Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Confessions II ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Confessions II: Reunion
Part 1
By Amataru Arcus
1x2 3x4 5xSally
Disclaimer: I had thought I would only do one fanfic about Gundam, but I was wrong. I was thinking about this on the way to school and so I got to work on it right away. I hope it turns out okay like the last one. I hope your expectations are high!! Also I would like to point out again, I do not and will never own the Gundam Series.
Warnings: Again, I would like to say I support Yaoi and Yuri, if you couldn't tell by the pairings above. Heh, I am tempted to put a little yuri in here . . . Though, I just might not I dunno. Depends on if it will fit the story right. It is a lime, not a lemon, at least not in this part . . . I am just doing this by whim if you couldn't tell! Anyway!! Read, Reply, Respond!!

"Duo, get out of the shower," Heero asked his lover for the fifth time.
"You'll have to come in and get me," he herd Duo say muffled by the sound of running water.
Heero would have liked to go in with him but they were already late. "Duo . . ." he warned just as the shower turned off.
"There ya' happy?" he came out a minute later with a towel rapped around his waist showing off his perfect legs. "I know how much you hate being late."
"So why are you taking so long? We're going to miss the flight to Earth."
"I still have to get dressed and do my hair Hee-chan."
"Look, I'll do your hair, you put pants on. You can deal with out a shirt." Duo knew what he was doing. Heero did his hair as often as he could, and he also knew how much his bare chest made him squirm in his pants.
So finally after ten more minutes they had gathered their stuff and headed for the main lobby.
"Thank you for staying at Frayton. Come again," Heero handed in the key cards and money to pay the bill. Heero decided that is would be faster if they ran to the shuttle station instead of taking a cab, so the two ran along, arms full of luggage, and other things, dodging people this way and that way.

Sitting in their usual arrangement, Heero on the outside and Duo next to the window, they both sat. In silence.
"Why are you so quiet?"
"Huh?" Duo looked over at Heero.
"Your quiet. What's wrong?"
"I was just thinking'"
"You? Thinking?" Duo punched him playfully, now getting use to his uncharacteristic sarcasm.
"I was just thinking about the other guys. Ya' know, how there doing. Hey! How much you wanna bet that Quatre and Trowa are together."
"There always together."
"I know but, like us."
"There's no doubt in my mind."
"We need to find someone for Wu-Man."
"Don't you go pulling one of your stunts Duo."
"Aww, but why?"
"I want you in one piece."
"You want me?" he leaned over and blew in his ear and was about to kiss it when he realized something. "Heero?"
Heero was afraid to respond, Duo's voice was dreadful as if he saw death itself. "Hn?"
"W-will Relena be there?" moving quickly from his ear.
"Well Milliardo did send the invitation."
"So, she'll be there?"
"What are we going to do? How would we tell her? How could we tell her? What would she say if we told her?!"
"Everything will be all right," and placed a reassuring hand on him, and for once Heero wasn't quiet sure of him self.
Heero and Duo knew what was to come the moment they received the invitation form Milliardo Peacecraft. It said that Noin wanted to see everyone again, meaning the Gundam pilots and to have a celebration of the peace so far. They never truly celebrated in order not to jinx it but she felt it was time. So the couple packed up and left for the Sanq Kingdom. The kingdom in which Relena Peacecraft lived.

