance between tham as he could.

As he made his way to the nearest subway, Wufei tucked the envelope into his pocket, not even bothering to see who it was from. It would have to wait until after dinner.


I n a small restaurant in Chelsea, three friends sat around their reserved table, enjoying their good company. With dinner already eaten and dessert on the way, gifts were exchanged. Wufei received the most since he was recieving for both a birthday and Christmas. It consisted of four books, a cashmere sweater and a full year membership to a gym (which happened to specialize in racquetball) courtesy of Trowa. He had to admit that it had become a hobby of his. He was almost ashamed that he had only one gift for Quatre and Trowa, a combined gift at that.

"I'm amazed you were able to get time off for a vacation, Trowa.", Wufei began, packing his gifts away, "I was beginning to think you had permanently moved into your office."

"Yeah, well I need the break.", Trowa said, wrapping an arm around his lover, "That as well as Quatre and I deserve some time alone. Besides, I get to spend Christmas in the Caribbean, could I have said no?"

The desserts arrived just in time and they enjoyed it in small talk, that is until they were interrupted by the loud shrill ring of a cell phone. The three looked around confused, as it sounded close but none of the three carried cell phones. Well, at least at the moment none of them carried it. Wufei couldn't afford one, Quatre resfused to own one and Trowa had been threatened to leave his back at the apartment. However, as Wufei realized that his coat pocket was vibrating, he reached into it and pulled free the envelope. With a confused face he looked it over, surprised to find that it had no return address. He decided to ponder over that later, his envelope was attracting disapproving looks.

He quickly opened it, turning it so that the black device fell into the palm of his hand. With a final look and shrug to his two friends, he flipped the phone open before pressing it to his ear.


He stiffened as a voice that had been haunting his dreams greeted him with a question.

"What do I have to do to convince you to give me a chance?"

Wufei looked to his two friends, who were staring at him in question and he softly apologized before standing up. He would have to take this phone call somewhere private. Gently excusing himself, Wufei walked towards the exit, leaving for the moment without his coat.


"How have you been?", the star asked.

Wufei pulled the phone away from his ear to swear under his breath before he returned it, ready to give the actor an answer he deserved.


"Look before you start screaming at me, I just wanted you to know that I miss you.", the actor interrupted.

"Duo, we've already discussed this. We are never going to have anything between us.", Wufei clarified, keeping his voice down so eavesdroppers couldn't hear.

"Well, why not?", the star questioned, his voice showing obvious annoyance, "I mean I know you're into me and damn it, I deserve a chance."

"You don't deserve anything!", Wufei snapped, his temper flaring, "You have your high society life, a girlfriend, fame. Now you want me? Don't you think you're being a bit greedy?"

"No, I don't care about all those things. Just you."

"So you'd give up your career just for me? Your relationship with your girlfriend, your fame and fortune, everything, just for me?", Wufei questioned, patiently waiting for an answer.

There was a small pause in which Wufei waited and he sighed when he figured Duo wasn't going to answer him. He didn't have to, Wufei already knew what the actor's decision was.

"Look, just leave me alone alright.", the Asian man began, fighting against a forming lump in his throat, "It's not fair that your doing this to me."

"It's not fair to you?", Duo finally spoke, his voice now raised, "What about me? What about what you're doing to me? One chance is all I ask."

"No!", Wufei cried out, gaining himself a few stares.

"I'm not taking no for an answer.", Duo assured him, his tone having calmed again.

"Whether you take it or not, it's the answer I'm giving.", Wufei told him, ready to bring the conversation to an end.


"Good bye.

He hung up before the man could respond and he turned to head back to the restaurant, stopping in his tracks as he found Trowa standing a few feet behind him. His heart stopped for a second as he realized that multiple times he had used Duo's name, what if Trowa had heard?

"How long have you been standing there?", he questioned, trying to hide his panic.

"I came in when you said it wasn't fair.", Trowa told him, walking closer to his friend.

