Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Deadly Prussian ❯ Enter the Aussie Hellcat ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Deadly Prussian

Lady Mars

Part XI: Enter the Aussie Hellcat

Disclaimer: I don't own GW.

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Quatre reeled backwards; at the door was someone he hadn't seen for years. She hadn't been seen for a period of nine years and everyone deemed her to be dead.

"I….I….you…… Heero…thought….you….dead…" he stammered.

"Heero's here?" the woman questioned, entering the house. Quatre could only nod. "Where?" The blonde pointed in the direction of the living room. The woman walked past, Quatre trailing behind her a few feet. Something seemed off, but the blonde couldn't put his finger on it. "HEERO!" The Wing pilot's head shot up at the noise. The woman scampered around the couch and plopped down into Heero's lap. "I've missed you SOOOOOOOO MUCH!" She threw her arms around his neck. Heero tensed up at the actions. He knew from the moment she had screamed his name who it was, but she hadn't given him enough time to escape.

"Relena," Heero replied, deadpan. He had a look of pure agitation upon his face. The woman was as much of a bother now as she was when they were teenagers.

"I can't believe you're still alive." Heero rolled his eyes. He had hidden himself for this reason specifically.

"At this point, I wish I HAD died," he whispered to Eva. Eva snickered; she had heard all of her father's tales of this horrid woman now clinging to him.

"It took me so long to find you. I have SO much I want to do now that we're back together. I want to get right back to where we left off." Heero's expression changed to one lying between terror and contemplation.

"You and I on opposite ends of the galaxy?" He asked hopefully.

"NO! You can be so silly some times." Heero rolled his eyes; this just made his day so much better. He wished he could just crawl into a hole and forget that any of this had ever happened.

"Look," He muttered, trying to reason with Relena. "I do have a wife."

"You do?" She scanned the room, confused.


"Well then, where is she?" Heero sighed; he knew that this was going to be a hard fought fight.

"Not here."

"Sure. I can't WAIT to meet her." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. She was pressing the wrong buttons with the Wing Pilot.

"I DO HAVE A WIFE!" Heero was growing more and angrier by the moment.


"Will you PLEASE get off of me?"

"Not until you confess your undivided love to me." Heero snorted.

"It's going to be a long eternity then."

"I can wait." The echo of a gunshot bounced around the room.

"I can't," an Australian voice added. Relena looked around the room, confused. "Look sweetheart," the voice continued. "I don't know, or care, who the in the name of a mother-fucking rat's ass you are. I do know that you are getting rather friendly with MY husband and I don't appreciate that too much. So if you would kindly," a woman appeared out of the shadows of the hallway leading to the hangar. "GET OFF OF MY MAN!" Relena didn't move. "Fine." She raised her gun. "Move or I shoot. And THIS time I WON'T MISS." Relena arose rather quickly. The others turned to stare at the other woman. Her long blonde hair was held back in a loose ponytail; her cerulean eyes shot daggers at Relena. She wore a black, skintight space suit, the top hanging around her waist, revealing her blood red tank top.

"And you are?" Relena asked.

"The Aussie Hellcat, Erin Malone, and your worst nightmare," the other woman replied, re-holstering her gun. "And you?"

"Relena Dorlan, foreign minister." The other woman snorted. "And you are related to Heero how?" The other woman presented her left hand, the golden ring glittering in front of her. "But he doesn't have one." Heero spun the ring on its chain, smiling evilly. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!" Heero shrugged rather nonchalantly.

"What do you mean by that? HE CAN'T STAND YOU!" Relena spun to face the other woman.


"LIKE THIS…HE…CAN'T…STAND…YOU! It's very simple." The woman was ruthless with her sarcasm. The foreign minister was growing angrier.

"How can you say that?"

"By the simple fact that you haven't seen him in how long has it been now?"

"Why does that matter? He loves me!"

"If he loves you, then why is he married to me?" The pair continued to argue. Heero slowly arose.

"ENOUGH!" the Wing Pilot roared. He slowly stepped between the dueling divas. "Relena, I can't stand you." He turned to the other. "Hun, I have always loved you. I always will." The other woman stuck her tongue out at Relena; this angered the foreign minister. She took a swing at the woman and hit Heero instead. The pilot turned back to her, a bruise spreading across his face. He clenched his hands.

"Uh.. Sorry?" Relena muttered. Heero swung and hit her square in the face.

"Now we're even." He turned and started to walk away.
"And where are we going? I get here and you decide to leave?" his wife asked.

"We," he replied. "Are going to the shower. I'm going to get an infection if I don't get these wounds cleaned." He slammed the door, cutting himself off. The other woman sighed, sitting next to Eva.

"I will never understand your father," she muttered. Eva giggled. Solo entered the room; he had been in the kitchen the whole time.

"HOLY CRAP! Yui didn't say he had TWO daughters!" He shouted. "HI! I'm Solo Maxwell," he said to Heero's wife. "15, Sagittarius."* The woman giggled and decided to play his game.

"Erin Yui," she replied, playing along with his joke. "38, Scorpio." Solo's face fell as the entire room fell into hysterics.

"It's not funny." The others kept laughing. After a few moments, the din died down.

"So how did you get here?" Quatre asked.

"I landed at and abandoned warehouse near here," she replied, wiping a tear from here eye. "And someone who said they work for you gave a lift here on a bloody camel."

"I take it you don't like camels?" Quatre asked.

"Not any more I don't."

"Erin," Duo asked. "How on Earth did you come to meet out Prefect Solider?"

"Who?" she asked, confused.

"Heero," Duo replied.

"Oh. It's really funny."


"Yeah. We kind of.."

"Ran into each other," Heero replied.

"Ran into each other?"

"Yes. Quite literally."

"Well this will be a good story then."

"It sure is."

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* I would like to thank my father for this line.