Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Calming of the Heart ❯ Unexpected Surprise ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Calming of the Heart - chapter 2

By: Shattered


Archive: Just ask first, otherwise, no problems here!

Disclaimer: Time for the clichés! OK, I don't own Gundam Wing or any of it's characters. I solemnly promise to return all characters when I am finished, only slightly rumpled. Their personalities will remain unchanged and as irresistible as ever. I do, however, claim Lillian Piers. She is mine, all mine!!!!

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He smelled the faintest hint of lilac. The fragrance stirred something within him before he even knew what awaited him. Hilde had said something about a woman requesting him personally, and said it was personal. What could be personal? He had never dated anyone before Hilde. He never cheated on her either. So what could be 'personal'?

Rounding the corner he entered the living room, and got his answer.

There she was, standing at about five foot nine. Her hair color matched his, though it was cropped at chin length, the ends turned under just a bit. Her skin tone was pale, her cheeks dusted with light freckles. Her eyes were wide and the unusual color of violet. Like his. Azurite, the word was his initial thought, before he voiced his second.

"Mom?" He rasped, afraid to close his eyes, lest she disappear. A sudden weakness invaded his limbs, and he found himself leaning heavily against the door jam while he tried to convince himself that she was really there.

"Yes, Matthew.. it's me." She said, slowly walking closer to him.

Hesitantly, she pushed his bangs off of his forehead, drinking in his appearance up close. Her fingertips traced his cheekbones, sliding down his sloped nose, then brushing against his lips.

"My son..." She whispered, unable to say anymore.

"I kept looking for you..." Duo murmured, closing his eyes as the memories of that dark day haunting his mind. It was like he was that young child again, feeling the terror of being alone, hearing the bombs blow close by...

"Shh, I know." She whispered, placing a slender finger over his lips. Her arms wrapped around his head, crushing him to her breast as the tears came. They slowly sank to the floor, their limbs no longer strong enough to support themselves.

"I never meant to loose you..." Her head bowed, her nose resting on top of his lightly scented hair. Fresh tears pushed at the back of her eyes and didn't fight them. She stroked his hair affectionately, relishing in the feel of holding him again.

Though he didn't want to leave the comfort of her arms, he eased from their embrace to look upon her with a questioning gaze. He licked his lips nervously, mouth suddenly gone dry.

"Mom, what happened? Where did you go?" After nineteen years, he finally had the chance to ask her. He watched with earnest, his heart pounding in his ears.

The moment was temporarily disturbed, children's giggles coming closer. Bursting through the garage came two mini Maxwell's. A girl about the age of seven came in first. She could have passed for Duo's twin sister, only born years after. Hot on her heels was a four year old boy, trying desperately to keep up with his big sister. His hair was darker, and a bit more sleek. His eyes were a mysterious color cobalt blue, with a twinge of azurite within. He would be quite the looker in years to come.

The two didn't take notice to the strange woman, nor were they affected by the fact that both adults sat upon the floor. They clambered onto 'Daddy', excited statements bubbling from the talkative and energetic duo.

Lillian at first looked stricken, but quickly brightened, realizing that these two were her grand babies. She said nothing, but looked upon them with admiration. She was eager to talk to her long lost son, but was not willing to break up the family.

Hilde, coming to their aid, tapped the kids on their shoulders. "Chloe, Troy, would you come help me in the kitchen? I need help getting dinner ready."

"Aww, Mom! I didn't get to finish telling Daddy about-" Chloe began to protest, but by the stern look Hilde gave her, she quickly stopped. With murmurs of displeasure, they shuffled out, stopping momentarily to give a curious glance to the stranger before heading quickly to the kitchen before mother got on their case.

Before she turned to leave, Hilde looked toward Lillian. "We would be very pleased to have you for dinner, if you can stay."

"Thank you, Hilde. I would love to."

"Good, I'll set an extra place. I'll leave you two alone." With a smile, she followed her children.

With a small smile, she turned to her son, azurite irides glistening with more tears. How much she had missed! "They're beautiful" she breathed.

His gaze followed them, and watched as they disappeared. "Thank you" was his whispered answer. After a long pause, he finally looked at her, he himself close to tears. "Didn't you look for me?"

At first she couldn't speak, even breathe. Anguish lined her face. "We always went shopping on Wednesdays. We had just left the grocery store, and I was transferring the food from the cart to the trunk." She paused, drawing in a ragged breath before continuing, her voice shaking. "They didn't give us any notice. One minute we were laughing and having fun, the next bombs were exploding in our ears. Everyone panicked. They all began running at once." She paused again, guilty tears staining her cheeks. Duo pulled her close and waited for her tears to subside. After a moment, she started again. "I reached for you, but they pulled us apart. I screamed your name, but the explosions destroyed all hopes of you hearing me. I searched for days; weeks; months. I never gave up. Matthew, I never stopped. For nineteen years I have been looking for you, and I finally have my baby boy back." Again they were in each others' arms. Reunited at last.


"Mommy, who is that lady?" Troy asked curiously while folding the napkins.

Before Hilde could answer, Chloe chimed in. "Yea, and why does she look like us?"

"Why is Papa crying?" Troy questioned, worry clearly etched on his chubby face. He had left 'Napkin Duty' to sneak a peek, and obviously didn't like what his young eyes had seen.

"Kids, come here." Hilde commanded softly, sitting in the breakfast nook, taking the two onto her lap. "That lady in there is your Grandma, Daddy's Mommy. See, something really bad happened along time ago, when Daddy was your age, and he grew up without his Mommy. But they found each other again."

"So we have a Grandma now?" Chloe asked hesitantly, testing the sound of it. When Hilde nodded, a grand smile eased into place. "Cool!"

"What do Grandma's do?" Troy asked, unusual optics wide with wonder as he gazed at his mother expectantly.


Hehe, ain't I a stinker? Gimme feedback!