Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Catch Me ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: Never owned GW or the fabulous characters!

Catch Me by gethmane8

Chapter 4

Heero divided his attentions between the soft bundle in his lap and the unwelcome sight of Chris Wellas standing at the door. Deciding murder was in order, he gently moved Relena aside and aggressively headed for a terrified Chris. Or would have if Relena hadn't grabbed his legs.

"Damnit, Relena let go." Heero snapped, looking down at her holding on tight.

Relena rolled her eyes before pushing all her weight forward, tripping up his legs and sending him face down in the carpet. Hard.

She tripped him! Heero couldn't believe it. Before he could get over that shock, he felt her small body climb onto his back. He flushed at the contact of her skin against his body. Also her indecently thin nightgown had rode up, showing more than he'd ever seen of her except in his dirty dreams.

"Get off of me, Relena." He said coldly. He expected that to send her running like it always did others, but he swore she added more overall weight in spite. He looked back and was stunned she had the nerve to grin at him while digging her sharp elbows in his spine.

"Chris, I think we need some privacy to talk. I'll call you if I need you." Relena said, smiling at her embarrassed friend hovering at the door.

Chris was more than willing to get the hell away from Heero Yuy's hate filled gaze. Relena was his friend, but he sure didn't want to get shot because of it. His slamming of the door left the room in silence.

"Okay, start explaining Heero. What are you doing here?' Relena asked. No longer upset at seeing him after such a long time, she delighted in being the one in control.

Heero sighed as he laid there. His prey was gone...for the moment and he had a half a dressed woman sitting provocatively on his back. And she was interested in answers. What a life!

"Get off me first and I'll explain." Heero said.

Relena reluctantly slid off him to sit indian style on the bedroom floor. Eyes slanted narrowly at him, she wearily watched him.

"I was worried about your safety and -" Heero said, sitting on the floor across from her.

"Cut the crap, Heero. Why are you really here? Jealous?" she asked, lifting her brow.

Heero angrily flushed at the insinuation, especially since he knew it was true. "What the hell are you doing here with this man? You don't know this man enough to be running off with him. What about your responsibilities? Of all the scatter brained stunts. No-"

"How dare you! I am a grown woman, damnit. I don't need a lecture from you, Heero. I can come and go as I please. Since all I am to you is a duty, you can march your butt right out of here and protect me from the sidelines." Relena snapped, jumping up and walking toward the door. She opened it and pointed into the hallway. "Get out!"

"The hell I will." Heero growled.

"What the hell do you want from me? Do you want me pathetically waiting at home for you like a good little girl? Too bad. I'm tired of being your doormat. You don't want me, fine. There are plenty of guys that do and aren't scared to admit it. I don't need protection from you. If you can't give me what I really want, I want you out of my life!" screamed Relena.

Heero said nothing after that and just stared completely blown away. "You never were this snippy before, Relena."

Relena sighed, no longer quite as mad at him seeing how confused and upset he looked. "Heero, I'm tired, okay. I can't keep doing this forever. God, one day of my life feels like a thousand now. I'm not happy, but don't you think I deserve to be?'

"This Chris guy makes you happy?" sighed Heero.

"Chris does make you happy. He's a fun friend...only a friend. Besides, he's as gay as can be. Not my type for boyfriend material." Relena smiled, reclosing the door.

Heero blanched. "Gay?!"

"Duh, Heero. Yes, he's gay."

"But you dated! How can he be gay?" Heero asked aloud, though this piece of info was welcome news.

"Chris and I went out as friends first, nothing serious. People just thought it was more than that. But Chris was figuring out and coming to terms with his orientation then. I was actually the first person he ever told. He even likes to tease me and say I turned him gay, the jerk." said Relena.

"He acts straight to me. But I assumed he bought you here to-" Heero was at a lost to complete that sentence.

"What? Seduce? Ravage? Have his way with me? Nope, not in this lifetime. And how would you know how he acts around me?" Relena crossed her arms, leveling an angry glare in his direction.

He remained silent but had such a sheepish look, Relena shook her head. "You've been following me. Have you bugged the place too?"

His avoidance of the question was answer enough. Relena went to sit on the edge of her bed. Crossing her legs, she inwardly smiled seeing his eyes following the movement.

"Didn't you miss me at all? I know I missed you, you ass. Heero, I'm tired of the games. Hell, I'm tired of being the man in this relationship. If you want me, tell me now and we'll go from there. If not, then just leave and don't come back until I'm married with kids. What will it be, Heero?"

He sat on the bed right next to her and tentatively reached out to touch her hand. "I've missed you too. No matter how I try not too. I'm too jealous to allow you to be with anyone else."

"Allow?" Relena said, sardonically. She crossed her arms again and leaned to the side away from him.

"Let me rephrase that. I'm too insanely jealous and I can't stand thought of you with another man. Gay or straight. Unless it's with me." Heero mumbled grumpily.

Relena chuckled and leaned back over to kiss his cheek. "That's better. So interested in taking a little vacation with me?"

"I'm not use to being around people. I don't-"

"Heero, I'll be with you every step of the way. I'm not expecting miracles. Let's just take it slowly, okay?" she smiled at him.

He nodded and sighed with relief when she laid her head on his shoulder. He brought his arm around her waist and breathed in her sweet floral smelling hair.

"Aren't you glad you didn't kill Chris? He's a very nice guy. I know you two will be fast friends once you get to know one another better." she said, extremely happy with the situation.

The jury was still out on that verdict, Heero thought to himself. But he was grateful the guy wasn't after Relena, though he'd have a little talk with him just in case.

