Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blissful Duplicate ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Blissful Duplicate

A story by Akuma

Duo and Quatre sat peacefully at the porch of Quatre's backyard. He
took a drink of the ice-cold lemonade, and rested his head back. "Yah
know what Quatre?" He asked.

"Yes Duo?"

"We oughta find a way to get all the guys together and have a bit of

Quatre laughed a little and smiled. "Heero, Trowa and Wufei, have

Duo shrugged and continued.

"All you gotta do is call `em up and tell Heero you're taking him to a
gun convention, say to Trowa you're gonna take him to the circus, and
for Wufei a martial arts competition."

"I don't know about it Duo. When was the last time you saw those three
at a playground?"

Duo got up and looked at him seriously.

"Aww com'mon Quatre! They're boys just like us, we all wanna have fun
sometime in our lives!"

Duo marched straight into his house and picked up the phone.

"You do have Heero and all their numbers, right?"

Quatre nodded.

Duo picked up the receiver and held it between his chin and his
shoulder. Quatre handed him the phone book and he flipped through it

"Yuy...Yuy...Yuy..." Duo said while looking through the many "Y's" in
Quatre's phone book.

"Aha! Here he is, Heero Yuy himself!" He said, already beginning to
dial his number. Quatre let out a small sigh, and rested back on a

"Hello, may I speak to Heero Yuy please?" Duo asked.

Quatre, only hearing one side of the conversation, picked up the phone
book and fished out Trowa's name, as not to wait for Duo to look after
he was done.

"Hiya Heero! Recognize me?.........Yah! Quatre and me are here at his
house, and we were gonna take you to a gun convention.........Whaddya
mean you're not gonna come!?.......Listen pal, I'm making you come
whether ya like it or not........HEERO! WAIT NO! DON'T HANG UP!" Duo
and Quatre suddenly heard a hang up on the other line.

He hung up the phone and shrugged. "Okay, okay. So my idea wasn't the
best idea in the world, but at least I was willing to give it a shot."

Quatre nodded. "We'll need some other way to get the guys together, I

He sighed, and stood up. "Come on Duo, we'll need some time to think."

Just when the two were walking out the door, the phone rang.

Quatre and Duo exchanged glances, and Quatre walked over and picked it

"Hello, Winner Residence. Quatre speaking."

"Hi Quatre, it's me, Heero!"

Quatre's eyes widened. "Hey Duo, you're not on the other line trying
to trick me, are you?"

"Of course not! Do I sound like it?" He responded.

"Well, you never know. Duo does an excellent impression of--"

"Never mind that! I called to ask you and Duo if you wanted to come to
my house for dinner! I'm calling Wufei and Trowa too!"

"Heero, you're sure you're okay? Why don't you take a know,
lie down, and sleep?"

"Quatre! Don't be foolish! This is me, Heero! Don't tell me you're not
going to come!"

"We'll come, sure. I guess we'll see you then."

"Great! Bye!"

Quatre hung up and turned towards Duo. "That's strange. Heero wasn't
the least bit happy when you called him, but I just called him and he
seemed strangely energetic."

Duo hiked an eyebrow. "Heero? Energetic?"


That night, Quatre, Duo and the rest of the Wing Boys knocked at
Heero's door for dinner. They heard a click, and the door opened.

"Hello everybody!" Heero said with a smile smacked across his face.
The four began to look at each other oddly.

"Well what's wrong? Come in!" Heero yelped, opening the door as the
four walked in behind one another.

"Sit down, sit down! I'll get the mashed potatoes and we'll be ready
in no time!" Heero said, walking into the kitchen.

Duo sat down at his chair and looked at Quatre, leaning over to talk
to him.

"What's up with Heero?" Duo asked.

"I have absolutely no clue, but it certainly isn't like him to act
happy and invite us for dinner."

Trowa and Wufei poked at some of the food.

"Especially not gourmet." Trowa said, nodding.

"Such injustice." Wufei mumbled, leaning back into his chair as Heero
promenaded in, mashed potatoes in hand.

