Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Collision Course ❯ Part One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Collision Course: Part One

Authoress: Tsutae Kouken


I can't do anything but dwell within you
Common sense tells me otherwise.
My soul without you loses fortitude
I wish I could see from within your eyes.

Your spirit, your beauty, your absolute splendor
Pales even the brightest celestial stars and planets.
You live your life with the greatest of ardor
Thinking of you brings pain and happiness.

~Poem Courtesy of David Andreoli~


~Friday, 13th, 2001~

"Cass? Cass?! WHERE ARE YOU?" The door to the cellar of a small house in the middle of the country
was flung open, a girlish form peering into the light. She was tall, curvy, and had mahogany shoulder
length heavily layered hair. In one hand she held videotape.

"Cass?" Starting down the steps, her greenish eyes peered around the lab. She didn't see any sign of her best
friend, tinkering with some new invention.

Stepping onto the basement floor, a slight chill came over her. Pulling at the sleeve of her sweater, she
began walking to the door in the back of the laboratory, where Cassidy kept all her delicate instruments.
'She's probably in there...'

A faint buzz came from inside the room. Passing by one of the tables, she felt her elbow hit a small

Startled, she looked at what she had hit. A small label beside it said "Bacon and Eggs Scrambler". Sighing
with relief, she headed on towards the door to where she was certain Cassidy was.

Gently, she pushed the door open, to see Cassidy shaving her legs with an electric razor for women. The
new one that she'd given Cassidy as a present for her birthday last week.

Suddenly, she giggled, making Cassidy look up, her large olive eyes and her face showed surprise. She
dropped her razor.

"Taryn!!" Cassidy jumped up, her long light brown hair falling in her face as she did so. "What...?"

"I just wanted to tell you, Garret's on the phone." Taryn said with a slight giggle. They both hated the
uppity rich boy, and him calling for one of them was considered torture. "And I finally have all of Gundam
Wing recorded!"

"Ech, how horrible. What did you tell him? To go away, I hope." Cassidy said, as she stood up. Shaking
her light brown hair down her back again, she took off the white terrycloth robe she had been wearing and
stood up, dressed in shorts and a tank top.

"Nope, I said, you'll be right there!!" Taryn said, with a smirk as she pushed her friend forward. Being
about 4 inches taller than Cassidy, this was very easy to do. "We can watch the series end to end when
you're done talking to lover boy!"

"HEY!!!" Cassidy protested, trying to push back and not succeeding. Then she noticed a buzzing sound.

"Um, Taryn?" She asked tentatively of the taller girl, who had heard the noise as well.

"What IS that?" Taryn asked, looking around, nervous because this was not her home turf.

"Did you touch anything in here?" Cassidy asked, looking around to find the source of the sound. Then she
noticed the Bacon and Eggs Scrambler vibrating and humming.

"I only bumped that...but that's safe, isn't it?" Taryn asked, coming close to Cassidy, still clutching her

"I don't know!? I just made it today!" Cassidy reached out to touch the contraption, to turn it off, but then
there was a loud explosion.


The two girls were thrown apart.

"Cass!" Taryn cried out as she felt herself being sucked into a black oblivion. Yet she felt like she was
remaining conscious of everything around her. There seemed to be a wind swirling around her and a faint
green light coming from below her. But she couldn't move.

Cassidy couldn't say a thing nor even breathe. She was being pulled away from her best friend and yet
could do nothing but feel herself being tugged down. She was soon floating in the middle of nowhere. All
was black. Becoming very scared, she became insensible.

"Where am I?" Taryn found she could talk once again, as she felt her sense of feeling coming to her body
again. Her voice echoed and her eyes slowly began to adjust to the darkness. Pinpoints of light were all
around her. Turning in this floating state, she gasped silently.

She was floating in what looked like outer space! Planets and stars as far as she could see...

"Cassidy!" Her voice echoed and re echoed, yet no one seemed to hear.

"Silence, child."

"Who are you?" Taryn cried out, looking for the speaker. The voice was calm and mellow, and deep.

"That does not matter."

"What?!" She was shocked.

"What matters is a task before you."

"A task? What happened to me?" Taryn demanded. She was very scared now.

"You must go into a world of chaos and return it to peace. Then you may go home."

"Why must I do as you say?" She was slightly angry with this commanding voice in the middle of space.

"Because, Taryn, you have died a senseless death in your world because you had interrupted the time frame
by that explosion, but you have a mercy granted you. If you want to get back to your world, you and
Cassidy must return peace to this Earth."

"But I..." She didn't know what to say, floating in the middle of a space she didn't belong in, without a sight
of Cassidy, and now to be told she had died in her own time.

"You must go now, my child..."

"I..." Taryn protested weakly, feeling her eyes closing as she felt like she was slipping into a warm
embrace. The last thing she saw was the sun in the center of a vast system, and Earth, a bright blue and gray
ball, beckoning to her.

Again the voice began in her mind...

"In the hope of building a promising future, mankind built and inhabited "space colonies" around Earth.
They called this new age "AC", for "After Colony"......

......But the Promise of this new age was not to be. History soon repeated itself, and the human race found
itself in the middle of an age of war......

......Under the guise of keeping the peace, the Earth established the Allied Earth Forces, and stationed them
on the Colonies. The truth, however, was far more sinister......

......Through the use of Mobile Suits, the AEF oppressed the people of the colonies. The freedom of the
colonists was taken away......

......AC 195, the date of destiny. Capsules were launched simultaneously from 5 separate colonies to
different parts of Earth......

......Inside the capsules are brand new Gundam model Mobile Suits. The Gundam and their pilots are on a
mission to subvert the Allied Earth Forces. They are the colonies last hope for freedom......

......Help the Gundam......


Taryn heard the voice no more and drifted away into blackness much like sleep.


A/N: This version of Gundam Wing is from the MANGA not the actual video series. Please Read and
Review! I tried hard to get a good plot going! Be patient, it gets better! ~Tsutae~