Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Catch Me ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not owned by me, although in this fanfic, the characters are mine to abuse and whatnot.

Catch Me by gethmane8

Chapter 5

To say Heero was blown away by Relena's navel ring would be an under statement. If her piercing hadn't left him stunned, her bathing suit finished the job. Only seeing it from a distance didn't do it justice in Heero's opinion, as all clean thoughts flew out of the window.

After tossing her clothing aside, Relena happily pranced in her suit for Heero. She giggled at his seemingly stunned expression. Admiring looks from other men were nice, but from Heero it meant everything. She grabbed his hand, dragging him to the edge of the water. It was only when the cool water lapped at his feet, did he break out of his daydream.

"What?" Heero said, looking at the devilish expression on Relena's face.

Laughing, Relena pushed him in.


Trowa casually window shopped, checking out clothes. Unlike his older sister Catherine, he bought what he liked and didn't bother checking prices for sales. Catherine was obsessed with getting bargains, matching outfits and color coordination.

He was a guy. If it fit and didn't look hideous, he bought it.

Trowa stopped at one department store, seeing a nicely made leather jacket. Looking through the glass window display, he stiffened when a reflection showed a blond that looked strangely familiar.

"It can't be. Midii?" he gasped.

He turned around suddenly. The girl, dressed in a short green tank top and shorts stood in line with others to buy ice cream at a portable stand.

Heart beating fast, Trowa raced across the street toward her. Cutting in line, he ignored the angry man's shouting as he got in real close to her back. She faced away from him, but she instantly stiffened as his large shadow loomed over her much smaller figure.

"Look Buddy, I'm not-" the girl began as she turned, before gasping. She put her hand over her mouth in surprise.

If life wasn't enough off a kick in the teeth. Midii Une. It was her. It was a face etched in his mind that he knew he'd never forget. She was still petite and almost reached his chest now. Her blond hair was the same length, although it had a modern red streak in it at the hair line on both sides of her face. Her expressive eyes, grayish blue depending on her mood, were wide in surprise and maybe a little happiness, too.

"No name. Oh, my God!" Midii exclaimed, reaching her hand up to touch his face.

Being much taller, Trowa bent down so she could touch him. Her hands wandered over gently and she smiled. Trowa smiled in return.

"You've grown up real nice, no name." Midii said, reluctantly taking her hand away. Trowa seized her right hand as it left his face and didn't let go.

"Trowa Barton. I have a name now."

Midii blushed when she realized everyone in line had become very interested in what was going on between them. People openly grinned as they watched and listened. Frowning, Trowa pulled Midii away from the line. People loudly groaned and protested. The nerve!

Walking down the boardwalk, Trowa found an empty restaurant booth and they sat down. After making small talk, Midii got right to the point.

"I was afraid you'd hate me forever." Midii said.

"A lot of time has passed, Midii. I was younger then and only saw things from my point of view. It took me a long time to realize it's no longer black and white. It was war. I never hated you. I don't have any regrets and I don't think you do either." Trowa said.

*Just one.* Midii thought. He'd always been her one true regret. She wasn't lying when she said he had grown up nice. He was even more good looking then he'd been all those years ago. Those green eyes of his had haunted her for many years.

Tapping her fingers on the hard table surface, Midii nodded in agreement. He put his hand over hers to stop her movement. Her eyes searched his in question.

"I'm on an indefinite vacation here because of some friends of mine. But I can see them any time, not you. How about having dinner with me tonight? To catch up." Trowa asked.

Midii smiled. *When opportunity knocked, who was she to deny it?*


Quatre sighed as Dorothy continued to give him the cold shoulder. The engaged couple weren't exactly happily engaged at the moment. His meddling sisters weren't helping matters. They had been over repeatedly to see the soon to be member of the family. And to discuss the wedding. He knew Dorothy was feeling agitated and harassed and her fear of marriage wasn't helping.

"Dorothy, are you coming to bed?" he asked.

She ignored him and continued reading her book. Sitting on the living room couch, she didn't even bother to glance his way. Looking too sexy for words in her red silk nighty, Quatre swore she wore that just to goat him.

As much as he adored her, he wanted to strangle her at the moment. Not use to people being angry with him, Quatre became upset back.

"Dorothy, you can at least talk to me. This is childish." he said.

"I'm not tired, go without me." Dorothy sniped, finally looking up. Her angry expression was answer enough.

"Damnit Dorothy, we have to talk about this." Quatre said, snatching the book out of her hand and tossing it aside.

Getting up from her position, Dorothy angrily poked Quatre in his bare chest with a long fingernail. "Oh, you mean like we talked about getting married? You had no right to say that to your sister. What were you afraid of, Cat? She'd think less of her little baby brother?"

