Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Capture ❯ Chapter 7 ( Who were you again?) ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

O~kay...sleep deprivation is really getting to me. But hey I've got snow days so who cares! Ah, well, anyway... Here it is the next chapter. Took me awhile but I got it out! I was wondering should I change the name back to the original I had. I had named it ' Fleeting Happiness'. Well, tell me what you think about it all!

Heero watched Duo pace restlessly around the small waiting room of the Preventers infirmary. They had been submitted to test after test to determine if the drugs used on them had any lasting affects. Now they were finally aloud to rest for awhile, yet they couldn't do that. Their worry had only grown in the last few hours for their missing, and so far presumed dead, friend. Wufei and Trowa had yet to be found too, and that didn't help with the stress. Duo hadn't sat down for more than thirty seconds for four hours. Heero had tried to be patient with him but he was losing his cool with each stride.

"Duo, sit, down!"

"Sorry Heero." Duo plunked down in the chair opposite Heero and began twiddling his thumbs. He stopped and stared sadly at the cap clutched in Heeros hands. Blood stained the edges a deep red. He watched intently as Heero gently stroked the soft material absently. " Heero?" Duo tried, but Heero was lost deep in thought. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Heero lost to a secret past and Duo to the too real present.

" I remember when we bought this." Duos head shot up at the sound of Heeros unexpected voice.

" What's that Heero?" His voice was low and comforting.

" We were at a theme park. I don't remember which one. He pulled me on every ride possible then got sick off a chili dog." Heero laughed at some mental image. Duo couldn't help but smile. It's not every day that he would just open up like that and Duo liked it. Maybe something good had come out of Rosalds little mess around.

" Go on Heero." He gently prodded.

" We had saved up some money for a souvenir. I found a hat shop on the street and we spent a half hour trying on different hats." Heero stifled a laugh and shook his head. " He had me in bunny ears."

" Pictures?! You did take pictures didn't you?" Heero was still off in own little world though.

" I found this cap." He held the cap closer and looked down at it lovingly. " It had a cat ironed on it before. He must have torn it off." He flipped it around to show Duo the frayed front of it. Duo chuckled a little, feeling the sadness that welled up in his chest.

" We should all have that chance Duo." Duo looked at Heero to find the other boy finally looking at him. They locked eyes and understanding flashed within.

" I know Heero. None of us had much of a childhood. Or even much of a chance to be free to have fun."

" Even as much as I miss it, I wouldn't go back. It wasn't my real life. This is, and I would rather make this life better then live a lie."

" Me too Heero." Duo smiled sadly and moved to sit next to Heero. " Will take this guy down, then we can get back to making life better. Eh, Heero?"

" Yeah." Duo threw an arm around Heeros shoulders, but wasn't surprised this time when he wasn't thrown off.

" Um, excuse me sirs?" The two looked up at te new voice. A nurse stood in the doorway, uncertain about intruding. " The doctor says you are free to go. Also the Commander would like to see you in her office now." Nodding their thanks they stood and went to face Lady Une. Interrogation couldn't be delayed.

The warm, homey feeling of the room around him brought Quatre back to his senses. He could feel the cool sheets around him, sheltering his aching body in comfort. Letting his vision idle around the room his eyes landed on the person sleeping in a chair beside his bed. Blinking rapidly he reached out an uncertain hand out to the sleeping boy.

" Wu..Wufei?" His hand brushed the others warm one and he let a painful smile slip onto his face. Quatre let his smile widen as Wufei stirred slightly before opening his eyes. " Your real."

" Of course I am." Amusement shone in Wufei's eyes. He stretched then leaned forward to check the machines attached to Quatres battered body.

" Do you remember who I am?" His hopeful question came out as a breathy whisper from his dry throat. Wufei looked curiously down at him for a second.

" I don't believe we've met before have we?" He let a confused look form on his face as his patients smile turned quickly into a sad frown. " My name is Li. Your in my home on L-1. Do you remember anything that happened to you?"

" Why am I here?" Li noticed the evasion of his question but let it go for now.

" A man brought you here two days ago. You had been shot, he had bandaged you himself but it wasn't enough. I wanted to take you to a hospital but he refused. He told me you would be in danger in a public place. Hold still." He gently pulled back the covers, reveling the white bandages wrapped tightly around his middle. Pink tinted the gauze slightly in the middle of the crisp white. Gently lifting the boy Li began undoing the bandage. He cleaned the wound with as much care as he had before wrapping clean gauze around it. He laid Quatre down on the soft pillows of the bed and tucked him comfortably in the warm bed.

