Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams come true ❯ Kidnapped!!! ( Chapter 3 )

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Chapter 3: Kidnapped

By: tataragenbu

Two years passed by in the Peacecraft Mansion. Heero was studying when he heard a shout. Duo was screaming again. Zechs had beaten him again. Everyday, Duo and Zechs would challenge each other in a game of chess. Today was like every other day. Zechs would beat him with the same technique, which Duo didn't notice. Heero just let out a sigh and got back to his studying. Heero put away his history book and took out his maths to do his homework. Suddenly, the door creaked open and Relena walked in with a plate of okonomiyaki.

"Here, Heero. I made them just for you," Relena said with a happy smile. Just before she left, she told Heero not to study too hard. Heero just laughed and agreed with her that he shouldn't work too hard.


Heero woke up with a start and looked at his clock. It was seven and he had to go to school. He walked to Duo's room only to find the place empty. Heero tumbled down the stairs and hit something. He stood up and saw Duo at the end of the stairs and he looked as if he had been hit by something. Heero saw that Duo's arm was bleeding profusely so he went to the first aid box and put some bandages on Duo's arm.

"Huh? What happened?"

"You were shot by someone so I had to put on some bandages. I'm sorry if they don't look okay. I had to stop you from bleeding."

"Um, thanks, Heero. I really appreciate it. Anyway, have you seen Relena? She was coming down with me but suddenly disappeared. After that, I was shot started to go up when something hit me. I think it was one of my books," Duo explained. Both of them went silent when they heard a sound. It sounded like the fax machine. Both of them raced to the fax machine and saw a piece of paper coming out. After it had finished printing, Heero read it out loud.

"I have Relena. She is safe. Signed, Hilde."

"Who is Hilde?"

"I don't know. It sounds like a woman's name," Heero replied. Just then, Zechs walked in. He told them he had heard the whole story. He gestured to Heero to give him the paper and Heero gave him the fax.

"Wait a minute! This isn't Hilde's handwriting! Hilde's handwriting is neater that this! Then, this must mean she has been kidnapped!" Zechs exclaimed. Both the boys went pale when Zechs told them what had happened.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^End Of Chapter 3^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sorry if this chapter is short. I had a writer's block but I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Please feel free to email me at: