Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ Shall We Dance? ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N: Hello dear readers! Well Linda Starwind and Pixie Smith specifically. I wonder if you're the only ones reading this. Oh well. This chap is a little later than the other ones. Gomen nasai.

Chapter 5 (I think): Shall We Dance?

Wufei stared blankly at the tall glass of 'tea'. Duo had left him alone with Trieze in favor of a dance with Heero. The two were now 'dirty dancing' on the dance floor. The sight bought familiar and new emotions. He would never 'click' with anyone like they did. Not that he wanted to. No, he was done with love and that was that.

"Do you want to dance, little dragon?" Trieze leaned close so that he could be heard over the pounding music. His warm breath brushed the smaller man's ear causing him tremble from head to toe. Wufei didn't even pay attention to the little nickname.

"Uh...sure." Wufei took another gulp of the tea and managed not to choke, then joined the other man. The two made their way to a less crowded spot not too far from their friends. Wufei found himself stiffer than normal and mentally kicked himself. His eyes focused on the man in front of him while his ears focused on the beat. He was determined to dance and have fun tonight.

His widen a little when Trieze began to move. He was graceful for his size. His hips swayed in a mesmerizing rhythm. Wufei was hypnotized by the movements and had to shake himself out of his stupor. How stupid he must look just standing their watching his dance partner do all the work.

He began to sway with just as much enthusiasm as his partner. The distance shrunk as the music began to die into a seductive pattern. Wufei turned around and began to roll his hips. Duo had taught him how to 'belly dance' when they graduated high school, but he had never really gotten the nerve to actually do it.

He felt the heat of the other man behind him and pressed into it. It felt good to lean against the firm chest. Their bodies remained flushed together as they danced. Slowly, the taller man's hands came around to brush against Wufei's exposed abdomen.

Shocks of pleasure ran up and down Wufei's body, heading straight for his groin. The large hand stroked just below his navel then moved along the lines that formed his six pack. He unconsciously pressed his backside harder into the other man's groin to get a better feel.

Trieze dropped his head to the shorter man's shoulder and nuzzled the skin of the delicate throat. When he was offered better access to the bronze skin, he inhaled the spicy fragrance and landed butterfly kisses along the heated skin.


Duo looked over to his friend. He grinned maniacally at the sight. The two looked like they were literally having sex on the dance floor. Wufei's head was thrown back against the other man's firm chest with his eyes closed. And Trieze was helping himself to the china man's skin.

"Hey, Heero..." Duo turned in the strong arms of his dance partner and stared into his intense blue eyes. The Japanese man raised an eyebrow in question. "What can you tell me about your friend? Is he a nice guy?''

"Hn...Trieze is a romantic at best. He always enjoys spoiling his lovers rotten with presents. Then there's the fact that he's very sensual in bed......"

"Wow, are you speaking through experience?"

"We dated a few years back. It didn't work out." Heero tightened his grip on Duo's waist. Duo obliged and moved closer. "He was the perfect gentleman."



A /N: This is short. I know. But I have something planned for the next chap. Be prepared for some possible violence. That's all I can say. The past 1x13 relationship will be referred to later, but not a lot. I won't be going into detail about it though.