Heero set the mashed potatoes down and began to serve them. Duo rubbed
his hands together at the sight of all the delicious foods. A medium
sized turkey, with mashed potatoes, corn, and a bowl of salad, a
dinner representing what almost seemed to be Thanksgiving.

"Wow Heero! I didn't know that you knew how to cook so well!" He
looked at Quatre and winked.

Heero shrugged and smiled a bit.

"Well, I try."

The five boys began to eat, as light conversation filled around the
table, mostly from Duo, Quatre, and an unexpected Heero.

"Heero, I am really surprised. This is some of the best food I think
I've ever had in my life!" Quatre said, smiling as he looked to Wufei,
Duo and Trowa. They all nodded in agreement.

"Why, thank you Quatre, I'm flattered to hear that." Heero replied.

It was only a few hours later after that dinner when the five boys had
been sitting around a cozy living room.

"Heero, when did you get into interior decorating?" Quatre asked,
admiring the coordinating colors of the furniture and walls.

"Well, I rented a couple books and kinda jazzed the place up a little
bit," Heero began, "but it's not yet quite how I want it to be."

Just then, the five boys heard the door open.

"Who might that be?" Duo asked, leaning over to look at the doorway.

Heero walked in.

Heero's brows came down as he saw Quatre, Duo, Wufei and Trowa stood
in amazement. They began to look at each other, and then at the two

"...What are you all doing in my house?" The Heero that just walked
in, asked.

Quatre, who was getting quite confused right about now, looked at the
two Heeros.

"Heero...what is going on here? Why are there two of you?" Duo asked,
poking both of them and looking at their eyes to see if he found any

"What do you mean two of me? There's only one Heero Yuy..." He said,
as he stumbled over the other Heero and blinked.


Trowa looked at Wufei, and Wufei looked at Trowa. The two quietly tip
toed out of the house, not wanting to get caught up in the silly

Heero looked at the other Heero. He pointed a gun to his head and

"Hey! What are you doing that for! Lets be friends!" Heero said,
putting his hand on the gun.

Heero glared.

"You're giving me a bad image."

And with that, Heero pulled the trigger and shot the other Heero in
the head.

"Hey! What'd you do that for! I was just getting to like the guy!" Duo
said, examining the bleeding Heero. Heero looked at him grimly and

"Would you gladly step out of my house?" He asked.

Quatre looked at the dead Heero once again, and spotted something
imprinted on his wrist.

"Hey...what's this?" He asked, picking up the limp arm and looking at
it. Duo and Heero crowded around him.

"Clone Number 57668043." Quatre read out loud, Duo and Heero's
eyebrows bouncing to the numbers as he read them.

"Clone?" Duo asked.

"That's what it says here," Quatre stated, "I guess someone wanted to
clone you, Heero."

"Clone Heero? But it wasn't anything like him! He was actually
friendly." Duo stated. Heero growled and him.

"Maybe they kinda messed up a little bit." Quatre said, shrugging.

The three stood up and Heero pushed Quatre and Duo towards the door.

"Okay, now that you have it figured out, get the hell out of my house,
or I'm going to kill you."

Duo and Quatre looked at each other, then back at Heero's clone. Both
of their eyebrows raised as they ran quickly away from Heero's house.

"Much better." Heero said satisfied, as he closed the door. He began
to walk back over to his couch when the doorbell rang again. He

"Who is it now?" Heero asked, as he turned the locks and opened the

Duo stood at the door, holding a gun at Heero's head.

"Omae o Korosu."

Author's Note: Well...this is my first completed Gundam Wing fic. I've
done two others before this, but in one of them they're chibis and in
the other it's in more of a script form. So I consider this my first
Wing fic. I hope you guys liked it, it was kinda weird, I know. My
story styles are romance, comedy and pure insanity, so if you read my
fics you probably already know that. ^_^ I kind of have to credit my
friend on this, it was her idea to make a fanfic about Heero having a
clone. Thanks for reading! Any questions or comments should be sent to Also contact me there if you would like to
use this fanfic somewhere else. Thank you. =D