Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Deceptions and Their Realities ❯ Deceptions and Their Realities ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Deceptions and Their Realities By: Kimi Yuy

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing or any of its characters or merchandise. I’m not making any money off of this or any other fanfic.

Warning: Duo’s POV, mild angst

Rating: G

I grin stupidly at the teacher in the classroom, and put my muddy boots on the desk as if I don’t realize I’m not supposed to. When she tells me to take them off the desk, I look at her like I didn’t understand why I had to take my boots off the desk. My feet slowly move down from the desk and onto the floor where they’re supposed to be.

Later in the same class, I fall asleep. Or at least, everyone thinks I’m sleeping. I’m really wide awake. The teacher throws the blackboard eraser down on the floor and yells at me for the hundredth time today. I sit bolt upright and say “The answer’s 15!” Even though I know that the class is Japanese History.

It’s true that my reputation says that I’m an idiot. But, that’s my own fault. I do it on purpose. The teachers know that I’m not stupid. They get my papers, all of them hundreds or at least near it. This is probably why they’re so frustrated with me. They know I’m not as stupid as I act. Nowhere near it.

The kids that I go to school with, at least until the next mission puts me in a different school and it starts over again, have no idea. They think that I’m just as stupid as I appear. This is because I can’t let them know that I’m Duo Maxwell, pilot of Gundam Deathscythe. They can’t know that I’m Shinigami. They have to think I’m just a dopey kid, possibly on something, and that I’m harmless.

I even let a bully beat me up from time to time. I have to quell the reflexes that tell me to fight back when that happens. But, I won’t let them rape me. Sure, they’ve tried, in the boy’s bathroom or in the boy’s locker room. But, they don’t get it done. They find out just how harmless I am. There are still rumors floating around the school that I’m as gay as can be and that I made passes at some of the more “obvious” straight boys in the school. Then there are the ones that like to flaunt their homosexuality and say they’ve banged me. But, they haven’t. Not unless I let them. And that happens very seldom.

I’m not a slut. But, that doesn’t mean that I have to be a virgin. So, I’m bisexual. Big deal. I get the best from both worlds, babe. I like the way I am. Nobody has to know what I truly am. Not yet anyway.

I don’t like to look like an idiot. But, I have to. There’s nothing that can be done about it now. Heero walks around with his own personality out in the open. He screams psychotic serial killer, too. Like the quiet kid in the back that everybody picks on and could one day end up blowing the school to smithereens. He’s too obvious. One day, they’re going to look at him and think, “he’s up to something.” Of course, if I’m around I’ll try to bail him out. But, there’s no guarantee that that will happen. I could end up getting killed in the process.

But, for now, I’m going to continue acting like the idiot that I’m not. Appearances can be deceiving, and the students here need to learn that. But, you know what? It’s a good thing they haven’t yet.