Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Changes aren't Always for the Better ❯ Ballroom Brawl ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Changes aren't always for the Better

Chapter Title: Ballroom Brawl

Author: Xel-chan

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: R+1, 2+1, R-2 (and vice versa) 1 is so confused I can't even describe it. Language ahead.

Author's note: I had so much fun writing this chapter!!!! Sadly, this story is coming to its climax. (Stop celebrating already!!!!) So anyway, I hope you have as much fun reading, as I did writing!!!!! C&C appreciated!!! Enjoy!!

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Relena's Diary

The ball is today!! I know you're getting tired of all of my old fantasies, but today I have a new fantasy. Heero crashes the ball wearing leather and riding a black motorcycle. He throws me over his shoulder and carries me to his motorcycle placing me down.

"But Heero," Duo will stutter, "What about us?"

"Oh" Heero will say disgustedly, "Us, here's to us." He'll pull out his gun. "Omae O Koruso Duo" He'll say as the bullet tears through the cavity where Duo's brain should be. Then we'll ride off and run over Duo's carcass as we leave. Nostalgic isn't it? Te he!

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Duo's Journal

Relena's ball is tonight. Big deal, whoopee. Usually, I wouldn't grace her house with my presence. But since I have a point to prove, what the heh. I have the perfect dress too. Get ready for the embarrassment of a lifetime Relena! We're talking full make-up, high heels, and of course, my killer dress. Get ready for the love of your life Heero Yuy. Well, I've got to go start primping!! Bye! ^_~

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Heero's Journal

I keep thinking of Duo in that dress. I haven't been able to look her in the face without remembering. Even my observations hadn't revealed how well endowed she'd been. Must stop drooling, must stop drooling. Augh, I should kill that witch! Relena's ball is tonight. Duo's been in her room all morning coming out only for breakfast. I can't look forward to Relena's company; all I can keep thinking is that the shit's going to hit the fan tonight.

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Wufei's Journal

Humph, a bunch of weak onna's at a gathering, how nice. I'd much rather sit with Nataku. However, I believe Duo will make a menace out of herself. Not like it'll be any different from any other time. Why am I keeping a journal, only weaklings keep journals!

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Quatre's Journal

Ms. Relena's party is tonight. I'd rather like to think that nothing bad will happen, but thinking back to the cookie incident, who knows?

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Trowa's Journal

I am only keeping this journal because Quatre asked me to. What would I do with a journal? Quatre says to use it so that I can sort out my thoughts. This party is going to be a blowout, believe me.

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Duo's P.O.V.

I looked myself over in the mirror. Damn I looked good! I twirled liking the way the material swished around me. My hair was down. I'd only do it this once so, who would it hurt. Carefully picking up the lipstick, I applied only a little, happy when the color didn't show up too outlandish. Winking, I blew a kiss at the mirror. Eat my dust Peacecraft.

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Heero's P.O.V.

Duo was taking all day; I was beginning to believe she'd drowned in the toilet when she suddenly showed up. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. I heard Wufei blow out a breath beside me. I had to agree with him, Duo was breathtaking. She looked at us expectantly.

"Well?" She asked as if she were nervous.

"You look," I struggled for adjectives, "nice."

We just stared at each other for a few minutes. She looked like she expected me to say more. I found myself struggling for words again.

"You look," I needed to come up with a better adjective, "pretty."

Duo's face lit up. Twirling around as she smiled, she latched onto my arm. Duo has a really pretty smile.

"Really?" She asked, her voice sounding like it was overflowing with joy.

"Really." I confirmed. If this was all it took to keep her from going homicidal, it wasn't half bad.

"Let's go!" Duo bounced energetically out of the door. The rest of the pilots staring after her.

To my left, Quatre shook his head sadly. Wufei smirked to my right saying, "Tonight gentlemen, we are in deep shit"

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Relena's P.O.V.

I was playing gracious host when Heero came in. My, my, my, he looked handsome. At that time I noticed the girl attached to his arm. I could swear she looked just like Duo Maxwell's twin. She had the same hair. That's silly I chided myself, just because she has Duo's hair, doesn't mean she's a cross-dressing Duo. I took inventory of the pilots that had come. Duo was nowhere to be found. Victory! I glided over to them.

"Hello Heero" I said while studying the girl out of the corner of my eye. She had those purplish eyes too. "I'm so glad you could make it. And who would your friend be here?"

The girl looked offended. "Why Relena, you invited me here yourself!"

Relena studied the girl carefully. "I'm not sure I remember that."

The girl smirked as she held out her hand. "Duo Maxwell."

Relena stood there and gaped for a few minutes. "That's impossible! Duo Maxwell was a man the last time I saw him! The again…" Relena reached out a hand to the girl's bosom. She brushed her hand against them.

"Hey!" The girl squawked indignantly. Relena shook her head sadly. They were real alright. She turned to face Heero. "Is this true? Is that…girl really Duo Maxwell?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Well then," Relena said back to being gracious, "It's so nice to see that you've come." Duo snickered. Relena stared at her strangely. "Did I say something funny?"

