Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams come true ❯ Chapter One :Friends ( Chapter 1 )

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Dreams Come True.
Written by:tataragenbu
Disclaimer:Heero and the other characters in my story are NOT mine.(The title of the story
is not mine.)

Chapter One:Friends

There was once a boy who did not have any friends. He was always very lonely. His name was Heero Yuy.
Heero's studies were very good for an eight year old child who knows nothing about friendship.Heero
always tries to make someone happy when they cry but he always fail.One day,he saw a girl crying.He
tried to cheer her up by saying things into her ear.Suddenly she stopped crying."I have never heard
anyone saying such a nice thing to me,"the girl said."My name is Relena Darlian." "My name is Heero Yuy.
It's nice to meet you." Heero replied to her while shaking her hand. "Um...Relena can you be my friend?"
Heero asked Relena. "of course" replied Relena
Briiiiiiiiiiiiiing!The last bell rang.While Heero was walking to the front gate of the school to go back
home,he heard someone calling his name loudly.Heero turned to see who it was.It was Relena.Heero stopped
and waited for Relena.Relena finally caught up to him. "Heero can you walk with me home?"Relena asked Heero.
"Of course I can" Heero replied.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*End of chapter One~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*