As they arrived they were picked up by a luxurious auto mobile. Duo and Heero sighing with relief that it wasn't Relena in her pink limo. (Ama- My reason for owning a pink skillet to bop her on that pink head of her's) (Ama- I'll try to keep my mouth shut this time . . .) Heero, trying to cheer Duo up who was shaking and continuously talking (more then usual), started to massage his shoulders, which lead to Heero whispering in Duo's ear, then the two kissing, which inevitably lead to the two with both their shirts off exploring each other, which was about to go further when the car stopped.
They were there.
Out side of the magnificent castle. The place was lit up extraordinarily. They both where amazed. It was only suppose to be a private party, not a public ball right? They both, putting on their shirts back on and Duo straitened out his hair, stepped out into the crisp evening air.
"Aiee! It's cold!" about to cuddle up to Heero when he decided against it. "I guess I'll just have to get us to it, huh?"
"Hn," a hint of worry in his eyes which only Duo could see.
"Don't worry Hee-chan! She'll understand!" he whispered as they walked up the long stair case and into the large hall way inside, where it was much warmer.
"Heeero!" said an all too familiar voice from above them. Both looking up to see Relena running down the main stairway. "You came! I'm so glad!"
"I can see . . ." said Duo under his breath.
"Jealous, Duo-kun?"
Relena stopped in front of the two and bowed in response, her long blonde hair falling down her bare shoulders. "Heero, Duo. Nice to see you too are well."
"Finally," said Duo and Heero glared at him which Duo realized, ment don't tell anyone about his past condition. "I had a bad cold for a while."
"Oh, we have doctors that could-"
"No-no, that's not necessary, Miss Relena, I'm fine!"
"Just call me Relena. I've dismissed formalities from this party," she lead them to a large room filled with tapestries and cushioned chairs. "Your the first ones here. You've arrived early. I'll get some tea."
"Told ya' we would be early . . ."
"You arrived together then?"
"Ugh, yeah, we were on the same mission last time and we got stuck on the colony."
"You should have called Heero, I would have arranged a way to get you off."
"Ugh, well. You know Heero!" trying to change the subject he added, "Tea sounds good."
"Is green tea okay?"
"Yes, I've been into oriental things lately (Ama- Heh, take it as far as you like!!)," he smiled at his joke he made looking over at Heero, who had his stone wall up and running.
"Lighten up Hee-chan!" he said after she left.
"Your digging your grave."
"I dug my way out of it though. Sit," Duo following his own advice and sat down on the love seat. Heero sat in the large chair on the opposite side of the room, which hert Duo a little but he understood his reasoning. They both sat in silence awaiting Relena's return, the sound of a grand father clock kept rhythm to Duo's tapping on his knee. It seemed to be a life time till Relena returned, and not alone either. Trowa and Quatre followed in behind her.
"Hey Quatre, Trowa!" Duo got up and shook Trowa's open hand and was about to shake Quatre's but Quatre instead hugged him.
"It's so great to see you again Duo!" tears filling in his eyes. Heero remained seated and just nodded his head in acknowledgment at the two. Though he couldn't avoid Quatre's bear hug.
Duo took this chance to switch seats so he sat next to Heero, while Trowa and Quatre took the love seat.
"I know this was a good idea. I'll go get my brother and Noin. Help your self to some tea and biscuits!" and with that she left.
"Soo . . ." Duo leaned over in his chair and reached for a cup for he and Heero. "How are you two? You guys elope yet?"
Trowa blushed a bright red and Quatre laughed nervously.
"Hah! Congratulations you two!" Duo said as Quatre showed him the ring hidden under his collar on a golden chain.
"What about you two?" Duo spilt his tea on the table and Heero turned a hint of pink.
"Clumsy me . . ." he felt the blood rush to his head.
"So how have you guys been holding out?"
"Oh, just fine!" Duo felt very relieved that they didn't really look like a couple. They could keep it a secret a little while longer. Heero sat there silent throughout out the hole conversation lost in his own world trying to figure out a way to tell Relena. He could just not tell her and let her catch the hints. He decided he couldn't do that to her. Now next problem he came up with was when. For the hole 15 minutes he just sat there and contemplated on what he could do while the other three were conversing about this and that.
After those fifteen minutes Relena came back in along with Noin and Milliardo. Everyone, but Heero, stood up and welcomed them in thanking them for their hospitality.
"We would have been down earlier but Milliardo wanted his hair just right."
"Yeah, I always wondered if you did anything to it. We should trade beauty secrets some time!" said Duo admiring Milliardo's long bleach blonde hair shimmering down past his shoulders. Duo could tell from Heero's glint in his eyes he was becoming jealous. 'Well if he want's to play there's nothing between up, I'm all for it.' he thought to himself as he reclaimed his chair.
"Heero, good to see you are well. Something's will never change," Milliardo walked up to Heero smoothly with an out stretched hand and a smile.
"Hn," he shook it politely thinking, 'He may have the looks but I've got his heart . . .'
"Hey, where is Wufei? Isn't he coming?" asked Noin.
"I'm sure he will be here. Sally Po will make him." joked Relena.
"Sally Po?! He's which her! Hah! I knew she'd get 'em!" snickered Duo.
"They won't be here till tomorrow so let me show you to your rooms so you can get settled. Your luggage is already there," they all followed Milliardo up the stairs to the left to the west wing of the castle. "Trowa, this is your room, right next to it is Quatre's," he moved on, "Duo this one's yours, his one here will be Wufei's, next to it is Sally Po's, and finally this one is Heero's. These rooms to the right our ours. If you need any help at night this one across from Heero's is Relena's," Duo gulped," Nest one directly from Wufei's is mine, and next to it is Noins, and across from it is Hilde's."
'Hilde?!' thought Duo and Heero in horror.
Milliardo must have misunderstood Duo's look in his eyes because he said, "If you don't like being apart you can share a room."
"No, no. That's okay. She, ugh, snores too much, I wouldn't be able to sleep," coming up with a lie, which is unlike Duo and he bit his tongue for bearing false witness.
"She's out right now picking up a few things for me," Relena said.
"Oh, she's here?"
"Yeah she has for a few months now. We've become good friends." Relena stated and saw right through Duo's lie. "Can I speak to you for a moment Duo?"
"Yeah sure! Your highness can do what she wants," looking over at Heero reading his eyes and his stance.
'Don't say anything,' was all he got from it.