Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Diana ❯ Diana ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
In a place called Roswell a star fell from the skies. People watched as this burning ball of light plummeted to the ground. A huge blast of light turned the night sky into day. They all shielded their eyes from the blast and soon looked at the re-darkened sky when the bright light faded. Some people called the police and soon, large government helicopters flew over the area to the crash site.
At the site, madical technitions and doctors rushed around at the huge wood like ship. When the government arrived, men with guns and automatics rushed out of the helicopters and surrounded the ship. They all jumped back when a part of the ship exploded open and smoke billowed out in a great cloud.
" If anything hostile comes out, kill it." The head man said.
" Then I guess anything not like you get's popped, right?" A voice said from inside the ship.
The armed men started and looked around, fearful that they might die.
" I really don't want to get killed here. Angela is waiting for me at home." A soldier whispered to one of his comrades.
" Lower your weapons and we'll come out and cause no trouble." The voice demanded.
" This being sounds like they are really intelligent." The boss said toone of his undermen. They stopped when they heard whispering.
" Princess, is this wise? They'll probably treat us like science projects and cut us open to see what's inside!" A voice whispered harshly.
" Calm down! You all know what to do if they even try that." The first voice snapped. " Besides, what worse could they do to us?"
" Crash us again?"
" No, wait, you gave us that honor, your highness."
" Oh, stuff it!"
Some of the guards chuckled at the argument going on inside.
" Hush! Well? Is it a deal?" The voice asked.
" Put down your weapons!" He ordered.
" Thank you very much." It said in a cheery way.
" You're welcome." One of the men couldn't help but say with a laugh.
They watched as six people walked out. They had gold and white armor covering their torso with white or black spandex clothes underneath. They wore white gloves and boots that came to their mid caves. The most interesting thing was the long lion like tail that protruded from their rear ends and waved slightly behind them. The best part came when they stood in two rows across from each other at attention.
The last alien to walk out of the ship was female. She wore a short white dress with white spandex pants under it. The dress was tied at the waist with a gold sash. She had dark brown hair in a high pony tail and a split in her bangs over her right eye. Her eyes wer brown and she looked very much like a human, except for the lion tail curled at the tip that hung behind her. She wore no gloved, but she did have on white boots like the others.
" So, this is Earth? A lot different that I had imagined." She said looking around.
" Well, you majesty, we are in the desert."
" Oh. I thought I had programmed it for a lush plain or lovely moountain." She said frowning.
" Well, um ... that was erased when we had that big fight." One soldier said with copper hair and sky blue eyes.
" Oh. I guess we should have taken the ship with the gravity room." She said scratching her head. " Sorry about that, but we did get here a lot quicker, yes?"
" Yes, princess." They all saluted and chuckled.
" Now, back to business." She turned and faced the government officials. " My name is Princess Diana, royal heir to the Lyona-jin throne. I am here with my royal guards to explore this planet and observe your lifestyle."
" But wouldn't it have been easier for a scientist of your planet to come instead of someone of such a valuable cost?" A scientist asked.
" Nope." She smiled. " Andrew, Matthew. Mkae sure that they do not mix out thins up and that we have a reasonable hotel to stay in." Two of the men in her group slauted. One with Brown hair and green eyes, the other with blond hair and gray blue eyes. They turned and walked back into the ship.
" You are intending to rent hotel space in populated areas?" One of the officials gawked.
" Yeah. Why? Do you keep all the alien life that comes here under wraps?" Diana asked looking at them.
" Miss Diana! Kebo is loose!" Matthew shouted as he leaped out of the ship. A small fox like creature with three tails leaped out after him. Once it hit the ground it sqealed and ran to the girl. She turned and opened her arms. The creature leaped into her arms and started to lick her face.
" Kebo. My little baby! Didn't I tell you to stay put till I sent someone to get you?" She asked the little creature.
" Yes, but then the crash and I was scared." It said in a high pitched voice. " Who are these tail less freaks?"
" Kebo!" She snapped. " These are the humans of Earth. They will be letting us stay here and complete our observations." She looked at the men with a not so nice smile.
" Um, right. We'll have a hotel set up for you and your people before nightfall."
" Thank you." She smiled warmer. " Time to blend in, everyone." Diana pressed a button of the collar of the pet at it shifted into a normal house cat. She and the other people with her pressed a button on their watches and their tails vanished, making them look just like humans. " Voi la! We are human."

