Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Catch Me ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: As you can tell by my name...I don't own any part of Gundam Wing.
*Denotes private thoughts

Catch Me by gethmane8

Chapter 6

Quatre looked sadly around his now half empty apartment. True to her word, Dorothy moved out the next day after their fight. He'd tried one last time to convince her to marry him, but she refused. He'd honestly never felt so lost and alone in his life. He flopped down in a chair and sighed.

"Cat, you have to get up and out of this place. It's just making you more depressed." Iria said.

She felt so bad for her baby brother. He was heartbroken and it was painful to see. He hadn't left the apartment in days. It had been almost a week and he was already a wreck. She had to do something.

Walking over to him, Iria held out her hand. "Give me the ring. I know you have it on you."

Puzzled, Quatre reached into his pant pocket and pulled out the ring, handling it to his sister. She clasped her hand around it and turned away to stroll to the front door.

"What are you doing? What are you planning, Iria?" Quatre asked, curious with her behavior.

"I'm going to talk to your idiot girlfriend and show her the error of her ways." Iria said with a smirk. She turned to door knob to leave.

Quatre jumped out of his seat. "Don't interfere. It has to be Dorothy's decision."

"Your Dorothy doesn't know a good thing when she's got it." she snapped, coming away from the door to stand beside him.

Sighing, Quatre sat down again. "She loves me but she's too afraid of marriage, Iria. Harassing her doesn't exactly help me. Just stay out of it and let nature take its course."

"And if she doesn't come around?" Iria asked, arms crossed.

He bent his head, turning his face away from her. "Then it's over for good. I'll have to move on."

"You love her that much?" she asked.

"Yes. But I can't force her to want what I want. It wouldn't be fair to either us."

"You and those damn morals. I swear you could drive a saint to drink. Okay, it's none of my business. I'll butt out and hope for the best." Iria said, leaning down to kiss on his forehead.

*Yeah, like hell I will.* Iria thought to herself.


Relena yawned into her palm as their shuttle landed. Although reluctant, Heero, Chris and she were finally returning home. Trowa and his lady friend stayed behind and from the looks of it, wouldn't be returning any time soon.

Heero folded up his newspaper and lightly tapped a snoozing, drooling Chris in the seat across from them. Heero hid a grin when Chris jerked awake, flaying his arms around his face. He caught Relena's eye and she giggled.

Heero put his arms around Relena's waist and led her out of the shuttle compartment, with Chris walking behind.

"I hope no ones still mad at me." Relena said to Heero. She smoothed out her new red sleeveless dress, making sure she looked presentable. Looking at Heero all dressed in black, she considered herself extremely lucky.

"I think when they see us all will be forgiven...until we tell then our news." Heero said dryly.

Chris laughed at that. Relena licked her tongue out at him and Heero. She then pulled Heero close and kissed him on the lips. Chris rolled his eyes and made gagging noises.

At the end of the terminal, Noin, Milliardo, Duo and Hilde stood waving. Thrilled to see them, Relena rushed forward to hug and greet them. Sighing, Heero took off after her and Chris shook his head laughing.

Happy with the warm greeting, Relena was just glad to be back with her family and friends. After much teasing by Duo and Hilde, Heero and Relena knew everything was back to normal. Chris came up behind Relena and kissed her on the cheek before reaching to shake Heero's hand.

"I better spilt before the you know what hits the fan. Call me later with all the details." Chris winked, waving good-bye.

Relena nodded and winked back at him. She silently watched him walk away, suddenly feeling sad. She owed him a lot. He was truly a wonderful friend. Relena turned to Heero and saw him smile at her. Taking a deep breath, she decided bluntness was the best policy for her news.

"We got married! Surprise!" Relena smiled, weakly, She held out her left hand to the group.

"WHAT?!" Everyone, except the couple in question, screamed seeing the huge diamond ring.

Let's just say it was a long ride home after that.


Putting away some groceries in her cabinets, Dorothy was startled when she saw an envelope slid under her front door. Running to the door, she opened it quickly, but could see no one around. The only person who knew where she was, was Quatre. Tearing the envelope open, she pulled out a photo and a letter. She scanned it quickly before tears came to her eyes. Taking the envelope with her, she grabbed her car keys and raced out of the house.

It only took a few minutes to drive to Quatre and her old place. Still having the key, she let herself in. The apartment was eerily quiet and dark even though it was day time. Curtains were closed, a rarity at their place. Something wasn't right.

"Iria, is that you?" Quatre asked from the bedroom. Stepping out he froze at the sight of Dorothy standing in his hallway. Dressed in jeans and a pink top, she looked beautiful and happy. He felt resentful she didn't look like he felt.