"I could care less what Iria thinks. You said yes! Why get mad at me for your decision to say yes? I approve of marriage. I want to get married and start a family. I want to marry you!" Quatre yelled.

"I won't marry you and end up like my-" Dorothy stopped her statement and turned her back on him.

"Like who Dorothy? Like who?!" asked Quatre, already knowing the answer.

Her damn parents! She'd told him in a moment of confidence when she'd begun to really trust him, her family life had been hell. Her parents married each other as an business arrangement. Both wealthy and political families, the Dermail-Catalonia marriage had been of love of money and status, nothing else. And they'd made sure she knew there wasn't any love between them or for their only child. Even though they were now both dead, Quatre cursed them for hurting her and now his chance at happiness.

"I love you. Our marriage will be one of love." Quatre said, coming up behind her. He put his arms around her waist and held her tightly.

"Marriage of love? All unions end up the same. It's all love and sweetest in the beginning, before you soon get bored and complacent. Soon one of you is off boffing the mail man or the secretary. Marriage doesn't work. It's not for me...not for us." Dorothy sighed in his arms.

She leaned her head in the crook of his neck. She loved him so much and didn't want to screw it up. She didn't want to have what her parents had. A cold hatred between them that lasted until they died. She would die if he lost interest over time and their love turned into a distant memory.

"Quatre, I love you too. But I can't marry you. We're happy now, why ruin it. Lots of people live together happily without the ring and a stupid piece of paper th-" Dorothy said.

He interrupted, rubbing her cheek. "I can't do that. I am like you say, old fashioned. I love you and want to spend my life with you. Have children. That means marriage to me. My parents loved one another desperately. I feel that way for you, Dorothy. Give us a chance."

"No." Dorothy pulled away from him, shaking her head.

"Dorothy, I can't be with you if you're not able to go beyond what we have now. You know that." he said, anxiously. A feeling of sickness came over him.

Pulling off her ring, she took his hand and placed it inside. "I know. I'll move out tomorrow. I-I'll sleep in the guest room tonight."

Dorothy felt tears come to her eyes, so she quickly walked away from the only man she'd ever loved and who loved her back.

Quatre stared down at the ring he'd had made especially for her. It was a replica of his mother's wedding ring. And she'd never know the significance of it.


Heero sighed contently as Relena laid her head against his chest. They'd spent hours at the beach, playing around like kids. Now they were back at Chris' mansion, the house was empty except for the staff. They were all alone in her bedroom on the bed. Here they were just two people on vacation. She wasn't the Vice Foreign Minister and he wasn't an ex-assassin/ Gundam pilot/bodyguard.

"It's so peaceful here. I wish it was always like this. I'll definitely make sure I never go this long without a vacation again." Relena sighed happily. She put her arms around Heero's waist and held on tight.

It always amazed him how forgiving and understanding she was. How she loved him even when he was unlovable.

"What happens when we get back, Heero?" Relena asked softly. She lifted her head to look him in the eye.

Heero stroked her hair and smiled. "You'll go back to work and I'll go back to my job. Being your bodyguard."

Sitting up, Relena leaned her head on her hand. "Just as my bodyguard?"

"I'd be crazy to let you out of my life again. I don't think my heart can take it anymore if you took off with another guy, gay or straight. You're pretty much stuck with me now." Heero said, stone faced.

Laughing, Relena kissed him on the cheek. "About time you realized that."

He turned his face toward hers as she kissed his cheek. Their lips met and held. He kissed her gently, taking command, and she parted her lips to him naturally. Relena touched his shoulders and he drew her slowly against him. Not sensing any shyness from her, he lightly parted her lips and his tongue touched hers. Heero kissed her until she was breathless. His hand smoothed up her back as her hands tightened around his arm. Feeling himself getting out of control he pulled away before he would do something she wasn't ready for.

Relena took in big breaths of air and her cheeks burned. She knew she was blushing but didn't care. She didn't even feel embarrassed as she laid her head down on his chest again to let him hold her.

Heero, just as breathless, worked to calm his body down. As much as he'd love to make love to Relena, their relationship was new. They needed more time. She needed more time. But the minute she ever changed her mind...

"So, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Relena teased, grinning into his chest so he couldn't see her laughter.

Heero blinked at that. Her could tell she was laughing at him. Boyfriend and girlfriend? It was something he'd never thought of. He just knew he wanted, no needed, to be with Relena and no one else. But the implication of it made him wildly excited.

Kissing the top of her head, he smiled into. "I guess we are."

That's that. I'm winding down to the finish line soon. Everything will be resolved, hopefully happily. Thanks for the support and reviews. Peace. I'm out!