Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death is Nothing ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.

Death is Nothing

Quatre' POV

I look up in to the cloak of blackness embracing me. A slither of dull light comes from the distant entrance. The heavy sound of dripping water echos against the shadowed walls. Dampness seeps through into my already moist clothes, clinging the material to my skin The feel of moss brushes my trembling hand, sending a shiver through my dangerously thin figure. It's too dark to see what's around could be anything, a mad axe murder could be right behind me, about to take a swing, but wouldn't that just make this easier? I wish he was still here, he's the only reason I'm still alive, if I didn't have that sight hope that he would come back at any moment, I would have let go days ago. He could still come back, couldn't he? Who am I kidding?...


"Come on, we can wait in here."

"But Heero, we don't know where we are, we could be stuck in there for ages."

"I know, but I think we should stay out of the picture for a while, just to be safe."


They had entered the cave. Nothing had been distinguishable in the gloom, but it didn't really matter, they were on taking refuge for a couple of days, just to be safe. Those couple of days turned into weeks. OZ was still looking for them, they knew they were in the area, and so were the gundams. Duo or one of the others could have even found them, they were to well hidden for even their comrades to get there to help.

"I'm going, out, we need food, and I'll try and find a safe route away from here."

"Heero," The wing pilot turned back, to look in the direction of where the voice had come from, "be careful." The blond told him.

The emotionless soldier turned back to the barely lit entrance a strode out.

End Flashback

That's the last time I saw him, he probably got caught, collapsed or found a way out, not bothering to come back for me, after all I'm or no more importance to him than anyone else on our side, no he would do that. Not that it makes much of a difference, he's not here either way, and he's not coming back, I must try to believe that. Even if he does come back, I know I won't be here for much longer, I've survived on the mere thought of him and now I'm trying to convince my self he won't be back, I won't last long. I try to push myself up, wanting to see daylight just one last time. Weakened legs hardly hold me up; I half walk half stumble toward the cave entrance, one last trip over a blocking rock takes me down. I don't get back up, I don't see the daylight once more, I'm dieing, thoughts of love for him and what maybe could have been with us filling my drifting mind. These thoughts bring troubles to my mind, but just the thought of him rests it again. Blackness around me, taking me, then there's… nothing.


Black filling every crack and corner. A night-time glow comes from the opening of the cave. Droplets spash down the the moss covered floor. Dampness rises in the air. A cold, dangerously thin figure rests on the floor, quiet close to the entrance. It's too dark for anyone to see what's around though, could be anything, too dark to notice the body of a very young soldier, no, to any one observing the cave, there's only an empty hole… nothing.


A/N Just something short I came up with last night, what do you think? Please tell me