Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Disappear ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Heero tired to stop her. He didn't want her dead. But there was nothing he could do. Duo didn't try to stop her, but then again, no one could. So know he walked, with a single rose in his hand, walking to her grave. Relenas grave. He never imagined she'd do it. But Relena always seemed in her way, destroying everything she wanted; Relena almost stole him from her, if he could ever believe it.

But Kitana was strong; she was just as strong as he was. She was raised to kill; she mostly ignored it, until Relena was in the way.

Heero passed so many graves; so many dead people buried eight feet below. It shocked him, for some reason he cried when she died. Kitana never said what happened, just walked away from everything, everyone. Even Duo, her brother of sorts couldn't explain. Quatre broke down, haven't seen him in 10 months since her death. Heero attacked Kitana, but Kitana let him hit her, she was bloody, he stopped not enjoying an effortless fight.

"Never thought you were truly dead." Heero whispered at her grave. He hated her yes, but she had something, some quality he didn't mind and was so afraid of adventuring away from. Heero could say he loved her, if he ever could love. At one point, he thought he loved Kitana, but he wasn't sure anymore. All of the Gundam pilots figured Kitana was perfect for Heero. She was a spy, an assassin, and a killer. She killed on orders, orders from the doctors, from Heero's doctor. The man, who also raised her, saved her from Earth and starvation. Heero could still see her deep, purplish red short hair dance and twirl in the wind, as she stood next to his Gundam. Kitana's eyes where always innocent, but Heero ignored how innocent they looked now. Heero touched the engraved letter on Relena's grave, before letting the rose lay on the grass covering her dad royal body. He stood up, and walked away, no longer hold the rose.

* * * * *

It flashed in her mind like the day it happened. She walked in, to argue, scream and shout at Relena, the girl that ruined her life. But when she got there, Relena was dying, a knife to the heart. She was alive, but barely. She dove to her side held her hand trying to comfort her. It was Czechs he did it. She turned and saw his concerning yet stratified grin, before he left. Relena begged her to not reveal what Czech had done. Kitana hated Relena, wanted to kill, but honestly never would. So, she nodded her head while gripping her hand. Relena's eyes begged for life, as she asked Kitana to take the blame. She did.

"Damn it." Kitana mumbled while swore and tired from hitting the punching bag for hours on end. She dropped her hands, and leaned against the bag. She was tired. So tired of carrying the blame. Duo, Wufei, even Quatre wanted to kill her. They didn't enjoy her, but for some reason needed her. They were the only ones who knew it was `her' who did it. But she was the only one knowing Relena's brother killed her. He had always been insane.

Changing into clean clothes, she walked into an alleyway, Kitana was rarely in public, she was hiding almost, hiding from the others gaze. Since the death, she felt her breathing had worsened. She always had some health issues, but cause the death, the burden she was feeling worse.

For 10 months, she'd disappeared, and after 10 months, he found her.

Kitana walked in the darkness, until a face was lit. She gazed at it like everyone else would, then she stopped walking, Heero.

"Why?" His chilling voice called. Her jaw could have nailed the floor, out shock mostly.

"Why her?" Kitana grinded her teeth then gave him her blank stare.

"She was always in the way. She wanted to kill me I knew that." Kitana's voice was heartless. Heero walked into the little light given by some streetlights.

"You know now, I have to kill you in return. The people need a body." Heero was referring to public out cry for the killer's body. Kitana raised her eyebrow, and then gave a laugh.

"Whatever you have to do." She said, but in the little light shown, she was holding a gun, pointed at his heart. She gave a sly grin. But he returned it was a gun as well.

"Interesting isn't. When have you EVER cared about the people. You've killed as much of them as I have." Kitana recalled.

"Doesn't matter."

"Neither do you." Kitana retorted this brought a smirk to his face, the reckless smirk he was famous for. "Go ahead, avenge you little girl friend Heero. Will you really feel better after killing me?" She questioned him, just in time too.

"Heero you do it and I swear," A voice shouted, hearing footsteps hurry towards them, it was Duo.

"A little reunion."

"Shut up you." Duo replied to Kitana, and then turned back to Heero. "You think this will solve anything?" He asked Heero with an irritated sound with the two guns staring each other down.

"I bet you'll sleep better at night won't you Heero?" Kitana said, while releasing her grasp on the gun, and putting it away. "Go ahead." She verbally pushed him to it. Heero smiled. "Do it." She held out her arms. But then her eyes changed, her cocky glare, with fire and straight disappeared. She looked sad, almost upset. "Do it." She said, as her voice cracked almost tearfully. "DO IT!" She screamed as her eyes watered. Duo looked overwhelmed, as she didn't seem like normal. "IT'LL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER RIGHT? HEERO!!!" She screamed as she eyes flooded. She lowered her voice then lowered her head, with her hair covering her face; she laughed a groggy muffled laugh. "Kill me."