Straightening up, Duo quickly dropped her smirk. "Nothing at all."

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Duo's P.O.V.

I like shocking people. And the shock on Relena's face will stick with me for a long time. That was soooo funny. I noticed people slow dancing on the dance floor.

"Heero," I began, "I wanna dance." Heero looked at me surprised. When I noticed he wasn't getting up, I grabbed his arms, forcing him up with me. I then dragged him to the dance floor. Knowing he wouldn't want to attract attention, he'd dance with me. Suddenly Relena popped up. I swear she must have Heero bugged or something.

"May I cut in?" She asked.

"No," I answered. Suddenly, I felt her talons digging into my skin. Heero had the foreboding to move away, and move away fast.

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Script format

Quatre: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to WICF [1]. I'm your host, along with Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, and Heero Yuy!!!

Fan girls: YAY HEERO!!!!!

Heero: (Blush) Last time, we brought you the fight between Monica Lewinsky and Hilary Clinton. Today, we have a special surprise.

Trowa: (Monotone) Today, we have foreign minister of peace Relena Peacecraft, going toe to toe with Duo Maxwell. (Whispering to Quatre) What does that word say?

Quatre: (smiling nervously) Moving on. Heero who do you think will win tonight's match.

Heero: I don't know, Duo has years of training of training behind her. But then again, a woman scorned is a woman to stay the hell away from.

Fan girls: DUO!! DUO!! DUO!!

Quatre: Well, we know what the fans think. How about you Wufei?

Wufei: Two women going against each other pulling hair, scraping faces, and screaming curse words. Nobody wins in this one Winner.

Quatre: Dokey Dokey. Let's begin.

Heero: Let's go down to the ladies.

(Down in the ring)

Duo: Get over it you little witch, Heero is mine. He loves me! Someone needs to check this beotch into reality hotel.

(Announcers table)

Heero: You've got to love Duo's form. She starts with the cruel words so she can drive her opponent into frenzy. Then when she's screaming, BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! The damage is already done.

(Down in the ring)

Relena: (face flushing angrily and shrieking) HE IS NOT YOURS!!!! NOT NOW, NOT EVER!! (Relena shoves her nails forward and attempts to rake Duo's face)

Duo: Too slow (Dodging)

Relena: Augh!!!! (She makes a grab a Duo's dress ripping it.)

(Announcers table)

Heero: Oh my.

Quatre: Oh Dear

Wufei: Oh God

Trowa: Oh man.

All: (Nosebleeds)

Wufei: I'm starting to like the perks of this job.

Fan boys: Puppies, Puppies [2]

(Down in the ring)

Duo: Oh you're going to pay for that!!! (Jumps on Relena and begins pounding her head into the floor. Each word from this point on is emphasized with a bang.) Don't you ever rip my dress again you flat chested bitch!

(Announcers table)

Trowa: Oh no! It's the talk-to-beating!

Quatre: It's been a long time since I saw one of those!!!

Heero: Do you think she'll survive?

Wufei: Only one way to find out.

Trowa: She's back up!

(Down in the ring)

Relena: (pulls Duo's hair)

Duo: (Retaliates by pulling Relena's hair, and pulls off a wig) Ummm,

Relena: MY WIG!!!!

(Announcers table)

Heero: (Sweatdrop) I can't believe it's not her real hair.

Wufei: New folks, Relena Peacecraft! Now with 75% less hair!!

Quatre: That was cold Wufei (High fives him) But that was good!!

Trowa: Right on!

(Down in the ring)

(Relena has run off holding her wig and her pride and dignity in her hands)

Duo: (Holding up "V" for victory) Heero is mine!!!

(Announcers table)

Heero: Time for me to make my break (Runs)

Quatre: I forgot he could read lips.

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Duo's Journal

Who's the best!!!!! I am!! I beat that little witch and taught her a lesson she'll never forget!!! Heero is mine! MiNe! MINE!

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Heero's Journal

I won $200 from off of that fight so I'm happy. I really can't believe that it was a wig. I may have found a formula that turns Duo back to male. I have to test it on her tomorrow.

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Quatre's Journal

It was a very eventful evening. I made about $200

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Trowa's Journal

Told you tonight would be a blowout. Definitely for me, it was an extra $200 in my pocket.

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Wufei's Journal

This evening turned out to be fun. I actually enjoyed myself. I also made $200 but that's beside the point.

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Relena's Journal

I'll never be able to show my face again. OMAE O KORUSO DUO MAXWELL!!!!!!!!

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[1]- World International Chick Fights

[2]- You'd have to watch WWF to understand this joke.

Author's ending notes: I'm thinking about doing a sequel to this story but, who knows? I couldn't help my self with the wig. Next chapter, Will the formula work? Will Duo become male once again? (I think this is the last chapter)

Well, Bye!!

Xel-chan ^_-