Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ F.E.A.R ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: F.E.A.R
Genre: gore, horror, blood, violence, language, lemon, lime, death (none of the guys), angst, police, supernatural, NCS
Pairing: 1x2, 3x4, 5xS, (later) 5x6, RxH, UxD, OCxS, 2+H/H+2. 2+OCs, 2+Solo
Rating: X
Disclaimers: I do not own Gundam Wing or the following computer games: Doom3, Painkiller: Heaven's Got A Hitman, or F.E.A.R.

Summary: AC 190, a mysterious paramilitary force infiltrates a multi-billion dollar aerospace compound, taking hostages but issuing no demands. A Special Forces team is sent by the government only to be obliterated. Live footage of the massacre shows an inexplicable wave of destruction tearing the solders apart. In an act of desperation, a team of unknowing young teens are assembled to form the First Encounter Assault Recon (F.E.A.R).
Chapter 10
“What the hell do you mean?! I don't have time!!” J shouted angrily into the phone's receiver. All the while his eyes were focused on the youth sitting placidly on his sofa. He shook his head in irritation, unconsciously tapping his clawed hand against the table.
“I do understand, J, but he has nowhere else to go.” On the other end of the line was Jessica, one of the many people that handled orphaned children. “I've done an extensive background check on the boy's family. You're his father's great uncle, are you not?”
J counted to ten before answering. “Yes, but I fail to see—“
“His mother and father never had a very large family. You are the only living relative on file on his father's side.”
“And on his mother's?”
“There is only one person and she is not qualified, having had a drug addiction and history of child prostitution as well as her own prostitution.”

”Are you telling me I have no choice but to take him in?” J growled angrily.
“Either that, or he will have to go to a foster home of some kind.”
J let out a long suffering sigh. The boy would have a greater chance of being molested and abused going from foster home to foster home. Despite the fact that he wasn't willing to change his life for the little brat, he still cared. “I'll take care of him.” He finally said in defeat.
“Thank you, J. I'll have the papers for you when you come in tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? What about today?”
“You've been given paid leave for a day so that you can adjust things for the child.”
“Very well.” J growled and hung up the phone. He turned sharply to the boy on the couch. He cursed at the fact he'd spent over twenty minutes arguing over a child without knowing the brat's name. “What's your name?” He barked.
“Ore no namae wa Heero Yuy desu.” The boy said. J cursed mentally again. The boy obviously didn't know English.
“First order of business…” He grumbled. He crooked a finger at the boy before turning to go into his office. “…you need to learn English before I can enroll you into any of the schools in this location.” He said, more to himself than to the boy. He searched through the extensive stack of CDs beside his desk until he found the one he was looking for. It had been collecting dust for years. “I used this for your father's father when we were boys.” He said wistfully, letting his great nephew's death finally take effect on him.
He booted up the Systemax29 laptop sitting on the desk. “You should be speaking English within a week or so.” He mumbled thoughtfully as he watched the computer load. He typed his password in quickly and pressed enter. He waited a little while longer for his desktop to settle before pressing the button to open the CD Drive (E:), placing the English Learning CD inside.
He stood and picked the silent youth at his side up and placed him in the swiveling office chair. “I'll leave you in here for about an hour then it'll be time for lunch.” He quickly pressed a few buttons to install and run the program before turning to leave.
He shut the door behind him just as he heard the computerized woman begin speak.
J sighed heavily before raking a hand through his hair. “Parenthood, never imagined.” He walked silently toward the small kitchenette he hadn't used in his three years of living in the apartment. “Now, do we have any food?” He grumbled moving from cabinet to cabinet.
All the while hazel eyes watched the man move throughout the room. Light feet moved passed the kitchen, disregarding the man as uninteresting. Pale hands opened the door he'd left no more than five minutes ago.
“Chuushin …heart….Chuushin…heart.” The woman with a commercial smile repeated as she pointed to the center of her chest.

Heero looked up at the woman silently mouthing the words to himself. At the sound of the door opening, and closing, his eyes flickered to the direction of the door. He blinked at the little girl standing there.
“Anata wa dare desu ka?” He asked.
“Dare demo nai” The girl answered. Her voice was sickly and soft.
“koneko…kitten…koneko…kitten.” The woman on the computer sounded over the girl's voice.
“Daijyoubu nan da?” Heero asked jumping from the chair.
“Iie.” The girl said shaking her head. Her long black hair fell forward as she did. She raised her hands to hug her arms.
Heero watched her do it catching a glimpse of a scar just below her wrist as she moved. “Nanjasorya?” He asked pointing to the grey-pink scar.
“Tsukareta, tsukareta yo.” She sobbed before disappearing.
Heero stood looking quietly where the girl had been. Confused, he left the room to look for J, leaving the computer still running. The image of the woman had changed to a man with short brownish blonde hair and wide blue eyes. The side of his pale face was streaked with blood as well as the black suit he wore.
“” He called smiling friendly to the empty room. “Heero…my son…” He smiled again before the computer blinked off.
J turned to the sound of footsteps approaching from behind him. He looked down to see Heero standing before him. “What are you doing out here, boy?” He asked.
“Gir,” Heero answered pointing to the room.
“Gir? What do you mean?”
“Gir…” He made a movement from his short hair to his shoulders just like the woman had done on the computer.
“Uh…girl?” J guessed, putting emphasis on the `l'. Heero nodded and turned to go towards the room. The older man only scratched his head and followed.
Inside the room, J looked around quickly before his eyes turned to the computer. “Did you turn that off?” He didn't wait for an answer before going to the laptop and pressing the power button. Something came flying towards him. He saw it in time, thanks to the reflection of the computer screen. He dodged it and turned quickly.
A girl stood there, dripping in what looked like blood tinted water. She hugged herself tightly and shivered. “Tsukareta, tsukareta yo.” She sobbed continuously.
J looked back to his computer. She had thrown a cd case at him and put it through the laptop's screen. He swallowed and moved towards the girl slowly. “Who are you?”
“No one.” She hissed.
J knelt in front of her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She was ice cold. “What happened to you?” He asked pushing the girl's hair out of her face. He took his hand away quickly when he saw how sunken in and feral the girl's face looked. He jumped at the sound of his laptop coming back on. Despite the cd case being thrown through it, it booted up without problem.
The image of Odin showed clearly. “Hee…ro…my son.”
“Odin?” J said in shock, feeling his eyes widen in shock. When the presence in front of him was suddenly gone, he turned back to see the girl was gone.
“I love you, Hee…ro.” Odin said, smiling warmly before the screen went blank.
Heero stood off to the side, staring at the now blank screen. What did this all mean? He looked toward J for the answer. All he received was the same lost, shocked look.
A/N: Well, this is short a page but I think I'd rather leave it like this. Why is the ghost girl messing with J now? Good question. Now….Translations!!
Ore no namae wa Heero Yuy desu My name is Heero Yuy.
Anata wa dare desu ka Who are you?
Dare demo nai I am no one.
Daijyoubu nan da Are you all right?
Nanjasorya What's that?
Tsukareta, tsukareta yo I am tired/exhausted (said twice with `yo' for emphasis…may be wrong, I'm not Japanese. Let me know what the correct way is.)