Diana and her band of aliens lived in the sounthern regions, namely Florida and the Keys. She enjoyed herself there, laying out in the sun and watching people come and go. Her group and she had collected a large amout of information, with the help of the government, and had decided to take a vacation instead of returning to their planet so soon.
Diana was laying across a pool side chair, soaking in the sun, when Torri, one of her six gurads, came running up.
" Miss Diana! Miss DIANA!" He shouted as he ran.
" What? What is it?" She sat up and took off her sun glasses.
" Something's not right! Our sensors picked up Saiya-jin space crafts."
" Where?" She stood.
" Somewhere in China." Torri said.
" Then we are off to China to see what's going on." She said and ran back to their hotel. Torri right behind her.

Two large Saiya-jins stepped out of their craft. They glanced around and sniffed.
" A weakling planet." The taller of the two said. He had broad shoulders and spikey hair that flung out in all directions. He wore body armor that covered the shoulders as well as the torso. His brown tail was wrapped firmly around his waist.
" I heard rumor that the Princess of Lyona-sei was here. What do we do if we run into her?" The smaller asked. His hair wasn't as wild like as the taller and most of it was tied back with a black ribbon. A nasty looking scar lay across his cheek under dark ashen eyes. He wore armor that looked like the Lyona-jins, no shoulder guards. His tail was also wrapped around his waist. Both men had on black suits and white gloves and boots.
" Well, Grean, we will just have to keep out of her way." The taller said.
Grean frowned. " What about the alliance the Lyona-jins and Saiya-jins have, Letsu? Are we going to keep out of that too?"
" We are looking for a good planet to sell. That's out job." Letsu growled.
" Yeah, and kill everything on it." Grean growled back.
" You've spent too much time with those weak Lyona-jins. Their soft ways have diseased your mind." Letsu snapped and walked off.
Grean started after him, but stopped suddenly. He felt seven energy signatures coming. One of them was imense, larger than his or his companions, way larger.

Diana and her group flew quickly over the sea. She was leading them, searching for energy signals when she found two. She pointed to the area and motioned for her men to get ready for a fight if need be. Diana looked forward and stopped. A huge explosion lit up the sky, brighter than it already was. She stared as the light died away. Anger burned inside her and she bolted like lightning to the spot. Her men had a hard time keeping up with her.
Diana landed and the rock beneath her feet cracked with the power she held. She glared at the two Sayia-jins.
" What the hell do you think you're doing?" She asked as she walked up. Her tail lashing angrilly back and forth. Her eyes flashing gold, indicating that she was just about to transform into her silver stage.
" We are clearing the land." Letsu said. " This isn't meant for innocent eyes."
" Who sent you?" She growled. A flash of silver ran through her hair. Grean backed away, fearful of her wrath.
" Freiza." Letsu said. He towered over her a good few feet. He thought nothing of checking her power level with the scouter on his face. She looked so frail and weak that he thought that if he even tapped her, she would crumble into a weeping heap.
" Get off this planet." Diana growled low. Her tail bristled.
" Come on Letsu. Let's go." Grean said.
" No! I wanna get paid! I'm gonna clear this planet and sell it to Freiza!" Letsu snapped slapping Grean away. He fell onto the ground and refused to get up. His eyes were on Diana.
Her fists were clenched and her feet were spread in a fighters stance. Blue lighting flashed around her. " Last warning. Get off this planet." She hissed.
" Or what?" Letsu asked laughing.
She didn't answer only scream her rage. Instantly her hair spiked out and turned a fierce silver. Her eyes slit as they changed to an angry gold. Her tail flashed to a silver and slate color and her feet shifted into lion's parw, claws extended. Her fangs grew longer and she finished the power up.
Letsu and Grean stared at her. Like the wind she vanished and reappeared with her fist in Letsu's face. He went flying back a good two or three football fields.
" Maybe I should go a little easy on you. It will make it more fun." She grinned and shifted down to her original form. " Make sure the other stays put."
Her men nodded and surrounded Grean.
" Why you little @*$#%!" He spat.
" Oh, a man should never call a girl that. Unless he's writing out his death sentence." Diana grinned and waited for him to stand and attack her. She dodged and leaped out of the way like he was an old man.

In the air a helicopter hovered over the area, a man was taping all that was going on.
" Here we are in what used to be the eastern part of China! And down there are a group of tailed people fighting. Or at least two of them fighting." The news man said.
" Zoom in!" He said.
The cameraman complied and zoomed in on the two fighters.
" It seems that the larger male is fighting the tiny female and not getting a single punch in!" He said watching the fight.

Diana flipped over him and kicked him in the back of the head. She was toying with him and her men knew it.
" Come on, Miss Diana! Stop playing around and finish him! We have to take them back to Vegeta-sei for trial." Matthew shouted.
" Alright." She sighed and attcked. They couldn't see the kicks and punches she landed, only the reactions Letsu produced. She jumped back and waited a few seconds.
Letsu groaned and fell backwards to the ground. Diana straightened and looked at Grean.
" So what's your story?" She asked.
" I was his partner. We were to clear a planet for trade, but I tried to tell him that we shouldn't. I knew you were here, your higness. And I knew the laws too." Grean said bowing respectfully.