"What are you doing back here Did you leave something behind?" Quatre asked.

She chuckled softly, before she ran and threw her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry. Forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you, Quatre."

He squeezed her tightly in his arms, breathing in her scent and feeling lighter than he had in days.

"Does this mean you've changed your mind?" he asked.

"I still think you're crazy wanting to marry me, but if it means not being with you ever again, I'd gladly say yes." Dorothy replied.

"What changed your mind?" Quatre wondered.

Holding out the envelope, she showed it to him. Inside was a picture of his parents wedding photo and a long letter written by Iria. It read:

Dear Dorothy,

I know I have no right to interfere, but when it comes to Quatre, I can't help myself. He's been miserable for days and I hold you responsible because you broke his heart. He loves you with every part of his being. As an empath, Quatre loves whole hardly and without fear. Winners marry for love and they stay married. Our parents were the example of what a marriage should be. They loved each other unconditionally, and when our mother died, he mourned her until he took his last breathe. That is real love. That's the kind of love you can have with Quatre if you want. If you'd bothered to really look at your engagement ring, Quatre would have told you it was an exact copy of mother's engagement ring. A great honor. I hope you realize that not all marriages are about money and power. You will never find another man to love you like my brother loves you.

Smiling, Quatre tossed the contents aside and reached inside his pants for the ring. Dorothy smiled in return and held out her hand.

"Are you sure? Because if you change your mind, I'm going to go insane." he joked.

"I'm sure." she said.

Sliding the ring on, Quatre felt such emotions rise in him. He kissed her ring finger and pulled her into another embrace.

"I think I like that meddling sister of yours." Dorothy sighed. She kissed his neck and tightened her grip.

"Don't tell my other sisters, but Iria is definitely my favorite now." he said laughing.

Dorothy smirked before looking at her beautiful canary diamond ring. She'd taken it for granted. The relationship and the ring, but she wouldn't again.

"I love you." she said, looking up at him.

"I love you, too. And I'll never let you forget it." Quatre smiled happily.


"I'm not pregnant, for goodness sakes! I haven't been gone that long!" Relena grouched, folding her arms as she and Heero sat on the couch in her brother's home.

Milliardo ran his hand through his hair in agitation and fury. His little sister married! If he didn't know this wasn't planned, he would have shot Heero the minute the word marriage left her mouth. Everyone even had the nerve congratulating them!

"Milliardo, sit down. We're ecstatic for you both. It's just that this was so sudden." Noin grinned. She hid her grin at her husbands pacing back and forth. She swore she saw foam coming from the side of his mouth in anger.

"If you want to be mad at anyone, let it be me." Heero said directly at his new brother-in-law.

"I wish I could have been at the wedding." Hilde sighed. She looked at her knucklehead boyfriend and wished it was her.

Duo nodded in agreement. "Yeah man, that's cold to leave your friends out."

"Don't be too hurt. We will have another wedding next summer. Milliardo, will you please give he away? And Noin, will you be my maid of honor?" Relena asked. Her eyes pleaded with them cutely and to really go in for the kill, she pouted.

Milliardo shook his head in exasperation while chuckling. "You little...I'd honored to walk you down the aisle."

Noin hugged Relena and they cried together before grabbing Hilde over to them. Relena asked Hilde to be a bridesmaid, causing the girl to squeal happily.

"I have to wear a dress...crap! Okay, I'll do it!" Hilde joked.

Heero, blunt as always commanded Duo as his best man, which tickled his friend to death.

As everyone discussed the wedding plans, Milliardo pulled Heero aside.

"Look Yuy, we've had our differences, but you're family now. Just take care of my sister or I'll hunt you down and bury you in a shallow grave." he said.

Not even fazed, Heero nodded and the two men shook hands.


"When do you think we should tell them?"

Heero smirked. "We've been married only two months and you're already four and a half months pregnant. I think they'll be able to figure it out."

"Don't joke!" Relena said, hitting him with a pillow as they laid down for bed.

Heero grabbed the pillow from her and tossed it aside. "I don't care what anyone thinks. We're married and we're having a baby. Forget the rest. Besides, the only person who'll be upset is your tight-ass brother."

Relena giggled at that. Heero rolled over on top of her and started to kiss her lips. The kiss turned heated quickly before Relena pulled back with a mischievous smile.

"Heero?" she asked.

"Hn?" Not trusting her expression, he lifted his eyebrow at her.

"Can I name the baby Chris if it's a boy?"

< br>

The End...

Done, done, done! I need a cigarette..nah, I don't even smoke. Well, it's been fun. Thanks for all the nice comments. Bye!