Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ Who the Hell Are You? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Chapter 1: Who the Hell Are You?
It had been the most intense battle by far. The five wary pilots trudged unenthusiastically to their latest safe house. A hot shower and warm bed was the only thing giving the motivation they needed to get from point A to point B.
Even Duo was in a foul mood having been molested by Oz soldiers and prisoners alike. He grumbled miserably over the knots in his hair and never wanting to see another dick ever in his life.
Everyone knew better. With the braided pilot's sex drive, the memory of the mishap would be stored away and forgotten by the end of the day.
Heero was the first to open the door. Like always, he began to check the room from the doorway with one hand on his gun located in Spandex Space. And, like always, Duo pushed pass him not expecting anything out of the ordinary.
There were two sofas, a small television with a least three and a half channels, a kitchen/dining room and two bedrooms and bathrooms.
The American whistled in appreciation and strolled through the room with all intent on showering and possibly jump one of his comrades. He had just entered one of the bathrooms when he come nose to barrel with something that resembled a super soaker.
The wielder was dress in all black along with a mask. The clothes were overly baggy keeping any hints of what gender he or she was a secret. The only things visible were two hazel eyes.
“Duo, you—,” Heero stopped just beside his partner. Both wore twin expressions of shock. “Who the hell are you?”
The hazel eyed stranger grinned under the mask and pulled the trigger. Instead of being drowned in excessive water, a blue laser shot from the barrel.
Duo looked down at his hands. He tingled all over. He gasped at the blue aura around the limbs. He turned to check on his Japanese comrade only to see his kneecap. He cocked his head and looked higher until he reach the stoic teen's face. This left him balancing on his tip toes and lean back almost to the point of falling back.
“Sugoi!” The stranger squealed. He was definitely a she. She took off laughing maniacally and jumped out one of the bedroom windows.
“Heewo, when did you get sow tawl?” Duo called up. He clasped his hands over his mouth. His fifteen year old, fully matured voice had been reduced to that of a two year old.
“Find anything?” Quatre called from somewhere in the house.
“Uh, No, we didn't.” Heero answered back. “Duo, you're….mini.”
And indeed, the pilot was mini. He was the size of a two year old equipped with big violet eyes and mini facial features. His yard long braid was drawn up to dangle between his shoulder blades and his fingers were short and chubby.
Duo ran the digits through his unruly bangs and pinned Heero with a glare that turned out look more like a pout. “Well, fix it.”
The wing pilot shrugged his shoulders helplessly and picked the chibi up like any other small child would be. “Can't,” He said shortly. He clutched the small being to his chest as if he was a teddy bear and nuzzled the side of his face with his own. “Duo no kawaii.”
Duo flushed and squirmed in the boy's arms. Leave it up to him to be left with the Perfect Stuff Animal Junkie while being changed into a chibi.
“Stop, you Arw—Yow not helping. I can't pwonounce rw's.” He cried in dismay. “Wufei, help!”
“Brush your own hair, Maxwell.”
“Heewo, let go!” Duo managed to shimmy out of the priest outfit's top and barrel out of the room as fast as his short legs could carry him. Heero followed soon after.
A/N: This is my first chibi fic. I said I'd do one after Preventer's Special Unit was done and so…here it is. What do you think? Give me five reviews and I'll post again. Don't worry, I can wait.