" Zoom in on the girl." The new man said quickly. When he did, they all gasped when they found out it was the rich girl and her team who was staying in Florida. " No way!"
" Sir, what do we do?"
" Go down for an interview!" The news man shouted at the camera man.
They turned the helicopter and started to decend.

Diana looked up and frowned. " I have alwasy hated news people. So nosey."
" Shall we leave?" Andrew asked.
" We shall." Diana nodded and saluted the people in the helicopter as she and the others teleported away. The ship that Letsu and Grean traveled in self destructed, leaving nothing, not even a small tiny scrap of metal behind.
They reappeared in the underground bunker where their ship was being held. Repairs ahd been made and all systems were go.
" Thanks for caring for my ship. Hopefully we'll be back to finish out little vacation." Diana shook the hand of the lead scientist and smiled. She waved to them as she boarded her ship and the doors shut.
" Setting coordiantes for Lyona. Checking jump coordinates and ether drives. All systems checks are green." Matthew said and his fingers flew across the console.
" Ready to fire when you are, Miss Diana."
" Let's go home." Diana said taking the captains chair. Grean was sitting in the chiar next to hers. He looked at her and thought for a moment that she looked a lot like his girl back home. He shook his head and told himself that she died a long time ago.

Their trip home was long and boring. Diana had passed the time by sparing with a crew member or floating out in space. Onnce they reached Lyona-sei, she was welcomed by friends and family.
" Back so soon, little sister? What happened to the vacation?" Starcrest, her older brother by five years, asked cheerfully.
" A small problem that I took care of." Diana shrugged.
" She totally banged up the bigger guy. Nearly killed him." Darius laughed as he passed by them. Diana blushed.
" So, a little problem?"
" So? He posed a problem and I fixed it." Diana shruuged.
" Yeah. By the way, someone is here to see you?" Starcrest pushed her towards her room.
" Huh? Is it ... ?" She stared at him.
" I have some things to do. See you around little sis." He smiled and walked off, not giving her a single clue. She turned to her room doors and grabbed the knobs. Taking a deep breath she shoved open the door and stared at the back of a man. He turned around and gazed at her with calm blue eyes under a wind swept mane of dark brown hair.
" Welcome back, little princess." He said and grinned.
Diana's heart leaped into her throat and she couldn't find any words to say back to him.
" What? Cat got your tongue? Shall I free it for you?" He chuckled as he walked closer to her. Diana gulped and tried to get her brain to do some rational thinking. Too late. The guy wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently. She sighed and melted in the kiss and his arms.
" Hi, Heero." She fianlly murmured when he pulled away.
" Ah! She speaks!" He joked.
" Oh, shut up! I haven't seen you for goodness knows how long, then you show up here. What was I supposed to say?" She asked as she closed the doors and blinds and slipped off her shirt to get on her roayl wear.
Heero walked over to her closet as she struggled with her boots and pulled out her dress. He laid it across her bed and sat next to it. " Well, one thing comes to mind that you would have said to anyone else. ' Where have you been? What the hell were you doing? Why didn't you write, call, or even send me word that you were acctually alive?'" Heero said mimicking her voice.
" Go stuff yourself." She threw her boot at him. He neatly dodged it. " I would have said that to one of my friends. Not one whom I hold dear, such as my lover."
" Oh! I am yours now?" Heero mocked shock.
" Yeah! You are mine now and forever! Got it?" She walked over to him and snatched up her dress. " I have to go to Vegeta-sei for a bit and get these two bone heads taken care of. WhenI come back, we will talk." She said sliding the fabric over her head and straightening it as it slid down her body.
Heero stood and helped her. " Then maybe we can acctually get some time alone together. And I can tell you of all the things I have done."
" What's new about your line of work?" She joked. " All you do is kill people."
" But it's all in the style, my dear." He kissed her quikly and opened the door for her. They walked out and down the stairs. Both stopped when they saw Vegeta storming up to them.
" Uh oh. Shorty is on the loose." She murmured and forced on her smile. " Hello Vegeta, what brings y-"
" Don't give me that crap Diana." He hissed. Diana blinked and looked at him. Who spit in his Cheerio's? " What have you done with the two Saiya-jins that were sent to Chikyuu-sei?" He just about barked in her face.
" My, Vegeta. If I wanted a shower I should have come to you this morning." Diana said carelessly as she wiped spittle off her cheek. Vegeta growled. " Look. I was on a mission to observe that planet and they came and tried to destroy what me and my men were studying. One of them broke the alliance by starting a fight." She said seriously.
" Damn it Diana! I asked what have you done to them? I didn't ask for an explanation!" He snarled.
" Careful Veggie. You're on my turf and you know as well as anyone that I can and will whip you into submission." She grinned at him not so nicely. " If you'll excuse me. I have some catching up to do. Have a nice day." She waved and walked off with Heero.
" Was that wise?" Heero asked glancing back at the fuming Vegeta.
" Not really, but I can deal with it."
" You are the most craziest person I have ever met." Heero sighed.
" But you love me anyways." Diana grinned and laughed.
" Yes, of course." Heero laughed and hugged her.

