Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Cruel and Unusual ❯ Cruel and Unusual ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and I make no money from this or any fanfic I write.

Pairing: 3+4 (implied)

Category: General/Humor

Rating: PG

Warning: None

Title: Cruel and Unusual

Author: yellowhorde

Note: This is a drabble written for my hundredword challenge. Day 2:7





"I have ways to make you talk."


"Do your worst," Duo snarled, struggling against his bonds, "I ain't tellin'!"


Smiling, his captor held out a CD so Duo could see the title.


"You wouldn't!" Duo gasped.


"Try me."


Duo whimpered softly.


Twelve hours later, a broken Duo screamed, "Stop! I'll talk already."


"You'll answer my questions?"


"Yes, just please, no more Christmas carols."


"What did Quatre get me for Christmas?" Trowa demanded.


"...Pink bunny slippers..."


Green eyes narrowed. "Is that true?"


Duo nodded weakly. "Yes, I swear."


"Damn!" Trowa muttered, "That's what I got him."





Yes, I've been told I have a weird sense of humor and this tickled me to no end when I got the idea at work.