" Thank you Wu..Li." Quatre wiped sweat soaked bangs out of his eyes and smiled at his host.

" Now just rest for awhile. You need to regain your strength and heal." He smiled as he readjusted some pillows around Quatre to keep him from moving too much. " You seem like a strong person, I believe you will fully recover." Quatre nodded slightly, his eyelids drooping shut.

" Thanks." He yawned. Li watched over him until his deep, even breathing filled the room.

" Sleep well....friend." He turned away from the sleeping form to head for the door.

" G'night Wufei." He stopped and chuckled at the voice behind him.

" Good night Quatre." Wufei turned to face him. Quatre was holding his tired eyes open, a sleepy smile on his face.

" You thought you could fool me?" Quatre yawned again then blinked tiredly at his friend.

" No, I didn't think so. I've only remembered for a short time. I thought it best to lay low for awhile and find out what I could from those around me." He laughed softly as Quatres eyes drifted shut again. He made out a mumbled 'sorry, I'm so tired' before he snuggled down in the bed and fell completely asleep. Smoothing sweaty blond bangs out his friends face Wufei rechecked the machines and slide quietly out of the room.

Noin and Lady Une turned as the two boys entered the Unes office. They both looked worn and in need of some sleep. As Heero sat down next to Noin she felt a pang in her heart when she saw his eyes. In his eyes was everything that was not readable on his face. She knew only the loss of someone he really cared about could bring that much expression to his normal mask. He was handling everything like he always would. Calm, cool to everything around him so that he could approach the situation with a clear head. Though this time things had changed. She had seen how close the five had become, even if they didn't see each other for a long time. They had become a team, and friends. Now three of his friends were missing, and one of them presumed dead. Another pang hit her heart. In te short time that she had come to know them Quatre had become a good friend. She shot a glare at the other person in the room and noticed Heero and Duo turn and stare at the sight of Rosald Winner. Duo looked ready to kill the man on the spot, but he forced himself to stand a good distance away from him. Heeros eyes didn't leave the man until Lady Une spoke.

" Heero. Duo." Lady Une nodded slightly to each boy in greeting. " I am sorry to keep you from the sleep I know you need. But I need some answers and....we have some problems we need to talk about." She waited until Duo plopped down in the chair next to Heero to continue. " Now, can you tell me what happened on that colony?"

" We were ambushed. Rosald Winner has an organization stationed on the colony where we were sent. He used some drug to suppress our memories, as we explained earlier. Then we were sent to different locations to live in lives he modeled for us. A few days ago Quatre and I, who were together, regained our memories and went in search of the others."

" How did you regain them?"

" I believe Quatres locket triggered something in out minds. Or more specifically the picture in the locket." While saying this he reached up and fingered the gift he had been given.

" Same here." Duo spoke up. " The picture in my lock pick case seemed to bring back some memories."

" I see. And Rosald Winner did this?" A wicked gleam shone in Unes eyes.

" Liars!" All eyes snapped to the other man. " I have been no where near that colony. Besides I have no need for trying to overthrow this peace! You can check with any of my colleges Commander, they will verify my whereabouts at any time. You can not pin this on me! I have been grieving for the loss of my dear nephew."

Until then all had remained silent. At the mention of his ' dear nephew' Duo jumped from his chair and would have been at the mans throat had Heero not held him back.

" You dirty...Don't you ever use Quatre like that! I saw what you did to him, and what you did to us all! So just shut your..muph!" Heero placed a hand firmly over Duos mouth and forced him to sit back down.

" As of right now I have no proof to convict you with besides their statements."

" And you need more in this case don't you?" He looked a little to pleased for Une to take, but she too had to restrain herself form slapping the man.

" Yes. But don't think that you won't be watched. One wrong move and you. are. mine." His eyes filled with anger and he all but ran out of the room.

" We need to find the others." Heero stated as he turned back to Lady Une. She nodded slightly and began going through some files on her desk.

" We've been searching all we can. Unfortunately we don't have a lot to go on. They could be anywhere in the colonies or Earth..

" We want to see the files for the case."

" Heero I really think you two should get some rest and let us handle this case."

" Technically this is still part of our case. We won't be able to rest well until we finish this and get them back." Une gave in with a resigned sigh. Handing over the files she ordered them to at least return home for the night. They left quietly, Heero pushing a lagging Duo ahead of him.

