Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo 401 ❯ Mornings ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Duo 401 - Mornings
Author: Vinyl Koneko (Emily),
Rating: PG for this part, but I don't know what the series overall will be yet
Warnings: TWT, potential shonen ai
Archive: Want it? Take it. Just give me credit, please.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. I just like to play with them and make them play with each other.
Comments: This fic started out in my plot bunnies notebook and kinda evolved from there. It's Heero's POV. This is part three in a series of minifics that can stand alone, so they won't be written very frequently because parts will only come as the ideas form. ^_^ Enjoy.


This particular fact isn't necessarily about Duo's past, but it does say a lot about his person.

Duo is a morning person, much to the chagrin of anyone who is with him at the time. He gets up before sunrise, chipper, smiling, and worst of all awake, while the rest of us can't even get awake without half the pot of coffee. It is said that coffee stunts your growth, and with the amount of it us pilots can consume, it's no wonder that we're all short.

Duo gets up ridiculously early to watch the sunrises every morning. Whether it's 0400 or 0500, he never misses a sunrise. Duo said that this is because it's like a fresh start, a clean slate. He may seem to bear the title Shinigami proudly, but to Duo, it is more of a burden. The sunrise allows him to think that he is innocent at the start of each day, that for once he hasn't killed or stolen. It's his was to help ease his conscious. We all have our own ways, and early mornings seems to be Duo's. I don't know when this routine of his started, but it's a daily chore, now. Waking up an hour before dawn to shower and then sitting on the roof of whatever safehouse or dorm we're in to watch the sun come up. He says that it's the most beautiful and pure thing ever, and it makes him and the entire world feel that way, just for a moment. It's the only way to start off a good day, and that's why he's miserable on rainy or snowy days because the only colors to see those mornings are gray, white, and black. Duo is very much a person of color, so without the reds, pinks, yellows, and violets, he is lost.

"Life is to short to just miss out on all of it," he said once. "How is life supposed to feel worthwhile if you aren't living it for yourself? I've known too many hard times to just be able to throw away my life. I have seen and gone through what nobody should ever hope to experience, and that's why I need these mornings. Only then can I feel true peace."

And that is what we are fighting for. For everyone to be able to have their own mornings with a fresh start and an array of colors instead of the constant guilt and black-and-white life of a world at war.