He had in his hands Wufei's coat and he wrapped it about the smaller man's shoulders, Wufei thanking him. It wasn't until he was wrapped in the damn thing that he noticed that he was freezing. Pulling the coat tighter around himself, Wufei looked up to Trowa, who seemed to be waiting for an explantion.


The taller man only shook his head, before leading Wufei back to the restaurant with an arm around his shoulder. He knew Wufei didn't want to discuss this any further and he wasn't going to push. He was tired of trying and getting no where. If Wufei wanted to tell him, then he would and Trowa would be ready to listen.

"Maybe you should come with us.", he suggested, holding the door open for his friend.

Wufei stopped to look up at Trowa with a smile a gratitude, but declined with shake of his head. This was their vacation and as much as he would love to leave the cold for the warm climate of Trinidad(2), he didn't want to intrude. Besides, his boss wouldn't give him a random vacation, his wasn't set until March.

"Thanks for the invite, Trowa.", he began, the two of them walking back in, "But I have work, and you and Quatre deserve the time alone. Lord knows I'm always in the way, especially recently."

Trowa merely scoffed, taking his friend in his arm again as they headed back to the table where Quatre sat patiently waiting.

"You're never in the way.", Trowa assured him, giving his ebony-eyed friend a smile, "Besides, it's kind of fun making Quatre jealous. I get paid a little more attention to."

Wufei snorted as they reached the table, the two of them joining Quatre once again. The blond only looked at them a bit suspiciously and Trowa offered him a smile.

"Something wrong, baby?", he asked him, Wufei holding back a snicker.

Quatre glared, and Trowa was soon joining Wufei in holding back a laugh. He really was enjoying himself. The three continued on with their night, Wufei grateful for the distraction of his recent phonecall. Hopefully it would be the last. He found out a few nights later just how wrong he was.


Wufei was jerked awake by the loud and shrill ring of the cellular phone, groaning into his pillow and muffling a few swears. He didn't know why he had kept the damn thing, it didn't take an idiot to know that Duo would be calling back. With his eyes barely open, Wufei looked to his nightstand, his arm haphazardly reaching for the celluar phone. Once he retrieved it he flipped it open, resting it against his ear and merely waiting for the man on the other end to begin.


"What part of no did you not understand?", Wufei asked, sitting up in his bed.

"Look, I knew that I had to talk to you again.", Duo began, his voice apologetic, "Were you sleeping?"

"Only soundly.", Wufei answered sarcastically, "You needn't worry."

"Wufei, what do I have to do to get you to give in?", he asked him, Wufei holding back a yawn.

It was far too early to deal with this. He had work in the morning and he wasn't ready to return to arguing with the braided star. Duo was aware of the situation and Wufei wanted nothing to do with it.

"Duo, I'm really tired.", he provided, avoiding the question.

"Come on, Wufei."

"No.", Wufei told him firmly, "I'm sorry."


He hung up the phone before Duo could try and convince him otherwise. Returning the cell phone to the nightstand, Wufei laid back onto his bed, burying himself under the blankets. Even though he had his thermostat on high, it was suddenly a bit chilly. He jumped as something fell against him, his eyes looking to find that the stuff panda bear from a few months back had tipped over from where it sat against his headboard. He pushed it away, turning his back to it and curling himself against a pillow. It didn't matter how much it was hurting him, he couldn't give in. No matter how many times he called.


As it would seem Duo Maxwell was not one to quit. He began calling every other day, which soon changed to him calling Wufei every day. Then every few hours and a few days later saw Wufei recieving calls every hour that passed. He was growing frustrated; with Duo and himself. The actor wouldn't quit and he himself had yet to throw away the phone. He could easily sell it, but for some odd reason he couldn't bring himself to.

He had just finished restocking the science fiction shelves when he recieved his seventh call of the day and he gritted his teeth at the familiar ring. It was all he could do to stop himself from crying out in aggrivation. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled the device free as he headed for the breakroom, flipping it open and pressing it to his ear.

