Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Changes aren't Always for the Better ❯ Barbequed Cookies ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Changes aren't Always for the Better

Chapter Title: Barbequed Cookies

Author: Xel-chan

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: R+1 2+1, and 1+cookies (Don't ask you'll find out when you read.) Heero is just plainly out of character, no excuses this time.

Authors Note: I have never tried the recipe that Duo did in the story. I really don't even know if they'd turn out right. But, I hope you Enjoy! C&C and suggestions are always appreciated

Disclaimer: I own nothing (Short simple and sweet!)

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Duo's P.O.V.

I was there when the little witch struck again. It all started when the doorbell rang. Heero walked cautiously to the door.

"Who is it?" I heard him say. I was too far away to hear the reply. Whatever the reply was though, it got Heero to open the door. I heard Relena's voice, and muted the T.V.

"Hi Heero! I just wanted to drop these cookies by, and wish you a happy holiday!" My teeth began to grind together, so now she was making cookies huh? Well, anything she could do, I could do better!

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Heero's P.O.V.

I wonder why Relena made cookies. Walking back to the T.V. I saw Duo sitting up straight and looking angry.

"What's up?" I asked placing the pouch with the cookies onto the table. Duo simply gave me an evil look. Oh God, what had I done now? I mentally evaluated the different things I could do. I could sit there and try to figure out the problem. But the look in Duo's eyes made that a definite no-no. I could just sit there and ignore her. But then I'd actually have to sit next to her. I chastised myself. Why was I afraid of a harmless girl? What was the best she could do? Duo just continued to glare at me. I almost peed in my pants when she snarled,

"Don't you know it's not polite to stare at people?" I clenched my fists tightly. First, I needed to get out of this situation alive. I walked briskly up the steps. That's when I heard the lamp crash close to me. I turned around nervously to see Duo up and pissed.

That's when I did the action that probably saved my life. I ran like hell for the safety of my room. The echo of, "You Bastard!" trailing behind me. I may be a bastard, but at least I was still alive. For the moment anyway.

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Duo's P.O.V.

I looked carefully over the recipe. Hmmm, a half teaspoon of vanilla. They must be referring to vanilla ice cream! Happily I bounced over to the freezer and pulled out the ice cream. Yay! I've got all of the ingredients! Time to cook! The first batch turned out really good, so I decided to make another!

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Heero's P.O.V.

I was playing a game of solitaire when I smelled something in the air. Someone was cooking something, something that smelt really good. I walked silently downstairs, following my nose to the kitchen. I peeked in to see Duo pouring flour into a bowl. "Duo!" I called, already have forgotten this mornings events. "What're you cooking?" "I'm making cookies Hee-chan! Want to try some?" I sure hope they tasted as good as they smelled. I nodded. She handed me a tray with some cookies on it. I picked one off and took a tiny nibble. Soon I was stuffing full cookies in my mouth. "Vivsh stuff ish invetible." I said around my mouth full of cookies. "You really think so!" Duo exclaimed happily. I nodded, and went back to stuffing my mouth full of cookies. Duo leaned against the stove. "I'm so glad you…" she began to sniff the air. "What is that burning?" I looked up, and stared, and stared, and stared. Then I said as calmly as I could, "Duo your hair's on fire." Duo's shriek could rival Relena's. She began running around the kitchen. "My Hair! My Hair! My Hair! My Hair!" Sparks were flying as she ran around. Some flew on my shirt, causing it to catch fire. I squeaked as I took it off and threw it in no realistic direction. That's when Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei ran in.

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Duo's P.O.V.

How many Gundam pilots does it take to put out a fire? Four, cause ones running around like a lunatic with their hair on fire. Quatre turned on the sink and stuffed my head under it. Trowa stared as the fire grew larger. Wufei was staring at Heero weirdly, probably because he had cookie crumbs around his mouth. After putting my hair out, Quatre looked around to survey the rest of the fire. "Oh my." He whimpered. Almost the whole kitchen was on fire.

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Heero's Journal

Dammit! Why did the cookies have to burn? They were sooo good too.

End Journal Entry

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Duo's Journal

Sure I burnt the kitchen down, but it doesn't matter. Hee-chan liked my cookies! He liked them! I'm going to go to bed now, so that I can dream happy dreams about Hee-chan. I mean, since he liked them so much, he must love me by now!

End Journal Entry

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Quatre's Journal

I can't believe those two managed burn down the kitchen. I just can't believe it.

End Journal Entry

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Relena's Diary

He took the cookies. He even said thank-you! This must mean he loves me. Eat my dust Duo. Soon I'll have him in a whit suit, and I'll be wearing a white dress. We'll have a fairy tale wedding and he'll carry me off to his bed to, can't write about that yet. That reminds me, I need to get the guest list started!

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The End for now, I hope you enjoyed it! See ya next chapter!