"You can stay here tonight. Don't get all nervous, Heero. I don't mean this room. There are hundreds in this place. That way you can be close and guard me to your hearts content." Relena smiled at his reddish complexion. There eyes met and they just quietly stared...was the room getting hotter?

"Trowa!" he said, breaking his eyes away from Relena's hypnotic hold.


"I brought Trowa along with me on this trip. He's in the car now. He'll need to stay here also." Heero said. His eyes widened a fraction when he realized the other man had most likely heard everything that had conspired in the bedroom. Heero just knew he'd never hear the end of it!

"Well, sure. I know Chris won't mind. He always thought Trowa was pretty cute." Relena replied.

Trowa chocked on the cup of coffee he was drinking, spitting it everywhere in the car. "What the hell?"

Heero laughed. An honest to goodness laugh that made Relena fall in love with him all over again. Maybe this was what the doctor ordered for them both.


"Dorothy, calm down. It's not the end of the world. So you're engaged. Most normal people would be happy." Hilde laughed.

"I'll ignore your jealousy talking, Hilde. Anyway, what can I do about this?" Dorothy snapped at her friends.

Hilde licked her tongue at Dorothy, while Noin, Sally and Une shrugged to themselves.

"Why are you so upset? You love the man. He's given you a ridiculously huge yellow diamond ring that's as big as an egg. I'm starting to hope Quatre has some single male relatives around." Une kidded.

"I told you all my thoughts on marriage. He tricked me, the sneak!" Dorothy snarled in anger.

Not really sympathetic to her friends plight, since she was openly enjoying the drama, Hilde patted Dorothy on her back. Her cheeky grin said all that needed to be said.

Dorothy was furious with the world and more importantly, with Quatre for this mess thrust upon her. Once the loud mouth Iria had smelled blood in the water, she'd signaled the other sharks to attack. Their once quiet home was now teeming with his sisters planning their wedding. If she actually knew where Relena was, she'd run and join her.

"Well, what does Cat say about all this?" Noin asked.

They all were gathered once again, but this time at Une's house. Mariemaia quietly played her X box down the hall in her room, so not to disturb the ladies.

"He's part of the problem. He wants to get married. What's wrong with him?" Dorothy wondered, aghast.

"Why say yes then? You've never given a care about others opinions. Maybe, for all your bravado on marriage, you're secretly pleased Quatre forced the issue. That way you don't lose face by backing down." Hilde said.

"If I wanted a half-assed opinion, I'd ask for it." Dorothy snapped. She picked up her purse and stormed off. The only indication of her anger was the forceful shutting of the front door.

"Yup. I called that one. Now pay up ladies. I told you our man Q. would find a way." Hilde grinned, holding out her hand for payment.

The other women grumbled but paid.


"It's so beautiful here, isn't it Heero?" Relena said in awe.

Heero nodded as he looked out on the crystal clear ocean sea. After explaining to Chris the new situation, he'd been gracious enough to allow the two men to stay. Chris had gotten them all up early to tour on his private yacht. Heero was enjoying himself and seeing Relena happy made him happy. He put his arm around her waist as they looked out into the ocean.

Relena had been thrilled to see Trowa and had hugged him in greeting when Heero went and brought him back. He'd greeted her as warmly as possible for any man with Heero Yuy glaring menacingly in the room.

Trowa sighed behind them. Trowa, though excited for the couple, wasn't having as fun a time. Seeing he was no longer needed as protection, didn't have much to do. And the only person left to talk to was....

Relena felt so happy and carefree being with Heero. She was having fun with him, an act she'd wondered was possible. And he was trying, honestly making an effort. She knew how hard a time he had with everyday things and emotions. So use to the shadows, he struggled in the light. But he was trying for her and more importantly for himself.

They sailed on Chris' yacht nicknamed the Soulful Mermaid, for two hours before having lunch and then docking for the day. Knowing the new couple needed time alone, Chris suggested they run off and have fun. And it wouldn't have been such a terrible suggestion, if Chris hadn't winked and nudged Relena as he said it. Embarrassed, the couple took off, leaving behind an excited Chris and a weary Trowa.

"So you single?" Chris asked.





" Color?"

"Green." Heero said.

"Pink. Pretty obvious one, huh?" Relena giggled.

They still had so much to learn about each other, so they say at the waterfront on the board walk, answering each others questions. Not caring about their clothes, they sat in the sand, soaking up the sun and enjoying the others company.

"Tell me something you've observed about me and I'll do the same." Relena said.

"I know you put excessive amounts of sugar and cream in your coffee daily. You stop and say aw to every baby you see, even the ugly ones. And you never seem to give up. Not even on me." said Heero with a tiny smile.

"I had resigned myself to not ever being with you, but I'm glad fate had other plans. I'll never lose faith again." Relena replied, joining her hands with his.

"And to answer back, I noticed you're obsessed with your computer. You have a wicked dry sense of humor you only show to Duo, Wufei or Milliardo. And you're a big softy at heart. And one of the best people I know."

Heero suddenly pulled her close to him and kissed her. This time it wasn't a quick touching of lips. This time there was a bit more pressure and lots more warmth. The kiss continued on and on until the need for oxygen became an issue. Breaking apart, they were both blushing and breathing hard.

Grinning mischievously, Relena suddenly hopped up and pulled him with her. "I definitely might never leave this place."

Putting her arms around his waist, Relena snuggled in close. "How about a swim, Heero? I want to show off my new bathing suit. And something else."

How do you like them apples? I love this couple so much. Next chapter, things heat up for H/R and Trowa meets someone he'd never thought he'd see again. Hmm. Dorothy and Quatre? And Chris? You'll just have to see. Bye!