"What!", he hissed, his annoyance quite evident.

"I just thought you'd know, Wufei, that I've had enough of this.", Duo began, his own anger present in his voice.

"Oh, you've had enough?", Wufei questioned with a laugh, "You obviously fail to realize that I'm on the recieving end of your harrasment."

He burst into the breakroom, startling the newly hired employee, the boy looking in his direction with wide eyes. Wufei only glared at him and the boy shrank away, slipping out of the breakroom just to be safe. The Asian man made his way to the coat rack, removing his coat and placing it on as best as he could with only one free hand.

"Yeah, well I'll continue to harrass you until I get my way.", the actor admitted with an air of confidence.

"Well isn't someone cocky?"

Wufei left the breakroom, or would have if his boss hadn't blocked his path. The man scowled down at him in his intimidating fashion, but Wufei was unfazed. He was not in the mood to deal with both Duo and this pain in the ass.

"Mr. Chang-"

"Listen, Perry.", Wufei snapped, cutting the man short before he could begin, "I am not in the mood. I've done everything you've asked me to and I even stayed an extra hour to cover for Valerie's sudden disappearance. It is now seven o' clock and I am going to clock out and go home. If you have anything to bitch to me about it'll have to wait until tomorrow."

Perry, caught off guard, could only stutter for a few moments before nodding and moving out of Wufei's way. He didn't want to fall victim to Wufei's wrath after all. He watched as his employee stormed out of the breakroom, clocked out and headed for the door. Wufei had nearly forgotten that he was still on the phone, that is until Duo began to speak again.

"This is the last time I'm going to ask for another chance, Wufei.", the actor told him, and Wufei merely scoffed.

"And this is the last time that I say no.", he responded, stopping just before the doors to fix his coat.

"What if I make you?", the actor asked.

Wufei snorted as he pushed open the door and stepped out into the cold December night, clutching his coat closer with one hand.

"I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't come all the way to New York just to do that.", Wufei challenged, unaware of the body that stepped up beside him.

"I'm pretty sure that I would."

Wufei froze as he realized the Duo's voice was way too close, almost as if he were standing next to him. Knowing he had no other choice he looked beside him, his eyes landed on a very familiar face. He couldn't believe Duo Maxwell had actually returned. Not wanting to know what would happen next, Wufei took to walking off, hanging up the phone as he did so.

"No, Duo.", he called back, not bothering to even look behind him.

Duo followed, rushing after him and grabbing him by the wrist to gently pull him to a stop. He turned the shorter man to face him, violet eyes looking down at the face he had been dreaming about these past few months.

"Hey, you mind not saying my name so loud?", he suggested, looking around to see if anyone had heard.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?", Wufei asked him, bringing Duo's attention back to him.

"I can ask you the same question. You're all I think about, Wufei. I can't get you out of my head."

Wufei only scoffed, pulling himself free of Duo's hold and walking off again. That didn't stop Duo from following once again, this time cutting Wufei off and dragging him off to the side.

"What do you want from me!", Wufei shouted now more than annoyed.

His cry brought them a few stares from passerbys and Duo turned his head away, hoping that no one would pay too much attention. His braid was hidden beneath his coat and scarf, but he had been noticed by just his face countless times before. Now was not the right time for a horde of fans to begin chasing him down 5th Ave.

"I'm tired of asking for another chance.", he admitted, looking to Wufei again, "So how about we just go somewhere and talk?"

"I don't want to talk to you.", Wufei gave as an answer.

He tried to walk away but Duo had grabbed hold of him again, gently pushing him so that his back was soon pressed against the building they were in front of. He didn't very much like the position, so he gently pushed Duo back some, just to keep a good distance away from the actor.

"We talk over a cup a coffee is all I ask.", Duo began.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Wufei, please.", the actor begged, "How long will it take to drink a cup of coffee?"