Vegeta growled at the princess's back. His fists tightned and he blasted towards her back. He roared as his fist raised, aiming to hit her in the back of her head. He blinked when she had spun and gave him a lovely right hook to the cheek. He spun and fell to the ground. Sliding across the marble floor, he came to a stop under a large pillar.
" You still defy me?" She asked raising an eye brow. " My, how dumb can you be?"
" You wench! You are going to hand over the prisoners now!" He spat and staggered to his feet.
" Look, I have had a wonderful day so far. I am not interested in fighting you to see who is the strongest. Go fight Goku or something. I have to catch up with people that I haven't seen in some time." Diana sighed, getting frustrated at his persistence.
" This will be the last time I ask nicely, Diana." Vegeta growled.
" Since when have you asked? All you have done is demand. You are your pitiful pride. No, I am not dising any other person of your race, just you." She smiled.
Heero looked at her and gulped. She was skating on very thin ice and he knew what a Saiya-jin temper could do. But what interested him the most was to see what Diana would be able to do. How much power did she pack and how far could she go in a fight? He had never, in all his time living on Lyona-sei, seen Diana get so mad that she would go absolutely berserk.
" Chikyuu-sei lover!" He hissed and lunged at her.
Heero jumped out of the way and had caught a glimps of her eyes turn cold. He covered his head as a loud explosion rattled the castle walls. Dust and pieces of the ceiling fell to the ground in tiny pinks and tinks. Heero looked up to see Vegeta being held in place in front of Diana. Her eyes were hard and her delicate mouth thin and unmoving. Vegeta's expression was much different. His was in full fledged shock.
" P-put me down!" He demanded.
" There you go again, demanding everything but forgiveness. The alliance specifically said that if one party attacks the other in any way, they will be taken to prison and held there until trial. Be on their home planet or not." Diana's voice was like the edge of a knife, crisp and sharp.
" What's going on here?" Starcrest ran into the hall, several guards behind him. They stopped at the sight. " Diana, put him down gently please. We do not need a war at this time. Frieza's on his way here and I need you to go off planet now." He said gently.
Diana blinked and Vegeta dropped to the ground. She stared at her older brother.
" Frieza? Comming here?" She gasped.
" Yes, you and Heero and all the other humans we have brought here have to leave. If he find's out that we have been keeping humans here, he's going to destroy this planet." Starcrest strode up to his little sister. " Please, do this for the sake of all our kind."
" I will. Notify me whenhe's gone out of our system!" She said as she and Heero started to run for the space centers. They vanished in the rushing groups of humans.
" Why save her? She's nothing but trouble." Vegeta growled as he stood.
" She is my sister, Vegeta. And she's the only one who can control the dragon power inside her."
" Explain."
" Each Lyona-jin has the power to transform, you know that. But they also endanger themselves to the wildness of the animal form they take on. The dragon form is the hardest to control so not many Lyona-jins take that form. Diana has been the first in many generations to acctually control the dragon part."
" Then why does she have to run from Freiza?"
" Because he has some mechanism that will take control of her mind if she even transforms into a dragon, he will be the one to control her power. With that, he will be able to conquer billions of planets in not time at all." Both men frowned. They knew the power of Freiza and knew only a small portion of Diana's power, most of which she kept hidden. With hers and Frieza's combined, they would literally be unstoppable.

Diana started when she heard a small child cry. She looked back and saw a small little human boy, crying for his mother. Diana wrenched free of Heero's grasp and pushed her way back to the boy.
" Diana! Diana, where are you going?" Heero shouted after her, trying to push his way through the crowd.
" I'm getting this little boy!" She shouted back and reached the child. " Hey there. It's ok. I'm going to take you to your mommy now. Ok?" She said genty to the child.
" Ok." He nodded and clung to her.
" Diana! Come on!" Heero shouted and pulled her onto the ship. They started to count down to blast off. The ship started to lift into the air but was suddenly jerked to a stop.
" What's going on?" Diana asked and forced herself to a window. She looked out and gasped.
" What?" Heero asked coming up behind her.
" We're too late." She murmured.