Heero sat comfortably on the couch in his neglected apartment. Papers were strewn about the room, though mostly around his sitting area. He flipped idly through the folder in his hand. The works were a blur of black and white for the most part, but he focused all his energy into interpreting the jumble. His eyes were heavy though and it was becoming harder to stay awake by the minute. After all he had been up for the last twenty-four hours trying to find any trace of his lost comrades. Sighing he rubbed vigorously at his drooping eyes and continued to read.

" Nothing.." Heero threw the folder on the coffee table disheartened. He refused to give up hope on them, but at the moment he was so tired that he couldn't keep his head up anymore. The lack of information about his friends and the man who did this to them wasn't helping either. Laying down on the old sofa he fingered the locket secured around his neck. He snapped it open and brought it up to his eyes. Five smiling, for the most part, faces stared back at him. Again he wondered at the changes that had taken place over the time they had been together. He had lived with the belief that his life was worth nothing. He had lived with the mistakes he had made and lives he taken. He had lived with the belief that he would die and no one would care. He was wrong.

Looking at the faces of those he now called friends, he felt the need to have them near. Duos persistence to get through to him and not leave him alone no matter what cold response he got. Wufeis strength of heart and admiration. Trowas understanding and acceptance. And Quatre, Quatres gentle guidance and kind, loving heart. They had all changed his view of the world forever. He missed them. The locket fell from his fingers to land on his heart as sleep finally took his senses.

Heero woke to the smell of something wonderful cooking in his house. Opening his eyes and blinking the sleep from them he sat up and stretched. He gasped in surprise when he saw the room. Red and green mixed with gold decorated the whole place. Holly and green boughs hung on his small fireplace that was now blazing with a warm glow. When he had fallen asleep the room had been gray and dark with a cold permeating the entire place. Now warmth piratically glowed in golden light around him. A small sound came from his side and he whipped around to face it. Duo stood smiling at him from the kitchen doorway an undecorated Christmas tree beside him.

" Come on Heero we need to decorate this tree!" Heero stared in shock at Duo for a minute before regaining his composure. He stood and walked purposefully over to the other man who was staring warily at him. Heero reached Duo and stood for a second, looking at his eyes almost questioningly before enveloping his in a warm hug. Duo immediately returned the hug.

" Thank you Duo."

" Hey what are friends for. Come on now," He pulled back but didn't release Heero, " the tree won't decorate itself!"

" One question. How did you get in here?" Heeros narrowed his eyes at his friend, he had a feeling he knew the answer. Duo discreetly pushed a small case further into his pocket and turned to the tree.

" You should see all the ornaments I found!"

For two hours they sat going through ancient decorations that Duo found in a box in his apartment. Heero pushed aside the feelings of worry and anger and let himself relax. He promised himself that he would take down the man responsible for their dilemma, but right now he could indulge in some happy moments.

The big office was devoid of any feeling. The pictures that had hung on the walls of family were missing. In their wake impersonal posters had been placed, making the room to business like. Almost nothing remained of the man who and his son who had occupied the office before. Rosald Winner sat at the mahogany desk fingering the picture frame roughly. His eyes burned into the happy faces that were frozen in the moment. One finger traced the face of a boy who clung to his fathers arm happily.

" Dear little Quatre. You just had to refuse the chance at a new life didn't you? Well, it wasn't what I had in mind in the first place but you still fit nicely into helping my plans." He replaced the picture and picked up the letters stacked on his desk. He didn't bother to open them. Each contained condolences for his loss and offers of help if they could provide it. A funeral was to be held in a day or two, ringing in even more sympathy if he played it right. Most of the public was already in his in his sway from his speeches and tears about his missing nephew. Now that the boy was dead he could fully take over the company and with his sway over the people he would launch his campaign to gain even more control. Yes, his plan was going well. Soon he would be at he top of the ESUN, or more. He had kept the Gundam pilots out of the way long enough to instate himself, and even though they had back sooner then he had planned he had them right where he wanted them. All without putting the blame on him, not even suspicion from most of the people. Every thing was falling into place.

" Well brother," He let his gaze rest on the smiling man in the picture once more, " your brat was useful after all. Good thing I didn't kill him before when I wanted to. So much like his mother, beauty unabridged in heart and soul and in skin." He felt the slightest pang in his heart for the loss of the women he had found so kind and the her son who had stood against him. " He, their light. Just like Relena Darlian was their guiding star." A malicious smirk fixed itself onto his already scary features. " Snuffed out."