Wufei sighed, figuring that it wouldn't take that long at all. The braided actor did travel all the way to New York, the least he could do was talk to him.

"Fine.", he gave in, his arms crossing, "Coffee."

"Make it dinner.", Duo pushed, Wufei glaring.

"You said coffee."

"Yeah, but I meant dinner. My treat, and you can always have coffee with dessert."

Wufei tried his best to be stubborn, but it would seem that he was losing the battle. He couldn't help his heart from beating as Duo continued to beg him, pouting in the Chinese man's direction, before latching onto him in a hug. Who knew that he had such a weak spot for puppy dog eyes and childish begging.

"Alright, fine.", he gave in, Duo giving a victorious shout, "Dinner and only dinner."

"Yeah, yeah, fine.", Duo waved him off, grabbing his hand, "Come on, I know just the spot."


The two found themselves at a small Indian restaurant not too far from the bookstore, Duo doing most of the ordering for them, which Wufei didn't object to. They didn't get directly to talking, well at least not about their intended topic. They talked of Duo's flight, they talked of the food that Duo insisted Wufei try and they even talked about Wufei's latest book purchase. Dinner came and went, dessert following behind it. As it reached the table, Wufei looked down skeptically at the assortment of sweets that littered the platter.

"This is the best part.", Duo announced excitedly, grabbing up the first one he could and stuffing it into his mouth, "You've got to try one. It's the best."

"Duo, we're supossed to be talking.", Wufei tried, the braided man only waving the subject aside.

"We will, but first you have to try one."

"Fine.", the Asian man gave in, lifting his fork, "I'll try one."

"No you don't.", the actor objected, snatching his fork away from him, "You eat it with your hands. Come on, live a little."

Wufei had begun to object, when Duo took it upon himself to reach for a sweet at random and shoved it in his direction. He resisted for a few moments, trying to hold back his smile as Duo playfully fought him. He gave in finally, with Duo's threat to tickle him and he opened his mouth to allow the man to feed him. He felt a shiver run down his spine as Duo's fingers brushed against his lips in the process.

"It's oily.", was the first thing he said, trying to ignore the response his body had given to the touch, "And really sweet."

"Great isn't it?", Duo laughed, "It's called gulab-jamun."

Wufei only nodded, his eyes unwillingly watching as Duo's brought his hands to his mouth, the actor licking his fingers clean of the remaining syrup. He turned away before he was caught, ready to move this along. He had promised Duo a chance to talk and they had to get to it now. He didn't want this to go any further than that.


"I wasn't lying when I told you that I loved you, Fei.", Duo interrupted, as if anticpating what Wufei was trying to begin, "Neither was I lying when I said you're all I think about."

Wufei risked looking back to the actor, finding the man looking down at the table, his hands toying with a napkin. Silence preceded over the two, Wufei watching Duo as the actor avoided looking at the ebony-haired man. It was broken as their waitress appeared, asking them if they were ready for the check. Duo assured her that they were and then he was finally looking in Wufei's direction.

"Why isn't I love you enough?", he asked.

"Duo, you have to understand that I can't do this.", Wufei tried, though he already knew Duo wouldn't give in, "A relationship with you is something I can never handle."

"Well why not?", Duo asked, his face frowning, "You like me don't you? We like each other, isn't that enough?"

"It's more than that, Duo.", Wufei responded, sure to keep his voice at a reasonable volume, "You're a star and that means no matter how much you try to hide something, it'll be found out. You're straight, or at least the public assumes you are. You do remember that you have a girlfirend, right? I told you already, I won't go through that."

"So what if I told you I'd leave her?", Duo tried, his voice now desperate, "Then it'll be just you and me. You'd be with me then, right?"

Wufei shook his head, unable to deal with the circumstances at the moment. He needed to think for a moment and Duo's eagerness to please him was becoming suffocating. He stood, Duo watching him with a questioning look as he gathered up his coat.

"Why, Duo?", he asked him, pulling on his coat, "So that you can hide me away from everyone else? I couldn't handle that Duo, I won't hide myself away to please other people."

Duo watch as Wufei turned to leave and he jumped up to follow him, leaving money on the table and following with his coat in his hand. Wufei heard Duo calling after him and he only quickened his steps. He exited the restaurant to be shocked by icy wetness, his eyes looking up at the sky from which freezing rain was now falling. Great, of course it would rain now. Since when did it rain in December? He began his way to the nearest subway station, pulling his coat tighter to him as the rain began to pour down on him.

"Wufei, wait!"

He didn't want to but found no choice as Duo had caught up with him, stopping him in his tarcks and turning Wufei to face him.

"I love you, Wufei!", Duo confessed, nearly shouting to be heard over the rain, "I'd do anything to keep you."

"No you won't.", Wufei pushed, "You say you will but you'll never do it."

He was beginning to tremble and he wasn't so sure if it was from the cold. He just wanted to go home and curl up in his bed; forget that any of this ever happened.

"I will.", Duo continued, not willing to give up, "In fact, Relena and I have been talking about taking a break, seeing other people."

"It hasn't happened yet.", Wufei reminded him, trying to walk away.

He was stopped again, the Chinese man rolling his eyes in annoyance. He didn't want to stay out in this rain for too long, his clothes were soaking through already.

"It will happen.", Duo promised, "We'll seperate."

"And what about you coming out with the truth?", Wufei countered, his teeth now chattering, "You'll tell the world you're in love with another man?"

He waited as Duo hesitated, the actor biting his lip in thought. That was all the answer he needed and Wufei gently released himself from Duo's grasp.

"You're not the only one in love, Duo.", Wufei finally admitted, the actor pausing in shock, "I love you, but I just can't be with you. Not like this."

Duo threw up his hands in defeat, before they were flopping down limply at his sides. He had tried and although he didn't want to give in, he had no choice. Wufei wasn't going to break and he was done fighting.

"Fine then, Fei.", he mumbled, brushing wet bangs away from his eyes, "If you don't see us happening then we won't. I'll go back to California, you can stay in New York and we'll both go on with our lives."

"What else can we do?", Wufei asked him, "You and I both know it would've never worked."

"I would have made it worked!", Duo objected, unable to hide his feelings, "I would have at least tried."

He turned away then, unable to face Wufei for the moment, his arms crossing as he walked to the edge of the sidewalk. Wufei only stared at him, not sure what to say and not sure if he should. This discussion was now over and the decision final. There was no need to draw it out any further.

"Goodbye, Duo.", he said in parting, though he made no attempt to move.

The braided actor only shrugged, not bothering to turn and watch Wufei go. He couldn't bear the sight of watching Wufei walk away again. He had done it once, it had hurt too much for him to attempt to do it again.

"I'm cold.", was the actors choice of words.

Wufei watched as the man started trembling, reminding Wufei that he himself was freezing. He needed to get home and get dry before he caught pneumonia. However, he couldn't bring himself to leave the braided star there and soon enough he was by Duo's side, hailing a taxi for the both of them.

"Come on.", he invited, as one pulled up, "You can dry off at my place."

Duo only nodded, ducking into the car as Wufei held the door open for him. As Wuei followed him in, the sloe-eyed man wondered if he was making the right choice. He mentally shrugged as he closed the door behind him, sighing in content at the warm temperature of the cab; he'd find out soon enough.


(1) I read somwhere that Wufei birthady was in December (can't remember where) so I decided to make his b-day near Christmas somewhere. Not sure if it's true or not, but oh well.
(2) Oh yeah! Trinidad! Only one of the best places on earth.

I confess, I don't like how this chapter went, but I couldn't help it. Writer's block the entire time. That and I have a future scene in my head but I'm not sure what to put before it. Why must I suffer this infernal blockage of the imagination? Oi, let me shut up already. Please review. I'll try to get the next chapter up faster. Tata for now.